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General Duties and Powers
Special Authority


Editorial Notes


2024Pub. L. 118–63, title XI, §1101(b), May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1413, struck out item for chapter 7 "Surface Transportation Board".

1995Pub. L. 104–88, title II, §201(b), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 940, added item for chapter 7.


Department of Transportation.
Federal Railroad Administration.
Federal Highway Administration.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Federal Aviation Administration.
Federal Transit Administration.
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.
Maritime Administration.
Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation.
[111, 112. Repealed.]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.
Transportation Security Administration.
Transportation Security Oversight Board.
National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau.
Council on Credit and Finance.
Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy.
Advanced Research Projects Agency–Infrastructure.


Editorial Notes


2021Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title I, §21101(c), title V, §25012(b), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 656, 867, added items 118 and 119.

2020Pub. L. 116–260, div. AA, title V, §512(c)(7)(B), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2757, substituted "Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation" for "Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation" in item 110.

2015Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title VI, §6012(b), title IX, §§9001(b), 9002(b), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1570, 1618, 1619, added items 116 and 117 and struck out item 112 which had read "Research and Innovative Technology Administration" and was subsequently changed to "Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology of the Department of Transportation" on authority of title I of div. L of Pub. L. 113–76, set out in part as a note under former section 112 of this title.

2012Pub. L. 112–141, div. E, title II, §52011(c)(1), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 895, struck out item 111 "Bureau of Transportation Statistics".

2004Pub. L. 108–426, §§2(c)(1), 4(e), Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2424, 2426, substituted "Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration" for "Coast Guard" in item 108 and "Research and Innovative Technology Administration" for "Research and Special Programs Administration" in item 112.

2001Pub. L. 107–71, title I, §§101(b), 102(d), Nov. 19, 2001, 115 Stat. 602, 605, added items 114 and 115.

1999Pub. L. 106–159, title I, §101(c)(1), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1751, added item 113.

1994Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(5)(B), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1366, as amended by Pub. L. 103–429, §7(a)(3)(C), Oct. 31, 1994, 108 Stat. 4388, struck out first item 110 "St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation".

1992Pub. L. 102–508, title IV, §401(b), Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3310, added item 112.

1991Pub. L. 102–240, title III, §3004(c)(3), title VI, §6006(c), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2088, 2174, substituted "Federal Transit Administration" for "Urban Mass Transportation Administration" in item 107 and added second item 110 and item 111.

§101. Purpose

(a) The national objectives of general welfare, economic growth and stability, and security of the United States require the development of transportation policies and programs that contribute to providing fast, safe, efficient, and convenient transportation at the lowest cost consistent with those and other national objectives, including the efficient use and conservation of the resources of the United States.

(b) A Department of Transportation is necessary in the public interest and to—

(1) ensure the coordinated and effective administration of the transportation programs of the United States Government;

(2) make easier the development and improvement of coordinated transportation service to be provided by private enterprise to the greatest extent feasible;

(3) encourage cooperation of Federal, State, and local governments, carriers, labor, and other interested persons to achieve transportation objectives;

(4) stimulate technological advances in transportation, through research and development or otherwise;

(5) provide general leadership in identifying and solving transportation problems; and

(6) develop and recommend to the President and Congress transportation policies and programs to achieve transportation objectives considering the needs of the public, users, carriers, industry, labor, and national defense.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2414; Pub. L. 102–240, title VI, §6018, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2183.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
101(a) 49:1651(a). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §2(a), (b)(1), 80 Stat. 931.
101(b) 49:1651(b)(1).

In subsections (a) and (b), the introductory declaratory words are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (a), the words "national objectives of" are inserted for clarity. The words "United States" are substituted for "Nation" and "Nation's", respectively, for consistency. The word "contribute" is substituted for "conducive" because the substituted word is more commonly used. The word "those" is substituted for "utilization".

In subsection (b)(2), the word "greatest" is substituted for "maximum" for consistency.

In subsection (b)(3) and (6), the word "national" is omitted before "transportation" as unnecessary and for consistency.

In subsection (b)(3), the word "persons" is substituted for "parties" as being more precise.

In subsection (b)(6), the words "transportation objectives" are substituted for "these objectives" for clarity and consistency. The words "full and appropriate" and "for approval" are omitted as surplus.

Editorial Notes


1991—Subsec. (b)(4). Pub. L. 102–240 inserted ", through research and development or otherwise" after "advances in transportation".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Short Title of 2021 Amendment

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, §20001, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 652, provided that: "This division [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021'."

Short Title of 2018 Amendment

Pub. L. 115–420, §1, Jan. 3, 2019, 132 Stat. 5444, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 310, 22901, 22902, 22904, 22905, 22907, 22908, 24102, 24103, 24319, 24711, 24905, 24910, 24911, and 26106 of this title, section 402 of Title 23, Highways, and section 51314 of Title 46, Shipping, renumbering sections 24401 to 24408 of this title as sections 22901 to 22908 of this title, enacting provisions set out as a note under section 24319 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 22905, 22907, and 26106 of this title] may be cited as the 'Department of Transportation Reports Harmonization Act'."

Pub. L. 115–282, title V, §514(a), Dec. 4, 2018, 132 Stat. 4276, provided that: "This section [enacting section 312 of this title] may be cited as the 'National Timing Resilience and Security Act of 2018'."

Pub. L. 115–271, title VIII, §8101, Oct. 24, 2018, 132 Stat. 4103, provided that: "This subtitle [subtitle I (§§8101–8109) of title VIII of Pub. L. 115–271, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 322, 329, 20140, and 31306 of this title and section 7301 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees] may be cited as the 'Fighting Opioid Abuse in Transportation Act'."

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1901(a), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3542, provided that: "This title [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'TSA Modernization Act'."

Short Title of 2004 Amendment

Pub. L. 108–426, §1, Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2423, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 108 of this title, amending sections 111, 112, 5118, and 5503 of this title, sections 5314 and 5316 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, section 844 of Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure, section 2761 of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters, and section 1121–2 of Title 46, Appendix, Shipping, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 108 and 112 of this title, and amending provisions set out as a note under section 1135 of this title] may be cited as the 'Norman Y. Mineta Research and Special Programs Improvement Act'."

Short Title of 1999 Amendment

Pub. L. 106–159, §1(a), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1748, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act of 1999'."

Short Title of 1995 Amendment

Pub. L. 104–88, §1(a), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 803, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'ICC Termination Act of 1995'."

Short Title of 1994 Amendment

Pub. L. 103–411, §1, Oct. 25, 1994, 108 Stat. 4236, provided that: "This Act [amending sections 1118, 1131, and 40102 of this title and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 1131 and 40109 of this title] may be cited as the 'Independent Safety Board Act Amendments of 1994'."

Short Title of 1991 Amendment

Pub. L. 102–240, §1, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1914, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] may be cited as the 'Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991'."

Deemed References to Chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51

Pub. L. 111–314, §4(d)(8), Dec. 18, 2010, 124 Stat. 3443, provided that: "In title 49, United States Code, references to 'this title' are deemed to refer also to chapters 509 and 511 of title 51, United States Code."

Congressional Declaration of Policy Regarding National Intermodal Transportation System

Pub. L. 102–240, §2, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1914, which provided that it was the policy of the United States to develop a National Intermodal Transportation System consisting of all forms of transportation in a unified, interconnected manner, a National Highway System, improvements in public transportation achieving goals for improved air quality, energy conservation, international competitiveness, and mobility for elderly persons, persons with disabilities, and economically disadvantaged persons, was repealed and reenacted as section 5501 of this title by Pub. L. 103–272, §§1(d), 7(b), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 848, 1379.

Definitions of Terms in Div. B of Pub. L. 117–58

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, §20002, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 652, provided that: "In this division [see Short Title of 2021 Amendment note set out above]:

"(1) Department.—The term 'Department' means the Department of Transportation.

"(2) Secretary.—The term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Transportation."

Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1902, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3542, provided that: "In this title [see Short Title of 2018 Amendment note set out above]:

"(1) Administrator.—The term 'Administrator' means the Administrator of the TSA.

"(2) Appropriate committees of congress.—The term 'appropriate committees of Congress' means—

"(A) the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate;

"(B) the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate; and

"(C) the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives.

"(3) ASAC.—The term 'ASAC' means the Aviation Security Advisory Committee established under section 44946 of title 49, United States Code.

"(4) Department.—The term 'Department' means the Department of Homeland Security.

"(5) Explosive[s] detection canine team.—The term 'explosives detection canine team' means a canine and a canine handler that are trained to detect explosives and other threats as defined by the Secretary.

"(6) Secretary.—The term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Homeland Security.

"(7) TSA.—The term 'TSA' means the Transportation Security Administration."

"Secretary" Defined

Pub. L. 106–159, §2, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1749, provided that: "In this Act [see Tables for classification], the term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Transportation."

Pub. L. 102–240, §3, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1915, provided that: "As used in this Act [see Short Title of 1991 Amendment note set out above], the term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Transportation."

Executive Documents

Ex. Ord. No. 13330. Human Service Transportation Coordination

Ex. Ord. No. 13330, Feb. 24, 2004, 69 F.R. 9185, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to enhance access to transportation to improve mobility, employment opportunities, and access to community services for persons who are transportation-disadvantaged, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. This order is issued consistent with the following findings and principles:

(a) A strong America depends on citizens who are productive and who actively participate in the life of their communities.

(b) Transportation plays a critical role in providing access to employment, medical and health care, education, and other community services and amenities. The importance of this role is underscored by the variety of transportation programs that have been created in conjunction with health and human service programs, and by the significant Federal investment in accessible public transportation systems throughout the Nation.

(c) These transportation resources, however, are often difficult for citizens to understand and access, and are more costly than necessary due to inconsistent and unnecessary Federal and State program rules and restrictions.

(d) A broad range of Federal program funding allows for the purchase or provision of transportation services and resources for persons who are transportation-disadvantaged. Yet, in too many communities, these services and resources are fragmented, unused, or altogether unavailable.

(e) Federally assisted community transportation services should be seamless, comprehensive, and accessible to those who rely on them for their lives and livelihoods. For persons with mobility limitations related to advanced age, persons with disabilities, and persons struggling for self-sufficiency, transportation within and between our communities should be as available and affordable as possible.

(f) The development, implementation, and maintenance of responsive, comprehensive, coordinated community transportation systems is essential for persons with disabilities, persons with low incomes, and older adults who rely on such transportation to fully participate in their communities.

Sec. 2. Definitions. (a) As used in this order, the term "agency" means an executive department or agency of the Federal Government.

(b) For the purposes of this order, persons who are transportation-disadvantaged are persons who qualify for Federally conducted or Federally assisted transportation-related programs or services due to disability, income, or advanced age.

Sec. 3. Establishment of the Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility. (a) There is hereby established, within the Department of Transportation for administrative purposes, the "Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council on Access and Mobility" ("Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council" or "Council"). The membership of the Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council shall consist of:

(i) the Secretaries of Transportation, Health and Human Services, Education, Labor, Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, and the Interior, the Attorney General, and the Commissioner of Social Security; and

(ii) such other Federal officials as the Chairperson of the Council may designate.

(b) The Secretary of Transportation, or the Secretary's designee, shall serve as the Chairperson of the Council. The Chairperson shall convene and preside at meetings of the Council, determine its agenda, direct its work, and, as appropriate to particular subject matters, establish and direct subgroups of the Council, which shall consist exclusively of the Council's members.

(c) A member of the Council may designate any person who is part of the member's agency and who is an officer appointed by the President or a full-time employee serving in a position with pay equal to or greater than the minimum rate payable for GS–15 of the General Schedule to perform functions of the Council or its subgroups on the member's behalf.

Sec. 4. Functions of the Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council. The Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council shall:

(a) promote interagency cooperation and the establishment of appropriate mechanisms to minimize duplication and overlap of Federal programs and services so that transportation-disadvantaged persons have access to more transportation services;

(b) facilitate access to the most appropriate, cost-effective transportation services within existing resources;

(c) encourage enhanced customer access to the variety of transportation and resources available;

(d) formulate and implement administrative, policy, and procedural mechanisms that enhance transportation services at all levels; and

(e) develop and implement a method for monitoring progress on achieving the goals of this order.

Sec. 5. Report. In performing its functions, the Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council shall present to me a report not later than 1 calendar year from the date of this order. The report shall:

(a) Identify those Federal, State, Tribal and local laws, regulations, procedures, and actions that have proven to be most useful and appropriate in coordinating transportation services for the targeted populations;

(b) Identify substantive and procedural requirements of transportation-related Federal laws and regulations that are duplicative or restrict the laws' and regulations' most efficient operation;

(c) Describe the results achieved, on an agency and program basis, in: (i) simplifying access to transportation services for persons with disabilities, persons with low income, and older adults; (ii) providing the most appropriate, cost-effective transportation services within existing resources; and (iii) reducing duplication to make funds available for more services to more such persons;

(d) Provide recommendations to simplify and coordinate applicable substantive, procedural, and administrative requirements; and

(e) Provide any other recommendations that would, in the judgment of the Council, advance the principles set forth in section 1 of this order.

Sec. 6. General. (a) Agencies shall assist the Interagency Transportation Coordinating Council and provide information to the Council consistent with applicable law as may be necessary to carry out its functions. To the extent permitted by law, and as permitted by available agency resources, the Department of Transportation shall provide funding and administrative support for the Council.

(b) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(c) This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by a party against the United States, its departments, agencies, instrumentalities or entities, its officers or employees, or any other person.

George W. Bush.      

§102. Department of Transportation

(a) The Department of Transportation (referred to in this section as the "Department") is an executive department of the United States Government at the seat of Government.

(b) The head of the Department is the Secretary of Transportation (referred to in this section as the "Secretary"). The Secretary is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(c) The Department has a Deputy Secretary of Transportation appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Deputy Secretary—

(1) shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary; and

(2) acts for the Secretary when the Secretary is absent or unable to serve or when the office of Secretary is vacant.

(d) The Department has an Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Under Secretary shall provide leadership in the development of policy for the Department, supervise the policy activities of Assistant Secretaries with primary responsibility for aviation, international, and other transportation policy development and carry out other powers and duties prescribed by the Secretary. The Under Secretary acts for the Secretary when the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary are absent or unable to serve, or when the offices of Secretary and Deputy Secretary are vacant.

(e) Assistant Secretaries; General Counsel.—

(1) Appointment.—The Department has 8 Assistant Secretaries and a General Counsel, including—

(A) an Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs, an Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs, an Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology, an Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, and an Assistant Secretary for Aviation Consumer Protection, who shall each be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate;

(B) an Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs who shall be appointed by the President;

(C) an Assistant Secretary for Administration, who shall be appointed by the Secretary, with the approval of the President;

(D) an Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs, who shall be appointed by the President; and

(E) a General Counsel, who shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(2) Duties and powers.—The officers set forth in paragraph (1) shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary. An Assistant Secretary or the General Counsel, in the order prescribed by the Secretary, acts for the Secretary when the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy are absent or unable to serve, or when the offices of the Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy are vacant.

(f) Office of Tribal Government Affairs.—

(1) Establishment.—There is established in the Department an Office of Tribal Government Affairs, under the Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs—

(A) to oversee the tribal self-governance program under section 207 of title 23;

(B) to plan, coordinate, and implement policies and programs serving Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations;

(C) to coordinate Tribal transportation programs and activities in all offices and administrations of the Department; and

(D) to be a participant in any negotiated rulemakings relating to, or having an impact on, projects, programs, or funding associated with the Tribal transportation program under section 202 of title 23.

(2) Reservation of trust obligations.—

(A) Responsibility of secretary.—In carrying out this title, the Secretary shall be responsible to exercise the trust obligations of the United States to Indians and Indian tribes to ensure that the rights of a tribe or individual Indian are protected.

(B) Preservation of united states responsibility.—Nothing in this title shall absolve the United States from any responsibility to Indians and Indian tribes, including responsibilities derived from the trust relationship and any treaty, executive order, or agreement between the United States and an Indian tribe.

(g) Office of Climate Change and Environment.—

(1) Establishment.—There is established in the Department an Office of Climate Change and Environment to plan, coordinate, and implement—

(A) department-wide research, strategies, and actions under the Department's statutory authority to reduce transportation-related energy use and mitigate the effects of climate change; and

(B) department-wide research strategies and actions to address the impacts of climate change on transportation systems and infrastructure.

(2) Clearinghouse.—The Office shall establish a clearinghouse of solutions, including cost-effective congestion reduction approaches, to reduce air pollution and transportation-related energy use and mitigate the effects of climate change.

(h) Interagency Infrastructure Permitting Improvement Center.—

(1) Definitions.—In this subsection:

(A) Center.—The term "Center" means the Interagency Infrastructure Permitting Improvement Center established by paragraph (2).

(B) Project.—The term "project" means a project authorized or funded under—

(i) this title; or

(ii) title 14, 23, 46, or 51.

(2) Establishment.—There is established within the Office of the Secretary a center, to be known as the "Interagency Infrastructure Permitting Improvement Center".

(3) Purposes.—The purposes of the Center shall be—

(A) to implement reforms to improve interagency coordination and expedite projects relating to the permitting and environmental review of major transportation infrastructure projects, including—

(i) developing and deploying information technology tools to track project schedules and metrics; and

(ii) improving the transparency and accountability of the permitting process;

(B)(i) to identify appropriate methods to assess environmental impacts; and

(ii) to develop innovative methods for reasonable mitigation;

(C) to reduce uncertainty and delays with respect to environmental reviews and permitting; and

(D) to reduce costs and risks to taxpayers in project delivery.

(4) Executive director.—The Center shall be headed by an Executive Director, who shall—

(A) report to the Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy;

(B) be responsible for the management and oversight of the daily activities, decisions, operations, and personnel of the Center; and

(C) carry out such additional duties as the Secretary may prescribe.

(5) Duties.—The Center shall carry out the following duties:

(A) Coordinate and support implementation of priority reform actions for Federal agency permitting and reviews.

(B) Support modernization efforts at the operating administrations within the Department and interagency pilot programs relating to innovative approaches to the permitting and review of transportation infrastructure projects.

(C) Provide technical assistance and training to Department staff on policy changes, innovative approaches to project delivery, and other topics, as appropriate.

(D) Identify, develop, and track metrics for timeliness of permit reviews, permit decisions, and project outcomes.

(E) Administer and expand the use of online transparency tools providing for—

(i) tracking and reporting of metrics;

(ii) development and posting of schedules for permit reviews and permit decisions;

(iii) the sharing of best practices relating to efficient project permitting and reviews; and

(iv) the visual display of relevant geospatial data to support the permitting process.

(F) Submit to the Secretary reports describing progress made toward achieving—

(i) greater efficiency in permitting decisions and review of infrastructure projects; and

(ii) better outcomes for communities and the environment.

(6) Innovative best practices.—

(A) In general.—The Center shall work with the operating administrations within the Department, eligible entities, and other public and private interests to develop and promote best practices for innovative project delivery.

(B) Activities.—The Center shall support the Department and operating administrations in conducting environmental reviews and permitting, together with project sponsor technical assistance activities, by—

(i) carrying out activities that are appropriate and consistent with the goals and policies of the Department to improve the delivery timelines for projects;

(ii) serving as the Department liaison to—

(I) the Council on Environmental Quality; and

(II) the Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council established by section 41002(a) of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act (42 U.S.C. 4370m–1(a));

(iii) supporting the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau (referred to in this paragraph as the "Bureau") in implementing activities to improve delivery timelines, as described in section 116(f), for projects carried out under the programs described in section 116(d)(1) for which the Bureau administers the application process;

(iv) leading activities to improve delivery timelines for projects carried out under programs not administered by the Bureau by—

(I) coordinating efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the environmental review and permitting process;

(II) providing technical assistance and training to field and headquarters staff of Federal agencies with respect to policy changes and innovative approaches to the delivery of projects; and

(III) identifying, developing, and tracking metrics for permit reviews and decisions by Federal agencies for projects under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).

(C) NEPA compliance assistance.—

(i) In general.—Subject to clause (ii), at the request of an entity that is carrying out a project, the Center, in coordination with the appropriate operating administrations within the Department, shall provide technical assistance relating to compliance with the applicable requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and applicable Federal authorizations.

(ii) Assistance from the bureau.—For projects carried out under the programs described in section 116(d)(1) for which the Bureau administers the application process, the Bureau, on request of the entity carrying out the project, shall provide the technical assistance described in clause (i).

(i) Chief Travel and Tourism Officer.—

(1) Establishment.—There is established in the Office of the Secretary of Transportation a position, to be known as the "Chief Travel and Tourism Officer".

(2) Duties.—The Chief Travel and Tourism Officer shall collaborate with the Assistant Secretary for Aviation and International Affairs to carry out—

(A) the National Travel and Tourism Infrastructure Strategic Plan under section 1431(e) of Public Law 114–94 (49 U.S.C. 301 note); and

(B) other travel- and tourism-related matters involving the Department of Transportation.

(j) Office of Aviation Consumer Protection.—

(1) Establishment.—There is established in the Department an Office of Aviation Consumer Protection (in this subsection referred to as the "Office") to administer and enforce the aviation consumer protection and civil rights authorities provided to the Department by statute, including the authorities under section 41712—

(A) to assist, educate, and protect passengers; and

(B) to monitor compliance with, conduct investigations relating to, and enforce, with support of attorneys in the Office of the General Counsel, including by taking appropriate action to address violations of aviation consumer protection and civil rights.

(2) Leadership.—The Office shall be headed by the Assistant Secretary for Aviation Consumer Protection (in this subsection referred to as the "Assistant Secretary").

(3) Transition.—Not later than 180 days after funding is appropriated for an Office of Aviation Consumer Protection headed by an Assistant Secretary, the Office of Aviation Consumer Protection that is a unit within the Office of the General Counsel of the Department which is headed by the Assistant General Counsel for Aviation Consumer Protection shall cease to exist. The Secretary shall determine which employees are necessary to fulfill the responsibilities of the new Office of Aviation Consumer Protection and such employees shall be transferred from the Office of the General Counsel, as appropriate, to the newly established Office of Aviation Consumer Protection.

(4) Coordination.—The Assistant Secretary shall coordinate with the General Counsel appointed under subsection (e)(1)(E), in accordance with section 1.26 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (or a successor regulation), on all legal matters relating to—

(A) aviation consumer protection; and

(B) the duties and activities of the Office described in subparagraphs (A) through (C) 1 of paragraph (1).

(5) Annual report.—The Assistant Secretary shall submit to the Secretary, who shall submit to Congress and make publicly available on the website of the Department, an annual report that, with respect to matters under the jurisdiction of the Department, or otherwise within the statutory authority of the Department—

(A) analyzes trends in aviation consumer protection, civil rights, and licensing;

(B) identifies major challenges facing passengers; and

(C) addresses any other relevant issues, as the Assistant Secretary determines to be appropriate.

(6) Funding.—There is authorized to be appropriated $12,000,000 for fiscal year 2024, $13,000,000 for fiscal year 2025, $14,000,000 for fiscal year 2026, $15,000,000 for fiscal year 2027, and $16,000,000 for fiscal year 2028 to carry out this subsection.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2414; Pub. L. 98–557, §26(a), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2873; Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(1), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1365; Pub. L. 107–295, title II, §215(a), (c), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2101, 2102; Pub. L. 109–59, title I, §1119(l), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1189; Pub. L. 110–140, title XI, §1101(a), Dec. 19, 2007, 121 Stat. 1756; Pub. L. 112–166, §2(k)(1), Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1286; Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title VI, §6011(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1568; Pub. L. 117–58, div. A, title IV, §14009, div. B, title V, §§25009(a), 25018(b), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 651, 852, 875; Pub. L. 118–63, title V, §501, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1186.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
102(a) 49:1652(a) (1st sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §3(a), (c), (d), 80 Stat. 931.
102(b) 49:1652(a) (less 1st sentence).
102(c) 49:1652(b) (less words between parentheses). Oct 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §3(b), 80 Stat. 931; Oct. 28, 1974, Pub. L. 93–496, §16(a), 88 Stat. 1533.
102(d) 49:1652(b) (words between parentheses), (c), (d).
102(e) 49:1657(k). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(k), 80 Stat. 946.

In subsection (a), the words "There is hereby established" and "to be known as" are omitted as executed. The words "(hereafter referred to in this chapter as the 'Department')" are omitted as unnecessary because of the style used in codifying the revised title. The words "of the United States Government" are added for clarity.

In subsection (b), the words "(hereafter referred to in this chapter as the 'Secretary')" are omitted as unnecessary because of the style used in codifying the revised title.

In subsection (c), the words "carry out duties and powers" and "acts for" are substituted for "act for and exercise the powers of" and "perform such functions, powers, and duties", respectively, for consistency and to eliminate surplus words. The words "unable to serve" are substituted for "disability" for consistency and clarity.

In subsection (d), the words "in the competitive service" are substituted for "under the classified civil service" to conform to 5:2102. The words "from time to time" are omitted as surplus. The words "acts for" are substituted for "act for, and exercise the powers of" for consistency and to eliminate surplus words. The words "when the Secretary and the Deputy Secretary are absent or unable to serve, or when the offices of Secretary and Deputy Secretary are vacant" are substituted for "during the absence or disability of the Deputy Secretary, or in the event of a vacancy in the office of a Deputy Secretary" as being more precise and for consistency.

In subsection (e), the words "The Secretary shall cause a . . . of office" and "of such device" are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement. The words "as he shall approve" are omitted as unnecessary because subsection (b) of the section establishes the Secretary of Transportation as the head of the Department of Transportation.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsec. (h)(6)(B)(iii)(III), (C)(i), is Pub. L. 91–190, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, which is classified generally to chapter 55 (§4321 et seq.) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4321 of Title 42 and Tables.


2024—Subsec. (e)(1). Pub. L. 118–63, §501(1)(A), substituted "8" for "7" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (e)(1)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §501(1)(B), substituted "an Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, and an Assistant Secretary for Aviation Consumer Protection" for "and an Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy".

Subsec. (j). Pub. L. 118–63, §501(2), added subsec. (j).

2021—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 117–58, §25009(a)(1), inserted "(referred to in this section as the 'Department')" after "Transportation".

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 117–58, §25009(a)(2), inserted "(referred to in this section as the 'Secretary')" after "Transportation" in first sentence.

Subsec. (e)(1). Pub. L. 117–58, §14009(1)(A), substituted "7 Assistant" for "6 Assistant" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (e)(1)(D), (E). Pub. L. 117–58, §14009(1)(B)–(D), added subpar. (D) and redesignated former subpar. (D) as (E).

Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 117–58, §14009(2), substituted "Office of Tribal Government Affairs" for "Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs" in heading.

Subsec. (f)(1). Pub. L. 117–58, §14009(2), added par. (1) and struck out former par. (1) which provided for a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs appointed by the President.

Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 117–58, §25009(a)(4), added subsec. (h). Former subsec. (h) redesignated (i) and subsequently struck out.

Subsec. (i). Pub. L. 117–58, §25018(b), added subsec. (i) and struck out former subsec. (i). Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The Department shall have a seal that shall be judicially recognized."

Pub. L. 117–58, §25009(a)(3), redesignated subsec. (h) as (i).

2015—Subsec. (e)(1). Pub. L. 114–94, §6011(a)(1), substituted "6" for "5" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (e)(1)(A). Pub. L. 114–94, §6011(a)(2), inserted "an Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology," after "Governmental Affairs,".

2012—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 112–166 inserted subsec. (e) heading, struck out "The Department has 4 Assistant Secretaries and a General Counsel appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Department also has an Assistant Secretary of Transportation for Administration appointed in the competitive service by the Secretary, with the approval of the President. They shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary. An Assistant Secretary" before "or the General Counsel,", added par. (1), inserted par. (2) designation and heading, and, in par. (2), inserted "The officers set forth in paragraph (1) shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary. An Assistant Secretary".

2007—Subsecs. (g), (h). Pub. L. 110–140 added subsec. (g) and redesignated former subsec. (g) as (h).

2005—Subsecs. (f), (g). Pub. L. 109–59, which directed amendment of this section by adding subsec. (f) and redesignating former subsecs. (f) and (g) as (g) and (h), respectively, was executed by adding subsec. (f) and redesignating former subsec. (f) as (g), to reflect the probable intent of Congress. See 2002 Amendment note below.

2002—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 107–295, §215(a)(2), added subsec. (d). Former subsec. (d) redesignated (g).

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 107–295, §215(a)(3), which directed the substitution of "Secretary, Deputy Secretary, and Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy" for "Secretary and the Deputy Secretary" each place it appears in last sentence, was executed by making substitution for "Secretary and the Deputy Secretary" before "are absent" and for "Secretary and Deputy Secretary" before "are vacant", to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 107–295, §215(c), struck out subsec. (g) which read as follows: "The Department has an Associate Deputy Secretary appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Associate Deputy Secretary shall carry out powers and duties prescribed by the Secretary."

Pub. L. 107–295, §215(a)(1), redesignated subsec. (d) as (g).

1994—Subsecs. (e), (f). Pub. L. 103–272 redesignated subsec. (e), relating to judicial recognition of Department seal, as (f).

1984—Subsecs. (d), (e). Pub. L. 98–557 added subsec. (d) and redesignated former subsec. (d), relating to Assistant Secretaries and General Counsel, as (e).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2021 Amendment

Amendment by section 14009 of Pub. L. 117–58 effective Oct. 1, 2021, see section 10003 of Pub. L. 117–58, set out as a note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

Effective Date of 2015 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 114–94 effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as a note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–166 effective 60 days after Aug. 10, 2012, and applicable to appointments made on and after that effective date, including any nomination pending in the Senate on that date, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 112–166, set out as a note under section 113 of Title 6, Domestic Security.

Effective Date of 2007 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 110–140 effective on the date that is 1 day after Dec. 19, 2007, see section 1601 of Pub. L. 110–140, set out as an Effective Date note under section 1824 of Title 2, The Congress.

Effective Date of 2002 Amendment

Pub. L. 107–295, title II, §215(c), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2102, provided that the amendment to this section made by section 215(c) is effective on the date that an individual is appointed to the position of Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy under subsection (d) of this section. On Mar. 19, 2003, the United States Senate confirmed the appointment of the first Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy.

Deemed References to Chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51

General references to "this title" deemed to refer also to chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs, see section 4(d)(8) of Pub. L. 111–314, set out as a note under section 101 of this title.

Rural Opportunities To Use Transportation for Economic Success Initiative

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25010, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 854, provided that:

"(a) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Build america bureau.—The term 'Build America Bureau' means the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau established under section 116 of title 49, United States Code.

"(2) Indian tribe.—The term 'Indian Tribe' has the meaning given the term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 5304).

"(3) ROUTES council.—The term 'ROUTES Council' means the Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success Council established by subsection (c)(1).

"(4) ROUTES office.—The term 'ROUTES Office' means the Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success Office established by subsection (b)(1).

"(b) Routes Office.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall establish within the Department [of Transportation] the Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success Office—

"(A) to improve analysis of projects from rural areas, Indian Tribes, and historically disadvantaged communities in rural areas applying for Department discretionary grants, including ensuring that project costs, local resources, and the larger benefits to the people and the economy of the United States are appropriately considered; and

"(B) to provide rural communities, Indian Tribes, and historically disadvantaged communities in rural areas with technical assistance for meeting the transportation infrastructure investment needs of the United States in a financially sustainable manner.

"(2) Objectives.—The ROUTES Office shall—

"(A) collect input from knowledgeable entities and the public on—

"(i) the benefits of rural and Tribal transportation projects;

"(ii) the technical and financial assistance required for constructing and operating transportation infrastructure and services within rural areas and on the land of Indian Tribes;

"(iii) barriers and opportunities to funding transportation projects in rural areas and on the land of Indian Tribes; and

"(iv) unique transportation barriers and challenges faced by Indian Tribes and historically disadvantaged communities in rural areas;

"(B) evaluate data on transportation challenges faced by rural communities and Indian Tribes and determine methods to align the discretionary funding and financing opportunities of the Department with the needs of those communities for meeting national transportation goals;

"(C) provide education and technical assistance to rural communities and Indian Tribes about applicable Department discretionary grants, develop effective methods to evaluate projects in those communities in discretionary grant programs, and communicate those methods through program guidance;

"(D) carry out research and utilize innovative approaches to resolve the transportation challenges faced by rural areas and Indian Tribes; and

"(E) perform such other duties as determined by the Secretary.

"(c) Routes Council.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary shall establish a Rural Opportunities to Use Transportation for Economic Success Council—

"(A) to organize, guide, and lead the ROUTES Office; and

"(B) to coordinate rural-related and Tribal-related funding programs and assistance among the modal administrations of the Department, the offices of the Department, and other Federal agencies, as appropriate—

"(i) to ensure that the unique transportation needs and attributes of rural areas and Indian Tribes are fully addressed during the development and implementation of programs, policies, and activities of the Department;

"(ii) to increase coordination of programs, policies, and activities of the Department in a manner that improves and expands transportation infrastructure in order to further economic development in, and the quality of life of, rural areas and Indian Tribes; and

"(iii) to provide rural areas and Indian Tribes with proactive outreach—

     "(I) to improve access to discretionary funding and financing programs; and

     "(II) to facilitate timely resolution of environmental reviews for complex or high-priority projects.

"(2) Membership.—

"(A) In general.—The ROUTES Council shall be composed of the following officers of the Department, or their designees:

"(i) The Deputy Secretary of Transportation.

"(ii) The Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy.

"(iii) The General Counsel.

"(iv) The Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs.

"(v) The Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology.

"(vi) The Assistant Secretary for Multimodal Freight.

"(vii) The Administrators of—

     "(I) the Federal Aviation Administration;

     "(II) the Federal Highway Administration;

     "(III) the Federal Railroad Administration; and

     "(IV) the Federal Transit Administration.

"(viii) The Executive Director of the Build America Bureau.

"(ix) The Assistant Secretary for Governmental Affairs.

"(x) The Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy.

"(xi) The Deputy Assistant Secretary for Tribal Government Affairs.

"(B) Chair.—The Deputy Secretary of Transportation shall be the Chair of the ROUTES Council.

"(C) Additional members.—The Secretary or the Chair of the ROUTES Council may designate additional members to serve on the ROUTES Council.

"(3) Additional modal input.—To address issues related to safety and transport of commodities produced in or by, or transported through, as applicable, rural areas, Indian Tribes, or the land of Indian Tribes, the ROUTES Council shall consult with the Administrators (or their designees) of—

"(A) the Maritime Administration;

"(B) the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation; and

"(C) the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

"(4) Duties.—Members of the ROUTES Council shall—

"(A) participate in all meetings and relevant ROUTES Council activities and be prepared to share information relevant to rural and Tribal transportation infrastructure projects and issues;

"(B) provide guidance and leadership on rural and Tribal transportation infrastructure issues and represent the work of the ROUTES Council and the Department on those issues to external stakeholders; and

"(C) recommend initiatives for the consideration of the Chair of the ROUTES Council to establish and staff any resulting activities or working groups.

"(5) Meetings.—The ROUTES Council shall meet bimonthly.

"(6) Additional staffing.—The Secretary shall ensure that the ROUTES Council and ROUTES Office have adequate staff support to carry out the duties of the ROUTES Council and the ROUTES Office, respectively, under this section.

"(7) Work products and deliverables.—The ROUTES Council may develop work products or deliverables to meet the goals of the ROUTES Council, including—

"(A) an annual report to Congress describing ROUTES Council activities for the past year and expected activities for the coming year;

"(B) any recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of Department discretionary grant programs regarding rural and Tribal infrastructure issues; and

"(C) other guides and reports for relevant groups and the public."

Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence

Pub. L. 116–94, div. H, title I, §105, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2938, provided that:

"(a) The Secretary shall establish a Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence within the Department of Transportation, in order to have a Department of Transportation workforce capable of reviewing, assessing, and validating the safety of automated technologies.

"(b) The Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence shall—

"(1) serve as a central location within the Department of Transportation for expertise in automation and human factors, computer science, data analytics, machine learning, sensors, and other technologies involving automated systems;

"(2) collaborate with and provide support on highly automated systems to all Operating Administrations of the Department of Transportation; and

"(3) have a workforce composed of Department of Transportation employees, including direct hires or detailees from Operating Administrations of the Department of Transportation and other Federal agencies.

"(c) Employees of the Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence, in conjunction with the relevant Operating Administrations of the Department of Transportation, shall review, assess, and validate highly automated systems to ensure their safety.

"(d) The Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence shall not supersede laws or regulations granting certification authorities to Operating Administrations of the Department of Transportation.

"(e) No later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 20, 2019], the Secretary shall report to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate on staffing needs and the staffing plan for the Highly Automated Systems Safety Center of Excellence."

Human Trafficking Prevention Coordinator

Pub. L. 115–99, §2, Jan. 3, 2018, 131 Stat. 2242, provided that: "The Secretary of Transportation shall designate an official within the Department of Transportation who shall—

"(1) coordinate human trafficking prevention efforts across modal administrations in the Department of Transportation and with other departments and agencies of the Federal Government; and

"(2) in coordinating such efforts, take into account the unique challenges of combating human trafficking within different transportation modes."


Pub. L. 110–140, title XI, §1101(b), Dec. 19, 2007, 121 Stat. 1756, provided that: "The Office of Climate Change and Environment of the Department of Transportation shall coordinate its activities with the United States Global Change Research Program."


Pub. L. 109–59, title V, §5510, Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1828, provided that:

"(a) Notice of Reprogramming.—If any funds authorized for carrying out this title [see Tables for classification] or the amendments made by this title are subject to a reprogramming action that requires notice to be provided to the Committees on Appropriations, Transportation and Infrastructure, and Science [now Science, Space, and Technology] of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Appropriations and Environment and Public Works of the Senate, notice of that action shall be concurrently provided to the Committee of Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Science [now Committee on Science, Space, and Technology] of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate.

"(b) Notice of Reorganization.—On or before the 15th day preceding the date of any major reorganization of a program, project, or activity of the Department [of Transportation] for which funds are authorized by this title or the amendments made by this title, the Secretary [of Transportation] shall provide notice of the reorganization to the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure and Science [now Science, Space, and Technology] of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate."

Pub. L. 105–178, title V, §5003, June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 422, provided that:

"(a) Notice of Reprogramming.—If any funds authorized for carrying out this title [see Tables for classification] or the amendments made by this title are subject to a reprogramming action that requires notice to be provided to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate, notice of such action shall concurrently be provided to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Science [now Committee on Science, Space, and Technology] of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate.

"(b) Notice of Reorganization.—On or before the 15th day preceding the date of any major reorganization of a program, project, or activity of the Department of Transportation for which funds are authorized by this title or the amendments made by this title, the Secretary shall provide notice of such reorganization to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Science [now Committee on Science, Space, and Technology] of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate."

Surface Transportation Administration

Pub. L. 102–240, title V, §5004, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2160, provided that, not later than 60 days after Dec. 18, 1991, the Secretary was to enter into an agreement with the National Academy of Public Administration to continue a study of options for organizing the Department of Transportation to increase effectiveness and report to Congress on the study and recommend appropriate organizational changes no later than Jan. 1, 1993, to be implemented if approved by law.

Person Holding Position of Associate Deputy Secretary Until April 15, 1985

Pub. L. 98–557, §26(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2873, provided that, until Apr. 15, 1985, the position of Associate Deputy Secretary could be held by a person named by the President alone.

Ex. Ord. No. 11340. Effective Date

Ex. Ord. No. 11340, Mar. 30, 1967, 32 F.R. 5453, provided:

By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States by Section 15 [renumbered section 16] of the Department of Transportation Act (Public Law 89–670, approved October 15, 1966; 80 Stat. 950) April 1, 1967, is hereby prescribed as the date on which the Department of Transportation Act shall take effect.

Lyndon B. Johnson.      

1 So in original. Paragraph (1) does not contain a subparagraph (C).

§103. Federal Railroad Administration

(a) In General.—The Federal Railroad Administration is an administration in the Department of Transportation.

(b) Safety.—To carry out all railroad safety laws of the United States, the Administration is divided on a geographical basis into at least 8 safety offices. The Secretary of Transportation is responsible for all acts taken under those laws and for ensuring that the laws are uniformly administered and enforced among the safety offices.

(c) Safety as Highest Priority.—In carrying out its duties, the Administration shall consider the assignment and maintenance of safety as the highest priority, recognizing the clear intent, encouragement, and dedication of Congress to the furtherance of the highest degree of safety in railroad transportation.

(d) Administrator.—The head of the Administration shall be the Administrator who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be an individual with professional experience in railroad safety, hazardous materials safety, or other transportation safety. The Administrator shall report directly to the Secretary of Transportation.

(e) Deputy Administrator.—The Administration shall have a Deputy Administrator who shall be appointed by the Secretary. The Deputy Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(f) Chief Safety Officer.—The Administration shall have an Associate Administrator for Railroad Safety appointed in the career service by the Secretary. The Associate Administrator shall be the Chief Safety Officer of the Administration. The Associate Administrator shall carry out the duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(g) Duties and Powers of the Administrator.—The Administrator shall carry out—

(1) duties and powers related to railroad safety vested in the Secretary by section 20134(c) and chapters 203 through 211 of this title, and by chapter 213 of this title for carrying out chapters 203 through 211;

(2) the duties and powers related to railroad policy and development under subsection (j); and

(3) other duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary.

(h) Limitation.—A duty or power specified in subsection (g)(1) may be transferred to another part of the Department of Transportation or another Federal Government entity only when specifically provided by law. A decision of the Administrator in carrying out the duties or powers of the Administration and involving notice and hearing required by law is administratively final.

(i) Authorities.—Subject to the provisions of subtitle I of title 40 and division C (except sections 3302, 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41, the Secretary of Transportation may make, enter into, and perform such contracts, grants, leases, cooperative agreements, and other similar transactions with Federal or other public agencies (including State and local governments) and private organizations and persons, and make such payments, by way of advance or reimbursement, as the Secretary may determine to be necessary or appropriate to carry out functions at the Administration. The authority of the Secretary granted by this subsection shall be carried out by the Administrator. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, no authority to enter into contracts or to make payments under this subsection shall be effective, except as provided for in appropriations Acts.

(j) Additional Duties of the Administrator.—The Administrator shall—

(1) provide assistance to States in developing State rail plans prepared under chapter 227 and review all State rail plans submitted under that section; 1

(2) develop a long-range national rail plan that is consistent with approved State rail plans and the rail needs of the Nation, as determined by the Secretary in order to promote an integrated, cohesive, efficient, and optimized national rail system for the movement of goods and people;

(3) develop a preliminary national rail plan within a year after the date of enactment of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008;

(4) develop and enhance partnerships with the freight and passenger railroad industry, States, and the public concerning rail development;

(5) support rail intermodal development and high-speed rail development, including high speed rail planning;

(6) ensure that programs and initiatives developed under this section benefit the public and work toward achieving regional and national transportation goals; and

(7) facilitate and coordinate efforts to assist freight and passenger rail carriers, transit agencies and authorities, municipalities, and States in passenger-freight service integration on shared rights of way by providing neutral assistance at the joint request of affected rail service providers and infrastructure owners relating to operations and capacity analysis, capital requirements, operating costs, and other research and planning related to corridors shared by passenger or commuter rail service and freight rail operations.

(k) Performance Goals and Reports.—

(1) Performance goals.—In conjunction with the objectives established and activities undertaken under subsection (j) of this section, the Administrator shall develop a schedule for achieving specific, measurable performance goals.

(2) Resource needs.—The strategy and annual plans shall include estimates of the funds and staff resources needed to accomplish each goal and the additional duties required under subsection (j).

(3) Submission with president's budget.—Beginning with fiscal year 2010 and each fiscal year thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, at the same time as the President's budget submission, the Administration's performance goals and schedule developed under paragraph (1), including an assessment of the progress of the Administration toward achieving its performance goals.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2414; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(1), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1375; Pub. L. 103–440, title II, §216, Nov. 2, 1994, 108 Stat. 4624; Pub. L. 107–217, §3(n)(1), Aug. 21, 2002, 116 Stat. 1302; Pub. L. 110–432, div. A, title I, §101, div. B, title III, §307, Oct. 16, 2008, 122 Stat. 4851, 4953; Pub. L. 111–350, §5(o)(1), Jan. 4, 2011, 124 Stat. 3853.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
103(a) 49:1652(e)(1) (1st sentence related to FRA). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §§3(e) (related to FRA) (1), (3), (4), 6(f)(3)(C) (related to FRA), 80 Stat. 932, 940.
  49:1652a. July 8, 1976, Pub. L. 94–348, §6, 90 Stat. 820.
103(b) 49:1652(e) (related to FRA) (1) (2d, last sentences), (3) (last sentence).
103(c) 49:1655(f)(3)(A). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(3)(A), 80 Stat. 940; Aug. 22, 1972, Pub. L. 92–401, §6, 86 Stat. 617; Jan. 3, 1975, Pub. L. 93–633, §113(e)(1), 88 Stat. 2163.
  49:1652(e)(3) (related to FRA) (less last sentence).
103(d) 49:1652(e)(4) (related to FRA).
  49:1655(f)(3)(C) (related to FRA).

In subsection (a), the words "To carry out" are substituted for "for purposes of administering and enforcing" in 49:1652a for consistency and to eliminate surplus words. The words "under those laws" are substituted for "pursuant to Federal railroad safety laws" to eliminate surplus words. The words "is responsible" are substituted for "shall retain full and final responsibility" and "shall be responsible" to eliminate surplus words. The words "and for the establishment of all policies with respect to implementation of such laws" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b), the words "Each of these components" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (c), the words "vested in the Secretary" are substituted for "as set forth in the statutes transferred to the Secretary" in 49:1655(f)(3)(A) for clarity and consistency. The words "section 6(e)(1), (2), and (6)(A) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1655(e)(1), (2), and (6)(A))" are substituted for "subsection (e) of this section (other than subsection (e)(4) of this section)" in 49:1655(f)(3)(A) for clarity.

In subsection (d), the word "law" is substituted for "statute" in 49:1652(e)(4) for consistency. The words after "administratively final" in 49:1655(f)(3)(C) are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the revised title and those laws giving a right to appeal.

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 5(m)(1) amends 49:103(c)(1) to include a reference to section 20134(c) of the revised title. The reference is included because 45:445 on which section 20134(c) is based provides that the duties and powers under that provision are to be carried out by the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration rather than the Secretary of Transportation.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of the Passenger Rail Investment and Improvement Act of 2008, referred to in subsec. (j)(3), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 110–432, which was approved Oct. 16, 2008.


2011—Subsec. (i). Pub. L. 111–350, which directed substitution of "division C (except sections 3302, 3501(b), 3509, 3906, 4710, and 4711) of subtitle I of title 41" for "title III of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (41 U.S.C. 251 et seq.)" in subsec. (e), was executed to subsec. (i), to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

2008—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 110–432, §307(1), (2), inserted heading and struck out at end "To carry out all railroad safety laws of the United States, the Administration is divided on a geographical basis into at least 8 safety offices. The Secretary of Transportation is responsible for all acts taken under those laws and for ensuring that the laws are uniformly administered and enforced among the safety offices."

Subsecs. (b) to (k). Pub. L. 110–432, §§101, 307(3), (4), added subsecs. (b) to (k) and struck out former subsecs. (b) to (e), which related to: in subsec. (b), Administrator as head of the Administration; in subsec. (c), Administrator's duties and powers; in subsec. (d), transfer of duties or powers and effect of Administrator's decision; and, in subsec. (e), authority of Secretary of Transportation.

2002—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 107–217 inserted "subtitle I of title 40 and title III of" before "the Federal Property" and substituted "(41 U.S.C. 251 et seq.)" for "(40 U.S.C. 471 et seq.)".

1994—Subsec. (c)(1). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "section 20134(c) and chapters 203–211 of this title, and chapter 213 of this title in carrying out chapters 203–211" for "section 6(e)(1), (2), and (6)(A) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 App. U.S.C. 1655(e)(1), (2), and (6)(A))".

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 103–440 added subsec. (e).

1984—Subsec. (c)(1). Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Update of Federal Railroad Administration Web Site

Pub. L. 110–432, div. A, title III, §307, Oct. 16, 2008, 122 Stat. 4881, as amended by Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title XI, §11316(j)(5), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1677, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Secretary shall update the Federal Railroad Administration's public Web site to better facilitate the ability of the public, including those individuals who are not regular users of the public Web site, to find current information regarding the Federal Railroad Administration's activities.

"(b) Public Reporting of Violations.—On the Federal Railroad Administration's public Web site's home page, the Secretary shall provide a mechanism for the public to submit written reports of potential violations of Federal railroad safety and hazardous materials transportation laws, regulations, and orders to the Federal Railroad Administration."

[For definitions of "Secretary" and "railroad", as used in section 307 of Pub. L. 110–432, set out above, see section 2(a) of Pub. L. 110–432, set out as a note under section 20102 of this title.]

Funds for Broadband High Speed Internet Service Connection for Federal Railroad Administration Employees

Pub. L. 108–447, div. H, title I, §151, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3222, provided that: "Notwithstanding any provisions of this or any other Act, during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2005, and hereafter, the Federal Railroad Administration may use funds appropriated by this or any other Act to provide for the installation of a broadband high speed internet service connection, including necessary equipment, for Federal Railroad Administration employees, and to either pay directly recurring monthly charges or to reimburse a percentage of such monthly charges which are paid by such employees: Provided, That the Federal Railroad Administration certifies that adequate safeguards against private misuse exist, and that the service is necessary for direct support of the agency's mission."

1 So in original. Probably should be "chapter;".

§104. Federal Highway Administration

(a) The Federal Highway Administration is an administration in the Department of Transportation.

(b)(1) The head of the Administration is the Administrator who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Administrator reports directly to the Secretary of Transportation.

(2) The Administration has a Deputy Federal Highway Administrator who is appointed by the Secretary, with the approval of the President. The Deputy Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(3) The Administration has an Assistant Federal Highway Administrator appointed in the competitive service by the Secretary, with the approval of the President. The Assistant Administrator is the chief engineer of the Administration. The Assistant Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(c) The Administrator shall carry out—

(1) duties and powers vested in the Secretary by chapter 4 of title 23 for highway safety programs, research, and development related to highway design, construction and maintenance, traffic control devices, identification and surveillance of accident locations, and highway-related aspects of pedestrian safety; and

(2) additional duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary.

(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 101(d) and 144 of title 23, highway bridges determined to be unreasonable obstructions to navigation under the Truman-Hobbs Act may be funded from amounts set aside from the discretionary bridge program. The Secretary shall transfer these allocations and the responsibility for administration of these funds to the United States Coast Guard.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2415; Pub. L. 103–272, §§4(j)(2), 5(m)(2), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1365, 1375; Pub. L. 104–324, title I, §101(b)(1), Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3905; Pub. L. 106–159, title I, §101(c)(2), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1751.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
104(a) 49:1652(e)(1) (1st sentence related to FHWA). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §§3(e) (related to FHWA) (1), (3), (4), 6(f)(3)(C) (related to FHWA), 80 Stat. 932, 940.
104(b)(1) 49:1652(e) (related to FHWA) (1) (less 1st sentence), (3) (last sentence).
104(b)(2) 23:303(a)(1) (1st, 2d sentences).
104(b)(3) 23:303(a)(1) (last sentence), (b), (c).
104(c) 49:1655(f)(3)(B). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(3)(B), 80 Stat. 940; Jan. 3, 1975, Pub. L. 93–633, §113(e)(2), 88 Stat. 2163.
  23:401 (note). Sept. 9, 1966, Pub. L. 89–564, §201(b)(1), 80 Stat. 735; Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §8(h), 80 Stat. 943; restated Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91–605, §202(a), 84 Stat. 1740.
  49:1652(e)(3) (related to FHWA) (less last sentence).
104(d) 49:1652(e)(4) (related to FHWA).
  49:1655(f)(3)(C) (related to FHWA).

In subsection (b)(1), the words "Each of these components" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b)(2), the words "In addition to the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration authorized by section 3(e) of the Department of Transportation Act" in 23:303(a)(1) (1st sentence) are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b)(3), the words "in the competitive service" are substituted for "under the classified civil service" to conform to 5:2102. The text of 23:303(b), (c) is omitted as unnecessary because sections 322 and 323 of the revised title restate the authority of the Secretary of Transportation.

In subsection (c), the source provisions are consolidated. The words "The Administrator shall carry out duties and powers" are substituted for "The Secretary shall carry out through the Federal Highway Administration those provisions of the Highway Safety Act of 1966 . . . for" in 23:401 (note) and "carry out the functions, powers, and duties of the Secretary" in 49:1655(f)(3)(B) as being more precise, to eliminate unnecessary words, and for consistency. The words "vested in the Secretary" are substituted for "as set forth in the statutes transferred to the Secretary" in 49:1655(f)(3)(B) for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (d), the word "law" is substituted for "statute" in 49:1652(e)(4) for consistency. The words after "administratively final" in 49:1655(f)(3)(C) are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the revised title and those laws giving the right to appeal.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Truman-Hobbs Act, referred to in subsec. (d), is act June 21, 1940, ch. 409, 54 Stat. 497, also known as the Hobbs Bridge Act, which is classified generally to subchapter II (§511 et seq.) of chapter 11 of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Tables.


1999—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 106–159, §101(c)(2)(A), substituted "; and" for the semicolon at end of par. (1), redesignated par. (3) as (2), and struck out former par. (2) which read as follows: "duties and powers related to motor carrier safety vested in the Secretary by chapters 5 and 315 of this title; and".

Subsecs. (d), (e). Pub. L. 106–159, §101(c)(2)(B), (C), redesignated subsec. (e) as (d) and struck out former subsec. (d) which read as follows: "A duty or power specified by subsection (c)(2) of this section may be transferred to another part of the Department only when specifically provided by law or a reorganization plan submitted under chapter 9 of title 5. A decision of the Administrator in carrying out those duties or powers and involving notice and hearing required by law is administratively final."

1996—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 104–324 added subsec. (e).

1994—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(2), substituted "Administrator" for "Admininstrator" before "who is".

Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(2), substituted "315" for "31".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1999 Amendment

Pub. L. 106–159, title I, §107(a), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1758, provided that: "This Act [see Tables for classification] shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 9, 1999]; except that the amendments made by section 101 [enacting section 113 of this title and amending this section, sections 5314 and 5316 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, and section 104 of Title 23, Highways] shall take effect on January 1, 2000."

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.

Elimination of Regional Office Responsibilities

Pub. L. 105–178, title I, §1220, June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 221, provided that:

"(a) In General.—

"(1) Elimination.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall eliminate any programmatic decisionmaking responsibility of the regional offices of the Federal Highway Administration for the Federal-aid highway program as part of the Administration's efforts to restructure its field organization.

"(2) Activities.—In carrying out paragraph (1), the Secretary shall eliminate regional offices, create technical resource centers, and, to the maximum extent practicable, delegate authority to State offices of the Federal Highway Administration.

"(b) Preference.—In locating the technical resource centers, the Secretary shall give preference to cities that house, on the date of enactment of this Act [June 9, 1998], the Federal Highway Administration regional offices and are in locations that minimize the travel distance between the technical resource centers and the Federal Highway Administration division offices that will be served by the new technical resource centers.

"(c) Report to Congress.—The Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a detailed implementation plan to carry out this section not later than September 30, 1998, and thereafter provide periodic progress reports on carrying out this section to such Committees.

"(d) Implementation.—The Secretary shall begin implementation of the plan transmitted under subsection (c) not later than December 31, 1998."

§105. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

(a) The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is an administration in the Department of Transportation.

(b) The head of the Administration is the Administrator who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Administration has a Deputy Administrator who is appointed by the Secretary of Transportation, with the approval of the President.

(c) The Administrator shall carry out—

(1) duties and powers vested in the Secretary by chapter 4 of title 23, except those related to highway design, construction and maintenance, traffic control devices, identification and surveillance of accident locations, and highway-related aspects of pedestrian safety; and

(2) additional duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary.

(d) The Secretary may carry out chapter 301 of this title through the Administrator.

(e) The Administrator shall consult with the Federal Highway Administrator on all matters related to the design, construction, maintenance, and operation of highways.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2415; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(3), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1375.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
105 23:401 (note). Sept. 9, 1966, Pub. L. 89–564, §201(a) (less pay of Administrator and Deputy Administrator), (b)(2), (c), (d), 80 Stat. 735; Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §8(h), 80 Stat. 943; restated Dec. 31, 1970, Pub. L. 91–605, §202(a), 84 Stat. 1739.

In subsection (a), the words "The . . . is an administration in the" are substituted for "There is hereby established within the", in section 201(a) (1st sentence) of the Highway Safety Act of 1966 (Pub. L. 89–564, 80 Stat. 731) to conform to other sections of the revised title. The words "(hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Administration')" are omitted as unnecessary.

In subsection (c), the words "carry out . . . duties and powers . . . prescribed by the Secretary" are substituted for "perform such duties as are delegated to him by the Secretary" to eliminate surplus words and for consistency. The list of excepted programs in clause (1) is substituted for "highway safety programs, research and development not specifically referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection", in section 201(b)(2) of the Highway Safety Act of 1966 for clarity.

In subsection (d), the words "Administration . . . authorized by this section" are omitted as surplus.

The text of section 201(d) of the Highway Safety Act of 1966 is omitted as executed.

Editorial Notes


1994—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "chapter 301 of this title" for "the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966 (15 U.S.C. 1381 et seq.)".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Required Reporting of NHTSA Agenda

Pub. L. 114–94, div. B, title XXIV, §24401, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1720, provided that: "Not later than December 1 of the year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 4, 2015], and each year thereafter, the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration shall publish on the public website of the Administration, and file with the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate an annual plan for the following calendar year detailing the Administration's projected activities, including—

"(1) the Administrator's policy priorities;

"(2) any rulemakings projected to be commenced;

"(3) any plans to develop guidelines;

"(4) any plans to restructure the Administration or to establish or alter working groups;

"(5) any planned projects or initiatives of the Administration, including the working groups and advisory committees of the Administration; and

"(6) any projected dates or timetables associated with any of the items described in paragraphs (1) through (5)."

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Electronics, Software, and Engineering Expertise

Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title I, §31401, July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 772, provided that:

"(a) Council for Vehicle Electronics, Vehicle Software, and Emerging Technologies.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall establish, within the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a Council for Vehicle Electronics, Vehicle Software, and Emerging Technologies (referred to in this section as the 'Council') to build, integrate, and aggregate the Administration's expertise in passenger motor vehicle electronics and other new and emerging technologies.

"(2) Implementation of roadmap.—The Council shall research the inclusion of emerging lightweight plastic and composite technologies in motor vehicles to increase fuel efficiency, lower emissions, meet fuel economy standards, and enhance passenger motor vehicle safety through continued utilization of the Administration's Plastic and Composite Intensive Vehicle Safety Roadmap (Report No. DOT HS 810 863).

"(3) Intra-agency coordination.—The Council shall coordinate with all components of the Administration responsible for vehicle safety, including research and development, rulemaking, and defects investigation.

"(b) Honors Recruitment Program.—

"(1) Establishment.—The Secretary shall establish, within the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, an honors program for engineering students, computer science students, and other students interested in vehicle safety that will enable such students to train with engineers and other safety officials for careers in vehicle safety.

"(2) Stipend.—The Secretary is authorized to provide a stipend to any student during the student's participation in the program established under paragraph (1).

"(c) Assessment.—The Council, in consultation with affected stakeholders, shall periodically assess the implications of emerging safety technologies in passenger motor vehicles, including the effect of such technologies on consumers, product availability, and cost."

§106. Federal Aviation Administration

(a) In General.—The Federal Aviation Administration is an administration in the Department of Transportation.

(b) Administration Leadership.—

(1) Administrator.—

(A) In general.—The head of the Administration is the Administrator, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(B) Qualifications.—The Administrator shall—

(i) be a citizen of the United States;

(ii) not be an active duty member of the Armed Forces;

(iii) not have retired from the Armed Forces within the 7 years preceding nomination; and

(iv) have experience in organizational management and a field directly related to aviation.

(C) Fitness.—In appointing an individual as Administrator, the President shall consider the fitness of such individual to carry out efficiently the duties and powers of the office.

(D) Term of office.—The term of office for any individual appointed as Administrator shall be 5 years.

(E) Reporting chain.—Except as provided in subsection (f) or in other provisions of law, the Administrator reports directly to the Secretary of Transportation.

(2) Deputy administrator.—

(A) In general.—The Administrator has a Deputy Administrator, who shall be appointed by the President.

(B) Qualifications.—The Deputy Administrator shall—

(i) be a citizen of the United States; and

(ii) have experience in organizational management and a field directly related to aviation.

(C) Fitness.—In appointing an individual as Deputy Administrator, the President shall consider the fitness of the individual to carry out efficiently the duties and powers of the office, including the duty to act for the Administrator when the Administrator is absent or unable to serve, or when the office of Administrator is vacant.

(D) Reporting chain.—The Deputy Administrator reports directly to the Administrator.

(E) Duties.—The Deputy Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(F) Compensation.—

(i) Annual rate of basic pay.—The annual rate of basic pay of the Deputy Administrator shall be set by the Secretary but shall not exceed the annual rate of basic pay payable to the Administrator.

(ii) Exception.—A retired regular officer of the Armed Forces serving as the Deputy Administrator is entitled to hold a rank and grade not lower than that held when appointed as the Deputy Administrator and may elect to receive—

(I) the pay provided for the Deputy Administrator under clause (i); or

(II) the pay and allowances or the retired pay of the military grade held.

(iii) Reimbursement of expenses.—If the Deputy Administrator elects to receive compensation described in clause (ii)(II), the Administration shall reimburse the appropriate military department from funds available for the expenses of the Administration.

(3) Leadership of the administration defined.—In this section, the term "leadership of the Administration" means—

(A) the Administrator under paragraph (1); and

(B) the Deputy Administrator under paragraph (2).

(c) Assistant Administrator for Rulemaking and Regulatory Improvement.—There is an Assistant Administrator for Rulemaking and Regulatory Improvement who shall be appointed by the Administrator and shall—

(1) be responsible for developing and managing the execution of a regulatory agenda for the Administration that meets statutory and Administration deadlines, including by—

(A) prioritizing rulemaking projects that are necessary to improve safety;

(B) establishing the regulatory agenda of the Administration; and

(C) coordinating with offices of the Administration, the Department, and other Federal entities as appropriate to improve timely feedback generation and approvals when required by law;

(2) not delegate overall responsibility for meeting internal timelines and final completion of the regulatory activities of the Administration outside the Office of the Assistant Administrator for Rulemaking and Regulatory Improvement;

(3) on an ongoing basis, review the regulations of the Administration in effect to—

(A) improve safety;

(B) reduce undue regulatory burden;

(C) replace prescriptive regulations with performance-based regulations, as appropriate;

(D) prevent duplicative regulations; and

(E) increase regulatory clarity and transparency whenever possible;

(4) make recommendations for the review of the Administrator under subsection (f)(3)(C)(ii);

(5) receive, coordinate, and respond to petitions for rulemaking and for exemption as provided for in subpart A of part 11 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, and provide an initial response to a petitioner not later than 30 days after the receipt of such a petition—

(A) acknowledging receipt of such petition;

(B) confirming completeness of such petition;

(C) providing an initial indication of the complexity of the request and how such complexity may impact the timeline for adjudication; and

(D) requesting any additional information, as appropriate, that would assist in the consideration of the petition;

(6) track the issuance of exemptions and waivers by the Administration to sections of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, and establish a methodology by which to determine if it would be more efficient and in the interest of the public to amend a rule to reduce the future need of waivers and exemptions; and

(7) promulgate regulatory updates as determined more efficient or in the best interest of the public under paragraph (6).

(d) [Reserved].

(e) Prohibition on Conflicting Pecuniary Interests.—

(1) In general.—The leadership of the Administration may not have a pecuniary interest in, or hold a financial interest in, an aeronautical enterprise or engage in another business, vocation, or employment.

(2) Teaching.—Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the Deputy Administrator may not receive compensation for teaching without prior approval of the Administrator.

(3) Financial interest defined.—In this subsection, the term "financial interest"—

(A) means—

(i) any current or contingent ownership, equity, or security interest;

(ii) any indebtedness or compensated employment relationship; or

(iii) any right to purchase or acquire any such ownership, equity, or security interest, including a stock option; and

(B) does not include securities held in an index fund.

(f) Authority of the Secretary and the Administrator.—

(1) Authority of the secretary.—Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3), the Secretary of Transportation shall carry out the duties and powers, and controls the personnel and activities, of the Administration. In exercising duties, powers, and authorities that are assigned to the Secretary or the Administrator under this title, neither the Secretary nor the Administrator may submit decisions for the approval of, or be bound by the decisions or recommendations of, a committee, board, council, or organization that is—

(A) established by executive order; or

(B) not explicitly directed by legislation to review the exercise of such duties, powers, and authorities by the Secretary or the Administrator.

(2) Authority of the administrator.—The Administrator—

(A) is the final authority for carrying out all functions, powers, and duties of the Administration relating to—

(i) the appointment and employment of all officers and employees of the Administration (other than Presidential and political appointees);

(ii) the acquisition, establishment, improvement, operation, maintenance, security (including cybersecurity), and disposal of property, facilities, services, and equipment of the Administration, including all elements of the air traffic control system owned by the Administration;

(iii) except as otherwise provided in paragraph (4), the promulgation of regulations, rules, orders, circulars, bulletins, and other official publications of the Administration; and

(iv) any obligation imposed on the Administrator, or power conferred on the Administrator, by the Air Traffic Management System Performance Improvement Act of 1996 (or any amendment made by that Act);

(B) shall offer advice and counsel to the President with respect to civil aviation, any matter for which the Administrator is the final authority under subparagraph (A), any duty carried out by the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (3), or the provisions of this title, or the appointment and qualifications of any officer or employee of the Administration to be appointed by the President or as a political appointee;

(C) may delegate, and authorize successive redelegations of, to an officer or employee of the Administration any function, power, or duty conferred upon the Administrator, unless such delegation is prohibited by law; and

(D) except as otherwise provided for in this title, and notwithstanding any other provision of law, shall not be required to coordinate, submit for approval or concurrence, or seek the advice or views of the Secretary or any other officer or employee of the Department of Transportation on any matter with respect to which the Administrator is the final authority.

(3) Duties and powers of the administrator.—

(A) In general.—The Administrator shall carry out—

(i) the duties and powers of the Secretary under this subsection related to aviation safety (except duties and powers related to transportation, packaging, marking, or description of hazardous material) and stated in—

(I) subsections (c) and (d) of section 1132;

(II) sections 40101(c), 40103(b), 40106(a), 40108, 40109(b), 40113(a), 40113(c), 40113(d), 40113(e), 40114(a), and 40117;

(III) chapter 443;

(IV) chapter 445, except sections 44502(a)(3), 44503, and 44509;

(V) chapter 447, except sections 44721(b) and 44723;

(VI) chapter 448;

(VII) chapter 451;

(VIII) chapter 453;

(IX) section 46104;

(X) subsections (d) and (h)(2) of section 46301, section 46303(c), sections 46304 through 46308, section 46310, section 46311, and sections 46313 through 46320;

(XI) chapter 465;

(XII) chapter 471;

(XIII) chapter 475; and

(XIV) chapter 509 of title 51; and

(ii) such additional duties and powers as may be prescribed by the Secretary.

(B) Applicability.—Section 40101(d) applies to the duties and powers specified in subparagraph (A).

(C) Transfer.—Any of the duties and powers specified in subparagraph (A) may only be transferred to another part of the Department if specifically provided by law or in a reorganization plan submitted under chapter 9 of title 5.

(D) Administrative finality.—A decision of the Administrator in carrying out the duties or powers specified in subparagraph (A) is administratively final.

(4) Regulations.—

(A) In general.—

(i) Issuance of regulations.—In the performance of the functions of the Administrator and the Administration, the Administrator is authorized to issue, rescind, and revise such regulations as are necessary to carry out those functions. The issuance of such regulations shall be governed by the provisions of chapter 5 of title 5.

(ii) Petitions for rulemaking.—The Administrator shall act upon all petitions for rulemaking no later than 6 months after the date such petitions are filed by dismissing such petitions, by informing the petitioner of an intention to dismiss, or by issuing a notice of proposed rulemaking or advanced notice of proposed rulemaking.

(iii) Rulemaking timeline.—The Administrator shall issue a final regulation, or take other final action, not later than 16 months after the last day of the public comment period for the regulations or, in the case of an advanced notice of proposed rulemaking, if issued, not later than 24 months after the date of publication in the Federal Register of notice of the proposed rulemaking.

(iv) Reporting requirement.—On February 1 and August 1 of each year the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a letter listing each deadline the Administrator missed under this subparagraph during the 6-month period ending on such date, including an explanation for missing the deadline and a projected date on which the action that was subject to the deadline will be taken.

(B) Approval of secretary of transportation.—

(i) In general.—The Administrator may not issue, unless the Secretary of Transportation approves the issuance of the regulation in advance, a proposed regulation or final regulation that—

(I) is likely to result in the expenditure by State, local, and Tribal governments in the aggregate, or by the private sector, of $250,000,000 or more (adjusted annually for inflation beginning with the year following the date of enactment of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024) in any year; or

(II) is significant.

(ii) Significant regulations.—For purposes of this paragraph, a regulation is significant if the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary (as appropriate), determines that the regulation—

(I) will have an annual effect on the economy of $250,000,000 or more (adjusted annually for inflation beginning with the year following the date of enactment of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024);

(II) raises novel or serious legal or policy issues that will substantially and materially affect other transportation modes; or

(III) adversely affects, in a substantial and material way, the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or a State, local, or Tribal government or community.

(iii) Emergency regulation.—

(I) In general.—In an emergency as determined by the Administrator, the Administrator may issue a final regulation described in clause (i) without prior approval of the Secretary.

(II) Objection.—If the Secretary objects to a regulation issued under subclause (II) 1 in writing not later than 5 days (excluding Saturday, Sundays, and legal public holidays) after the issuance, the Administrator shall immediately rescind such regulation.

(iv) Other regulations.—The Secretary may not require that the Administrator submit a proposed or final regulation to the Secretary for approval, nor may the Administrator submit a proposed or final regulation to the Secretary for approval, if the regulation—

(I) does not require the approval of the Secretary under clause (i) (excluding a regulation issued under clause (iii)); or

(II) is a routine or frequent action or a procedural action.

(v) Timeline.—The Administrator shall submit a copy of any proposed or final regulation requiring approval by the Secretary under clause (i) to the Secretary, who shall either approve the regulation or return the regulation to the Administrator with comments not later than 30 days after receiving the regulation. If the Secretary fails to approve or return the regulation with comments to the Administrator not later than 30 days after receiving such regulation, the regulation shall be deemed to have been approved by the Secretary.

(C) Periodic review.—

(i) In general.—For any significant regulation issued after the date of enactment of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, in addition to the review requirements established under section 5.13(d) 2 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, the Administrator shall review any significant regulation 3 years after the effective date of such regulation.

(ii) Discretionary review.—The Administrator may review any regulation that has been in effect for more than 3 years.

(iii) Substance of review.—In performing a review under clause (i) or (ii), the Administrator shall determine if—

(I) the cost assumptions supporting the regulation were accurate;

(II) the intended benefit of the regulation is being realized;

(III) the need remains to continue such regulation as in effect; and

(IV) the Administrator recommends updates to such regulation based on the review criteria specified in section 5.13(d) 2 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.

(iv) Review management.—Any periodic review of a regulation under this subparagraph shall be managed by the Assistant Administrator for Rulemaking and Regulatory Improvement, who may task an advisory committee or the Management Advisory Council established under subsection (p) to assist in performing the review.

(5) Definition of political appointee.—For purposes of this subsection, the term "political appointee" means any individual who—

(A) is employed in a position listed in sections 5312 through 5316 of title 5 (relating to the Executive Schedule);

(B) is a limited term appointee, limited emergency appointee, or noncareer appointee in the Senior Executive Service, as defined under paragraphs (5), (6), and (7), respectively, of section 3132(a) of title 5; or

(C) is employed in a position in the executive branch of the Government of a confidential or policy-determining character under schedule C of subpart C of part 213 of title 5 of the Code of Federal Regulations.

(g) [reserved].

(h) Technical Center for Advanced Aerospace.—

(1) In general.—There is established within the Administration a technology center to support the advancement of aerospace safety and innovation which shall be known as the "William J. Hughes Technical Center for Advanced Aerospace" (in this subsection referred to as the "Technical Center") that shall be used by the Administrator and, as permitted by the Administrator, other governmental entities, academia, and the aerospace industry.

(2) Management.—The activities of the Technical Center shall be managed by a Director.

(3) Activities.—The activities of the Technical Center shall include—

(A) developing and stimulating technology partnerships with and between industry, academia, and other government agencies and supporting such partnerships by—

(i) liaising between external persons and offices of the Administration interested in such work;

(ii) providing technical expertise and input, as appropriate; and

(iii) providing access to the properties, facilities, and systems of the Technical Center through appropriate agreements;

(B) managing technology demonstration grants awarded by the Administrator;

(C) identifying software, systems, services, and technologies that could improve aviation safety and the operations and management of the air traffic control system and working with relevant offices of the Administration to consider the use and integration of such software, systems, services, and technologies, as appropriate;

(D) supporting the work of any collocated facilities and tenants of such facilities, and to the extent feasible, enter into agreements as necessary to utilize the facilities, systems, and technologies of such collocated facilities and tenants;

(E) managing the facilities of the Technical Center; and

(F) carrying out any other duties as determined appropriate by the Administrator.

(i) The Deputy Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator. The Deputy Administrator acts for the Administrator when the Administrator is absent or unable to serve, or when the office of the Administrator is vacant.

(j) Civil Aeromedical Institute.—There is established within the Federal Aviation Administration an institute to conduct civil aeromedical research under section 44507 of this title. Such institute shall be known as the "Civil Aeromedical Institute". Research conducted by the institute should take appropriate advantage of capabilities of other government agencies, universities, or the private sector.

(k) Authorization of Appropriations for Operations.—

(1) Salaries, operations, and maintenance.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Transportation for salaries, operations, and maintenance of the Administration—

(A) $12,729,627,000 for fiscal year 2024;

(B) $13,055,000,000 for fiscal year 2025;

(C) $13,354,000,000 for fiscal year 2026;

(D) $13,650,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; and

(E) $13,954,000,000 for fiscal year 2028.

Such sums shall remain available until expended.

(2) Authorized expenditures.—Out of amounts appropriated under paragraph (1), the following expenditures are authorized:

(A) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2012 through 2015 to carry out and expand the Air Traffic Control Collegiate Training Initiative.

(B) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2012 through 2015 for the completion of the Alaska aviation safety project with respect to the 3 dimensional mapping of Alaska's main aviation corridors.

(C) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2012 through 2015 to carry out the Aviation Safety Reporting System and the development and maintenance of helicopter approach procedures.

(D) Not more than the following amounts for commercial space transportation activities:

(i) $75,938,000 for fiscal year 2023.

(ii) $42,018,000 for fiscal year 2024.

(iii) $52,985,000 for fiscal year 2025.

(iv) $59,044,000 for fiscal year 2026.

(v) $65,225,000 for fiscal year 2027.

(vi) $71,529,000 for fiscal year 2028.

(3) Administering program within available funding.—

(A) In general.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028, if the Secretary determines that the funds appropriated under paragraph (1) are insufficient to meet the salary, operations, and maintenance expenses of the Federal Aviation Administration, as authorized by this section, the Secretary shall reduce nonsafety-related activities of the Administration as necessary to reduce such expenses to a level that can be met by the funding available under paragraph (1).

(B) Prioritization.—In reducing non-safety-related activities of the Administration under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall prioritize such reductions from amounts other than amounts authorized under this subsection, section 48101, or section 48103.

(C) Sunset.—This paragraph shall cease to be effective on October 1, 2028.

(l) Personnel and Services.—

(1) Officers and employees.—Except as provided in subsections (a) and (g) of section 40122, the Administrator is authorized, in the performance of the functions of the Administrator, to appoint, transfer, and fix the compensation of such officers and employees, including attorneys, as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Administrator and the Administration. In fixing compensation and benefits of officers and employees, the Administrator shall not engage in any type of bargaining, except to the extent provided for in section 40122(a), nor shall the Administrator be bound by any requirement to establish such compensation or benefits at particular levels.

(2) Experts and consultants.—The Administrator is authorized to obtain the services of experts and consultants in accordance with section 3109 of title 5.

(3) Transportation and per diem expenses.—The Administrator is authorized to pay transportation expenses, and per diem in lieu of subsistence expenses, in accordance with chapter 57 of title 5.

(4) Use of personnel from other agencies.—The Administrator is authorized to utilize the services of personnel of any other Federal agency (as such term is defined under section 551(1) of title 5).

(5) Voluntary services.—

(A) General rule.—In exercising the authority to accept gifts and voluntary services under section 326 of this title, and without regard to section 1342 of title 31, the Administrator may not accept voluntary and uncompensated services if such services are used to displace Federal employees employed on a full-time, part-time, or seasonal basis.

(B) Incidental expenses.—The Administrator is authorized to provide for incidental expenses, including transportation, lodging, and subsistence, for volunteers who provide voluntary services under this subsection.

(C) Limited treatment as federal employees.—An individual who provides voluntary services under this subsection shall not be considered a Federal employee for any purpose other than for purposes of chapter 81 of title 5, relating to compensation for work injuries, and chapter 171 of title 28, relating to tort claims.

(6) Contracts.—The Administrator is authorized to enter into and perform such contracts, leases, cooperative agreements, or other transactions as may be necessary to carry out the functions of the Administrator and the Administration. The Administrator may enter into such contracts, leases, cooperative agreements, and other transactions with any Federal agency (as such term is defined in section 551(1) of title 5) or any instrumentality of the United States, any State, territory, or possession, or political subdivision thereof, any other governmental entity, or any person, firm, association, corporation, or educational institution, on such terms and conditions as the Administrator may consider appropriate.

(7) Prohibition on certain performance-based incentives.—No employee of the Administration shall be given an award, financial incentive, or other compensation, as a result of actions to meet performance goals related to meeting or exceeding schedules, quotas, or deadlines for certificates issued under section 44704.

(m) Cooperation by Administrator.—With the consent of appropriate officials, the Administrator may, with or without reimbursement, use or accept the services, equipment, personnel, and facilities of any other Federal agency (as such term is defined in section 551(1) of title 5) and any other public or private entity. The Administrator may also cooperate with appropriate officials of other public and private agencies and instrumentalities concerning the use of services, equipment, personnel, and facilities. The head of each Federal agency shall cooperate with the Administrator in making the services, equipment, personnel, and facilities of the Federal agency available to the Administrator. The head of a Federal agency is authorized, notwithstanding any other provision of law, to transfer to or to receive from the Administration, with or without reimbursement, supplies, personnel, services, and equipment other than administrative supplies or equipment.

(n) Acquisition.—

(1) In general.—The Administrator is authorized—

(A) to acquire (by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise), construct, improve, repair, operate, and maintain—

(i) air traffic control facilities and equipment;

(ii) research and testing sites and facilities; and

(iii) such other real and personal property (including office space and patents), or any interest therein, within and outside the continental United States as the Administrator considers necessary;

(B) to lease to others such real and personal property; and

(C) to provide by contract or otherwise for eating facilities and other necessary facilities for the welfare of employees of the Administration at the installations of the Administration, and to acquire, operate, and maintain equipment for these facilities.

(2) Title.—Title to any property or interest therein acquired pursuant to this subsection shall be held by the Government of the United States.

(o) Transfers of Funds.—The Administrator is authorized to accept transfers of unobligated balances and unexpended balances of funds appropriated to other Federal agencies (as such term is defined in section 551(1) of title 5) to carry out functions transferred by law to the Administrator or functions transferred pursuant to law to the Administrator on or after the date of the enactment of the Air Traffic Management System Performance Improvement Act of 1996.

(p) Management Advisory Council.—

(1) Establishment.—The Administrator shall establish an advisory council which shall be known as the Federal Aerospace Management Advisory Council (in this subsection referred to as the "Council").

(2) Membership.—The Council shall consist of 13 members, who shall consist of—

(A) a designee of the Secretary of Transportation;

(B) a designee of the Secretary of Defense;

(C) 5 members representing aerospace and technology interests, appointed by the Administrator;

(D) 5 members representing aerospace and technology interests, appointed by the Secretary of Transportation; and

(E) 1 member, appointed by the Secretary of Transportation, who is the head of a union representing air traffic control system employees.

(3) Qualifications.—No officer or employee of the Federal Government may be appointed to the Council under subparagraph (C) or (D) of paragraph (2).

(4) Functions.—

(A) In general.—

(i) Advise; counsel.—The Council shall provide advice and counsel to the Administrator on issues which affect or are affected by the activities of the Administrator.

(ii) Resource.—The Council shall function as an oversight resource for management, policy, spending, and regulatory matters under the jurisdiction of the Administrator.

(iii) Submissions to administration.—With respect to Administration management, policy, spending, funding, data management and analysis, safety initiatives, international agreements, activities of the International Civil Aviation Organization, and regulatory matters affecting the aerospace industry and the national airspace system, the Council may—

(I) regardless of whether solicited by the Administrator, submit comments, recommended modifications, proposals, and supporting or dissenting views to the Administrator; and

(II) request the Administrator include in any submission to Congress, the Secretary, or the general public, and in any submission for publication in the Federal Register, a description of the comments, recommended modifications, and dissenting or supporting views received from the Council under subclause (I).

(iv) Reasoning.—Together with a Council submission that is published or described under clause (iii)(II), the Administrator may provide the reasons for any differences between the views of the Council and the views or actions of the Administrator.

(v) Cost-benefit analysis.—The Council shall review the rulemaking cost-benefit analysis process and develop recommendations to improve the analysis and ensure that the public interest is fully protected.

(vi) Process review.—The Council shall review the process through which the Administration determines to use advisory circulars, service bulletins, and other externally facing guidance and regulatory material.

(B) Meetings.—The Council shall meet not less than 3 times annually or at the call of the chair or the Administrator.

(C) Access to documents and staff.—The Administrator may give the Council appropriate access to relevant documents and personnel of the Administration, and the Administrator shall make available, consistent with the authority to withhold commercial and other proprietary information under section 552 of title 5 (commonly known as the "Freedom of Information Act"), cost data associated with the acquisition and operation of air traffic service systems.

(D) Disclosure of commercial or proprietary data.—Any member of the Council who receives commercial or other proprietary data as provided for in this paragraph from the Administrator shall be subject to the provisions of section 1905 of title 18, pertaining to unauthorized disclosure of such information.

(5) Application of chapter 10 of title 5.—Chapter 10 of title 5 does not apply to—

(A) the Council;

(B) such aviation rulemaking committees as the Administrator shall designate; or

(C) such aerospace rulemaking committees as the Secretary shall designate.

(6) Administrative matters.—

(A) Terms.—Members of the Council appointed under paragraph (2)(C) shall be appointed for a term of 3 years.

(B) Term for air traffic control representative.—The member appointed under paragraph (2)(E) shall be appointed for a term of 3 years, except that the term of such individual shall end whenever the individual no longer meets the requirements of paragraph (2)(E).

(C) Vacancy.—Any vacancy on the Council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, except that any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which the predecessor of the member was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of that term.

(D) Continuation in office.—A member of the Council whose term expires shall continue to serve until the date on which the successor of the member takes office.

(E) Removal.—Any member of the Council appointed under paragraph (2) may be removed for cause by whomever makes the appointment.

(F) Chair; vice chair.—The Council shall elect a chair and a vice chair from among the members appointed under subparagraphs (C) and (D) of paragraph (2), each of whom shall serve for a term of 1 year. The vice chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the absence of the chair.

(G) Travel and per diem.—Each member of the Council shall be paid actual travel expenses, and per diem in lieu of subsistence expenses when away from the usual place of residence of the member, in accordance with section 5703 of title 5.

(H) Detail of personnel from the administration.—The Administrator shall make available to the Council such staff, information, and administrative services and assistance as may reasonably be required to enable the Council to carry out the responsibilities of the Council under this subsection.

(q) Aircraft Noise Ombudsman.—

(1) Establishment.—There shall be in the Administration an Aircraft Noise Ombudsman.

(2) General duties and responsibilities.—The Ombudsman shall—

(A) be appointed by the Administrator;

(B) serve as a liaison with the public on issues regarding aircraft noise; and

(C) be consulted when the Administration proposes changes in aircraft routes so as to minimize any increases in aircraft noise over populated areas.

(3) Number of full-time equivalent employees.—The appointment of an Ombudsman under this subsection shall not result in an increase in the number of full-time equivalent employees in the Administration.

(r) Chief Operating Officer.—

(1) In general.—

(A) Appointment.—There shall be a Chief Operating Officer for the air traffic control system who is appointed by the Administrator and subject to the authority of the Administrator.

(B) Qualifications.—The Chief Operating Officer shall have a demonstrated ability in management and knowledge of or experience in aviation.

(C) Term.—The Chief Operating Officer shall be appointed for a term of 5 years.

(D) Removal.—The Chief Operating Officer shall serve at the pleasure of the Administrator, except that the Administrator shall make every effort to ensure stability and continuity in the leadership of the air traffic control system.

(E) Vacancy.—Any individual appointed to fill a vacancy in the position of Chief Operating Officer occurring before the expiration of the term for which the individual's predecessor was appointed may be appointed for either the remainder of the term or for a full term.

(2) Compensation.—

(A) In general.—The Chief Operating Officer shall be paid at an annual rate of basic pay to be determined by the Administrator. The annual rate may not exceed the annual compensation paid under section 102 of title 3. The Chief Operating Officer shall be subject to the post-employment provisions of section 207 of title 18 as if the position of Chief Operating Officer were described in section 207(c)(2)(A)(i) of that title.

(B) Bonus.—In addition to the annual rate of basic pay authorized by subparagraph (A), the Chief Operating Officer may receive a bonus for any calendar year not to exceed 30 percent of the annual rate of basic pay, based upon the Administrator's evaluation of the Chief Operating Officer's performance in relation to the performance goals set forth in the performance agreement described in paragraph (3).

(3) Annual performance agreement.—The Administrator and the Chief Operating Officer shall enter into an annual performance agreement that sets forth measurable organization and individual goals for the Chief Operating Officer in key operational areas. The agreement shall be subject to review and renegotiation on an annual basis and shall include responsibility for—

(A) the state of good repair of the air traffic control system;

(B) the continuous improvement of the safety and efficiency of the air traffic control system; and

(C) identifying services and solutions to increase the safety and efficiency of airspace use and to support the safe integration of all airspace users.

(4) Annual performance report.—The Chief Operating Officer shall prepare and transmit to the Secretary of Transportation, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate an annual management report containing the annual performance agreement required under paragraph (3), an assessment of the performance of the Chief Operating Officer in relation to the performance goals in the performance agreement for the previous year, and such other information as may be prescribed by the Administrator.

(5) Responsibilities.—The Administrator may delegate to the Chief Operating Officer any authority of the Administrator and shall delegate, at a minimum the following:

(A) Strategic plans.—To implement the strategic plan of the Administration for the air traffic control system in order to further—

(i) a mission and objectives;

(ii) standards of performance relative to such mission and objectives, including safety, efficiency, and productivity;

(iii) annual and long-range strategic plans;

(iv) methods of the Administration to accelerate air traffic control modernization and improvements in aviation safety related to air traffic control; and

(v) plans to integrate new entrant operations into the national airspace system and associated action items.

(B) Operations.—To oversee the day-to-day operational functions of the Administration for air traffic control, including—

(i) modernization of the air traffic control system;

(ii) increasing productivity or implementing cost-saving measures;

(iii) training and education; and

(iv) the management of cost-reimbursable contracts.

(C) Budget.—To—

(i) develop a budget request of the Administration related to the air traffic control system;

(ii) submit such budget request to the Administrator; and

(iii) ensure that the budget request supports the agency's annual and long-range strategic plans for air traffic control services.

(6) Unfunded capital investment needs report.—

(A) In general.—Not later than 10 days after the date on which the budget of the President for a fiscal year is submitted to Congress pursuant to section 1150 of title 31,3 the Administrator shall submit to the Secretary, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on any unfunded capital investment needs of the air traffic control system.

(B) Contents of briefing.—In providing the report under subparagraph (A), the Administrator shall include, for each unfunded capital investment need, the following:

(i) A summary description of such unfunded capital investment need.

(ii) The objective to be achieved if such unfunded capital investment need is funded in whole or in part.

(iii) The additional amount of funds recommended in connection with such objective.

(iv) The Budget Line Item Program and Budget Line Item number associated with such unfunded capital investment need, as applicable.

(v) Any statutory requirement associated with such unfunded capital investment need, as applicable.

(C) Prioritization of requirements.—The briefing required under subparagraph (A) shall present unfunded capital investment needs in overall urgency of priority.

(D) Unfunded capital investment need defined.—In this paragraph, the term "unfunded capital investment need" means a program that—

(i) is not funded in the budget of the President for the fiscal year as submitted to Congress pursuant to section 1105 of title 31;

(ii) is for infrastructure or a system related to necessary modernization or sustainment of the air traffic control system;

(iii) is listed for any year in the most recent National Airspace System Capital Investment Plan of the Administration; and

(iv) would have been recommended for funding through the budget referred to in subparagraph (A) by the Administrator if—

(I) additional resources had been available for the budget to fund the program, activity, or mission requirement; or

(II) the program, activity, or mission requirement has emerged since the budget was formulated.

(7) Air traffic control system defined.—In this section, the term "air traffic control system" has the meaning such term has under section 40102(a).

(s) Chief Technology Officer.—

(1) In general.—

(A) Establishment.—There shall be a Chief Technology Officer for the air traffic control system that shall report directly to the Chief Operating Officer of the air traffic control system.

(B) Appointment.—The Chief Technology Officer shall be appointed by the Administrator.

(C) Minimum qualifications.—The Chief Technology Officer shall have—

(i) at least 10 years experience in engineering management, systems management, or another relevant technical management field; and

(ii) knowledge of or experience in the aviation industry.

(2) Responsibilities.—The responsibilities of the Chief Technology Officer shall include—

(A) ensuring the proper operation, maintenance, and cybersecurity of technology systems relating to the air traffic control system across all offices of the Administration;

(B) coordinating the implementation, operation, maintenance, and cybersecurity of technology programs relating to the air traffic control system with the aerospace industry and other Federal agencies;

(C) reviewing and providing advice to the Secretary, the Administrator, and the Chief Operating Officer on the Administration's budget, cost-accounting system, and benefit-cost analyses with respect to technology programs relating to the air traffic control system;

(D) consulting with the Administrator on the Capital Investment Plan of the Administration prior to its submission to Congress;

(E) developing an annual air traffic control system technology operation and maintenance plan that is consistent with the annual performance targets established under paragraph (4); and

(F) ensuring that the air traffic control system architecture remains, to the maximum extent practicable, flexible enough to incorporate future technological advances developed and directly procured by the Administration, aircraft operators, or other private providers of information and services related to air traffic management.

(3) Compensation.—

(A) In general.—The Chief Technology Officer shall be paid at an annual rate of basic pay to be determined by the Administrator, in consultation with the Chief Operating Officer. The annual rate may not exceed the annual compensation paid under section 102 of title 3.

(B) Post-employment.—The Chief Technology Officer shall be subject to the postemployment provisions of section 207 of title 18 as if the position of Chief Technology Officer were described in section 207(c)(2)(A)(i) of such title.

(C) Bonus.—In addition to the annual rate of basic pay authorized by subparagraph (A), the Chief Technology Officer may receive a bonus for any calendar year not to exceed 30 percent of the annual rate of basic pay, based upon the Administrator's evaluation of the Chief Technology Officer's performance in relation to the performance targets established under paragraph (4).

(4) Annual performance targets.—

(A) In general.—The Administrator and the Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with the Chief Technology Officer, shall establish measurable annual performance targets for the Chief Technology Officer in key operational areas.

(B) Report.—The Administrator shall transmit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report describing the annual performance targets established under subparagraph (A).

(5) Annual performance report.—The Chief Technology Officer shall prepare and transmit to the Secretary of Transportation, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate an annual report containing—

(A) detailed descriptions and metrics of how successful the Chief Technology Officer was in meeting the annual performance targets established under paragraph (4); and

(B) other information as may be requested by the Administrator and the Chief Operating Officer.

(t) Office of Whistleblower Protection and Aviation Safety Investigations.—

(1) Establishment.—There is established in the Federal Aviation Administration (in this subsection referred to as the "Agency") the Office of Whistleblower Protection and Aviation Safety Investigations (in this subsection referred to as the "Office").

(2) Director.—

(A) Appointment.—The head of the Office shall be the Director, who shall be appointed by the Secretary of Transportation.

(B) Qualifications.—The Director shall have a demonstrated ability in investigations and knowledge of or experience in aviation.

(C) Term.—The Director shall be appointed for a term of 5 years.

(D) Vacancies.—Any individual appointed to fill a vacancy in the position of the Director occurring before the expiration of the term for which the individual's predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of that term.

(E) Limitation of duties.— The Director may only perform duties of the Director described in paragraph (3)(A).

(3) Complaints and investigations.—

(A) Authority of director.—The Director shall—

(i) receive complaints and information submitted by employees of persons holding certificates issued under title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (if the certificate holder does not have a similar in-house whistleblower or safety and regulatory noncompliance reporting process established under or pursuant to a safety management system) and employees of the Agency concerning the possible existence of an activity relating to a violation of an order, a regulation, or any other provision of Federal law relating to aviation safety;

(ii) assess complaints and information submitted under clause (i) and determine whether a substantial likelihood exists that a violation of an order, a regulation, or any other provision of Federal law relating to aviation safety has occurred;

(iii) based on findings of the assessment conducted under clause (ii), make recommendations to the Administrator of the Agency, in writing, regarding further investigation or corrective actions;

(iv) receive allegations of whistleblower retaliation by employees of the Agency;

(v) coordinate with and provide all necessary assistance to the Office of Investigations and Professional Responsibility, the inspector general of the Department of Transportation, and the Office of Special Counsel on investigations relating to whistleblower retaliation by employees of the Agency; and

(vi) investigate allegations of whistleblower retaliation by employees of the Agency that have been delegated to the Office by the Office of Investigations and Professional Responsibility, the inspector general of the Department of Transportation, or the Office of Special Counsel.

(B) Disclosure of identities.—The Director shall not disclose the identity of an individual who submits a complaint or information under subparagraph (A)(i) unless—

(i) the individual consents to the disclosure in writing; or

(ii) the Director determines, in the course of an investigation, that the disclosure is required by regulation, statute, or court order, or is otherwise unavoidable, in which case the Director shall provide the individual reasonable advanced notice of the disclosure.

(C) Independence of director.—The Secretary, the Administrator, or any officer or employee of the Agency may not prevent or prohibit the Director from initiating, carrying out, or completing any assessment of a complaint or information submitted under subparagraph (A)(i) or from reporting to Congress on any such assessment.

(D) Access to information.—In conducting an assessment of a complaint or information submitted under subparagraph (A)(i), the Director shall have access to all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations, and other material of the Agency necessary to determine whether a substantial likelihood exists that a violation of an order, a regulation, or any other provision of Federal law relating to aviation safety may have occurred.

(4) Responses to recommendations.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which the Administrator receives a report with respect to an investigation, the Administrator shall respond to a recommendation made by the Director under paragraph (3)(A)(iii) in writing and retain records related to any further investigations or corrective actions taken in response to the recommendation.

(5) Incident reports.—If the Director determines there is a substantial likelihood that a violation of an order, a regulation, or any other provision of Federal law relating to aviation safety has occurred that requires immediate corrective action, the Director shall report the potential violation expeditiously to the Administrator and the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation.

(6) Reporting of criminal violations to inspector general.—If the Director has reasonable grounds to believe that there has been a violation of Federal criminal law, the Director shall report the violation expeditiously to the Inspector General.

(7) Department of transportation office of the inspector general peer review.—

(A) In general.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, and every 5 years thereafter, the inspector general of the Department of Transportation shall perform a peer review of the Office of Whistleblower Protection and Aviation Safety Investigations.

(B) Peer review scope.—In completing the peer reviews required under this paragraph, the inspector general shall, to the extent appropriate, use the most recent peer review guides published by the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Audit Committee and Investigations Committee.

(C) Reports to congress.—Not later than 90 days after the completion of a peer review required under this paragraph, the inspector general shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a description of any actions taken or to be taken to address the results of the peer review.

(8) Whistleblower ombudsman.—

(A) In general.—Within the Office, there shall be established the position of Whistleblower Ombudsman.

(B) Ombudsman qualifications.—The individual selected as Ombudsman shall have knowledge of Federal labor law and demonstrated government experience in human resource management and conflict resolution.

(C) Duties.—The Ombudsman shall carry out the following duties:

(i) Educate Administration employees about prohibitions against materially adverse acts of retaliation and any specific rights or remedies with respect to those retaliatory actions.

(ii) Serve as an independent confidential resource for Administration employees to discuss any specific retaliation allegation and available rights or remedies based on the circumstances, as appropriate.

(iii) Coordinate with Human Resource Management, the Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection, the Office of Professional Responsibility, and the Office of the Chief Counsel, as necessary.

(iv) Coordinate with the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation's Whistleblower Protection Coordinator and the Office of the Special Counsel, as necessary.

(v) Conduct outreach and assist in the development of training within the Agency to mitigate the potential for retaliation and promote timely and appropriate processing of any protected disclosure or allegation of materially adverse acts of retaliation.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2416; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 100–591, §5(a), Nov. 3, 1988, 102 Stat. 3013; Pub. L. 101–508, title IX, §9106, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1388–355; Pub. L. 101–604, title I, §101(c), Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3068; Pub. L. 102–581, title I, §104, Oct. 31, 1992, 106 Stat. 4877; Pub. L. 103–272, §§4(j)(3), 5(m)(4), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1365, 1375; Pub. L. 103–305, title I, §103, title II, §201, Aug. 23, 1994, 108 Stat. 1571, 1581; Pub. L. 104–264, title I, §103(a), title II, §§223(a), 224–230, 276(c), title XII, §1210, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3216, 3229-3234, 3282; Pub. L. 104–287, §5(1), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3388; Pub. L. 105–102, §3(c)(3), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2215; Pub. L. 106–6, §4, Mar. 31, 1999, 113 Stat. 10; Pub. L. 106–181, title I, §103(a), title III, §§302(a)–(c), 303, 305, 306, 307(c)(1), title VII, §701, Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 66, 115-118, 121, 123, 124, 126, 154; Pub. L. 106–528, §8(a), Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2522; Pub. L. 107–71, title I, §101(c)(3), (d), Nov. 19, 2001, 115 Stat. 602, 603; Pub. L. 108–176, title I, §103(a),(b), title II, §§201–204, 224(c), Dec. 12, 2003, 117 Stat. 2495, 2496, 2522-2526, 2528; Pub. L. 110–330, §6, Sept. 30, 2008, 122 Stat. 3719; Pub. L. 111–12, §6, Mar. 30, 2009, 123 Stat. 1458; Pub. L. 111–69, §6, Oct. 1, 2009, 123 Stat. 2055; Pub. L. 111–116, §6, Dec. 16, 2009, 123 Stat. 3032; Pub. L. 111–153, §6, Mar. 31, 2010, 124 Stat. 1085; Pub. L. 111–161, §6, Apr. 30, 2010, 124 Stat. 1127; Pub. L. 111–197, §6, July 2, 2010, 124 Stat. 1354; Pub. L. 111–216, title I, §105, Aug. 1, 2010, 124 Stat. 2350; Pub. L. 112–30, title II, §206, Sept. 16, 2011, 125 Stat. 359; Pub. L. 112–91, §6, Jan. 31, 2012, 126 Stat. 4; Pub. L. 112–95, title I, §103, title II, §§203, 204, title III, §§306(b), 341, Feb. 14, 2012, 126 Stat. 16, 37, 61, 78; Pub. L. 112–166, §2(k)(2), Aug. 10, 2012, 126 Stat. 1286; Pub. L. 113–188, title XV, §1501(a), Nov. 26, 2014, 128 Stat. 2023; Pub. L. 114–55, title I, §103, Sept. 30, 2015, 129 Stat. 523; Pub. L. 114–141, title I, §103, Mar. 30, 2016, 130 Stat. 323; Pub. L. 114–190, title I, §1103, July 15, 2016, 130 Stat. 618; Pub. L. 115–63, title I, §103, Sept. 29, 2017, 131 Stat. 1170; Pub. L. 115–141, div. M, title I, §103, Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 1047; Pub. L. 115–254, div. B, title I, §113, title V, §§545(a), 564, div. K, title I, §1991(a), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3200, 3374, 3385, 3626; Pub. L. 116–260, div. V, title I, §§114, 133(a), (b), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2333, 2353, 2355; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(a)(302), (c)(46), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4339, 4359; Pub. L. 117–328, div. Q, §104, Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5253; Pub. L. 118–15, div. B, title II, §2203, Sept. 30, 2023, 137 Stat. 84; Pub. L. 118–34, title I, §103, Dec. 26, 2023, 137 Stat. 1114; Pub. L. 118–41, title I, §103, Mar. 8, 2024, 138 Stat. 22; Pub. L. 118–63, title I, §103, title II, §§201, 202(a), 203–204(b), 206(g), 210–214, 216, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1034–1041, 1045, 1049-1054.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
106(a) 49:1341(a) (1st sentence). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §§301(a), (b), 302(a), (b), 72 Stat. 744; Aug. 14, 1964, Pub. L. 88–426, §305(16) (B), (C), 78 Stat. 424.
  49:1652(e)(1) (related to FAA). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §3(e) (related to FAA), 80 Stat. 932.
106(b) 49:1341(a) (2d sentence), (b) (1st sentence less 1st–10th words).
  49:1342(a) (1st sentence), (b) (1st sentence less 1st–11th words).
  49:1652(e) (related to FAA) (1) (less 1st sentence), (3) (last sentence).
106(c) 49:1341(b) (1st sentence 1st–10th words, 2d sentence).
  49:1652(e)(2) (related to Administrator).
106(d) 49:1342(b) (1st sentence 1st–11th words, 2d sentence, 4th–6th sentences).
  49:1652(e)(2) (1st sentence less Administrator).
  49:1343(a)(2) (related to Deputy Administrator). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(c)(2) (related to Deputy Administrator), 72 Stat. 745.
106(e) 49:1341(b) (less 1st, 2d sentences).
  49:1342(b) (3d sentence).
106(f) 49:1341(a) (less 1st, 2d sentences).
106(g) 49:1652(e)(3) (related to FAA) (less last sentence).
  49:1655(c)(1) (1st sentence proviso). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(c)(1) (1st sentence proviso, 2d, last sentences), 80 Stat. 938; Jan. 3, 1975, Pub. L. 93–633, §113(d), 88 Stat. 2163.
106(h) 49:1652(e)(4) (related to FAA).
  49:1655(c)(1) (2d, last sentences).
106(i) 49:1342(a) (2d, last sentences).

In subsections (a) and (b), the source provisions are combined for clarity.

In subsection (a), the words "referred to in this chapter as the 'Administration' " are omitted because of the style of the revised title.

In subsection (b), the word "due" in 49:1342(b) (1st sentence less 1st–11th words) is omitted as surplus. The words "the duties and powers" are substituted for "the powers and duties vested in and imposed upon him by this chapter" to eliminate surplus words and for consistency. The word "consider" is substituted for "with . . . regard to" for clarity.

In subsections (c) and (d), the words "At the time of his nomination" are omitted as unnecessary and for consistency.

In subsection (c), the text of 49:1652(e)(2) (last sentence) is omitted as executed.

In subsection (d)(1), the words "Nothing in this chapter or other law shall preclude" in 49:1342(b) (4th sentence) are omitted as unnecessary because of the positive statement of authority. The words "armed force" are substituted for "armed services" to conform to title 10. The words "to the position of" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (d)(2), the word "continue" is omitted as surplus. The words "pay provided by law for the Deputy Administrator" are substituted for "compensation provided for the Deputy Administrator" in 49:1342(b) because the pay provisions were repealed and replaced by 5:5315. The words "(including personal money allowance)" are omitted as being within the meaning of "allowance" in title 37. The words "as the case may be" are omitted as surplus. The words "of the military grade held" are substituted for "military . . . payable to a commissioned officer of his grade and length of service" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "Administration" and "military" are added for clarity. The words "to defray" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (d)(3), the words "acceptance of, and" are omitted as unnecessary. The word "held" is substituted for "may occupy or hold" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "right or benefit" are substituted for "emolument, perquisite, right, privilege, or benefit" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "incident to or" before "arising" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (f), the word "Secretary" is substituted for "Administrator" because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1). The words "In the exercise of his duties and the discharge of his responsibilities under this chapter" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (g), the words "are hereby transferred to" in 49:1655(c)(1) are omitted as executed. The words "carry out" are substituted for "it shall be his duty to exercise" in 49:1655(c)(1) for clarity, consistency, and to eliminate surplus words. The words "In addition to such functions, powers, and duties as are specified in this chapter" in 49:1652(e)(3) are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement.

In subsection (h), the first sentence is substituted for 49:1655(c)(1) (2d sentence) for clarity and consistency. The word "law" is substituted for "statute" in 49:1652(e)(4) for consistency. The words "carrying out" in 49:1655(c)(1) (last sentence) are substituted for "the exercise of" for consistency. The words after "administratively final" are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the revised title and those laws giving a right of appeal.

In subsection (i), the words "and exercise the powers of" are omitted as surplus. The words "when the office of the Administrator is vacant" are inserted to conform to section 102 of the revised title.

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 4(j)(3)(B) amends 49:106(g) to list the duties and powers of the Secretary of Transportation that the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration carries out. The duties and powers are derived from 2 sources. Some were transferred by former 49 App.:1655(c)(1), restated as 49:106 in section 1 of the Act of January 12, 1983 (Public Law 97–449, 96 Stat. 2417). The others are from laws enacted after October 15, 1966, in which the duties and powers are to be carried out by the Administrator rather than the Secretary.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Air Traffic Management System Performance Improvement Act of 1996, referred to in subsec. (f)(2)(A)(iv), is title II of Pub. L. 104–264, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3227. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 1996 Amendment note set out under section 40101 of this title and Tables.

The date of enactment of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, referred to in subsecs. (f)(4)(B)(i)(I), (ii)(I), (C)(i) and (t)(7)(A), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 118–63, which was approved May 16, 2024.

Section 5.13 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, referred to in subsec. (f)(4)(C)(i), (iii)(IV), related in subsection (d) to review of existing Department of Transportation regulations and was omitted in the general revision of part 5 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, effective May 3, 2021. See 86 F.R. 17294.


2024—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 118–63, §201(1), inserted heading.

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 118–63, §201(2), added subsec. (b) and struck out former subsec. (b) which read as follows: "The head of the Administration is the Administrator, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. When making an appointment, the President shall consider the fitness of the individual to carry out efficiently the duties and powers of the office. Except as provided in subsection (f) or in other provisions of law, the Administrator reports directly to the Secretary of Transportation. The term of office for any individual appointed as Administrator after August 23, 1994, shall be 5 years."

Subsecs. (c), (d). Pub. L. 118–63, §202(a), added subsec. (c) and reserved subsec. (d) and struck out former subsecs. (c) and (d) which related to qualifications of the Administrator and the office of Deputy Administrator, respectively.

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 118–63, §203, amended subsec. (e) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (e) read as follows: "The Administrator and the Deputy Administrator may not have a pecuniary interest in, or own stock in or bonds of, an aeronautical enterprise, or engage in another business, vocation, or employment."

Subsec. (f)(1). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(1), substituted "paragraphs (2) and (3)" for "paragraph (2)", "In exercising duties, powers, and authorities that are assigned to the Secretary or the Administrator under this title, neither" for "Neither", and "a committee, board, council, or organization that is—" and subpars. (A) and (B) for "a committee, board, or organization established by executive order."

Subsec. (f)(2)(A)(ii). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(2)(A), substituted "the acquisition, establishment, improvement, operation, maintenance, security (including cybersecurity), and disposal of property, facilities, services, and equipment of the Administration, including all elements of the air traffic control system owned by the Administration;" for "the acquisition and maintenance of property, services, and equipment of the Administration;".

Subsec. (f)(2)(A)(iii). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(2)(B), substituted "paragraph (4)" for "paragraph (3)".

Subsec. (f)(2)(B). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(2)(C), inserted "civil aviation, any matter for which the Administrator is the final authority under subparagraph (A), any duty carried out by the Administrator pursuant to paragraph (3), or the provisions of this title, or" after "with respect to".

Subsec. (f)(3). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(5), added par. (3). Former par. (3) redesignated (4).

Subsec. (f)(3)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(3)(A), inserted cl. (i) designation and heading before "In the performance", cl. (ii) designation and heading before "The Administrator shall act", cl. (iii) designation and heading before "The Administrator shall issue", and cl. (iv) designation and heading before "On February 1".

Subsec. (f)(3)(B), (C). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(3)(B), added subpars. (B) and (C) and struck out former subpars. (B) and (C) which related to approval of Secretary of Transportation of certain regulations and periodic review of certain regulations, respectively.

Subsec. (f)(4), (5). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(a)(4), redesignated pars. (3) and (4) as (4) and (5), respectively.

Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 118–63, §204(b), added reserved subsec. (g) and struck out former subsec. (g) which related to duties and powers of Administrator.

Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 118–63, §206(g), added subsec. (h) and struck out former subsec. (h) which read as follows: "Section 40101(d) of this title applies to duties and powers specified in subsection (g)(1) of this section. Any of those duties and powers may be transferred to another part of the Department only when specifically provided by law or a reorganization plan submitted under chapter 9 of title 5. A decision of the Administrator in carrying out those duties or powers is administratively final."

Subsec. (j). Pub. L. 118–63, §210, inserted heading.

Subsec. (k)(1)(A) to (F). Pub. L. 118–63, §103(a), added subpars. (A) to (E) and struck out former subpars. (A) to (F) which appropriated amounts for salaries, operations, and maintenance for fiscal years 2018 to 2023.

Subsec. (k)(1)(G). Pub. L. 118–63, §103(a), struck out subpar. (G) which read as follows: "$7,259,685,792 for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on May 10, 2024."

Pub. L. 118–41, §103(1), added subpar. (G) and struck out former subpar. (G) which read as follows: "$5,208,743,169 for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on March 8, 2024."

Subsec. (k)(2)(D)(i) to (vi). Pub. L. 118–63, §103(b), added cls. (ii) to (vi), redesignated former cl. (vi) as (i), and struck out former cls. (i) to (v) which authorized expenditure amounts for commercial space transportation activities for fiscal years 2018 to 2022.

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 118–63, §103(c), designated existing provisions as subpar. (A) and inserted heading, substituted "in each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028" for "in each of fiscal years 2018 through 2023 and for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on May 10, 2024", and added subpars. (B) and (C).

Pub. L. 118–41, §103(2), substituted "May 10, 2024" for "March 8, 2024".

Subsec. (p). Pub. L. 118–63, §211(2), added subsec. (p) and struck out former subsec. (p) which established the Federal Aviation Management Advisory Council and the Air Traffic Services Committee.

Subsec. (p)(8). Pub. L. 118–63, §211(1), redesignated par. (8) of subsec. (p) as par. (7) of subsec. (r).

Subsec. (r)(1)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(1)(A), added subpar. (A) and struck out former subpar. (A). Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "There shall be a Chief Operating Officer for the air traffic control system to be appointed by the Administrator, with the approval of the Air Traffic Services Committee. The Chief Operating Officer shall report directly to the Administrator and shall be subject to the authority of the Administrator."

Subsec. (r)(1)(E). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(1)(B), substituted "may be appointed for either the remainder of the term or for a full term" for "shall be appointed for the remainder of that term".

Subsec. (r)(2)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(2), struck out ", with the approval of the Air Traffic Services Committee" after "Administrator".

Subsec. (r)(3). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(3), struck out ", in consultation with the Air Traffic Services Committee," before "shall enter" and substituted "annual basis and shall include responsibility for—" and subpars. (A) to (C) for "annual basis."

Subsec. (r)(4). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(4), substituted "the annual performance agreement required under paragraph (3), an assessment of the performance of the Chief Operating Officer in relation to the performance goals in the performance agreement for the previous year, and such other information as may be prescribed by the Administrator" for "such information as may be prescribed by the Secretary".

Subsec. (r)(5). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(5)(A), substituted "Chief Operating Officer any authority of the Administrator and shall delegate, at a minimum" for "Chief Operating Officer, or any other authority within the Administration responsibilities, including" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (r)(5)(A)(v). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(5)(B), added cl. (v).

Subsec. (r)(5)(C)(ii). Pub. L. 118–63, §212(5)(C), struck out "and the Committee" after "Administrator".

Subsec. (r)(6). Pub. L. 118–63, §213, which directed the addition of par. (6) at end of subsec. (r), was executed by adding par. (6) after par. (5) to reflect the probable intent of Congress and the intervening redesignation of par. (8) of subsec. (p) as par. (7) of subsec. (r). See below.

Subsec. (r)(7). Pub. L. 118–63, §211(1), redesignated par. (8) of subsec. (p) as par. (7) of subsec. (r).

Subsec. (s)(1)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(1)(E), added subpar. (A). Former subpar. (A) redesignated (B).

Pub. L. 118–63, §214(1)(A), substituted "The Chief Technology Officer shall be appointed by the Administrator." for "There shall be a Chief Technology Officer appointed by the Chief Operating Officer. The Chief Technology Officer shall report directly to the Chief Operating Officer."

Subsec. (s)(1)(B). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(1)(D), redesignated subpar. (A) as (B). Former subpar. (B) redesignated (C).

Subsec. (s)(1)(B)(i). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(1)(B), which directed amendment of subpar. (B) by substituting "management, systems management," for "management", was executed in cl. (i) by making the substitution for "management" the first place appearing, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Subsec. (s)(1)(C), (D). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(1)(C), (D), redesignated subpar. (B) as (C) and struck out former subpars. (C) and (D) which read as follows:

"(C) Removal.—The Chief Technology Officer shall serve at the pleasure of the Administrator.

"(D) Restriction.—The Chief Technology Officer may not also be the Deputy Administrator."

Subsec. (s)(2)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(2)(A), struck out "program" before "offices".

Subsec. (s)(2)(F). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(2)(B), substituted "the Administration, aircraft operators, or other private providers of information and services related to air traffic management" for "aircraft operators".

Subsec. (s)(3)(A). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(3)(A), struck out at end "The Chief Technology Officer shall be subject to the postemployment provisions of section 207 of title 18 as if the position of Chief Technology Officer were described in section 207(c)(2)(A)(i) of that title."

Subsec. (s)(3)(B), (C). Pub. L. 118–63, §214(3)(B), (C), added subpar. (B) and redesignated former subpar. (B) as (C).

Subsec. (t)(7). Pub. L. 118–63, §216(1), (2), added par. (7) and struck out former par. (7) which related to annual reports to Congress by Director of the Office of Whistleblower Protection and Aviation Safety Investigations.

Subsec. (t)(8)(B). Pub. L. 118–63, §216(3), struck out comma after "management".

2023—Subsec. (k)(1)(G). Pub. L. 118–34, §103(1), added subpar. (G) and struck out former subpar. (G) which read as follows: "$2,995,027,322 for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2023."

Pub. L. 118–15, §2203(1), added subpar. (G).

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 118–34, §103(2), substituted "March 8, 2024" for "December 31, 2023".

Pub. L. 118–15, §2203(2), inserted "and for the period beginning on October 1, 2023, and ending on December 31, 2023" after "fiscal years 2018 through 2023".

2022—Subsec. (d)(1). Pub. L. 117–328 struck out ", a retired regular officer of an armed force, or a former regular officer of an armed force" after "active duty in an armed force".

Subsec. (p)(5). Pub. L. 117–286, §4(a)(302), substituted "Chapter 10 of title 5" for "Federal Advisory Committee Act" in heading and "Chapter 10 of title 5" for "The Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 U.S.C. App.)" in text.

Subsec. (p)(6)(I)(i). Pub. L. 117–286, §4(c)(46), substituted "section 13103(f) of title 5 for purposes of subchapter I of chapter 131 of such title; except that section 13103(d) of such title" for "section 101(f) of the Ethics in Government Act of 1978 for purposes of title I of such Act; except that section 101(d) of such Act".

2020—Subsec. (l)(7). Pub. L. 116–260, §114, added par. (7).

Subsec. (t). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(1)(B), substituted "Office of Whistleblower Protection and Aviation Safety Investigations" for "Aviation Safety Whistleblower Investigation Office" in heading.

Subsec. (t)(1). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(1)(A), substituted "the Office of Whistleblower Protection and Aviation Safety Investigations" for "an Aviation Safety Whistleblower Investigation Office".

Subsec. (t)(2)(E). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(2)(B), added subpar. (E).

Subsec. (t)(3)(A)(i). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(2)(A)(i), substituted "(if the certificate holder does not have a similar in-house whistleblower or safety and regulatory noncompliance reporting process established under or pursuant to a safety management system)" for "(if the certificate holder does not have a similar in-house whistleblower or safety and regulatory noncompliance reporting process)".

Subsec. (t)(3)(A)(iv) to (vi). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(2)(A)(ii)–(iv), added cls. (iv) to (vi).

Subsec. (t)(7). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(2)(C)(i), substituted "November 15" for "October 1" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (t)(7)(A). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(2)(C)(ii), substituted "paragraph (3)(A)(i) in the preceding fiscal year" for "paragraph (3)(A)(i) in the preceding 12-month period".

Subsec. (t)(7)(C). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(3)(A), inserted "the resolution of those submissions, including any" before "further" and struck out "and" at end.

Subsec. (t)(7)(E). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(a)(3)(B), (C), added subpar. (E).

Subsec. (t)(8). Pub. L. 116–260, §133(b), added par. (8).

2018—Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 115–254, §1991(a), amended subsec. (g) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows:

"(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Administrator shall carry out—

"(A) duties and powers of the Secretary of Transportation under subsection (f) of this section related to aviation safety (except those related to transportation, packaging, marking, or description of hazardous material) and stated in sections 308(b), 1132(c) and (d), 40101(c), 40103(b), 40106(a), 40108, 40109(b), 40113(a), 40113(c), 40113(d), 40113(e), 40114(a), and 40119, chapter 445 (except sections 44501(b), 44502(a)(2), 44502(a)(3), 44502(a)(4), 44503, 44506, 44509, 44510, 44514, and 44515), chapter 447 (except sections 44717, 44718(a), 44718(b), 44719, 44720, 44721(b), 44722, and 44723), chapter 449 (except sections 44903(d), 44904, 44905, 44907–44911, 44913, 44915, and 44931–44934), chapter 451, chapter 453, sections 46104, 46301(d) and (h)(2), 46303(c), 46304–46308, 46310, 46311, and 46313–46316, chapter 465, and sections 47504(b) (related to flight procedures), 47508(a), and 48107 of this title; and

"(B) additional duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary of Transportation.

"(2) In carrying out sections 40119, 44901, 44903(a)–(c) and (e), 44906, 44912, 44935–44937, 44938(a) and (b), and 48107 of this title, paragraph (1)(A) of this subsection does not apply to duties and powers vested in the Director of Intelligence and Security by section 44931 of this title."

Subsec. (k)(1)(A)–(E). Pub. L. 115–254, §113(a), added subpars. (A) to (E) and struck out former subpars. (A) to (E) which read as follows:

"(A) $9,653,000,000 for fiscal year 2012;

"(B) $9,539,000,000 for fiscal year 2013;

"(C) $9,596,000,000 for fiscal year 2014;

"(D) $9,653,000,000 for fiscal year 2015;

"(E) $9,909,724,000 for each of fiscal years 2016 and 2017; and".

Subsec. (k)(1)(F). Pub. L. 115–254, §113(a), added subpar. (F) and struck out former subpar. (F) which read as follows: "$10,025,852,000 for fiscal year 2018."

Pub. L. 115–141, §103(1), added subpar. (F) and struck out former subpar. (F) which read as follows: "$4,999,191,956 for the period beginning on October 1, 2017, and ending on March 31, 2018."

Subsec. (k)(2)(D). Pub. L. 115–254, §113(b), added subpar. (D).

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 115–254, §113(c), substituted "fiscal years 2018 through 2023," for "fiscal years 2012 through 2018,".

Pub. L. 115–141, §103(2), substituted "2018" for "2017 and for the period beginning on October 1, 2017, and ending on March 31, 2018".

Subsec. (p)(5). Pub. L. 115–254, §564, substituted "Committee," for "Committee, or" and ", or such aerospace rulemaking committees as the Secretary shall designate." for period at end.

Subsec. (s). Pub. L. 115–254, §545(a), amended subsec. (s) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (s) related to Chief NextGen Officer.

2017—Subsec. (k)(1)(F). Pub. L. 115–63, §103(1), added subpar. (F).

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 115–63, §103(2), inserted "and for the period beginning on October 1, 2017, and ending on March 31, 2018" after "fiscal years 2012 through 2017".

2016—Subsec. (k)(1)(E). Pub. L. 114–190, §1103(1), added subpar. (E) and struck out former subpar. (E) which read as follows: "$7,711,387,500 for the period beginning on October 1, 2015, and ending on July 15, 2016."

Pub. L. 114–141, §103(1), amended subpar. (E) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (E) read as follows: "$4,870,350,000 for the period beginning on October 1, 2015, and ending on March 31, 2016."

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 114–190, §1103(2), substituted "fiscal years 2012 through 2017," for "fiscal years 2012 through 2015 and for the period beginning on October 1, 2015, and ending on July 15, 2016,".

Pub. L. 114–141, §103(2), substituted "July 15, 2016" for "March 31, 2016".

2015—Subsec. (k)(1)(E). Pub. L. 114–55, §103(1), added subpar. (E).

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 114–55, §103(2), inserted "and for the period beginning on October 1, 2015, and ending on March 31, 2016" after "fiscal years 2012 through 2015".

2014—Subsec. (p)(7)(H), (I). Pub. L. 113–188 redesignated subpar. (I) as (H) and struck out former subsec. (H) which related to reports and other actions by the Air Traffic Services Committee, Administrator, and Comptroller General.

2012—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 112–166, §2(k)(2)(A), substituted ", who shall be appointed" for ". The Administration has a Deputy Administrator. They are appointed".

Subsec. (d)(1). Pub. L. 112–166, §2(k)(2)(B), substituted "The Administration has a Deputy Administrator, who shall be appointed by the President. In making an appointment, the President shall consider the fitness of the appointee to efficiently carry out the duties and powers of the office. The Deputy Administrator shall" for "The Deputy Administrator must".

Subsec. (k)(1). Pub. L. 112–95, §103(a), added subpars. (A) to (D) and struck out former subpars. (A) to (H) which authorized appropriations for fiscal years 2004 through 2011 and for the period beginning Oct. 1, 2011, and ending Feb. 17, 2012.

Subsec. (k)(1)(H). Pub. L. 112–91 amended subpar. (H) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (H) read as follows: "$3,197,315,080 for the period beginning on October 1, 2011, and ending on January 31, 2012."

Subsec. (k)(2). Pub. L. 112–95, §103(b), redesignated subpars. (E) to (G) as (A) to (C), respectively, substituted "2012 through 2015" for "2004 through 2007" in subpars. (A) to (C), and struck out former subpars. (A) to (D) which read as follows:

"(A) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2004 through 2007 to support infrastructure systems development for both general aviation and the vertical flight industry.

"(B) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2004 through 2007 to establish helicopter approach procedures using current technologies (such as the Global Positioning System) to support all-weather, emergency medical service for trauma patients.

"(C) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2004 through 2007 to revise existing terminal and en route procedures and instrument flight rules to facilitate the takeoff, flight, and landing of tiltrotor aircraft and to improve the national airspace system by separating such aircraft from congested flight paths of fixed-wing aircraft.

"(D) Such sums as may be necessary for fiscal years 2004 through 2007 for the Center for Management Development of the Federal Aviation Administration to operate training courses and to support associated student travel for both residential and field courses."

Subsec. (k)(2)(C). Pub. L. 112–95, §306(b), inserted "and the development and maintenance of helicopter approach procedures" before period at end.

Subsec. (k)(3). Pub. L. 112–95, §103(c), added par. (3).

Subsec. (m). Pub. L. 112–95, §203, in last sentence, inserted "with or" after "from the Administration,".

Subsec. (s). Pub. L. 112–95, §204, added subsec. (s).

Subsec. (t). Pub. L. 112–95, §341, added subsec. (t).

2011—Subsec. (k)(1)(G), (H). Pub. L. 112–30 added subpars. (G) and (H).

2010—Subsec. (k)(1)(F). Pub. L. 111–216 amended subpar. (F) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (F) read as follows: "$7,813,037,096 for the period beginning on October 1, 2009, and ending on August 1, 2010."

Pub. L. 111–197 amended subpar. (F) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (F) read as follows: "$7,070,158,159 for the period beginning on October 1, 2009, and ending on July 3, 2010."

Pub. L. 111–161 amended subpar. (F) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (F) read as follows: "$5,454,183,000 for the 7-month period beginning on October 1, 2009."

Pub. L. 111–153 amended subpar. (F) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (F) read as follows: "$4,676,574,750 for the 6-month period beginning on October 1, 2009."

2009—Subsec. (k)(1)(E). Pub. L. 111–12 substituted "$9,042,467,000 for fiscal year 2009" for "$4,516,364,500 for the 6-month period beginning on October 1, 2008".

Subsec. (k)(1)(F). Pub. L. 111–116 amended subpar. (F) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (F) read as follows: "$2,338,287,375 for the 3-month period beginning on October 1, 2009."

Subsec. (k)(1)(F). Pub. L. 111–69 added subpar. (F).

2008—Subsec. (k)(1)(E). Pub. L. 110–330 added subpar. (E).

2003—Subsec. (d)(2) to (4). Pub. L. 108–176, §204, added par. (2) and redesignated former pars. (2) and (3) as (3) and (4), respectively.

Subsec. (f)(2)(A)(ii). Pub. L. 108–176, §224(c), inserted ", services," after "property".

Subsec. (k)(1). Pub. L. 108–176, §103(a), amended par. (1) generally. Prior to amendment, par. (1) read as follows:

"(1) In general.—There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Transportation for operations of the Administration—

"(A) such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 2000;

"(B) $6,592,235,000 for fiscal year 2001;

"(C) $6,886,000,000 for fiscal year 2002; and

"(D) $7,357,000,000 for fiscal year 2003.

Such sums shall remain available until expended."

Subsec. (k)(2). Pub. L. 108–176, §103(b), redesignated subpars. (C) to (E) as subpars. (A) to (C), respectively, in subpars. (A) to (C), substituted "fiscal years 2004 through 2007" for "fiscal years 2000 through 2003", added subpars. (D) to (G), struck out former subpars. (A) and (B), which related to expenditures for wildlife measures and a university consortium for an air safety and security management certificate program, and struck out former subpars. (F) to (I), which related to expenditures for the 1998 airport surface operations safety action plan, United States membership obligations in the International Civil Aviation Organization, additional inspectors to enhance air cargo security programs, and improved training programs for airport security screening personnel.

Subsec. (p). Pub. L. 108–176, §201(1), inserted "and Air Traffic Services Board" after "Council" in heading.

Subsec. (p)(2). Pub. L. 108–176, §201(2)(A), substituted "consist of 13 members, who" for "consist of 18 members, who" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (p)(2)(C)(i). Pub. L. 108–176, §201(2)(B), inserted ", except that initial appointments made after May 1, 2003, shall be made by the Secretary of Transportation" after "Senate".

Subsec. (p)(2)(C)(ii). Pub. L. 108–176, §201(2)(C)(ii), substituted "; and" for semicolon at end.

Subsec. (p)(2)(D). Pub. L. 108–176, §201(2)(D), substituted "employees, by the Secretary of Transportation." for "employees, by—

"(i) in the case of initial appointments to the Council, the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and

"(ii) in the case of subsequent appointments to the Council, the Secretary of Transportation; and".

Subsec. (p)(2)(E). Pub. L. 108–176, §201(2)(D), struck out subpar. (E) which read as follows: "5 members appointed by the Secretary after consultation with the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate."

Subsec. (p)(3). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(1), added par. (3) and struck out former par. (3) which related to qualifications for serving on the Council.

Subsec. (p)(4)(C). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(2), inserted "or Air Traffic Services Committee" after "Council" in two places.

Subsec. (p)(5). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(3), inserted ", the Air Traffic Services Committee," after "Council".

Subsec. (p)(6)(C). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(4), in heading substituted "committee" for "subcommittee" and in text substituted "members appointed" for "member appointed", "to the Air Traffic Services Committee shall" for "under paragraph (2)(E) shall", and "the first members of the Committee shall be the members of the Air Traffic Services Subcommittee of the Council on the day before the date of enactment of the Vision 100—Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act who shall serve in an advisory capacity until such time as the President appoints the members of the Committee under paragraph (7)." for "of the members first appointed under paragraph (2)(E)—

"(i) 2 members shall be appointed for a term of 3 years;

"(ii) 2 members shall be appointed for a term of 4 years; and

"(iii) 1 member shall be appointed for a term of 5 years."

Subsec. (p)(6)(D). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(5), substituted "to the Committee" for "under paragraph (2)(E)".

Subsec. (p)(6)(E). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(6), inserted "or Committee" after "Council".

Subsec. (p)(6)(F). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(7), inserted "of the Council or Committee" after "member".

Subsec. (p)(6)(G). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(8), in second sentence substituted "Committee" for "Council" and struck out "appointed under paragraph (2)(E)" before "may be removed".

Subsec. (p)(6)(H). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(9)(A), substituted "committee" for "subcommittee" in heading.

Subsec. (p)(6)(H)(i). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(9)(B), (C), substituted "to the Committee" for "under paragraph (2)(E)" and "of the Committee" for "of the Air Traffic Services Subcommittee".

Subsec. (p)(6)(I)(i). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(10), substituted "is serving as" for "appointed under paragraph (2)(E) is" and "Committee" for "Subcommittee".

Subsec. (p)(6)(I)(ii). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(11), substituted "who is a member of the Committee" for "appointed under paragraph (2)(E)" and "Committee;" for "Subcommittee;".

Subsec. (p)(6)(K). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(12), inserted "or Committee" after "Council".

Subsec. (p)(6)(L). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(13), inserted "or Committee" after "Council" in two places.

Subsec. (p)(7). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(A), substituted "committee" for "subcommittee" in heading.

Subsec. (p)(7)(A). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(B), added subpar. (A) and struck out heading and text of former subpar. (A). Text read as follows: "The Management Advisory Council shall have an air traffic services subcommittee (in this paragraph referred to as the 'Subcommittee') composed of the five members appointed under paragraph (2)(E)."

Subsec. (p)(7)(B), (C). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(D), added subpars. (B) and (C). Former subpars. (B) and (C) redesignated (D) and (E), respectively.

Subsec. (p)(7)(D). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(E), substituted "Committee" for "Subcommittee" in two places.

Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(C), redesignated subpar. (B) as (D). Former subpar. (D) redesignated (F).

Subsec. (p)(7)(E). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(I), struck out concluding provisions which read as follows: "The Secretary shall submit the budget request referred to in clause (v)(II) for any fiscal year to the President who shall transmit such request, without revision, to the Committees on Transportation and Infrastructure and Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Appropriations of the Senate, together with the President's annual budget request for the Federal Aviation Administration for such fiscal year."

Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(E), substituted "Committee" for "Subcommittee" in introductory provisions.

Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(C), redesignated subpar. (C) as (E). Former subpar. (E) redesignated (G).

Subsec. (p)(7)(E)(v)(I). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(F), substituted "make recommendations on" for "approve".

Subsec. (p)(7)(E)(v)(II). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(G), substituted "recommendations" for "request".

Subsec. (p)(7)(E)(v)(III). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(H), substituted "base such budget recommendations on" for "ensure that the budget request supports".

Subsec. (p)(7)(F). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(J), added subpar. (F) and struck out heading and text of former subpar. (F). Text read as follows:

"(i) Compensation of members.—Each member of the Subcommittee shall be compensated at a rate of $25,000 per year.

"(ii) Compensation of chairperson.—Notwithstanding clause (i), the chairperson of the Subcommittee shall be compensated at a rate of $40,000 per year.

"(iii) Staff.—The chairperson of the Subcommittee may appoint and terminate any personnel that may be necessary to enable the Subcommittee to perform its duties.

"(iv) Procurement of temporary and intermittent services.—The chairperson of the Subcommittee may procure temporary and intermittent services under section 3109(b) of title 5, United States Code."

Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(C), redesignated subpar (D) as (F). Former subpar. (F) redesignated (H).

Subsec. (p)(7)(G). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(K), substituted "Committee" for "Subcommittee" wherever appearing, redesignated cls. (ii) to (iv) as (i) to (iii), respectively, and struck out former cl. (i) which read as follows: "Term of chair.—The members of the Subcommittee shall elect for a 2-year term a chairperson from among the members of the Subcommittee."

Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(C), redesignated subpar. (E) as (G).

Subsec. (p)(7)(H). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(C), redesignated subpar. (F) as (H).

Subsec. (p)(7)(H)(i). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(L)(i), (ii), substituted "Committee shall" for "Subcommittee shall" and "Secretary" for "Administrator, the Council".

Subsec. (p)(7)(H)(ii). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(L), substituted "Committee under" for "Subcommittee under", "subparagraph (D)(i)" for "subparagraph (B)(i)", "Committee shall" for "Subcommittee shall", and "Secretary" for "Administrator, the Council".

Subsec. (p)(7)(H)(iii), (iv). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(L)(i), in cl. (iii) substituted "Committee under" for "Subcommittee under" and "Committee, the" for "Subcommittee, the" and in cl. (iv) substituted "Committee in" for "Subcommittee in".

Subsec. (p)(7)(I). Pub. L. 108–176, §202(14)(M), added subpar. (I).

Subsec. (r)(1)(A), (2)(A). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(1), substituted "Air Traffic Services Committee" for "Air Traffic Services Subcommittee of the Aviation Management Advisory Council".

Subsec. (r)(2)(B). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(2), inserted "in" before "paragraph (3)".

Subsec. (r)(3). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(3), substituted "Air Traffic Services Committee" for "Air Traffic Control Subcommittee of the Aviation Management Advisory Committee".

Subsec. (r)(4). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(4), substituted "Transportation, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate" for "Transportation and Congress".

Subsec. (r)(5)(A). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(5), in introductory provisions substituted "implement the" for "develop a" and "in order to further" for ", including the establishment of".

Subsec. (r)(5)(B). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(6)(A), substituted "oversee the day-to-day operational functions of the Administration for air traffic control," for "review the operational functions of the Administration," in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (r)(5)(B)(iv). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(6)(B)–(D), added cl. (iv).

Subsec. (r)(5)(C)(i). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(7), struck out "prepared by the Administrator" after "air traffic control system".

Subsec. (r)(5)(C)(ii). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(8), substituted "and the Committee" for "and the Secretary of Transportation".

Subsec. (r)(5)(C)(iii). Pub. L. 108–176, §203(9), inserted "agency's" before "annual" and substituted "for air traffic control services" for "developed under subparagraph (A) of this subsection".

2001—Subsec. (m). Pub. L. 107–71, §101(d), substituted "supplies, personnel, services, and" for "supplies and" in last sentence.

Subsec. (r)(2)(A). Pub. L. 107–71, §101(c)(3), amended heading and text of subpar. (A) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The Chief Operating Officer shall be paid at an annual rate of basic pay equal to the annual rate of basic pay of the Administrator. The Chief Operating Officer shall be subject to the post-employment provisions of section 207 of title 18 as if this position were described in section 207(c)(2)(A)(i) of that title."

2000—Subsec. (f)(3)(A). Pub. L. 106–181, §306, inserted at end "On February 1 and August 1 of each year the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a letter listing each deadline the Administrator missed under this subparagraph during the 6-month period ending on such date, including an explanation for missing the deadline and a projected date on which the action that was subject to the deadline will be taken."

Subsec. (f)(3)(B)(i). Pub. L. 106–181, §305(1), (2), in introductory provisions, substituted "$250,000,000" for "$100,000,000" and "Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century" for "Air Traffic Management System Performance Improvement Act of 1996".

Subsec. (f)(3)(B)(i)(I). Pub. L. 106–181, §305(1), (3), substituted "$250,000,000" for "$100,000,000" and inserted "substantial and" before "material" and "or" after semicolon at end.

Subsec. (f)(3)(B)(i)(II) to (IV). Pub. L. 106–181, §305(4), added subcl. (II) and struck out former subcls. (II) to (IV) which read as follows:

"(II) create a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an action taken or planned by another agency;

"(III) materially alter the budgetary impact of entitlements, grants, user fees, or loan programs or the rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or

"(IV) raise novel legal or policy issues arising out of legal mandates."

Subsec. (g)(1)(A). Pub. L. 106–181, §701, substituted "40113(a), 40113(c), 40113(d), 40113(e), 40114(a), and 40119, chapter 445 (except sections 44501(b), 44502(a)(2), 44502(a)(3), 44502(a)(4), 44503, 44506, 44509, 44510, 44514, and 44515), chapter 447 (except sections 44717, 44718(a), 44718(b), 44719, 44720, 44721(b), 44722, and 44723), chapter 449 (except sections 44903(d), 44904, 44905, 44907–44911, 44913, 44915, and 44931–44934), chapter 451, chapter 453, sections" for "40113(a), (c), and (d), 40114(a), 40119, 44501(a) and (c), 44502(a)(1), (b), and (c), 44504, 44505, 44507, 44508, 44511–44513, 44701–44716, 44718(c), 44721(a), 44901, 44902, 44903(a)–(c) and (e), 44906, 44912, 44935–44937, and 44938(a) and (b), chapter 451, sections 45302–45304,".

Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 106–181, §103(a), amended heading and text of subsec. (k) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "There is authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Transportation for operations of the Administration $5,632,000,000 for fiscal year 1999."

Subsec. (l)(1). Pub. L. 106–181, §307(c)(1), substituted "subsections (a) and (g) of section 40122" for "section 40122(a) of this title and section 347 of Public Law 104–50".

Subsec. (p)(2). Pub. L. 106–528, which directed the substitution of "18" for "15" in section 106(p)(2), without specifying the Code title to be amended, was executed by making the substitution in the introductory provisions of subsec. (p)(2) of this section, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Subsec. (p)(2)(C) to (E). Pub. L. 106–181, §302(a)(1), added subpars. (C) to (E) and struck out former subpar. (C) which read as follows: "13 members representing aviation interests, appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate."

Subsec. (p)(3). Pub. L. 106–181, §302(a)(2), designated existing provisions as subpar. (A), inserted subpar. heading, realigned margins, inserted "or (2)(E)" after "paragraph (2)(C)", and added subpars. (B) and (C).

Subsec. (p)(6). Pub. L. 106–181, §302(b), added subpars. (A) to (I), redesignated former subpars. (B) to (D) as (J) to (L), respectively, and struck out former subpar. (A) which related to terms of members appointed to the Advisory Council.

Subsec. (p)(7), (8). Pub. L. 106–181, §302(c), added pars. (7) and (8).

Subsec. (r). Pub. L. 106–181, §303, added subsec. (r).

1999—Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 106–6 substituted "$5,632,000,000 for fiscal year 1999." for "$5,158,000,000 for fiscal year 1997 and $5,344,000,000 for fiscal year 1998."

1997—Subsec. (g)(1)(A). Pub. L. 105–102 added Pub. L. 104–264, §276(c). See 1996 Amendment note below.

1996—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 104–287 substituted "August 23, 1994," for "the date of the enactment of this sentence".

Pub. L. 104–264, §223(a)(1), substituted "Except as provided in subsection (f) or in other provisions of law, the Administrator" for "The Administrator".

Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 104–264, §223(a)(2), inserted subsec. heading, designated existing provisions as par. (1), inserted par. (1) heading, substituted "Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary" for "The Secretary", realigned margins, substituted "Neither the Secretary nor the Administrator may" for "The Secretary may not" and "or be bound" for "nor be bound", and added pars. (2) and (3).

Subsec. (f)(3). Pub. L. 104–264, §224(2), added par. (3). Former par. (3) redesignated (4).

Subsec. (f)(4). Pub. L. 104–264, §224(1), redesignated par. (3) as (4).

Subsec. (g)(1)(A). Pub. L. 104–264, §276(c), as added by Pub. L. 105–102, substituted "45302–45304" for "45302, 45303".

Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 104–264, §103(a), substituted "$5,158,000,000 for fiscal year 1997 and $5,344,000,000 for fiscal year 1998." for "$4,088,000,000 for fiscal year 1991, $4,412,600,000 for fiscal year 1992, $4,716,500,000 for fiscal year 1993, $4,576,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, $4,674,000,000 for fiscal year 1995, and $4,810,000,000 for fiscal year 1996."

Subsec. (l). Pub. L. 104–264, §225, added subsec. (l).

Subsec. (l)(6). Pub. L. 104–264, §226, added par. (6).

Subsec. (m). Pub. L. 104–264, §227, added subsec. (m).

Subsec. (n). Pub. L. 104–264, §228, added subsec. (n).

Subsec. (o). Pub. L. 104–264, §229, added subsec. (o).

Subsec. (p). Pub. L. 104–264, §230, added subsec. (p).

Subsec. (q). Pub. L. 104–264, §1210, added subsec. (q).

1994—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103–305, §201, inserted at end "The term of office for any individual appointed as Administrator after the date of the enactment of this sentence shall be 5 years."

Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(3)(A), substituted "Secretary of Transportation shall" for "Secretary shall".

Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(3)(B), inserted heading and amended text generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The Administrator shall carry out—

"(1) duties and powers of the Secretary related to aviation safety (except those related to transportation, packaging, marking, or description of hazardous materials) and vested in the Secretary by section 308(b) of this title and sections 306–309, 312–314, 315–316 (except for the duties and powers vested in the Director of Intelligence and Security by or under section 101 of the Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990), 1101, 1105, and 1111 and titles VI, VII, IX, and XII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 App. U.S.C. 1347–1350, 1353–1355, 1421 et seq., 1441 et seq., 1471 et seq., 1501, 1505, 1511, and 1521 et seq.); and

"(2) additional duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary."

Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(4)(A), substituted "Section 40101(d) of this title" for "Section 103 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 App. U.S.C. 1303)".

Subsec. (j). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(4)(B), substituted "section 44507 of this title" for "section 312(e) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958".

Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 103–305, §103, substituted ", $4,576,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, $4,674,000,000 for fiscal year 1995, and $4,810,000,000 for fiscal year 1996" for ", $5,100,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, and $5,520,000,000 for fiscal year 1995".

Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(3)(C), inserted "to the Secretary of Transportation" after "appropriated".

1992—Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 102–581 substituted "1991," for "1991 and" and inserted before period at end ", $4,716,500,000 for fiscal year 1993, $5,100,000,000 for fiscal year 1994, and $5,520,000,000 for fiscal year 1995".

1990—Subsec. (g)(1). Pub. L. 101–604 inserted "315–316 (except for the duties and powers vested in the Director of Intelligence and Security by or under section 101 of the Aviation Security Improvement Act of 1990)," after "312–314,".

Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 101–508 added subsec. (k).

1988—Subsec. (j). Pub. L. 100–591 added subsec. (j).

1984—Subsecs. (g)(1), (h). Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–166 effective 60 days after Aug. 10, 2012, and applicable to appointments made on and after that effective date, including any nomination pending in the Senate on that date, see section 6(a) of Pub. L. 112–166, set out as a note under section 113 of Title 6, Domestic Security.

Effective Date of 2003 Amendment

Pub. L. 108–176, §3, Dec. 12, 2003, 117 Stat. 2493, provided that: "Except as otherwise specifically provided, this Act [see Tables for classification] and the amendments made by this Act shall apply only to fiscal years beginning after September 30, 2003."

Effective Date of 2000 Amendments

Pub. L. 106–528, §9, Nov. 22, 2000, 114 Stat. 2523, provided that: "Except as otherwise expressly provided, this Act [amending this section and sections 41104, 44903, 44935, and 44936 of this title, enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 40101, 44903, and 44936 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 40128 and 47501 of this title] and the amendments made by this Act shall take effect 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 22, 2000]."

Pub. L. 106–181, §3, Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 64, provided that: "Except as otherwise specifically provided, this Act [see Tables for classification] and the amendments made by this Act shall apply only to fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1999."

Pub. L. 106–181, title III, §302(d), Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 121, provided that:

"(1) In general.—The amendments made by this section [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act [Apr. 5, 2000].

"(2) Initial nominations to air traffic services subcommittee.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall make the initial appointments of the Air Traffic Services Subcommittee of the Aviation Management Advisory Council not later than 3 months after the date of the enactment of this Act.

"(3) Effect on actions prior to appointment of subcommittee.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to invalidate the actions and authority of the Federal Aviation Administration prior to the appointment of the members of the Air Traffic Services Subcommittee."

Effective Date of 1997 Amendment

Pub. L. 105–102, §3(c), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2215, provided that the amendment made by section 3(c)(3) is effective Oct. 9, 1996.

Pub. L. 105–102, §3(f), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2216, provided that: "The amendments made by subsections (a) through (d) of this section [amending this section and sections 5302, 30501 to 30504, 45301, 46301, 46316, 47117, and 47128 of this title, renumbering section 40121 of this title as 40124 of this title, and amending provisions set out as notes under sections 5303 and 47117 of this title] shall take effect as if included in the provisions of the Acts to which the amendments relate."

Effective Date of 1996 Amendment

Pub. L. 104–264, §3, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3215, provided that:

"(a) In General.—Except as otherwise specifically provided, this Act [see Tables for classification] and the amendments made by this Act apply only to fiscal years beginning after September 30, 1996.

"(b) Limitation on Statutory Construction.—Nothing in this Act or any amendment made by this Act shall be construed as affecting funds made available for a fiscal year ending before October 1, 1996."

Pub. L. 104–264, title II, §203, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3227, provided that: "The provisions of this title [enacting sections 40121, 40122, 45301, 45303, 48111, and 48201 of this title, amending this section and section 41742 of this title, renumbering section 45303 of this title as section 45304, repealing section 45301 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under this section and sections 40101, 40110, and 41742 of this title] and the amendments made by this title shall take effect on the date that is 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 9, 1996]."

Deemed References to Chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51

General references to "this title" deemed to refer also to chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs, see section 4(d)(8) of Pub. L. 111–314, set out as a note under section 101 of this title.


Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §204(c), May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1041, provided that: "Nothing in this section [amending this section] or the amendments made by this section shall be construed to restrict any authority vested in the Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] by statute or by delegation that was in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act [May 16, 2024]."

Airspace Modernization Office

Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §207, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1046, provided that:

"(a) Establishment.—

"(1) In general.—On January 1, 2026, the Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] shall establish within the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] an Airspace Modernization Office (in this section referred to as the 'Office').

"(2) Placement.—The Administrator may task an existing office of the FAA with the functions of the Office.

"(3) Duties.—The Office shall be responsible for—

"(A) the research and development, systems engineering, enterprise architecture, and portfolio management for the continuous modernization of the national airspace system;

"(B) the development of an information-centric national airspace system, including digitization of the processes and technology that supports such system;

"(C) improving the interoperability of FAA systems and third-party systems that support safe operations in the national airspace system; and

"(D) developing and periodically updating an integrated plan for the future state of the national airspace system in coordination with other offices of the FAA.

"(b) Integrated Plan Requirements.—The integrated plan developed by the Office shall be designed to ensure that the national airspace system meets future safety, security, mobility, efficiency, and capacity needs of a diverse and growing set of airspace users. The integrated plan shall include the following:

"(1) A description of the demand for services that will be required of the future air transportation system, and an explanation of how the demand projections were derived, including—

"(A) the most likely range of average annual resources required over the duration of the plan to cost effectively maintain the safety, sustainability, and other characteristics of national airspace operation and the mission of the FAA; and

"(B) an estimate of FAA resource requirements by user group, including expectations concerning the growth of new entrants and potential new users.

"(2) A roadmap for creating and implementing the integrated plan, including—

"(A) the most significant technical, operational, and personnel obstacles and the activities necessary to overcome such obstacles, including the role of other Federal agencies, corporations, institutions of higher learning, and nonprofit organizations in carrying out such activities;

"(B) the annual anticipated cost of carrying out such activities;

"(C) the technical milestones that will be used to evaluate the activities; and

"(D) identifying technology gaps that the Administrator or industry may need to address to fully implement the integrated plan.

"(3) A description of the operational concepts to meet the system performance requirements for all system users and a timeline and anticipated expenditures needed to develop and deploy the system.

"(4) A description of the management of the enterprise architecture framework for the introduction of any operational improvements and to inform FAA financial decision-making.

"(5) A justification for the operational improvements that the Office determines will need to be developed and deployed by 2040 to meet the needs of national airspace users, including the benefits, costs, and risks of the preferred and alternative options.

"(c) Considerations.—In developing an initial integrated plan required under subsection (b) and carrying out such plan, the Office shall consider—

"(1) the results and recommendations of the independent report on implementation of the NextGen [Next Generation Air Transportation System] program under section 603 [138 Stat. 1222, not classified to the Code];

"(2) the status of the transition to, and deployment of, trajectory-based operations within the national airspace system; and

"(3) the findings of the audit required by section 622 [49 U.S.C. 44505 note], and the resulting plan to replace or enhance the identified legacy systems within a reasonable timeframe.

"(d) Consultation.—In developing and carrying out the integrated plan, the Office shall consult with the NextGen Advisory Committee of the FAA.

"(e) Plan Deadline; Briefings.—

"(1) Plan deadline.—Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act [May 16, 2024], the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate, the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives an initial integrated plan required under subsection (a)(3)(D).

"(2) Annual briefings.—The Administrator shall provide the committees of Congress specified in paragraph (1) with an annual briefing describing the progress in carrying out the integrated plan required under subsection (a)(3)(D), including any changes to the plan, through 2028.

"(f) DOT Inspector General Review.—Not later than 180 days after submission of the initial integrated plan under subsection (e)(1), the inspector general of the Department of Transportation shall begin a review of the integrated plan and submit to the committees of Congress specified in subsection (e)(1) a report that—

"(1) assesses the justification for the integrated plan;

"(2) provides any recommendations for improving the integrated plan; and

"(3) includes any other information that the inspector general determines appropriate."

FAA Telework

Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §221, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1058, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration]—

"(1) may establish telework policies for employees of the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] that allow for the Administrator to reduce the office footprint and associated expenses of the FAA, if appropriate, increase workforce retention, and provide flexibilities that the Administrator demonstrates increases efficiency and effectiveness of the Administration, while requiring that any such policy—

"(A) does not adversely impact the mission of the FAA;

"(B) does not reduce the safety or efficiency of the national airspace system;

"(C) for any employee that is designated as an officer or executive in the FAA Executive System or a political appointee (as such term is defined in section 106 of title 49, United States Code)—

"(i) maximizes time at a duty station for such employee, excluding official travel; and

"(ii) may include telework provisions as determined appropriate by the Administrator, commensurate with official duties for such employee;

"(D) provides for on-the-job training opportunities for FAA personnel that are not less than such opportunities available in 2019;

"(E) reflects the appropriate work status of employees based on the job functions of such employee;

"(F) optimizes the work status of inspectors, investigators, and other personnel performing safety-related functions to ensure timely completion of safety oversight activities;

"(G) provides for personnel, including such personnel performing work related to aircraft certification and flight standards, who are responsible for actively working with regulated entities, external stakeholders, or other members of the public to be—

"(i) routinely available on a predictable basis for in-person and virtual communications with external persons; and

"(ii) not hindered from meeting with, visiting, auditing, or inspecting facilities or projects of regulated persons due to any telework policy; and

"(H) provides opportunities for in-person dialogue, collaboration, and ideation for all employees;

"(2) ensures that locality pay for an employee of the FAA accurately reflects the telework status and duty station of such employee;

"(3) may not establish a telework policy for an employee of the FAA unless such employee will be provided with secure network capacity, communications tools, necessary and secure access to appropriate agency data assets and Federal records, and equipment sufficient to enable such employee to be fully productive; and

"(4) not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act [May 16, 2024], shall evaluate and address any telework policies in effect on the day before such date of enactment to ensure that such policies meet the requirements of paragraph (1).

"(b) Congressional Update.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, and 1 year thereafter, the Administrator shall brief the appropriate committees of Congress [Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives] on any telework policies currently in place, the implementation of such policies, and the benefits of such policies.

"(c) Consultation.—If the Administrator determines that telework agreements need to be updated to implement the requirements of subsection (a), the Administrator shall, prior to updating such agreements, consult with—

"(1) exclusive bargaining representatives of air traffic controllers certified under section 7111 of title 5, United States Code; and

"(2) labor organizations certified under such section as the exclusive bargaining representative of airway transportation systems specialists and aviation safety inspectors and engineers of the FAA."

FAA Participation in Industry Standards Organizations

Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §224, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1061, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] shall encourage the participation of employees of the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration], as appropriate, in the activities of recognized industry standards organizations to advance the adoption, reference, and acceptance rate of standards and means of compliance developed by such organizations by the Administrator.

"(b) Participation.—An employee of the FAA directed by the Administrator to participate in a working group, task group, committee, or similar body of a recognized industry standards organization shall—

"(1) actively participate in the discussions and work of such organization;

"(2) accurately represent the position of the Administrator on the subject matter of such discussions and work;

"(3) contribute to the development of work products of such organization, unless determined to be inappropriate by such organization;

"(4) make reasonable efforts to identify and make any concerns of the Administrator relating to such work products known to such organization, including through providing formal comments, as may be allowed for under the procedures of such organization;

"(5) provide regular updates to other FAA employees and management on the progress of such work products; and

"(6) seek advice and input from other FAA employees and management, as needed.

"(c) Recognized Industry Standards Organization Defined.—In this section, the term 'recognized industry standards organization' means a domestic or international organization that—

"(1) uses agreed upon procedures to develop aviation-related industry standards or means of compliance, including standards or means of compliance that satisfy FAA requirements or guidance;

"(2) is comprised of members of the public, including subject matter experts, industry representatives, academics and researchers, and government employees; and

"(3) has had at least 1 standard or means of compliance accepted by the Administrator or referenced in guidance material or a regulation issued by the FAA after the date of enactment of the Vision 100—Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act (Public Law 108–176) [Dec. 12, 2003]."

Required Designation

Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §226, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1062, provided that: "The Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] shall designate any aviation rulemaking committee convened under this Act [see Tables for classification] pursuant to section 106(p)(5) of title 49, United States Code."

FAA Engagement and Collaboration With HBCUs and MSIs

Pub. L. 118–63, title IV, §404, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1152, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration]—

"(1) shall continue—

"(A) to partner with and conduct outreach to Historically Black Colleges and Universities and minority serving institutions to promote awareness of educational and career opportunities, including the Educational Partnership Initiative of the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration], and develop curriculum related to aerospace, aviation, and air traffic control; and

"(B) operation of the Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program; and

"(2) may—

"(A) make internship placements under the Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program available during academic sessions throughout the year; and

"(B) extend an internship placement under the Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program for a student beyond a single academic session.

"(b) Program Data.—In carrying out the Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program, the Administrator shall track data, including annual metrics measuring the following with respect to such Program:

"(1) The total number of applicants.

"(2) The total number of applicants offered an internship and the total number of applicants who accept an internship.

"(3) The line of business in which each intern is placed.

"(4) The conversion rate of interns in the Program who are hired as full-time FAA employees.

"(c) Minority Serving Institution Defined.—In this section, the term 'minority serving institution' means an institution described in paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 371(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a))."

Prohibition on Mandates

Pub. L. 118–63, title XI, §1106, May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1417, provided that:

"(a) Prohibition on Mandates.—The Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] may not require any contractor to mandate that employees of such contractor obtain a COVID–19 vaccine or enforce any condition regarding the COVID–19 vaccination status of employees of a contractor.

"(b) Prohibition on Implementation.—The Administrator may not implement or enforce any requirement that—

"(1) employees of air carriers be vaccinated against COVID–19;

"(2) employees of the FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] be vaccinated against COVID–19; or

"(3) passengers of air carriers be vaccinated against COVID–19 or wear a mask as a result of a COVID–19 related public health measure."

Emergency FAA Employee Leave Fund

Pub. L. 117–2, title VII, §7103, Mar. 11, 2021, 135 Stat. 98, provided that:

"(a) Establishment; Appropriation.—There is established in the Federal Aviation Administration the Emergency FAA Employee Leave Fund (in this section referred to as the 'Fund'), to be administered by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, for the purposes set forth in subsection (b). In addition to amounts otherwise available, there is appropriated for fiscal year 2021, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $9,000,000, which shall be deposited into the Fund and remain available through September 30, 2022.

"(b) Purpose.—Amounts in the Fund shall be available to the Administrator for the use of paid leave under this section by any employee of the Administration who is unable to work because the employee—

"(1) is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID–19;

"(2) has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID–19;

"(3) is caring for an individual who is subject to such an order or has been so advised;

"(4) is experiencing symptoms of COVID–19 and seeking a medical diagnosis;

"(5) is caring for a son or daughter of such employee if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed, if the school of such son or daughter requires or makes optional a virtual learning instruction model or requires or makes optional a hybrid of in-person and virtual learning instruction models, or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable, due to COVID–19 precautions;

"(6) is experiencing any other substantially similar condition;

"(7) is caring for a family member with a mental or physical disability or who is 55 years of age or older and incapable of self-care, without regard to whether another individual other than the employee is available to care for such family member, if the place of care for such family member is closed or the direct care provider is unavailable due to COVID–19; or

"(8) is obtaining immunization related to COVID–19 or is recovering from any injury, disability, illness, or condition related to such immunization.

"(c) Limitations.—

"(1) Period of availability.—Paid leave under this section may only be provided to and used by an employee of the Administration during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 11, 2021] and ending on September 30, 2021.

"(2) Total hours; amount.—Paid leave under this section—

"(A) shall be provided to an employee of the Administration in an amount not to exceed 600 hours of paid leave for each full-time employee, and in the case of a part-time employee, employee on an uncommon tour of duty, or employee with a seasonal work schedule, in an amount not to exceed the proportional equivalent of 600 hours to the extent amounts in the Fund remain available for reimbursement;

"(B) shall be paid at the same hourly rate as other leave payments; and

"(C) may not be provided to an employee if the leave would result in payments greater than $2,800 in aggregate for any biweekly pay period for a full-time employee, or a proportionally equivalent biweekly limit for a part-time employee.

"(3) Relationship to other leave.—Paid leave under this section—

"(A) is in addition to any other leave provided to an employee of the Administration; and

"(B) may not be used by an employee of the Administration concurrently with any other paid leave.

"(4) Calculation of retirement benefit.—Any paid leave provided to an employee of the Administration under this section shall reduce the total service used to calculate any Federal civilian retirement benefit."

Regional Ombudsmen

Pub. L. 115–254, div. B, title I, §180, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3230, provided that:

"(a) In General.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], with respect to each region of the Federal Aviation Administration, the Regional Administrator for that region shall designate an individual to be the Regional Ombudsman for the region.

"(b) Requirements.—Each Regional Ombudsman shall—

"(1) serve as a regional liaison with the public, including community groups, on issues regarding aircraft noise, pollution, and safety;

"(2) make recommendations to the Administrator for the region to address concerns raised by the public and improve the consideration of public comments in decision-making processes; and

"(3) be consulted on proposed changes in aircraft operations affecting the region, including arrival and departure routes, in order to minimize environmental impacts, including noise."

Federal Aviation Administration Performance Measures and Targets

Pub. L. 115–254, div. B, title V, §558, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3383, provided that:

"(a) Performance Measures.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Secretary of Transportation shall establish performance measures relating to the management of the [Federal Aviation] Administration, which shall, at a minimum, include measures to assess—

"(1) the timely and cost-effective completion of projects; and

"(2) the effectiveness of the Administration in achieving the goals described in section 47171 of title 49, United States Code.

"(b) Performance Targets.—Not later than 180 days after the date on which the Secretary establishes performance measures in accordance with subsection (a), the Secretary shall establish performance targets relating to each of the measures described in that subsection.

"(c) Report.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, the inspector general of the Department of Transportation shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress [Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives] a report describing the progress of the Secretary in meeting the performance targets established under subsection (b)."

Assistant Administrator for Research and Development

Pub. L. 115–254, div. B, title VII, §711, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3410, provided that:

"(a) Appointment.—Not later than 3 months after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] shall appoint an Assistant Administrator for Research and Development.

"(b) Responsibilities.—The Assistant Administrator for Research and Development shall, at a minimum, be responsible for—

"(1) management and oversight of all the FAA's [Federal Aviation Administration's] research and development programs and activities; and

"(2) production of all congressional reports from the FAA relevant to research and development, including the national aviation research plan required under section 44501(c) of title 49, United States Code.

"(c) Dual Appointment.—The Assistant Administrator for Research and Development may be a dual-appointment, holding the responsibilities of another Assistant Administrator."

Educational Requirements

Pub. L. 112–95, title II, §223, Feb. 14, 2012, 126 Stat. 55, provided that: "The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall make payments to the Department of Defense for the education of dependent children of those Administration employees in Puerto Rico and Guam as they are subject to transfer by policy and practice and meet the eligibility requirements of section 2164(c) of title 10, United States Code."

FAA Review and Reform

Pub. L. 115–254, div. B, title V, §511, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3356, provided that:

"(a) Agency Report.—Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a detailed analysis of any actions taken to address the findings and recommendations included in the report required under section 812(d) of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 [Pub. L. 112–95] (49 U.S.C. 106 note), including—

"(1) consolidating, phasing-out, or eliminating duplicative positions, programs, roles, or offices;

"(2) eliminating or streamlining wasteful practices;

"(3) eliminating or phasing-out redundant, obsolete, or unnecessary functions;

"(4) reforming and streamlining inefficient processes so that the activities of the Administration are completed in an expedited and efficient manner; and

"(5) reforming or eliminating ineffectual or outdated policies.

"(b) Additional Review.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall undertake and complete a thorough review of each program, office, and organization within the Administration to identify—

"(1) duplicative positions, programs, roles, or offices;

"(2) wasteful practices;

"(3) redundant, obsolete, or unnecessary functions;

"(4) inefficient processes; and

"(5) ineffectual or outdated policies.

"(c) Actions To Streamline and Reform FAA.—Not later than 60 days after the date of completion of the review under subsection (b), the Administrator shall undertake such actions as may be necessary to address the findings of the Administrator under such subsection.

"(d) Report to Congress.—Not later than 120 days after the date of completion of the review under subsection (b), the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the actions taken by the Administrator pursuant to subsection (c), including any recommendations for legislative or administrative actions."

[For definitions of terms used in section 511 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see sections 101 and 501 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as notes under section 40101 of this title.]

Pub. L. 112–95, title VIII, §812, Feb. 14, 2012, 126 Stat. 124, provided that:

"(a) Agency Review.—Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Feb. 14, 2012], the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall undertake a thorough review of each program, office, and organization within the Administration, including the Air Traffic Organization, to identify—

"(1) duplicative positions, programs, roles, or offices;

"(2) wasteful practices;

"(3) redundant, obsolete, or unnecessary functions;

"(4) inefficient processes; and

"(5) ineffectual or outdated policies.

"(b) Actions To Streamline and Reform FAA.—Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall undertake such actions as may be necessary to address the Administrator's findings under subsection (a), including—

"(1) consolidating, phasing-out, or eliminating duplicative positions, programs, roles, or offices;

"(2) eliminating or streamlining wasteful practices;

"(3) eliminating or phasing-out redundant, obsolete, or unnecessary functions;

"(4) reforming and streamlining inefficient processes so that the activities of the Administration are completed in an expedited and efficient manner; and

"(5) reforming or eliminating ineffectual or outdated policies.

"(c) Authority.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Administrator shall have the authority to undertake the actions required under subsection (b).

"(d) Report to Congress.—Not later than 150 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report on the actions taken by the Administrator under this section, including any recommendations for legislative or administrative actions."

Orphan Aviation Earmarks

Pub. L. 112–95, title VIII, §825, Feb. 14, 2012, 126 Stat. 131, provided that:

"(a) Earmark Defined.—In this section, the term 'earmark' means a statutory provision or report language included primarily at the request of a Senator or a Member, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner of the House of Representatives providing, authorizing, or recommending a specific amount of discretionary budget authority, credit authority, or other spending authority for a contract, loan, loan guarantee, grant, or other expenditure with or to an entity or a specific State, locality, or Congressional district, other than through a statutory or administrative formula-driven or competitive award process.

"(b) Rescission.—If any earmark relating to the Federal Aviation Administration has more than 90 percent of applicable appropriated amounts remaining available for obligation at the end of the 9th fiscal year beginning after the fiscal year in which those amounts were appropriated, the unobligated portion of those amounts is rescinded effective at the end of that 9th fiscal year, except that the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration may delay any such rescission if the Administrator determines that an obligation with respect to those amounts is likely to occur during the 12-month period beginning on the last day of that 9th fiscal year.

"(c) Identification and Report.—

"(1) Agency identification.—At the end of each fiscal year, the Administrator shall identify and report to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget every earmark related to the Administration and with respect to which there is an unobligated balance of appropriated amounts.

"(2) Annual report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Feb. 14, 2012], and annually thereafter, the Director shall submit to Congress and make available to the public on the Internet Web site of the Office a report that includes—

"(A) a listing of each earmark related to the Administration and with respect to which there is an unobligated balance of appropriated amounts, which shall include the amount of the original earmark, the amount of the unobligated balance related to that earmark, and the date on which the funding expires, if applicable;

"(B) the number of rescissions under subsection (b) and the savings resulting from those rescissions for the previous fiscal year; and

"(C) a listing of earmarks related to the Administration with amounts scheduled for rescission at the end of the current fiscal year."

Federal Aviation Administration Science and Technology Scholarship Program

Pub. L. 108–176, title VII, §702, Dec. 12, 2003, 117 Stat. 2576, provided that:

"(a)(1) The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall establish a Federal Aviation Administration Science and Technology Scholarship Program to award scholarships to individuals that is designed to recruit and prepare students for careers in the Federal Aviation Administration.

"(2) Individuals shall be selected to receive scholarships under this section through a competitive process primarily on the basis of academic merit, with consideration given to financial need and the goal of promoting the participation of individuals identified in section 33 or 34 of the Science and Engineering Equal Opportunities Act [42 U.S.C. 1885a, 1885b].

"(3) To carry out the Program the Administrator shall enter into contractual agreements with individuals selected under paragraph (2) under which the individuals agree to serve as full-time employees of the Federal Aviation Administration, for the period described in subsection (f)(1), in positions needed by the Federal Aviation Administration and for which the individuals are qualified, in exchange for receiving a scholarship.

"(b) In order to be eligible to participate in the Program, an individual must—

"(1) be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student at an institution of higher education, as a junior or senior undergraduate or graduate student, in an academic field or discipline described in the list made available under subsection (d);

"(2) be a United States citizen or permanent resident; and

"(3) at the time of the initial scholarship award, not be an employee (as defined in section 2105 of title 5, United States Code).

"(c) An individual seeking a scholarship under this section shall submit an application to the Administrator at such time, in such manner, and containing such information, agreements, or assurances as the Administrator may require.

"(d) The Administrator shall make publicly available a list of academic programs and fields of study for which scholarships under the Program may be utilized and shall update the list as necessary.

"(e)(1) The Administrator may provide a scholarship under the Program for an academic year if the individual applying for the scholarship has submitted to the Administrator, as part of the application required under subsection (c), a proposed academic program leading to a degree in a program or field of study on the list made available under subsection (d).

"(2) An individual may not receive a scholarship under this section for more than 4 academic years, unless the Administrator grants a waiver.

"(3) The dollar amount of a scholarship under this section for an academic year shall be determined under regulations issued by the Administrator, but shall in no case exceed the cost of attendance.

"(4) A scholarship provided under this section may be expended for tuition, fees, and other authorized expenses as established by the Administrator by regulation.

"(5) The Administrator may enter into a contractual agreement with an institution of higher education under which the amounts provided for a scholarship under this section for tuition, fees, and other authorized expenses are paid directly to the institution with respect to which the scholarship is provided.

"(f)(1) The period of service for which an individual shall be obligated to serve as an employee of the Federal Aviation Administration is, except as provided in subsection (h)(2), 24 months for each academic year for which a scholarship under this section is provided.

"(2)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B), obligated service under paragraph (1) shall begin not later than 60 days after the individual obtains the educational degree for which the scholarship was provided.

"(B) The Administrator may defer the obligation of an individual to provide a period of service under paragraph (1) if the Administrator determines that such a deferral is appropriate. The Administrator shall prescribe the terms and conditions under which a service obligation may be deferred through regulation.

"(g)(1) Scholarship recipients who fail to maintain a high level of academic standing, as defined by the Administrator by regulation, who are dismissed from their educational institutions for disciplinary reasons, or who voluntarily terminate academic training before graduation from the educational program for which the scholarship was awarded, shall be in breach of their contractual agreement and, in lieu of any service obligation arising under such agreement, shall be liable to the United States for repayment within 1 year after the date of default of all scholarship funds paid to them and to the institution of higher education on their behalf under the agreement, except as provided in subsection (h)(2). The repayment period may be extended by the Administrator when determined to be necessary, as established by regulation.

"(2) Scholarship recipients who, for any reason, fail to begin or complete their service obligation after completion of academic training, or fail to comply with the terms and conditions of deferment established by the Administrator pursuant to subsection (f)(2)(B), shall be in breach of their contractual agreement. When recipients breach their agreements for the reasons stated in the preceding sentence, the recipient shall be liable to the United States for an amount equal to—

"(A) the total amount of scholarships received by such individual under this section; plus

"(B) the interest on the amounts of such awards which would be payable if at the time the awards were received they were loans bearing interest at the maximum legal prevailing rate, as determined by the Treasurer of the United States,

multiplied by 3.

"(h)(1) Any obligation of an individual incurred under the Program (or a contractual agreement thereunder) for service or payment shall be canceled upon the death of the individual.

"(2) The Administrator shall by regulation provide for the partial or total waiver or suspension of any obligation of service or payment incurred by an individual under the Program (or a contractual agreement thereunder) whenever compliance by the individual is impossible or would involve extreme hardship to the individual, or if enforcement of such obligation with respect to the individual would be contrary to the best interests of the Government.

"(i) For purposes of this section—

"(1) the term 'cost of attendance' has the meaning given that term in section 472 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 [20 U.S.C. 1087ll];

"(2) the term 'institution of higher education' has the meaning given that term in section 101(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 [20 U.S.C. 1001(a)]; and

"(3) the term 'Program' means the Federal Aviation Administration Science and Technology Scholarship Program established under this section.

"(j)(1) There is authorized to be appropriated to the Federal Aviation Administration for the Program $10,000,000 for each fiscal year.

"(2) Amounts appropriated under this section shall remain available for 2 fiscal years.

"(k) The Administrator may provide temporary internships to full-time students enrolled in an undergraduate or post-graduate program leading to an advanced degree in an aerospace-related or aviation safety-related field of endeavor."

Internet Availability of Information

Pub. L. 106–181, title IX, §903, Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 196, provided that: "The Administrator [of the Federal Aviation Administration] shall make available through the Internet home page of the Federal Aviation Administration the abstracts relating to all research grants and awards made with funds authorized by the amendments made by this Act [see Tables for classification]. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require or permit the release of any information prohibited by law or regulation from being released to the public."


Pub. L. 104–264, title II, §221, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3227, provided that: "Congress finds the following:

"(1) In many respects the Administration is a unique agency, being one of the few non-defense government agencies that operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year, while continuing to rely on outdated technology to carry out its responsibilities for a state-of-the-art industry.

"(2) Until January 1, 1996, users of the air transportation system paid 70 percent of the budget of the Administration, with the remaining 30 percent coming from the General Fund. The General Fund contribution over the years is one measure of the benefit received by the general public, military, and other users of Administration's services.

"(3) The Administration must become a more efficient, effective, and different organization to meet future challenges.

"(4) The need to balance the Federal budget means that it may become more and more difficult to obtain sufficient General Fund contributions to meet the Administration's future budget needs.

"(5) Congress must keep its commitment to the users of the national air transportation system by seeking to spend all moneys collected from them each year and deposited into the Airport and Airway Trust Fund. Existing surpluses representing past receipts must also be spent for the purposes for which such funds were collected.

"(6) The aviation community and the employees of the Administration must come together to improve the system. The Administration must continue to recognize who its customers are and what their needs are, and to design and redesign the system to make safety improvements and increase productivity.

"(7) The Administration projects that commercial operations will increase by 18 percent and passenger traffic by 35 percent by the year 2002. Without effective airport expansion and system modernization, these needs cannot be met.

"(8) Absent significant and meaningful reform, future challenges and needs cannot be met.

"(9) The Administration must have a new way of doing business.

"(10) There is widespread agreement within government and the aviation industry that reform of the Administration is essential to safely and efficiently accommodate the projected growth of aviation within the next decade.

"(11) To the extent that Congress determines that certain segments of the aviation community are not required to pay all of the costs of the government services which they require and benefits which they receive, Congress should appropriate the difference between such costs and any receipts received from such segment.

"(12) Prior to the imposition of any new charges or user fees on segments of the industry, an independent review must be performed to assess the funding needs and assumptions for operations, capital spending, and airport infrastructure.

"(13) An independent, thorough, and complete study and assessment must be performed of the costs to the Administration and the costs driven by each segment of the aviation system for safety and operational services, including the use of the air traffic control system and the Nation's airports.

"(14) Because the Administration is a unique Federal entity in that it is a participant in the daily operations of an industry, and because the national air transportation system faces significant problems without significant changes, the Administration has been authorized to change the Federal procurement and personnel systems to ensure that the Administration has the ability to keep pace with new technology and is able to match resources with the real personnel needs of the Administration.

"(15) The existing budget system does not allow for long-term planning or timely acquisition of technology by the Administration.

"(16) Without reforms in the areas of procurement, personnel, funding, and governance, the Administration will continue to experience delays and cost overruns in its major modernization programs and needed improvements in the performance of the air traffic management system will not occur.

"(17) All reforms should be designed to help the Administration become more responsive to the needs of its customers and maintain the highest standards of safety."


Pub. L. 104–264, title II, §222, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3229, provided that: "The purposes of this title [see Effective Date of 1996 Amendment note set out above] are—

"(1) to ensure that final action shall be taken on all notices of proposed rulemaking of the Administration within 18 months after the date of their publication;

"(2) to permit the Administration, with Congressional review, to establish a program to improve air traffic management system performance and to establish appropriate levels of cost accountability for air traffic management services provided by the Administration;

"(3) to establish a more autonomous and accountable Administration within the Department of Transportation; and

"(4) to make the Administration a more efficient and effective organization, able to meet the needs of a dynamic, growing industry, and to ensure the safety of the traveling public."

Preservation of Existing Authority

Pub. L. 104–264, title II, §223(b), Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3230, provided that: "Nothing in this title [see Effective Date of 1996 Amendment note set out above] or the amendments made by this title limits any authority granted to the Administrator by statute or by delegation that was in effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act [Oct. 9, 1996]."

Personnel Management System for Federal Aviation Administration

Pub. L. 104–50, title III, §347, Nov. 15, 1995, 109 Stat. 460, as amended by Pub. L. 104–122, Mar. 29, 1996, 110 Stat. 876; Pub. L. 105–339, §5, Oct. 31, 1998, 112 Stat. 3187, which required the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration to develop and implement, not later than Jan. 1, 1996, a personnel management system, exempt from most provisions of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, to provide for greater flexibility in the hiring, training, compensation, and location of personnel, was repealed by Pub. L. 106–181, title III, §307(d), Apr. 5, 2000, 114 Stat. 126.

Dependents of Federal Aviation Administration Personnel

Pub. L. 106–346, §101(a) [title III, §303], Oct. 23, 2000, 114 Stat. 1356, 1356A-23, as amended by Pub. L. 114–95, title IX, §9215(x), Dec. 10, 2015, 129 Stat. 2172, provided that: "Hereafter, funds appropriated under this or any other Act for expenditures by the Federal Aviation Administration shall be available: (1) except as otherwise authorized by title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 [20 U.S.C. 7701 et seq.], for expenses of primary and secondary schooling for dependents of Federal Aviation Administration personnel stationed outside the continental United States at costs for any given area not in excess of those of the Department of Defense for the same area, when it is determined by the Secretary that the schools, if any, available in the locality are unable to provide adequately for the education of such dependents; and (2) for transportation of said dependents between schools serving the area that they attend and their places of residence when the Secretary, under such regulations as may be prescribed, determines that such schools are not accessible by public means of transportation on a regular basis."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:

Pub. L. 106–69, title III, §303, Oct. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1015.

Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, §101(g) [title III, §303], Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–439, 2681-464.

Pub. L. 105–66, title III, §303, Oct. 27, 1997, 111 Stat. 1441.

Pub. L. 104–205, title III, §303, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 2968.

Pub. L. 104–50, title III, §303, Nov. 15, 1995, 109 Stat. 453.

Pub. L. 103–331, title III, §303, Sept. 30, 1994, 108 Stat. 2488.

Pub. L. 103–122, title III, §303, Oct. 27, 1993, 107 Stat. 1219.

Pub. L. 102–388, title III, §303, Oct. 6, 1992, 106 Stat. 1543.

Pub. L. 102–143, title III, §303, Oct. 28, 1991, 105 Stat. 939.

Pub. L. 101–516, title III, §303, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 2178.

Pub. L. 101–164, title III, §303, Nov. 21, 1989, 103 Stat. 1091.

Pub. L. 100–457, title III, §303, Sept. 30, 1988, 102 Stat. 2146.

Pub. L. 100–202, §101(l) [title III, §303], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–358, 1329-377.

Pub. L. 99–500, §101(l) [H.R. 5205, title III, §303], Oct. 18, 1986, 100 Stat. 1783–308, and Pub. L. 99–591, §101(l), Oct. 30, 1986, 100 Stat. 3341–308.

Pub. L. 99–190, §101(e) [title III, §303], Dec. 19, 1985, 99 Stat. 1267, 1284.

Pub. L. 98–473, title I, §101(i) [title III, §303], Oct. 12, 1984, 98 Stat. 1944, 1961.

Pub. L. 98–78, title III, §303, Aug. 15, 1983, 97 Stat. 470.

Pub. L. 97–369, title III, §306, Dec. 18, 1982, 96 Stat. 1781.

Pub. L. 97–102, title III, §306, Dec. 23, 1981, 95 Stat. 1458.

Pub. L. 96–400, title III, §306, Oct. 9, 1980, 94 Stat. 1695.

Pub. L. 96–131, title III, §307, Nov. 30, 1979, 93 Stat. 1037.

Pub. L. 95–335, title III, §310, Aug. 4, 1978, 92 Stat. 448.

Pub. L. 95–85, title III, §310, Aug. 2, 1977, 91 Stat. 416.

Pub. L. 94–387, title III, §312, Aug. 14, 1976, 90 Stat. 1185.

Pub. L. 94–134, title III, §310, Nov. 24, 1975, 89 Stat. 711.

Pub. L. 93–391, title III, §311, Aug. 28, 1974, 88 Stat. 780.

Pub. L. 93–98, title III, §313, Aug. 16, 1973, 87 Stat. 340.

Pub. L. 92–398, title III, §313, Aug. 22, 1972, 86 Stat. 591.

Pub. L. 92–74, title I, Aug. 10, 1971, 85 Stat. 203.

Pub. L. 91–168, title I, Dec. 26, 1969, 83 Stat. 455.

Pub. L. 90–464, title I, Aug. 8, 1968, 82 Stat. 655.

Pub. L. 90–112, title II, Oct. 23, 1967, 81 Stat. 312.

Pub. L. 89–474, title I, June 29, 1966, 80 Stat. 223.

Pub. L. 89–57, title I, June 30, 1965, 79 Stat. 197.

Pub. L. 88–392, title I, Aug. 1, 1964, 78 Stat. 369.

Pub. L. 88–39, title I, June 13, 1963, 77 Stat. 59.

Pub. L. 87–575, title I, Aug. 6, 1962, 76 Stat. 311.

Pub. L. 87–159, title I, Aug. 21, 1961, 75 Stat. 395.

Pub. L. 86–561, title I, June 30, 1960, 74 Stat. 285.

Pub. L. 86–39, title I, June 11, 1959, 73 Stat. 67.

Pub. L. 85–354, title I, Mar. 28, 1958, 72 Stat. 63.

Pub. L. 85–37, title I, May 27, 1957, 71 Stat. 37.

Apr. 2, 1956, ch. 161, title I, 70 Stat. 94.

June 1, 1955, ch. 113, title I, 69 Stat. 74.

May 28, 1954, ch. 242, title I, 68 Stat. 146.

June 18, 1953, ch. 132, title I, 67 Stat. 69.

Aviation Safety Commission

Pub. L. 99–500, title V, §§501–507, Oct. 18, 1986, 100 Stat. 1783–370 to 1783-373, and Pub. L. 99–591, title V, §§501–507, Oct. 30, 1986, 100 Stat. 3341–373 to 3341-376, known as the Aviation Safety Commission Act of 1986, established Aviation Safety Commission, directed Commission to study organization and functions of Federal Aviation Administration and means by which it could most efficiently and effectively perform its responsibilities and increase aviation safety and to submit reports to the President and the two houses of Congress within 9 months after Oct. 18, 1986, and within 18 months after Oct. 18, 1986, and provided that Commission was to cease to exist 18 months after Oct. 18, 1986.

Appointment of Retired Military Officer as Administrator

Pub. L. 102–308, June 26, 1992, 106 Stat. 273, provided: "That notwithstanding the provisions of section 106 of title 49, United States Code, or any other provision of law, the President, acting by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, is authorized to appoint General Thomas C. Richards, United States Air Force, Retired, to the Office of Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration. General Richards' appointment to, acceptance of, and service in that Office shall in no way affect the status, rank, and grade which he shall hold as an officer on the retired list of the United States Air Force, or any emolument, perquisite, right, privilege, or benefit incident to or arising out of any such status, office, rank, or grade, except to the extent that subchapter IV of chapter 55 of title 5, United States Code, affects the amount of retired pay to which he is entitled by law during his service as Administrator. So long as he serves as Administrator, General Richards shall receive the compensation of that Office at the rate which would be applicable if he were not an officer on the retired list of the United States Air Force, shall retain the status, rank, and grade which he now holds as an officer on the retired list of the United States Air Force, shall retain all emoluments, perquisites, rights, privileges, and benefits incident to or arising out of such status, office, rank, or grade, and shall in addition continue to receive the retired pay to which he is entitled by law, subject to the provisions of subchapter IV of chapter 55 of title 5, United States Code.

"Sec. 2. In the performance of his duties as Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, General Richards shall be subject to no supervision, control, restriction, or prohibition (military or otherwise) other than would be operative with respect to him if he were not an officer on the retired list of the United States Air Force.

"Sec. 3. Nothing in this Act shall be construed as approval by the Congress of any future appointments of military persons to the Office of Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration."

Prior provisions authorizing the appointment of a retired military officer as Administrator were contained in the following acts:

Pub. L. 102–223, Dec. 11, 1991, 105 Stat. 1678.

Pub. L. 101–47, June 30, 1989, 103 Stat. 134.

Pub. L. 98–256, Apr. 10, 1984, 98 Stat. 125.

Pub. L. 89–46, June 22, 1965, 79 Stat. 171.

Executive Documents

Ex. Ord. No. 13180. Air Traffic Performance-Based Organization

Ex. Ord. No. 13180, Dec. 7, 2000, 65 F.R. 77493, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 13264, June 4, 2002, 67 F.R. 39243, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further improve the provision of air traffic services in ways that increase efficiency, take better advantage of new technologies, accelerate modernization efforts, and respond more effectively to the needs of the traveling public, while enhancing the safety, security, and efficiency of the Nation's air transportation system, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Establishment of the Air Traffic Organization. (a) The Secretary of Transportation (Secretary) shall, consistent with his legal authorities, move to establish within the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) a performance-based organization to be known as the "Air Traffic Organization" (ATO).

(b) The ATO shall be composed of those elements of the FAA's Air Traffic Services and Research and Acquisition organizations that have direct connection and give support to the provision of day-to-day operational air traffic services, as determined by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (Administrator). The Administrator may delegate responsibility for any operational activity of the air traffic control system to the head of the ATO. The Administrator's responsibility for general safety, security, and policymaking functions for the National Airspace System is unaffected by this order.

(c) The Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Air Traffic Control System, established by the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century (Air-21) (Public Law 106–181) [see Short Title of 2000 Amendments note set out under section 40101 of this title], shall head the ATO and shall report directly to the Administrator and be subject to the authority of the Administrator. The COO, in consultation with the Air Traffic Control Subcommittee of the Aviation Management Advisory Committee, shall enter into an annual performance agreement with the Administrator that sets forth measurable organization and individual goals in key operational areas and describes specific targets and how such goals will be achieved. The COO may receive an annual bonus not to exceed 30 percent of the annual rate of basic pay, based upon the Administrator's evaluation of the COO's performance in relation to the targets and goals described above.

(d) The COO shall develop a 5-year strategic plan for the air traffic control system, including a clear statement of the mission and objectives for the system's safety, efficiency, and productivity. This strategic plan must ensure that ATO actions are consistent with long-term FAA strategies for the aviation system as a whole.

(e) The COO shall also enter into a framework agreement with the Administrator that will establish the relationship of the ATO with the other organizations of the FAA.

Sec. 2. Purpose. The FAA's primary mission is to ensure the safety, security, and efficiency of the National Airspace System. The purpose of this order is to enhance that mission and further improve the delivery of air traffic services to the American public by reorganizing the FAA's air traffic services and related offices into a performance-based, results-oriented, organization. The ATO will be better able to make use of the unique procurement and personnel authorities that the FAA currently has and to better use the additional management reforms enacted by the Congress this year under Air-21. Specifically, the ATO shall:

(a) optimize use of existing management flexibilities and authorities to improve the efficiency of air traffic services and increase the capacity of the system;

(b) develop methods to accelerate air traffic control modernization and to improve aviation safety related to air traffic control;

(c) develop agreements with the Administrator of the FAA and users of the products, services, and capabilities it will provide;

(d) operate in accordance with safety performance standards developed by the FAA and rapidly respond to FAA safety and security oversight findings;

(e) consult with its customers, the traveling public, including direct users such as airlines, cargo carriers, manufacturers, airports, general aviation, and commercial space transportation providers, and focus on producing results that satisfy the FAA's external customer needs;

(f) consult with appropriate Federal, State, and local public agencies, including the Department of Defense and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, to determine the best practices for meeting the diverse needs throughout the National Airspace System;

(g) establish strong incentives to managers for achieving results; and

(h) formulate and recommend to the Administrator any management, fiscal, or legislative changes necessary for the organization to achieve its performance goals.

Sec. 3. Aviation Management Advisory Committee. The Air Traffic Control Subcommittee of the Aviation Management Advisory Committee shall provide, consistent with its responsibilities under Air-21, general oversight to ATO regarding the administration, management, conduct, direction, and supervision of the air traffic control system.

Sec. 4. Evaluation and Report. Not later than 5 years after the date of this order, the Aviation Management Advisory Committee shall provide to the Secretary and the Administrator a report on the operation and effectiveness of the ATO, together with any recommendations for management, fiscal, or legislative changes to enable the organization to achieve its goals.

Sec. 5. Definitions. The term "air traffic control system" has the same meaning as the term defined by section 40102(a)(42) [now 40102(a)(47)] of title 49, United States Code.

Sec. 6. Judicial Review. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and is not intended to, nor does it, create any right to administrative or judicial review, or any right, whether substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party against the United States, its agencies or instrumentalities, its officers or employees, or any other person.

Definitions for Title II of Pub. L. 104–264

Pub. L. 104–264, title II, §202, Oct. 9, 1996, 110 Stat. 3227, provided that: "In this title [see Effective Date of 1996 Amendment note set out above], the following definitions apply:

"(1) Administration.—The term 'Administration' means the Federal Aviation Administration.

"(2) Administrator.—The term 'Administrator' means the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration.

"(3) Secretary.—The term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Transportation."

1 So in original. Probably should be "subclause (I)".

2 See References in Text note below.

3 So in original. Probably should be "section 1105 of title 31,".

§107. Federal Transit Administration

(a) The Federal Transit Administration is an administration in the Department of Transportation.

(b) The head of the Administration is the Administrator who is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Administrator reports directly to the Secretary of Transportation.

(c) The Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2417; Pub. L. 102–240, title III, §3004(c)(1), (2), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2088.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
107 49:1608 (note). Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1968, eff. July 1, 1968, §3, 82 Stat. 1369.

In subsection (b), the words "and shall be compensated at the rate now or hereafter provided for Level III of the Executive Schedule Pay Rates (5 U.S.C. 5314)" are omitted as surplus because of 5:5314.

Editorial Notes


1991Pub. L. 102–240 substituted "Federal Transit Administration" for "Urban Mass Transportation Administration" in section catchline and subsec. (a).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Pub. L. 102–240, title III, §3004(a), (b), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2088, provided that:

"(a) Redesignation of UMTA.—The Urban Mass Transportation Administration of the Department of Transportation shall be known and designated as the 'Federal Transit Administration'.

"(b) References.—Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the Urban Mass Transportation Administration shall be deemed to be a reference to the 'Federal Transit Administration'."

§108. Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration

(a) In General.—The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration shall be an administration in the Department of Transportation.

(b) Safety as Highest Priority.—In carrying out its duties, the Administration shall consider the assignment and maintenance of safety as the highest priority, recognizing the clear intent, encouragement, and dedication of Congress to the furtherance of the highest degree of safety in pipeline transportation and hazardous materials transportation.

(c) Administrator.—The head of the Administration shall be the Administrator who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be an individual with professional experience in pipeline safety, hazardous materials safety, or other transportation safety. The Administrator shall report directly to the Secretary of Transportation.

(d) Deputy Administrator.—The Administration shall have a Deputy Administrator who shall be appointed by the Secretary. The Deputy Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(e) Chief Safety Officer.—The Administration shall have an Assistant Administrator for Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety appointed in the competitive service by the Secretary. The Assistant Administrator shall be the Chief Safety Officer of the Administration. The Assistant Administrator shall carry out the duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(f) Duties and Powers of the Administrator.—The Administrator shall carry out—

(1) duties and powers related to pipeline and hazardous materials transportation and safety vested in the Secretary by chapters 51, 57, 61, 601, and 603; and

(2) other duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary.

(g) Limitation.—A duty or power specified in subsection (f)(1) may be transferred to another part of the Department of Transportation or another government entity only if specifically provided by law.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2417; Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(4), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1365; Pub. L. 108–426, §2(a), Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2423.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
108(a) 49:1655(b)(1), (2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §§3(e)(3) (related to USCG), 6(b)(1), (2), 80 Stat. 932, 938.
108(b) 49:1652(e)(3) (related to USCG).

Subsection (a) reflects the transfer of the Coast Guard to the Department of Transportation as provided by the source provisions and 14:1. The words "Except when operating as a service of the Navy" are substituted for 49:1655(b)(2) because of 14:3. The words "The Secretary of Transportation exercises . . . vested in the Secretary of the Treasury . . . immediately before April 1, 1967" are substituted for "and there are hereby transferred to and vested in the Secretary . . . of the Secretary of the Treasury" to reflect the transfer of duties and powers to the Secretary of Transportation on April 1, 1967, the effective date of the Department of Transportation Act (Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 931).

In subsection (b), the first sentence is included to provide the name of the officer in charge of the Coast Guard, as reflected in 14:44. In the 2d sentence, the words "carrying out the duties and powers specified by law" are substituted for "such functions, powers, and duties as are specified in this chapter to be carried out", and the words "carry out duties and powers prescribed" are substituted for "carry out such additional functions, powers, and duties as", for consistency.

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 4(j)(4) amends 49:108(a) to reflect the intent of 49 App.:1655(b)(2), on which 49:108(a) was based.

Editorial Notes


2004Pub. L. 108–426 amended section catchline and text generally, substituting provisions relating to Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration for provisions relating to Coast Guard.

1994—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–272 designated existing provisions as par. (1), substituted "The Coast Guard" for "Except when operating as a service in the Navy, the Coast Guard", and added par. (2).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Savings Provisions

Pub. L. 108–426, §5, Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2426, as amended by Pub. L. 110–244, title III, §302(h), June 6, 2008, 122 Stat. 1618, provided that:

"(a) Transfer of Assets and Personnel.—Personnel, property, and records employed, used, held, available, or to be made available in connection with functions transferred within the Department of Transportation by this Act [see Short Title of 2004 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title] shall be transferred for use in connection with the functions transferred, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds (including funds of any predecessor entity) shall also be transferred accordingly.

"(b) Legal Documents.—All orders (including delegations by the Secretary of Transportation), determinations, rules, regulations, permits, grants, loans, contracts, settlements, agreements, certificates, licenses, and privileges—

"(1) that have been issued, made, granted, or allowed to become effective by any officer or employee, or any other Government official, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, in the performance of any function that is transferred by this Act; and

"(2) that are in effect on the effective date of such transfer (or become effective after such date pursuant to their terms as in effect on such effective date),

shall continue in effect according to their terms until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law by the Department, any other authorized official, a court of competent jurisdiction, or operation of law.

"(c) Proceedings.—The provisions of this Act shall not affect any proceedings, including administrative enforcement actions, pending before this Act takes effect, insofar as those functions are transferred by this Act; but such proceedings, to the extent that they relate to functions so transferred, shall proceed in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to prohibit the conclusion or modification of any proceeding described in this subsection under the same terms and conditions and to the same extent that such proceeding could have been concluded or modified if this Act had not been enacted. The Secretary of Transportation is authorized to provide for the orderly transfer of pending proceedings.

"(d) Suits.—

"(1) In general.—This Act shall not affect suits commenced before the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 30, 2004], except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3). In all such suits, proceedings shall be had, appeals taken, and judgments rendered in the same manner and with the same effect as if this Act had not been enacted.

"(2) Suits by or against department.—Any suit by or against the Department begun before the date of enactment of this Act, shall proceed in accordance with applicable law and regulations, insofar as it involves a function retained and transferred under this Act.

"(3) Procedures for remanded cases.—If the court in a suit described in paragraph (1) remands a case, subsequent proceedings related to such case shall proceed under procedures that are in accordance with applicable law and regulations as in effect at the time of such subsequent proceedings.

"(e) Continuance of Actions Against Officers.—No suit, action, or other proceeding commenced by or against any officer in his or her official capacity shall abate by reason of the enactment of this Act.

"(f) Exercise of Authorities.—An officer or employee of the Department, for purposes of performing a function transferred by this Act, may exercise all authorities under any other provision of law that were available with respect to the performance of that function to the official responsible for the performance of the function immediately before the effective date of the transfer of the function by this Act.

"(g) References.—A reference relating to an agency, officer, or employee affected by this Act in any Federal law, Executive order, rule, regulation, or delegation of authority, or in any document pertaining to an officer or employee, is deemed to refer, as appropriate, to the agency, officer, or employee who succeeds to the functions transferred by this Act.

"(h) Definition.—In this section, the term 'this Act' includes the amendments made by this Act."

Workforce Management

Pub. L. 114–183, §9, June 22, 2016, 130 Stat. 520, provided that:

"(a) Review.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act [June 22, 2016], the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, a review of Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration staff resource management, including—

"(1) geographic allocation plans, hiring and time-to-hire challenges, and expected retirement rates and recruitment and retention strategies;

"(2) an identification and description of any previous periods of macroeconomic and pipeline industry conditions under which the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration has encountered difficulty in filling vacancies, and the degree to which special hiring authorities, including direct hiring authority authorized by the Office of Personnel Management, could have ameliorated such difficulty; and

"(3) recommendations to address hiring challenges, training needs, and any other identified staff resource challenges.

"(b) Direct Hiring.—Upon identification of a period described in subsection (a)(2), the Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration may apply to the Office of Personnel Management for the authority to appoint qualified candidates to any position relating to pipeline safety, as determined by the Administrator, without regard to sections 3309 through 3319 of title 5, United States Code.

"(c) Savings Clause.—Nothing in this section shall preclude the Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration from applying to the Office of Personnel Management for the authority described in subsection (b) prior to the completion of the report required under subsection (a)."

Transfer of Duties and Powers of Research and Special Programs Administration

Pub. L. 108–426, §2(b), Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2424, provided that: "The authority of the Research and Special Programs Administration exercised under chapters 51, 57, 61, 601, and 603 of title 49, United States Code, is transferred to the Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration."

For transfer of authority of the Research and Special Programs Administration, other than authority exercised under chapters 51, 57, 61, 601, and 603 of this title, to the Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, see section 4(b) of Pub. L. 108–426, set out as a note under former section 112 of this title.

Pub. L. 108–426, §7, Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2428, provided that: "The Secretary shall provide for the orderly transfer of duties and powers under this Act [see Short Title of 2004 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title], including the amendments made by this Act, as soon as practicable but not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 30, 2004]."


Pub. L. 108–426, §6, Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2428, provided that:

"(a) Reports by the Inspector General.—Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 30, 2004], the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation shall submit to the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration a report containing the following:

"(1) A list of each statutory mandate regarding pipeline safety or hazardous materials safety that has not been implemented.

"(2) A list of each open safety recommendation made by the National Transportation Safety Board or the Inspector General regarding pipeline safety or hazardous materials safety.

"(b) Reports by the Secretary.—

"(1) Statutory mandates.—Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 180 days thereafter until each of the mandates referred to in subsection (a)(1) has been implemented, the Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on the specific actions taken to implement such mandates.

"(2) NTSB and inspector general recommendations.—Not later than January 1st of each year, the Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report containing each recommendation referred to in subsection (a)(2) and a copy of the Department of Transportation response to each such recommendation."

§109. Maritime Administration

(a) Organization and Mission.—The Maritime Administration is an administration in the Department of Transportation. The mission of the Maritime Administration is to foster, promote, and develop the merchant maritime industry of the United States.

(b) Maritime Administrator.—The head of the Maritime Administration is the Maritime Administrator, who is appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Administrator shall report directly to the Secretary of Transportation and carry out the duties prescribed by the Secretary.

(c) Deputy Maritime Administrator.—The Maritime Administration shall have a Deputy Maritime Administrator, who is appointed in the competitive service by the Secretary, after consultation with the Administrator. The Deputy Administrator shall carry out the duties prescribed by the Administrator. The Deputy Administrator shall be Acting Administrator during the absence or disability of the Administrator and, unless the Secretary designates another individual, during a vacancy in the office of Administrator.

(d) Duties and Powers Vested in Secretary.—All duties and powers of the Maritime Administration are vested in the Secretary.

(e) Regional Offices.—The Maritime Administration shall have regional offices for the Atlantic, Gulf, Great Lakes, and Pacific port ranges, and may have other regional offices as necessary. The Secretary shall appoint a qualified individual as Director of each regional office. The Secretary shall carry out appropriate activities and programs of the Maritime Administration through the regional offices.

(f) Interagency and Industry Relations.—The Secretary shall establish and maintain liaison with other agencies, and with representative trade organizations throughout the United States, concerned with the transportation of commodities by water in the export and import foreign commerce of the United States, for the purpose of securing preference to vessels of the United States for the transportation of those commodities.

(g) Detailing Officers From Armed Forces.—To assist the Secretary in carrying out duties and powers relating to the Maritime Administration, not more than five officers of the armed forces may be detailed to the Secretary at any one time, in addition to details authorized by any other law. During the period of a detail, the Secretary shall pay the officer an amount that, when added to the officer's pay and allowances as an officer in the armed forces, makes the officer's total pay and allowances equal to the amount that would be paid to an individual performing work the Secretary considers to be of similar importance, difficulty, and responsibility as that performed by the officer during the detail.

(h) Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, and Audits.—

(1) Contracts and cooperative agreements.—In the same manner that a private corporation may make a contract within the scope of its authority under its charter, the Secretary may make contracts and cooperative agreements for the United States Government and disburse amounts to—

(A) carry out the Secretary's duties and powers under this section, subtitle V of title 46, and all other Maritime Administration programs; and

(B) protect, preserve, and improve collateral held by the Secretary to secure indebtedness.

(2) Audits.—The financial transactions of the Secretary under paragraph (1) shall be audited by the Comptroller General. The Comptroller General shall allow credit for an expenditure shown to be necessary because of the nature of the business activities authorized by this section or subtitle V of title 46. At least once a year, the Comptroller General shall report to Congress any departure by the Secretary from this section or subtitle V of title 46.

(i) Grant Administrative Expenses.—Except as otherwise provided by law, the administrative and related expenses for the administration of any grant programs by the Maritime Administrator may not exceed 3 percent.

(j) Authorization of Appropriations.—

(1) In general.—Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, there are authorized to be appropriated such amounts as may be necessary to carry out the duties and powers of the Secretary relating to the Maritime Administration.

(2) Limitations.—Only those amounts specifically authorized by law may be appropriated for the use of the Maritime Administration for—

(A) acquisition, construction, or reconstruction of vessels;

(B) construction-differential subsidies incident to the construction, reconstruction, or reconditioning of vessels;

(C) costs of national defense features;

(D) payments of obligations incurred for operating-differential subsidies;

(E) expenses necessary for research and development activities, including reimbursement of the Vessel Operations Revolving Fund for losses resulting from expenses of experimental vessel operations;

(F) the Vessel Operations Revolving Fund;

(G) National Defense Reserve Fleet expenses;

(H) expenses necessary to carry out part B of subtitle V of title 46; and

(I) other operations and training expenses related to the development of waterborne transportation systems, the use of waterborne transportation systems, and general administration.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2417; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(5), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1375; Pub. L. 109–304, §12, Oct. 6, 2006, 120 Stat. 1698; Pub. L. 111–84, div. C, title XXXV, §3508, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2721; Pub. L. 111–383, div. A, title X, §1075(d)(26), Jan. 7, 2011, 124 Stat. 4374; Pub. L. 112–213, title IV, §409, Dec. 20, 2012, 126 Stat. 1572; Pub. L. 114–328, div. C, title XXXV, §3505(g), Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2776.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
109 (no source).

The section is included to provide in chapter 1 of the revised title a complete list of the organizational units established by law that are in the Department of Transportation or are subject to the direction and supervision of the Secretary of Transportation.

Pub. L. 109–304


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
109(a) 46 App.:1111 note. Reorg. Plan No. 21 of 1950, eff. May 24, 1950, §201, 64 Stat. 1276.
  46 App.:1601. Pub. L. 97–31, §2, Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 151.
109(b) 46 App.:1111 note. Reorg. Plan No. 7 of 1961, eff. Aug. 12, 1961, §201, 75 Stat. 842; Pub. L. 88–426, title III, §305(19)(B), Aug. 14, 1964, 78 Stat. 425; Pub. L. 91–469, §38(a), Oct. 21, 1970, 84 Stat. 1036.
  46 App.:1603. Pub. L. 97–31, §4, Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 151.
109(c) 46 App.:1111 note. Reorg. Plan No. 21 of 1950, eff. May 24, 1950, §203, 64 Stat. 1276.
109(d) 46 App.:1111 note. Reorg. Plan No. 21 of 1950, eff. May 24, 1950, §204, 64 Stat. 1276.
  46 App.:1602. Pub. L. 97–31, §3, Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 151.
109(e) 46 App.:1213(b). June 29, 1936, ch. 858, title VIII, §809(b), as added Pub. L. 94–10, §3, Mar. 23, 1975, 89 Stat. 16; Pub. L. 97–31, §12(121), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 164.
109(f) 46 App.:1122(d). June 29, 1936, ch. 858, title II, §212(d), 49 Stat. 1990; Pub. L. 97–31, §12(69), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 159.
109(g) 46 App.:1111(f) (2d sentence related to Secretary). June 29, 1936, ch. 858, title II, §201(f) (2d sentence related to Secretary), 49 Stat. 1986; Aug. 4, 1939, ch. 417, §4, 53 Stat. 1182; Pub. L. 97–31, §12(58)(D), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 158.
109(h) 46 App.:1117 (related to Secretary). June 29, 1936, ch. 858, title II, §207 (related to Secretary), 49 Stat. 1988; June 23, 1938, ch. 600, §2, 52 Stat. 954; Pub. L. 97–31, §12(64), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 159; Pub. L. 108–271, §8(b), July 7, 2004, 118 Stat. 814.
109(i)(1) 46 App.:1119(a). June 29, 1936, ch. 858, title II, §209, 49 Stat. 1988; Aug. 26, 1937, ch. 822, §3, 50 Stat. 839; Pub. L. 90–81, Sept. 5, 1967, 81 Stat. 193; Pub. L. 91–469, §2, Oct. 21, 1970, 84 Stat. 1018; Pub. L. 95–173, Nov. 12, 1977, §6(a), 91 Stat. 1360; Pub. L. 96–387, §4, Oct. 7, 1980, 94 Stat. 1546; Pub. L. 96–453, §3(a), Oct. 15, 1980, 94 Stat. 2008; Pub. L. 97–31, §12(66), Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 159.
109(i)(2) 46 App.:1119(b).
109(i)(3) 46 App.:1295c–1. Pub. L. 100–202, §101(a) [title V (4th proviso on p. 1329–28)], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329, 1329-28.

In subsection (b), the words "The Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs shall, ex officio, be the Administrator" in section 201 of Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1961 are omitted as superseded by 46 App. U.S.C. 1601 and 1603. The words "and who shall be compensated at the rate provided for level III of the Executive Schedule" in 46 App. U.S.C. 1603 are omitted as unnecessary because of 5 U.S.C. 5314.

In subsection (c), the word "Secretary" means the "Secretary of Transportation" because under 46 App. U.S.C. 1602 all functions, powers, and duties relating to the Maritime Administration were transferred from the Secretary of Commerce to the Secretary of Transportation. The words "in the competitive service" are substituted for "under the classified civil service" because of 5 U.S.C. 2102(c). The words "Provided, That such Deputy Administrator shall at no time sit as a member or acting member of the Federal Maritime Board" are omitted as obsolete because the Federal Maritime Board was abolished by section 304 of Reorganization Plan No. 7 of 1961 (46 App. U.S.C. 1111 note).

In subsection (f), the words "vessels of the United States" are substituted for "vessels of United States registry" because of the definition of "vessel of the United States" in chapter 1 of the revised title.

In subsection (g), the words "equal to the amount that would be paid to an individual performing work the Secretary considers to be of similar importance, difficulty, and responsibility" are substituted for "equal to the pay and allowances he would receive if he were the incumbent of an office or position in such service (or in the corresponding executive department), which, in the opinion of . . . the Secretary of Transportation, involves the performance of work similar in importance, difficulty, and responsibility" to eliminate unnecessary words.

In subsection (h)(2), the words "according to approved commercial practice as provided in the Act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 444)" are omitted as obsolete and unnecessary.

In subsection (i)(2), the words "Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or any other law" are omitted as unnecessary. In clause (G), the words "National Defense Reserve Fleet" are substituted for "reserve fleet" for clarity. Clause (H) is substituted for "(7) maritime training at the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York", "(8) financial assistance to State maritime academies under section 1295c of this Appendix", "(10) expenses necessary for additional training provided under section 1295d of this Appendix", and "(10) expenses necessary to carry out subchapter XIII of this chapter" because of the reorganization of revised title 46 and to eliminate unnecessary words. The text of 46 App. U.S.C. 1119 (proviso) is omitted as obsolete.

Editorial Notes


2016—Subsec. (j)(3). Pub. L. 114–328 struck out par. (3). Text read as follows: "Amounts may not be appropriated for the purchase or construction of training vessels for State maritime academies unless the Secretary has approved a plan for sharing training vessels between State maritime academies."

2012—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 112–213 substituted "Organization and Mission" for "Organization" in heading and inserted at end of text "The mission of the Maritime Administration is to foster, promote, and develop the merchant maritime industry of the United States."

2011—Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 111–383 made technical amendment to directory language of Pub. L. 111–84, §3508(1). See 2009 Amendment note below.

2009—Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 111–84, §3508(1), as amended by Pub. L. 111–383, substituted "Contracts, Cooperative Agreements, and Audits" for "Contracts and Audits" in heading.

Subsec. (h)(1). Pub. L. 111–84, §3508(2), (3), substituted "Contracts and cooperative agreements" for "Contracts" in heading and "make contracts and cooperative agreements" for "make contracts" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (h)(1)(A). Pub. L. 111–84, §3508(4), (5), substituted "section," for "section and" and "title 46, and all other Maritime Administration programs;" for "title 46;".

Subsecs. (i), (j). Pub. L. 111–84, §3508(6), added subsec. (i) and redesignated former subsec. (i) as (j).

2006Pub. L. 109–304 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section read as follows:

"(a) The Maritime Administration transferred by section 2 of the Maritime Act of 1981 (46 App. U.S.C. 1601) is an administration in the Department of Transportation.

"(b) The Administrator of the Administration appointed under section 4 of the Maritime Act of 1981 (46 App. U.S.C. 1603) reports directly to the Secretary of Transportation."

1994Pub. L. 103–272 inserted "App." after "(46" in subsecs. (a) and (b).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2011 Amendment

Pub. L. 111–383, div. A, title X, §1075(d), Jan. 7, 2011, 124 Stat. 4372, provided that the amendment by section 1075(d)(26) is effective as of Oct. 28, 2009, and as if included in Pub. L. 111–84 as enacted.

References in Other Federal Laws to Functions or Offices Transferred

Pub. L. 97–31, §10, Aug. 6, 1981, 95 Stat. 153, provided that: "With respect to any function or office transferred by this Act [see Tables for classification] and exercised on or after the effective date of this Act [Aug. 6, 1981], reference in any other Federal law to the Maritime Administration or any of its predecessor agencies or any officer or office the functions of which are so transferred shall be deemed to refer to the Secretary of Transportation, other official, or component of the Department of Transportation to which this Act transfers such functions."

Workforce Plans and Onboarding Policies

Pub. L. 114–328, div. C, title XXXV, §3519, Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2792, provided that:

"(a) Workforce Plans.—Not later than 9 months after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 2016], the Maritime Administrator shall review the Maritime Administration's workforce plans, including its Strategic Human Capital Plan and Leadership Succession Plan, and fully implement competency models for mission-critical occupations, including—

"(1) leadership positions;

"(2) human resources positions; and

"(3) transportation specialist positions.

"(b) Onboarding Policies.—Not later than 9 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Maritime Administrator shall—

"(1) review the Maritime Administration's policies related to new hire orientation, training, and misconduct;

"(2) align the onboarding policies and procedures at headquarters and the field offices to ensure consistent implementation and provision of critical information across the Maritime Administration; and

"(3) update the Maritime Administration's training policies and training systems to include controls that ensure that all completed training is tracked in a standardized training repository.

"(c) Report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Maritime Administrator shall submit a report to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives that describes the Maritime Administration's compliance with the requirements under this section."

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Pub. L. 114–328, div. C, title XXXV, §3520, Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2792, provided that:

"(a) Review.—Not later than 9 months after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 23, 2016], the Maritime Administrator shall—

"(1) review the Maritime Administration's drug and alcohol policies, procedures, and training practices;

"(2) ensure that all fleet managers have received training on the Department of Transportation's drug and alcohol policy, including the testing procedures used by the Department and the Maritime Administration in cases of reasonable suspicion; and

"(3) institute a system for tracking all drug and alcohol policy training conducted under paragraph (2) in a standardized training repository.

"(b) Report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Maritime Administrator shall submit a report to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Armed Services and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives that describes the Maritime Administration's compliance with the requirements under this section."

Expansion of the Marine View System

Pub. L. 111–84, div. C, title XXXV, §3516, Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2725, provided that:

"(a) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Marine transportation system.—The term 'marine transportation system' means the navigable water transportation system of the United States, including the vessels, ports (and intermodal connections thereto), and shipyards and other vessel repair facilities that are components of that system.

"(2) Marine view system.—The term 'Marine View system' means the information system of the Maritime Administration known as Marine View.

"(b) Purposes.—The purposes of this section are—

"(1) to expand the Marine View system; and

"(2) to provide support for the strategic requirements of the marine transportation system and its contribution to the economic viability of the United States.

"(c) Expansion of Marine View System.—To accomplish the purposes of this section, the Secretary of Transportation shall expand the Marine View system so that such system is able to identify, collect, integrate, secure, protect, store, and securely distribute throughout the marine transportation system information that—

"(1) provides access to many disparate marine transportation system data sources;

"(2) enables a system-wide view of the marine transportation system;

"(3) fosters partnerships between the Government of the United States and private entities;

"(4) facilitates accurate and efficient modeling of the entire marine transportation system environment;

"(5) monitors and tracks threats to the marine transportation system, including areas of severe weather or reported piracy; and

"(6) provides vessel tracking and rerouting, as appropriate, to ensure that the economic viability of the United States waterways is maintained."

§110. Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation

(a) The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation established under section 1 of the Act of May 13, 1954 (33 U.S.C. 981), is subject to the direction and supervision of the Secretary of Transportation.

(b) The Administrator of the Corporation appointed under section 2 of the Act of May 13, 1954 (33 U.S.C. 982), reports directly to the Secretary.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2418; Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(5)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1366; Pub. L. 116–260, div. AA, title V, §512(c)(7)(A)(i), Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 2757.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
110(a) (no source).
110(b) 33:981 (note). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §8(g)(2), 80 Stat. 943.

Subsection (a) is included to provide in chapter 1 of the revised title a complete list of the organizational units established by law that are in the Department of Transportation or are subject to the direction and supervision of the Secretary of Transportation.

Editorial Notes


2020Pub. L. 116–260, §512(c)(7)(A)(i)(I), substituted "Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation" for "Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation" in section catchline.

Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 116–260, §512(c)(7)(A)(i)(II), substituted "Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation" for "Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation".

1994—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "Saint Lawrence" for "St. Lawrence".

[§111. Repealed. Pub. L. 112–141, div. E, title II, §52011(c)(1), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 895]

Section, added Pub. L. 102–240, title VI, §6006(a), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2172; amended Pub. L. 104–287, §5(2), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3389; Pub. L. 104–324, title XI, §1131, Oct. 19, 1996, 110 Stat. 3985; Pub. L. 105–130, §4(b)(1), Dec. 1, 1997, 111 Stat. 2556; Pub. L. 105–178, title V, §5109(a), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 437; Pub. L. 108–426, §3(a), (b), Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2424, 2425; Pub. L. 109–59, title V, §5601(a), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1833, established the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. See chapter 63 of this title.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of Repeal

Repeal effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

[§112. Repealed. Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title VI, §6012(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1570]

Section, added Pub. L. 102–508, title IV, §401(a), Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 3310; amended Pub. L. 103–429, §6(1), Oct. 31, 1994, 108 Stat. 4378; Pub. L. 108–426, §4(a), Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2425; Pub. L. 109–59, title VII, §7301, Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1914; Pub. L. 112–141, div. E, title II, §52012, July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 896; Pub. L. 113–76, div. L, title I, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. 574, related to establishment of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration, whose functions were subsequently transferred to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology of the Department of Transportation. See Transfer of Duties and Powers note below.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of Repeal

Repeal effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendment note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Transfer of Duties and Powers

Pub. L. 113–76, div. L, title I, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. 574, provided in part: "That notwithstanding any other provision of law, the powers and duties, functions, authorities and personnel of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration are hereby transferred to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology in the Office of the Secretary: Provided further, That notwithstanding section 102 of title 49 and section 5315 of title 5, United States Code, there shall be an Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology within the Office of the Secretary, appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, to lead such office: Provided further, That any reference in law, regulation, judicial proceedings, or elsewhere to the Research and Innovative Technology Administration shall be deemed to be a reference to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology of the Department of Transportation."

[Pub. L. 118–42, div. F, title I, Mar. 9, 2024, 138 Stat. 300, provided in part: "That any reference in law, regulation, judicial proceedings, or elsewhere to the Research and Innovative Technology Administration shall continue to be deemed to be a reference to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology of the Department of Transportation."]

[Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriations acts:

[Pub. L. 117–328, div. L, title I, Dec. 29, 2022, 136 Stat. 5094.]

[Pub. L. 117–103, div. L, title I, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 684.]

[Pub. L. 116–260, div. L, title I, Dec. 27, 2020, 134 Stat. 1824.]

[Pub. L. 116–94, div. H, title I, Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 2934.]

[Pub. L. 116–6, div. G, title I, Feb. 15, 2019, 133 Stat. 396.]

[Pub. L. 115–141, div. L, title I, Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 972.]

[Pub. L. 115–31, div. K, title I, May 5, 2017, 131 Stat. 725.]

[Pub. L. 114–113, div. L, title I, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2835.]

[Pub. L. 113–235, div. K, title I, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2696.]

Pub. L. 108–426, §4(d), Nov. 30, 2004, 118 Stat. 2426, provided that: "The authority of the Research and Special Programs Administration, other than authority exercised under chapters 51, 57, 61, 601, and 603 of title 49, United States Code, is transferred to the Administrator of the Research and Innovative Technology Administration."

For transfer of authority of the Research and Special Programs Administration exercised under chapters 51, 57, 61, 601, and 603 of this title to the Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, see section 2(b) of Pub. L. 108–426, set out as a note under section 108 of this title.

§113. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

(a) In General.—The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shall be an administration of the Department of Transportation.

(b) Safety as Highest Priority.—In carrying out its duties, the Administration shall consider the assignment and maintenance of safety as the highest priority, recognizing the clear intent, encouragement, and dedication of Congress to the furtherance of the highest degree of safety in motor carrier transportation.

(c) Administrator.—The head of the Administration shall be the Administrator who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, and shall be an individual with professional experience in motor carrier safety. The Administrator shall report directly to the Secretary of Transportation.

(d) Deputy Administrator.—The Administration shall have a Deputy Administrator appointed by the Secretary, with the approval of the President. The Deputy Administrator shall carry out duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(e) Chief Safety Officer.—The Administration shall have an Assistant Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administrator appointed in the competitive service by the Secretary, with the approval of the President. The Assistant Administrator shall be the Chief Safety Officer of the Administration. The Assistant Administrator shall carry out the duties and powers prescribed by the Administrator.

(f) Powers and Duties.—The Administrator shall carry out—

(1) duties and powers related to motor carriers or motor carrier safety vested in the Secretary by chapters 5, 51, 55, 57, 59, 133 through 149, 311, 313, 315, and 317 and by section 18 of the Noise Control Act of 1972 (42 U.S.C. 4917; 86 Stat. 1249–1250); except as otherwise delegated by the Secretary to any agency of the Department of Transportation other than the Federal Highway Administration, as of October 8, 1999; and

(2) additional duties and powers prescribed by the Secretary.

(g) Limitation on Transfer of Powers and Duties.—A duty or power specified in subsection (f)(1) may only be transferred to another part of the Department when specifically provided by law.

(h) Effect of Certain Decisions.—A decision of the Administrator involving a duty or power specified in subsection (f)(1) and involving notice and hearing required by law is administratively final.

(i) Consultation.—The Administrator shall consult with the Federal Highway Administrator and with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator on matters related to highway and motor carrier safety.

(Added Pub. L. 106–159, title I, §101(a), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1750.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Jan. 1, 2000, see section 107(a) of Pub. L. 106–159, set out as an Effective Date of 1999 Amendment note under section 104 of this title.


Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title V, §5203, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1535, provided that:

"(a) In General.—

"(1) Date of issuance and point of contact.—Each guidance document issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shall have a date of issuance or a date of revision, as applicable, and shall include the name and contact information of a point of contact at the Administration who can respond to questions regarding the guidance.

"(2) Public accessibility.—

"(A) In general.—Each guidance document issued or revised by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shall be published on a publicly accessible Internet Web site of the Department [of Transportation] on the date of issuance or revision.

"(B) Redaction.—The Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration may redact from a guidance document published under subparagraph (A) any information that would reveal investigative techniques that would compromise Administration enforcement efforts.

"(3) Incorporation into regulations.—Not later than 5 years after the date on which a guidance document is published under paragraph (2) or during an applicable review under subsection (c), whichever is earlier, the Secretary [of Transportation] shall revise regulations to incorporate the guidance document to the extent practicable.

"(4) Reissuance.—If a guidance document is not incorporated into regulations in accordance with paragraph (3), the Administrator shall—

"(A) reissue an updated version of the guidance document; and

"(B) review and reissue an updated version of the guidance document every 5 years until the date on which the guidance document is removed or incorporated into applicable regulations.

"(b) Initial Review.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 4, 2015], the Administrator shall review all guidance documents issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and in effect on such date of enactment to ensure that such documents are current, are readily accessible to the public, and meet the standards specified in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of subsection (c)(1).

"(c) Regular Review.—

"(1) In general.—Subject to paragraph (2), not less than once every 5 years, the Administrator shall conduct a comprehensive review of the guidance documents issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to determine whether such documents are—

"(A) consistent and clear;

"(B) uniformly and consistently enforced; and

"(C) still necessary.

"(2) Notice and comment.—Prior to beginning a review under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall publish in the Federal Register a notice and request for comment that solicits input from stakeholders on which guidance documents should be updated or eliminated.

"(3) Report.—

"(A) In general.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which a review under paragraph (1) is completed, the Administrator shall publish on a publicly accessible Internet Web site of the Department a report detailing the review and a full inventory of the guidance documents of the Administration.

"(B) Contents.—A report under subparagraph (A) shall include a summary of the response of the Administration to comments received under paragraph (2).

"(d) Guidance Document Defined.—In this section, the term 'guidance document' means a document issued by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that—

"(1) provides an interpretation of a regulation of the Administration; or

"(2) includes an enforcement policy of the Administration available to the public."


Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title V, §5204, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1536, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shall—

"(1) publish on a publicly accessible Internet Web site of the Department [of Transportation] a summary of all petitions for regulatory action submitted to the Administration;

"(2) prioritize the petitions submitted based on the likelihood of safety improvements resulting from the regulatory action requested;

"(3) not later than 180 days after the date a summary of a petition is published under paragraph (1), formally respond to such petition by indicating whether the Administrator will accept, deny, or further review the petition;

"(4) prioritize responses to petitions consistent with a petition's potential to reduce crashes, improve enforcement, and reduce unnecessary burdens; and

"(5) not later than 60 days after the date of receipt of a petition, publish on a publicly accessible Internet Web site of the Department an updated inventory of the petitions described in paragraph (1), including any applicable disposition information for those petitions.

"(b) Treatment of Multiple Petitions.—The Administrator may treat multiple similar petitions as a single petition for the purposes of subsection (a).

"(c) Petition Defined.—In this section, the term 'petition' means a request for—

"(1) a new regulation;

"(2) a regulatory interpretation or clarification; or

"(3) a determination by the Administrator that a regulation should be modified or eliminated because it is—

"(A) no longer—

"(i) consistent and clear;

"(ii) current with the operational realities of the motor carrier industry; or

"(iii) uniformly enforced;

"(B) ineffective; or

"(C) overly burdensome."

Prioritizing Statutory Rulemakings

Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title V, §5302, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1543, provided that: "The Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shall prioritize the completion of each outstanding rulemaking required by statute before beginning any other rulemaking, unless the Secretary [of Transportation] determines that there is a significant need for such other rulemaking and notifies Congress of such determination."


Pub. L. 106–159, §3, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1749, provided that: "Congress makes the following findings:

"(1) The current rate, number, and severity of crashes involving motor carriers in the United States are unacceptable.

"(2) The number of Federal and State commercial motor vehicle and operator inspections is insufficient and civil penalties for violators must be utilized to deter future violations.

"(3) The Department of Transportation is failing to meet statutorily mandated deadlines for completing rulemaking proceedings on motor carrier safety and, in some significant safety rulemaking proceedings, including driver hours-of-service regulations, extensive periods have elapsed without progress toward resolution or implementation.

"(4) Too few motor carriers undergo compliance reviews and the Department's data bases and information systems require substantial improvement to enhance the Department's ability to target inspection and enforcement resources toward the most serious safety problems and to improve States' ability to keep dangerous drivers off the roads.

"(5) Additional safety inspectors and inspection facilities are needed in international border areas to ensure that commercial motor vehicles, drivers, and carriers comply with United States safety standards.

"(6) The Department should rigorously avoid conflicts of interest in federally funded research.

"(7) Meaningful measures to improve safety must be implemented expeditiously to prevent increases in motor carrier crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

"(8) Proper use of Federal resources is essential to the Department's ability to improve its research, rulemaking, oversight, and enforcement activities related to commercial motor vehicles, operators, and carriers."


Pub. L. 106–159, §4, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1749, provided that: "The purposes of this Act [see Tables for classification] are—

"(1) to improve the administration of the Federal motor carrier safety program and to establish a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration in the Department of Transportation; and

"(2) to reduce the number and severity of large-truck involved crashes through more commercial motor vehicle and operator inspections and motor carrier compliance reviews, stronger enforcement measures against violators, expedited completion of rulemaking proceedings, scientifically sound research, and effective commercial driver's license testing, recordkeeping and sanctions."

Savings Provision

Pub. L. 106–159, title I, §106, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1756, provided that:

"(a) Transfer of Assets and Personnel.—Except as otherwise provided in this Act [see Tables for classification] and the amendments made by this Act, those personnel, property, and records employed, used, held, available, or to be made available in connection with a function transferred to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration by this Act shall be transferred to the Administration for use in connection with the functions transferred, and unexpended balances of appropriations, allocations, and other funds of the Office of Motor Carrier Safety (including any predecessor entity) shall also be transferred to the Administration.

"(b) Legal Documents.—All orders, determinations, rules, regulations, permits, grants, loans, contracts, settlements, agreements, certificates, licenses, and privileges—

"(1) that have been issued, made, granted, or allowed to become effective by the Office, any officer or employee of the Office, or any other Government official, or by a court of competent jurisdiction, in the performance of any function that is transferred by this Act or the amendments made by this Act; and

"(2) that are in effect on the effective date of such transfer (or become effective after such date pursuant to their terms as in effect on such effective date),

shall continue in effect according to their terms until modified, terminated, superseded, set aside, or revoked in accordance with law by the Administration, any other authorized official, a court of competent jurisdiction, or operation of law.

"(c) Proceedings.—

"(1) In general.—The provisions of this Act shall not affect any proceedings or any application for any license pending before the Office at the time this Act takes effect [see Effective Date of 1999 Amendment note set out under section 104 of this title], insofar as those functions are transferred by this Act; but such proceedings and applications, to the extent that they relate to functions so transferred, shall be continued. Orders shall be issued in such proceedings, appeals shall be taken therefrom, and payments shall be made pursuant to such orders, as if this Act had not been enacted; and orders issued in any such proceedings shall continue in effect until modified, terminated, superseded, or revoked by a duly authorized official, by a court of competent jurisdiction, or by operation of law.

"(2) Statutory construction.—Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to prohibit the discontinuance or modification of any proceeding described in paragraph (1) under the same terms and conditions and to the same extent that such proceeding could have been discontinued or modified if this Act had not been enacted.

"(3) Orderly transfer.—The Secretary is authorized to provide for the orderly transfer of pending proceedings from the Office.

"(d) Suits.—

"(1) In general.—This Act shall not affect suits commenced before the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 9, 1999], except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3). In all such suits, proceeding shall be had, appeals taken, and judgments rendered in the same manner and with the same effect as if this Act had not been enacted.

"(2) Suits by or against omcs.—Any suit by or against the Office begun before January 1, 2000, shall be continued, insofar as it involves a function retained and transferred under this Act, with the Administration (to the extent the suit involves functions transferred to the Administration under this Act) substituted for the Office.

"(3) Remanded cases.—If the court in a suit described in paragraph (1) remands a case to the Administration, subsequent proceedings related to such case shall proceed in accordance with applicable law and regulations as in effect at the time of such subsequent proceedings.

"(e) Continuance of Actions Against Officers.—No suit, action, or other proceeding commenced by or against any officer in his official capacity as an officer of the Office shall abate by reason of the enactment of this Act. No cause of action by or against the Office, or by or against any officer thereof in his official capacity, shall abate by reason of the enactment of this Act.

"(f) Exercise of Authorities.—Except as otherwise provided by law, an officer or employee of the Administration may, for purposes of performing a function transferred by this Act or the amendments made by this Act, exercise all authorities under any other provision of law that were available with respect to the performance of that function to the official responsible for the performance of the function immediately before the effective date of the transfer of the function under this Act or the amendments made by this Act.

"(g) References.—Any reference to the Office in any Federal law, Executive order, rule, regulation, or delegation of authority, or any document of or pertaining to the Office or an officer or employee of the Office is deemed to refer to the Administration or a member or employee of the Administration, as appropriate."

§114. Transportation Security Administration

(a) In General.—The Transportation Security Administration shall be an administration of the Department of Homeland Security.

(b) Leadership.—

(1) Head of transportation security administration.—

(A) Appointment.—The head of the Administration shall be the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (referred to in this section as the "Administrator"). The Administrator shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(B) Qualifications.—The Administrator must—

(i) be a citizen of the United States; and

(ii) have experience in a field directly related to transportation or security.

(C) Term.—Effective with respect to any individual appointment by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, after the date of enactment of the TSA Modernization Act, the term of office of an individual appointed as the Administrator shall be 5 years. The term of office of an individual serving as the Administrator on the date of enactment of the TSA Modernization Act shall be 5 years beginning on the date that the Administrator began serving.

(2) Deputy administrator.—

(A) Appointment.—There is established in the Transportation Security Administration a Deputy Administrator, who shall assist the Administrator in the management of the Transportation Security Administration. The Deputy Administrator shall be appointed by the President.

(B) Vacancy.—The Deputy Administrator shall be Acting Administrator during the absence or incapacity of the Administrator or during a vacancy in the office of Administrator.

(C) Qualifications.—The Deputy Administrator must—

(i) be a citizen of the United States; and

(ii) have experience in a field directly related to transportation or security.

(3) Chief counsel.—

(A) Appointment.—There is established in the Transportation Security Administration a Chief Counsel, who shall advise the Administrator and other senior officials on all legal matters relating to the responsibilities, functions, and management of the Transportation Security Administration.

(B) Qualifications.—The Chief Counsel must be a citizen of the United States.

(c) Limitation on Ownership of Stocks and Bonds.—The Administrator may not own stock in or bonds of a transportation or security enterprise or an enterprise that makes equipment that could be used for security purposes.

(d) Functions.—The Administrator shall be responsible for security in all modes of transportation, including—

(1) carrying out chapter 449, relating to civil aviation security, and related research and development activities; and

(2) security responsibilities over other modes of transportation that are exercised by the Department of Transportation.

(e) Screening Operations.—The Administrator shall—

(1) be responsible for day-to-day Federal security screening operations for passenger air transportation and intrastate air transportation under sections 44901 and 44935;

(2) develop standards for the hiring and retention of security screening personnel;

(3) train and test security screening personnel; and

(4) be responsible for hiring and training personnel to provide security screening at all airports in the United States where screening is required under section 44901, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation and the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies and departments.

(f) Additional Duties and Powers.—In addition to carrying out the functions specified in subsections (d) and (e), the Administrator shall—

(1) receive, assess, and distribute intelligence information related to transportation security;

(2) assess threats to transportation;

(3) develop policies, strategies, and plans for dealing with threats to transportation security;

(4) make other plans related to transportation security, including coordinating countermeasures with appropriate departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government;

(5) serve as the primary liaison for transportation security to the intelligence and law enforcement communities;

(6) on a day-to-day basis, manage and provide operational guidance to the field security resources of the Administration, including Federal Security Managers as provided by section 44933;

(7) enforce security-related regulations and requirements;

(8) identify and undertake research and development activities necessary to enhance transportation security;

(9) inspect, maintain, and test security facilities, equipment, and systems;

(10) ensure the adequacy of security measures for the transportation of cargo;

(11) oversee the implementation, and ensure the adequacy, of security measures at airports and other transportation facilities;

(12) require background checks for airport security screening personnel, individuals with access to secure areas of airports, and other transportation security personnel;

(13) work in conjunction with the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration with respect to any actions or activities that may affect aviation safety or air carrier operations;

(14) work with the International Civil Aviation Organization and appropriate aeronautic authorities of foreign governments under section 44907 to address security concerns on passenger flights by foreign air carriers in foreign air transportation;

(15) establish and maintain a National Deployment Office as required under section 44948 of this title; and

(16) carry out such other duties, and exercise such other powers, relating to transportation security as the Administrator considers appropriate, to the extent authorized by law.

(g) National Emergency Responsibilities.—

(1) In general.—Subject to the direction and control of the Secretary of Homeland Security, the Administrator, during a national emergency, shall have the following responsibilities:

(A) To coordinate domestic transportation, including aviation, rail, and other surface transportation, and maritime transportation (including port security).

(B) To coordinate and oversee the transportation-related responsibilities of other departments and agencies of the Federal Government other than the Department of Defense and the military departments.

(C) To coordinate and provide notice to other departments and agencies of the Federal Government, and appropriate agencies of State and local governments, including departments and agencies for transportation, law enforcement, and border control, about threats to transportation.

(D) To carry out such other duties, and exercise such other powers, relating to transportation during a national emergency as the Secretary of Homeland Security shall prescribe.

(2) Authority of other departments and agencies.—The authority of the Administrator under this subsection shall not supersede the authority of any other department or agency of the Federal Government under law with respect to transportation or transportation-related matters, whether or not during a national emergency.

(3) Circumstances.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall prescribe the circumstances constituting a national emergency for purposes of this subsection.

(h) Management of Security Information.—In consultation with the Transportation Security Oversight Board, the Administrator shall—

(1) enter into memoranda of understanding with Federal agencies or other entities to share or otherwise cross-check as necessary data on individuals identified on Federal agency databases who may pose a risk to transportation or national security;

(2) establish procedures for notifying the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, appropriate State and local law enforcement officials, and airport or airline security officers of the identity of individuals known to pose, or suspected of posing, a risk of air piracy or terrorism or a threat to airline or passenger safety;

(3) in consultation with other appropriate Federal agencies and air carriers, establish policies and procedures requiring air carriers—

(A) to use information from government agencies to identify individuals on passenger lists who may be a threat to civil aviation or national security; and

(B) if such an individual is identified, notify appropriate law enforcement agencies, prevent the individual from boarding an aircraft, or take other appropriate action with respect to that individual; and

(4) consider requiring passenger air carriers to share passenger lists with appropriate Federal agencies for the purpose of identifying individuals who may pose a threat to aviation safety or national security.

(i) View of NTSB.—In taking any action under this section that could affect safety, the Administrator shall give great weight to the timely views of the National Transportation Safety Board.

(j) Acquisitions.—

(1) In general.—The Administrator is authorized—

(A) to acquire (by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise) such real property, or any interest therein, within and outside the continental United States, as the Administrator considers necessary;

(B) to acquire (by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise) and to construct, repair, operate, and maintain such personal property (including office space and patents), or any interest therein, within and outside the continental United States, as the Administrator considers necessary;

(C) to lease to others such real and personal property and to provide by contract or otherwise for necessary facilities for the welfare of its employees and to acquire, maintain, and operate equipment for these facilities;

(D) to acquire services, including such personal services as the Secretary of Homeland Security determines necessary, and to acquire (by purchase, lease, condemnation, or otherwise) and to construct, repair, operate, and maintain research and testing sites and facilities; and

(E) in cooperation with the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, to utilize the research and development facilities of the Federal Aviation Administration.

(2) Title.—Title to any property or interest therein acquired pursuant to this subsection shall be held by the Government of the United States.

(k) Transfers of Funds.—The Administrator is authorized to accept transfers of unobligated balances and unexpended balances of funds appropriated to other Federal agencies (as such term is defined in section 551(1) of title 5) to carry out functions assigned by law to the Administrator.

(l) Regulations.—

(1) In general.—The Administrator is authorized to issue, rescind, and revise such regulations as are necessary to carry out the functions of the Administration.

(2) Emergency procedures.—

(A) In general.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law or executive order (including an executive order requiring a cost-benefit analysis), if the Administrator determines that a regulation or security directive must be issued immediately in order to protect transportation security, the Administrator shall issue the regulation or security directive without providing notice or an opportunity for comment and without prior approval of the Secretary.

(B) Review by transportation security oversight board.—Any regulation or security directive issued under this paragraph shall be subject to review by the Transportation Security Oversight Board established under section 115. Any regulation or security directive issued under this paragraph shall remain effective for a period not to exceed 90 days unless ratified or disapproved by the Board or rescinded by the Administrator.

(3) Factors to consider.—In determining whether to issue, rescind, or revise a regulation under this section, the Administrator shall consider, as a factor in the final determination, whether the costs of the regulation are excessive in relation to the enhancement of security the regulation will provide. The Administrator may waive requirements for an analysis that estimates the number of lives that will be saved by the regulation and the monetary value of such lives if the Administrator determines that it is not feasible to make such an estimate.

(4) Airworthiness objections by faa.—

(A) In general.—The Administrator shall not take an aviation security action under this title if the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration notifies the Administrator that the action could adversely affect the airworthiness of an aircraft.

(B) Review by secretary.—Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the Administrator may take such an action, after receiving a notification concerning the action from the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under subparagraph (A), if the Secretary of Transportation subsequently approves the action.

(m) Personnel and Services; Cooperation by Administrator.—

(1) Authority of administrator.—In carrying out the functions of the Administration, the Administrator shall have the same authority as is provided to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under subsections (l) and (m) of section 106.

(2) Authority of agency heads.—The head of a Federal agency shall have the same authority to provide services, supplies, equipment, personnel, and facilities to the Administrator as the head has to provide services, supplies, equipment, personnel, and facilities to the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under section 106(m).

(n) Personnel Management System.—

(1) In general.—The personnel management system established by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under section 40122 shall apply to employees of the Transportation Security Administration, or, subject to the requirements of such section, the Administrator may make such modifications to the personnel management system with respect to such employees as the Administrator considers appropriate, such as adopting aspects of other personnel systems of the Department of Homeland Security.

(2) Meritorious executive or distinguished executive rank awards.—Notwithstanding section 40122(g)(2) of this title, the applicable sections of title 5 shall apply to the Transportation Security Administration personnel management system, except that—

(A) for purposes of applying such provisions to the personnel management system—

(i) the term "agency" means the Department of Homeland Security;

(ii) the term "senior executive" means a Transportation Security Administration executive serving on a Transportation Security Executive Service appointment;

(iii) the term "career appointee" means a Transportation Security Administration executive serving on a career Transportation Security Executive Service appointment; and

(iv) The 1 term "senior career employee" means a Transportation Security Administration employee covered by the Transportation Security Administration Core Compensation System at the L or M pay band;

(B) receipt by a career appointee or a senior career employee of the rank of Meritorious Executive or Meritorious Senior Professional entitles the individual to a lump-sum payment of an amount equal to 20 percent of annual basic pay, which shall be in addition to the basic pay paid under the applicable Transportation Security Administration pay system; and

(C) receipt by a career appointee or a senior career employee of the rank of Distinguished Executive or Distinguished Senior Professional entitles the individual to a lump-sum payment of an amount equal to 35 percent of annual basic pay, which shall be in addition to the basic pay paid under the applicable Transportation Security Administration pay system.

(3) Definition of applicable sections of title 5.—In this subsection, the term "applicable sections of title 5" means—

(A) subsections (b), (c) and (d) of section 4507 of title 5; and

(B) subsections (b) and (c) of section 4507a of title 5.

(o) Authority of Inspector General.—The Transportation Security Administration shall be subject to chapter 4 of title 5 and other laws relating to the authority of the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security.

(p) Law Enforcement Powers.—

(1) In general.—The Administrator may designate an employee of the Transportation Security Administration or other Federal agency to serve as a law enforcement officer.

(2) Powers.—While engaged in official duties of the Administration as required to fulfill the responsibilities under this section, a law enforcement officer designated under paragraph (1) may—

(A) carry a firearm;

(B) make an arrest without a warrant for any offense against the United States committed in the presence of the officer, or for any felony cognizable under the laws of the United States if the officer has probable cause to believe that the person to be arrested has committed or is committing the felony; and

(C) seek and execute warrants for arrest or seizure of evidence issued under the authority of the United States upon probable cause that a violation has been committed.

(3) Guidelines on exercise of authority.—The authority provided by this subsection shall be exercised in accordance with guidelines prescribed by the Administrator, in consultation with the Attorney General of the United States, and shall include adherence to the Attorney General's policy on use of deadly force.

(4) Revocation or suspension of authority.—The powers authorized by this subsection may be rescinded or suspended should the Attorney General determine that the Administrator has not complied with the guidelines prescribed in paragraph (3) and conveys the determination in writing to the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Administrator.

(q) Authority To Exempt.—The Administrator may grant an exemption from a regulation prescribed in carrying out this section if the Administrator determines that the exemption is in the public interest.

(r) Nondisclosure of Security Activities.—

(1) In general.—Notwithstanding section 552 of title 5, the Administrator shall prescribe regulations prohibiting the disclosure of information obtained or developed in carrying out security under authority of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act (Public Law 107–71) or under chapter 449 of this title if the Administrator decides that disclosing the information would—

(A) be an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

(B) reveal a trade secret or privileged or confidential commercial or financial information; or

(C) be detrimental to the security of transportation.

(2) Availability of information to congress.—Paragraph (1) does not authorize information to be withheld from a committee of Congress authorized to have the information.

(3) Limitation on transferability of duties.—Except as otherwise provided by law, the Administrator may not transfer a duty or power under this subsection to another department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States.

(4) Limitations.—Nothing in this subsection, or any other provision of law, shall be construed to authorize the designation of information as sensitive security information (as defined in section 1520.5 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations)—

(A) to conceal a violation of law, inefficiency, or administrative error;

(B) to prevent embarrassment to a person, organization, or agency;

(C) to restrain competition; or

(D) to prevent or delay the release of information that does not require protection in the interest of transportation security, including basic scientific research information not clearly related to transportation security.

(s) Transportation Security Strategic Planning.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall develop, prepare, implement, and update, as needed—

(A) a National Strategy for Transportation Security; and

(B) transportation modal security plans addressing security risks, including threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences, for aviation, railroad, ferry, highway, maritime, pipeline, public transportation, over-the-road bus, and other transportation infrastructure assets.

(2) Role of secretary of transportation.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall work jointly with the Secretary of Transportation in developing, revising, and updating the documents required by paragraph (1).

(3) Contents of national strategy for transportation security.—The National Strategy for Transportation Security shall include the following:

(A) An identification and evaluation of the transportation assets in the United States that, in the interests of national security and commerce, must be protected from attack or disruption by terrorist or other hostile forces, including modal security plans for aviation, bridge and tunnel, commuter rail and ferry, highway, maritime, pipeline, rail, mass transit, over-the-road bus, and other public transportation infrastructure assets that could be at risk of such an attack or disruption.

(B) The development of risk-based priorities, based on risk assessments conducted or received by the Secretary of Homeland Security (including assessments conducted under the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007) across all transportation modes and realistic deadlines for addressing security needs associated with those assets referred to in subparagraph (A).

(C) The most appropriate, practical, and cost-effective means of defending those assets against threats to their security.

(D) A forward-looking strategic plan that sets forth the agreed upon roles and missions of Federal, State, regional, local, and tribal authorities and establishes mechanisms for encouraging cooperation and participation by private sector entities, including nonprofit employee labor organizations, in the implementation of such plan.

(E) A comprehensive delineation of prevention, response, and recovery responsibilities and issues regarding threatened and executed acts of terrorism within the United States and threatened and executed acts of terrorism outside the United States to the extent such acts affect United States transportation systems.

(F) A prioritization of research and development objectives that support transportation security needs, giving a higher priority to research and development directed toward protecting vital transportation assets. Transportation security research and development projects shall be based, to the extent practicable, on such prioritization. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed to require the termination of any research or development project initiated by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Secretary of Transportation before the date of enactment of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007.

(G) A 3- and 10-year budget for Federal transportation security programs that will achieve the priorities of the National Strategy for Transportation Security.

(H) Methods for linking the individual transportation modal security plans and the programs contained therein, and a plan for addressing the security needs of intermodal transportation.

(I) Transportation modal security plans described in paragraph (1)(B), including operational recovery plans to expedite, to the maximum extent practicable, the return to operation of an adversely affected transportation system following a major terrorist attack on that system or other incident. These plans shall be coordinated with the resumption of trade protocols required under section 202 of the SAFE Port Act (6 U.S.C. 942) and the National Maritime Transportation Security Plan required under section 70103(a) of title 46.

(4) Submission of plans.—

(A) In general.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit the National Strategy for Transportation Security, including the transportation modal security plans and any revisions to the National Strategy for Transportation Security and the transportation modal security plans, to appropriate congressional committees not less frequently than April 1 of each even-numbered year.

(B) Periodic progress report.—

(i) Requirement for report.—Each year, in conjunction with the submission of the budget to Congress under section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees an assessment of the progress made on implementing the National Strategy for Transportation Security, including the transportation modal security plans.

(ii) Content.—Each progress report submitted under this subparagraph shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(I) Recommendations for improving and implementing the National Strategy for Transportation Security and the transportation modal and intermodal security plans that the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, considers appropriate.

(II) An accounting of all grants for transportation security, including grants and contracts for research and development, awarded by the Secretary of Homeland Security in the most recent fiscal year and a description of how such grants accomplished the goals of the National Strategy for Transportation Security.

(III) An accounting of all—

(aa) funds requested in the President's budget submitted pursuant to section 1105 of title 31 for the most recent fiscal year for transportation security, by mode;

(bb) personnel working on transportation security by mode, including the number of contractors; and

(cc) information on the turnover in the previous year among senior staff of the Department of Homeland Security, including component agencies, working on transportation security issues. Such information shall include the number of employees who have permanently left the office, agency, or area in which they worked, and the amount of time that they worked for the Department of Homeland Security.

(iii) Written explanation of transportation security activities not delineated in the national strategy for transportation security.—At the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a written explanation of any Federal transportation security activity that is inconsistent with the National Strategy for Transportation Security, including the amount of funds to be expended for the activity and the number of personnel involved.

(C) Classified material.—Any part of the National Strategy for Transportation Security or the transportation modal security plans that involve information that is properly classified under criteria established by Executive order shall be submitted to the appropriate congressional committees separately in a classified format.

(D) Appropriate congressional committees defined.—In this subsection, the term "appropriate congressional committees" means the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.

(5) Priority Status.—

(A) In general.—The National Strategy for Transportation Security shall be the governing document for Federal transportation security efforts.

(B) Other plans and reports.—The National Strategy for Transportation Security shall include, as an integral part or as an appendix—

(i) the current National Maritime Transportation Security Plan under section 70103 of title 46;

(ii) the report required by section 44938 of this title;

(iii) transportation modal security plans required under this section;

(iv) the transportation sector specific plan required under Homeland Security Presidential Directive–7; and

(v) any other transportation security plan or report that the Secretary of Homeland Security determines appropriate for inclusion.

(6) Coordination.—In carrying out the responsibilities under this section, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of Transportation, shall consult, as appropriate, with Federal, State, and local agencies, tribal governments, private sector entities (including nonprofit employee labor organizations), institutions of higher learning, and other entities.

(7) Plan distribution.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall make available and appropriately publicize an unclassified version of the National Strategy for Transportation Security, including its component transportation modal security plans, to Federal, State, regional, local and tribal authorities, transportation system owners or operators, private sector stakeholders, including nonprofit employee labor organizations representing transportation employees, institutions of higher learning, and other appropriate entities.

(t) Transportation Security Information Sharing Plan.—

(1) Definitions.—In this subsection:

(A) Appropriate congressional committees.—The term "appropriate congressional committees" has the meaning given that term in subsection (s)(4)(E).

(B) Plan.—The term "Plan" means the Transportation Security Information Sharing Plan established under paragraph (2).

(C) Public and private stakeholders.—The term "public and private stakeholders" means Federal, State, and local agencies, tribal governments, and appropriate private entities, including nonprofit employee labor organizations representing transportation employees.

(D) Transportation security information.—The term "transportation security information" means information relating to the risks to transportation modes, including aviation, public transportation, railroad, ferry, highway, maritime, pipeline, and over-the-road bus transportation, and may include specific and general intelligence products, as appropriate.

(2) Establishment of plan.—The Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the program manager of the information sharing environment established under section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (6 U.S.C. 485), the Secretary of Transportation, and public and private stakeholders, shall establish a Transportation Security Information Sharing Plan. In establishing the Plan, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall gather input on the development of the Plan from private and public stakeholders and the program manager of the information sharing environment established under section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (6 U.S.C. 485).

(3) Purpose of plan.—The Plan shall promote sharing of transportation security information between the Department of Homeland Security and public and private stakeholders.

(4) Content of plan.—The Plan shall include—

(A) a description of how intelligence analysts within the Department of Homeland Security will coordinate their activities within the Department and with other Federal, State, and local agencies, and tribal governments, including coordination with existing modal information sharing centers and the center described in section 1410 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007;

(B) the establishment of a point of contact, which may be a single point of contact within the Department of Homeland Security, for each mode of transportation for the sharing of transportation security information with public and private stakeholders, including an explanation and justification to the appropriate congressional committees if the point of contact established pursuant to this subparagraph differs from the agency within the Department of Homeland Security that has the primary authority, or has been delegated such authority by the Secretary of Homeland Security, to regulate the security of that transportation mode;

(C) a reasonable deadline by which the Plan will be implemented; and

(D) a description of resource needs for fulfilling the Plan.

(5) Coordination with information sharing.—The Plan shall be—

(A) implemented in coordination, as appropriate, with the program manager for the information sharing environment established under section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (6 U.S.C. 485); and

(B) consistent with the establishment of the information sharing environment and any policies, guidelines, procedures, instructions, or standards established by the President or the program manager for the implementation and management of the information sharing environment.

(6) Annual report on plan.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall annually submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report containing the Plan.

(7) Security clearances.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall, to the greatest extent practicable, take steps to expedite the security clearances needed for designated public and private stakeholders to receive and obtain access to classified information distributed under this section, as appropriate.

(8) Classification of material.—The Secretary of Homeland Security, to the greatest extent practicable, shall provide designated public and private stakeholders with transportation security information in an unclassified format.

(u) Enforcement of Regulations and Orders of the Secretary of Homeland Security.—

(1) Application of subsection.—

(A) In general.—This subsection applies to the enforcement of regulations prescribed, and orders issued, by the Secretary of Homeland Security under a provision of chapter 701 of title 46 and under a provision of this title other than a provision of chapter 449 (in this subsection referred to as an "applicable provision of this title").

(B) Violations of chapter 449.—The penalties for violations of regulations prescribed and orders issued by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Administrator under chapter 449 of this title are provided under chapter 463 of this title.

(C) Nonapplication to certain violations.—

(i) Paragraphs (2) through (5) do not apply to violations of regulations prescribed, and orders issued, by the Secretary of Homeland Security under a provision of this title—

(I) involving the transportation of personnel or shipments of materials by contractors where the Department of Defense has assumed control and responsibility;

(II) by a member of the armed forces of the United States when performing official duties; or

(III) by a civilian employee of the Department of Defense when performing official duties.

(ii) Violations described in subclause (I), (II), or (III) of clause (i) shall be subject to penalties as determined by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Defense's designee.

(2) Civil penalty.—

(A) In general.—A person is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of not more than $10,000 for a violation of a regulation prescribed, or order issued, by the Secretary of Homeland Security under an applicable provision of this title.

(B) Repeat violations.—A separate violation occurs under this paragraph for each day the violation continues.

(3) Administrative imposition of civil penalties.—

(A) In general.—The Secretary of Homeland Security may impose a civil penalty for a violation of a regulation prescribed, or order issued, under an applicable provision of this title. The Secretary shall give written notice of the finding of a violation and the penalty.

(B) Scope of civil action.—In a civil action to collect a civil penalty imposed by the Secretary of Homeland Security under this subsection, a court may not re-examine issues of liability or the amount of the penalty.

(C) Jurisdiction.—The district courts of the United States shall have exclusive jurisdiction of civil actions to collect a civil penalty imposed by the Secretary of Homeland Security under this subsection if—

(i) the amount in controversy is more than—

(I) $400,000, if the violation was committed by a person other than an individual or small business concern; or

(II) $50,000 if the violation was committed by an individual or small business concern;

(ii) the action is in rem or another action in rem based on the same violation has been brought; or

(iii) another action has been brought for an injunction based on the same violation.

(D) Maximum penalty.—The maximum civil penalty the Secretary of Homeland Security administratively may impose under this paragraph is—

(i) $400,000, if the violation was committed by a person other than an individual or small business concern; or

(ii) $50,000, if the violation was committed by an individual or small business concern.

(E) Notice and opportunity to request hearing.—Before imposing a penalty under this section the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide to the person against whom the penalty is to be imposed—

(i) written notice of the proposed penalty; and

(ii) the opportunity to request a hearing on the proposed penalty, if the Secretary of Homeland Security receives the request not later than 30 days after the date on which the person receives notice.

(4) Compromise and setoff.—

(A) The Secretary of Homeland Security may compromise the amount of a civil penalty imposed under this subsection.

(B) The Government may deduct the amount of a civil penalty imposed or compromised under this subsection from amounts it owes the person liable for the penalty.

(5) Investigations and proceedings.—Chapter 461 shall apply to investigations and proceedings brought under this subsection to the same extent that it applies to investigations and proceedings brought with respect to aviation security duties designated to be carried out by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(6) Definitions.—In this subsection:

(A) Person.—The term "person" does not include—

(i) the United States Postal Service; or

(ii) the Department of Defense.

(B) Small business concern.—The term "small business concern" has the meaning given that term in section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632).

(7) Enforcement transparency.—

(A) In general.—The Secretary of Homeland Security shall—

(i) provide an annual summary to the public of all enforcement actions taken by the Secretary under this subsection; and

(ii) include in each such summary the docket number of each enforcement action, the type of alleged violation, the penalty or penalties proposed, and the final assessment amount of each penalty.

(B) Electronic availability.—Each summary under this paragraph shall be made available to the public by electronic means.

(C) Relationship to the freedom of information act and the privacy act.—Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require disclosure of information or records that are exempt from disclosure under sections 552 or 552a of title 5.

(v) Authorization of Appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Transportation Security Administration for salaries, operations, and maintenance of the Administration—

(1) $7,849,247,000 for fiscal year 2019;

(2) $7,888,494,000 for fiscal year 2020; and

(3) $7,917,936,000 for fiscal year 2021.

(w) Leadership and Organization.—

(1) In general.—For each of the areas described in paragraph (2), the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration shall appoint at least 1 individual who shall—

(A) report directly to the Administrator or the Administrator's designated direct report; and

(B) be responsible and accountable for that area.

(2) Areas described.—The areas described in this paragraph are as follows:

(A) Aviation security operations and training, including risk-based, adaptive security—

(i) focused on airport checkpoint and baggage screening operations;

(ii) workforce training and development programs; and

(iii) ensuring compliance with aviation security law, including regulations, and other specialized programs designed to secure air transportation.

(B) Surface transportation security operations and training, including risk-based, adaptive security—

(i) focused on accomplishing security systems assessments;

(ii) reviewing and prioritizing projects for appropriated surface transportation security grants;

(iii) operator compliance with surface transportation security law, including regulations, and voluntary industry standards; and

(iv) workforce training and development programs, and other specialized programs designed to secure surface transportation.

(C) Transportation industry engagement and planning, including the development, interpretation, promotion, and oversight of a unified effort regarding risk-based, risk-reducing security policies and plans (including strategic planning for future contingencies and security challenges) between government and transportation stakeholders, including airports, domestic and international airlines, general aviation, air cargo, mass transit and passenger rail, freight rail, pipeline, highway and motor carriers, and maritime.

(D) International strategy and operations, including agency efforts to work with international partners to secure the global transportation network.

(E) Trusted and registered traveler programs, including the management and marketing of the agency's trusted traveler initiatives, including the PreCheck Program, and coordination with trusted traveler programs of other Department of Homeland Security agencies and the private sector.

(F) Technology acquisition and deployment, including the oversight, development, testing, evaluation, acquisition, deployment, and maintenance of security technology and other acquisition programs.

(G) Inspection and compliance, including the integrity, efficiency and effectiveness of the agency's workforce, operations, and programs through objective audits, covert testing, inspections, criminal investigations, and regulatory compliance.

(H) Civil rights, liberties, and traveler engagement, including ensuring that agency employees and the traveling public are treated in a fair and lawful manner consistent with Federal laws and regulations protecting privacy and prohibiting discrimination and reprisal.

(I) Legislative and public affairs, including communication and engagement with internal and external audiences in a timely, accurate, and transparent manner, and development and implementation of strategies within the agency to achieve congressional approval or authorization of agency programs and policies.

(3) Notification.—The Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress—

(A) not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the TSA Modernization Act, a list of the names of the individuals appointed under paragraph (1); and

(B) an update of the list not later than 5 days after any new individual is appointed under paragraph (1).

(x) Transportation Security Preparedness Plan.—

(1) In general.—Not later than two years after the date of the enactment of this subsection, the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through the Administrator, in coordination with the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Homeland Security, and in consultation with the partners identified under paragraphs (3)(A)(i) through (3)(A)(iv), shall develop a transportation security preparedness plan to address the event of a communicable disease outbreak. The Secretary, acting through the Administrator, shall ensure such plan aligns with relevant Federal plans and strategies for communicable disease outbreaks.

(2) Considerations.—In developing the plan required under paragraph (1), the Secretary, acting through the Administrator, shall consider each of the following:

(A) The findings of the survey required under section 6411 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022.

(B) The findings of the analysis required under section 6414 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022.

(C) The plan required under section 6415 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022.

(D) All relevant reports and recommendations regarding the Administration's response to the COVID–19 pandemic, including any reports and recommendations issued by the Comptroller General and the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security.

(E) Lessons learned from Federal interagency efforts during the COVID–19 pandemic.

(3) Contents of plan.—The plan developed under paragraph (1) shall include each of the following:

(A) Plans for communicating and collaborating in the event of a communicable disease outbreak with the following partners:

(i) Appropriate Federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Labor, and appropriate interagency task forces.

(ii) The workforce of the Administration, including through the labor organization certified as the exclusive representative of full- and part-time non-supervisory Administration personnel carrying out screening functions under section 44901 of this title.

(iii) International partners, including the International Civil Aviation Organization and foreign governments, airports, and air carriers.

(iv) Public and private stakeholders, as such term is defined under subsection (t)(1)(C).

(v) The traveling public.

(B) Plans for protecting the safety of the Transportation Security Administration workforce, including—

(i) reducing the risk of communicable disease transmission at screening checkpoints and within the Administration's workforce related to the Administration's transportation security operations and mission;

(ii) ensuring the safety and hygiene of screening checkpoints and other workstations;

(iii) supporting equitable and appropriate access to relevant vaccines, prescriptions, and other medical care; and

(iv) tracking rates of employee illness, recovery, and death.

(C) Criteria for determining the conditions that may warrant the integration of additional actions in the aviation screening system in response to the communicable disease outbreak and a range of potential roles and responsibilities that align with such conditions.

(D) Contingency plans for temporarily adjusting checkpoint operations to provide for passenger and employee safety while maintaining security during the communicable disease outbreak.

(E) Provisions setting forth criteria for establishing an interagency task force or other standing engagement platform with other appropriate Federal departments and agencies, including the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Transportation, to address such communicable disease outbreak.

(F) A description of scenarios in which the Administrator should consider exercising authorities provided under subsection (g) and for what purposes.

(G) Considerations for assessing the appropriateness of issuing security directives and emergency amendments to regulated parties in various modes of transportation, including surface transportation, and plans for ensuring compliance with such measures.

(H) A description of any potential obstacles, including funding constraints and limitations to authorities, that could restrict the ability of the Administration to respond appropriately to a communicable disease outbreak.

(4) Dissemination.—Upon development of the plan required under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall disseminate the plan to the partners identified under paragraph (3)(A) and to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.

(5) Review of plan.—Not later than two years after the date on which the plan is disseminated under paragraph (4), and biennially thereafter, the Secretary, acting through the Administrator and in coordination with the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Homeland Security, shall review the plan and, after consultation with the partners identified under paragraphs (3)(A)(i) through (3)(A)(iv), update the plan as appropriate.

(Added Pub. L. 107–71, title I, §101(a), Nov. 19, 2001, 115 Stat. 597; amended Pub. L. 107–296, title XVI, §1601(b), title XVII, §1707, Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2312, 2318; Pub. L. 108–7, div. I, title III, §351(d), Feb. 20, 2003, 117 Stat. 420; Pub. L. 108–458, title IV, §4001(a), Dec. 17, 2004, 118 Stat. 3710; Pub. L. 110–53, title XII, §§1202, 1203(a), title XIII, §1302(a), title XV, §1503(a), Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 381, 383, 390, 425; Pub. L. 110–161, div. E, title V, §568(a), Dec. 26, 2007, 121 Stat. 2092; Pub. L. 111–83, title V, §561(c)(1), Oct. 28, 2009, 123 Stat. 2182; Pub. L. 114–301, §2(d), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1514; Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §§1903, 1904(a), (b)(1), 1905, 1909, 1988(c), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3543, 3544, 3546, 3549, 3623; Pub. L. 117–81, div. F, title LXIV, §6412(a), Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2409; Pub. L. 117–286, §4(b)(95), Dec. 27, 2022, 136 Stat. 4353.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of the TSA Modernization Act, referred to in subsecs. (b)(1)(C) and (w)(3)(A), is the date of enactment of title I of div. K of Pub. L. 115–254, which was approved Oct. 5, 2018.

The Aviation and Transportation Security Act, referred to in subsec. (r)(1), is Pub. L. 107–71, Nov. 19, 2001, 115 Stat. 597. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 2001 Amendment note set out under section 101 of this title and Tables.

The Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, referred to in subsec. (s)(3)(B), is Pub. L. 110–53, Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 266. Section 1410 of the Act is classified to section 1139 of Title 6, Domestic Security. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title of 2007 Amendment note set out under section 101 of Title 6 and Tables.

The date of enactment of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, referred to in subsec. (s)(3)(F), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 110–53, which was approved Aug. 3, 2007.

The date of the enactment of this subsection, referred to in subsec. (x)(1), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 117–81, which was approved Dec. 27, 2021.

Section 6411 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, referred to in subsec. (x)(2)(A), is section 6411 of div. F of Pub. L. 117–81, Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2409, which is not classified to the Code.

Section 6414 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, referred to in subsec. (x)(2)(B), is section 6414 of div. F of Pub. L. 117–81, Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2412, which is not classified to the Code.

Section 6415 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, referred to in subsec. (x)(2)(C), is section 6415 of Pub. L. 117–81, which is set out as a note under section 44901 of this title.


2022—Subsec. (o). Pub. L. 117–286 substituted "chapter 4 of title 5" for "the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.)".

2021—Subsec. (x). Pub. L. 117–81 added subsec. (x).

2018Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(a)(3), substituted "Administrator" for "Under Secretary" wherever appearing in subsecs. (c) to (n), (p), (q), and (r).

Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(a)(1), substituted "Department of Homeland Security" for "Department of Transportation".

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(a)(2), amended subsec. (b) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows:

"(1) Appointment.—The head of the Administration shall be the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security. The Under Secretary shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

"(2) Qualifications.—The Under Secretary must—

"(A) be a citizen of the United States; and

"(B) have experience in a field directly related to transportation or security.

"(3) Term.—The term of office of an individual appointed as the Under Secretary shall be 5 years."

Subsec. (f)(15), (16). Pub. L. 115–254, §1988(c), added par. (15) and redesignated former par. (15) as (16).

Subsec. (g)(1). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(A)(i)(I), substituted "Subject to the direction and control of the Secretary of Homeland Security" for "Subject to the direction and control of the Secretary" in introductory provisions.

Subsecs. (g)(1)(D), (3), (j)(1)(D). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(A)(i)(II), (ii), (B), inserted "of Homeland Security" after "Secretary".

Subsec. (k). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(C), substituted "functions assigned" for "functions transferred, on or after the date of enactment of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act,".

Subsec. (l)(4)(B). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(D), substituted "Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under subparagraph (A)" for "Administrator under subparagraph (A)".

Subsec. (n). Pub. L. 115–254, §1909, inserted par. (1) designation and heading before "The personnel management system", added pars. (2) and (3), and realigned margins.

Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(E), substituted "Department of Homeland Security" for "Department of Transportation".

Subsec. (o). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(F), substituted "Department of Homeland Security" for "Department of Transportation".

Subsec. (p)(4). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(G), substituted "Secretary of Homeland Security" for "Secretary of Transportation".

Subsec. (s)(3)(B). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(i), inserted closing parenthesis after "Act of 2007".

Subsec. (s)(4). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(I), substituted "Submission of plans" for "Submissions of plans to Congress" in heading.

Subsec. (s)(4)(A). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(IV)(bb), which directed amendment of subpar. (A) by substituting "The" for "After December 31, 2015, the", was executed by making the substitution for "After December 31, 2005, the" to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(IV)(aa), substituted "In general" for "Subsequent versions" in heading.

Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(II), (III), redesignated subpar. (B) as (A) and struck out former subpar. (A). Prior to amendment, text of subpar. (A) read as follows: "The Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit the National Strategy for Transportation Security, including the transportation modal security plans, developed under this subsection to the appropriate congressional committees not later than April 1, 2005."

Subsec. (s)(4)(B). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(III), redesignated subpar. (C) as (B). Former subpar. (B) redesignated (A).

Subsec. (s)(4)(B)(ii)(III)(cc). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(V), substituted "for the Department of Homeland Security" for "for the Department".

Subsec. (s)(4)(C) to (E). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(H)(ii)(III), redesignated subpars. (D) and (E) as (C) and (D), respectively. Former subpar. (C) redesignated (B).

Subsec. (t). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(I), redesignated subsec. (u) as (t).

Subsec. (t)(1)(D), (E). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(J)(i), redesignated subpar. (E) as (D) and struck out former subpar. (D). Prior to amendment, text of subpar. (D) read as follows: "The term 'Secretary' means the Secretary of Homeland Security."

Subsec. (t)(2). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(J)(ii), inserted "of Homeland Security" after "Plan, the Secretary".

Subsec. (t)(4)(B). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(J)(iii), inserted "of Homeland Security" after "agency within the Department" and after "Secretary".

Subsec. (t)(6). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(J)(iv), amended par. (6) generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows:

"(A) In general.—Not later than 150 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees, a report containing the Plan.

"(B) Annual report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this subsection, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on updates to and the implementation of the Plan."

Subsec. (t)(7), (8). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(J)(v), inserted "of Homeland Security" after "Secretary".

Subsec. (u). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(I), redesignated subsec. (v) as (u). Former subsec. (u) redesignated (t).

Subsec. (u)(1)(B). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(K)(i)(I), inserted "or the Administrator" after "Secretary of Homeland Security".

Subsec. (u)(1)(C)(ii). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(K)(i)(II), substituted "Secretary of Defense's designee" for "Secretary's designee".

Subsec. (u)(3)(B) to (E), (4)(A), (5). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(K)(i)(III), (ii), (iii), inserted "of Homeland Security" after "Secretary" wherever appearing.

Subsec. (u)(7)(A). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(K)(iv)(I), substituted "The Secretary of Homeland Security" for "Not later than December 31, 2008, and annually thereafter, the Secretary" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (u)(7)(D). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(K)(iv)(II), struck out subpar. (D). Text read as follows: "Not later than 180 days after the enactment of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, the Secretary shall provide a report to the public describing the enforcement process established under this subsection."

Subsec. (v). Pub. L. 115–254, §1904(b)(1)(I), redesignated subsec. (w) as (v). Former subsec. (v) redesignated (u).

Subsec. (w). Pub. L. 115–254, §1905, added subsec. (w). Former subsec. (w) redesignated (v).

Pub. L. 115–254, §1903, amended subsec. (w) generally. Prior to amendment, subsec. (w) related to authorization of appropriations for railroad, over-the-road bus and trucking, and hazardous material and pipeline security for fiscal years 2008 through 2011.

2016—Subsec. (u)(1)(A). Pub. L. 114–301, §2(d)(1), substituted "subsection (s)(4)(E)" for "subsection (t)".

Subsec. (u)(7) to (9). Pub. L. 114–301, §2(d)(2), (3), redesignated pars. (8) and (9) as (7) and (8), respectively, and struck out former par. (7) which related to surveys and reports.

2009—Subsec. (r)(4). Pub. L. 111–83 added par. (4).

2007—Subsecs. (o) to (s). Pub. L. 110–161 redesignated subsecs. (p) to (s) as (o) to (r), respectively, and struck out former subsec. (o). Text of former subsec. (o) read as follows: "The acquisition management system established by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under section 40110 shall apply to acquisitions of equipment, supplies, and materials by the Transportation Security Administration, or, subject to the requirements of such section, the Under Secretary may make such modifications to the acquisition management system with respect to such acquisitions of equipment, supplies, and materials as the Under Secretary considers appropriate, such as adopting aspects of other acquisition management systems of the Department of Transportation."

Subsec. (t). Pub. L. 110–161 redesignated subsec. (t) as (s).

Subsec. (t)(1)(B). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(a), amended subpar. (B) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (B) read as follows: "transportation modal security plans."

Subsec. (t)(3)(B). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(b)(1), inserted ", based on risk assessments conducted or received by the Secretary of Homeland Security (including assessments conducted under the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007" after "risk-based priorities".

Subsec. (t)(3)(D). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(b)(2), substituted "local, and tribal" for "and local" and "cooperation and participation by private sector entities, including nonprofit employee labor organizations," for "private sector cooperation and participation".

Subsec. (t)(3)(E). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(b)(3), substituted "prevention, response, and recovery" for "response and recovery" and inserted "and threatened and executed acts of terrorism outside the United States to the extent such acts affect United States transportation systems" before period at end.

Subsec. (t)(3)(F). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(b)(4), inserted at end "Transportation security research and development projects shall be based, to the extent practicable, on such prioritization. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be construed to require the termination of any research or development project initiated by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the Secretary of Transportation before the date of enactment of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007."

Subsec. (t)(3)(G) to (I). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(b)(5), added subpars. (G) to (I).

Subsec. (t)(4)(C)(i). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(c)(1)(A), inserted ", including the transportation modal security plans" before period at end.

Subsec. (t)(4)(C)(ii), (iii). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(c)(1)(B), added cls. (ii) and (iii) and struck out former cl. (ii). Text of former cl. (ii) read as follows: "Each progress report under this subparagraph shall include, at a minimum, recommendations for improving and implementing the National Strategy for Transportation Security and the transportation modal security plans that the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, considers appropriate."

Subsec. (t)(4)(E). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(c)(2), added subpar. (E) and struck out former subpar. (E). Text of former subpar. (E) read as follows: "In this subsection, the term 'appropriate congressional committees' means the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and the Select Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate."

Subsec. (t)(5)(B)(iv), (v). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(d), added cl. (iv) and redesignated former cl. (iv) as (v).

Subsec. (t)(6), (7). Pub. L. 110–53, §1202(e), added pars. (6) and (7).

Subsec. (u). Pub. L. 110–53, §1203(a), added subsec. (u).

Subsec. (v). Pub. L. 110–53, §1302(a), added subsec. (v).

Subsec. (w). Pub. L. 110–53, §1503(a), added subsec. (w).

2004—Subsec. (t). Pub. L. 108–458 added subsec. (t).

2003—Subsec. (q)(1). Pub. L. 108–7 inserted "or other Federal agency" after "Transportation Security Administration".

2002—Subsec. (l)(2)(B). Pub. L. 107–296, §1707, inserted "for a period not to exceed 90 days" after "effective" and "ratified or" before "disapproved".

Subsec. (s). Pub. L. 107–296, §1601(b), added subsec. (s).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Change of Name

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1994, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3646, provided that: "References relating to the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security in statutes, Executive orders, rules, regulations, directives, or delegations of authority that precede the effective date of this Act [meaning the date of enactment of Pub. L. 115–254, Oct. 5, 2018] shall be deemed to refer, as appropriate, to the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration."

Effective Date of 2007 Amendment

Pub. L. 110–161, div. E, title V, §568(b), Dec. 26, 2007, 121 Stat. 2092, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 26, 2007].

Effective Date of 2004 Amendment

Pub. L. 108–458, title IV, §4082, Dec. 17, 2004, 118 Stat. 3732, provided that: "This title [enacting section 44925 of this title, amending this section, sections 44903, 44904, 44909, 44917, 44923, 46301 to 46303, and 48301 of this title, and sections 70102 and 70103 of Title 46, Shipping, and enacting provisions set out as notes under sections 44703, 44901, 44913, 44917, 44923, 44925, and 44935 of this title, section 2751 of Title 22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse, and section 70101 of Title 46] shall take effect on the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 17, 2004]."

Effective Date of 2002 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 107–296 effective 60 days after Nov. 25, 2002, see section 4 of Pub. L. 107–296, set out as an Effective Date note under section 101 of Title 6, Domestic Security.

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of functions, personnel, assets, and liabilities of the Transportation Security Administration of the Department of Transportation, including the functions of the Secretary of Transportation, and of the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security, relating thereto, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 203(2), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.

Authorization of Transportation Security Administration Personnel Details

Pub. L. 117–81, div. F, title LXIV, §6413, Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2412, provided that:

"(a) Coordination.—Pursuant to sections 106(m) and 114(m) of title 49, United States Code, the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration may provide Transportation Security Administration personnel, who are not engaged in front line transportation security efforts, to other components of the Department and other Federal agencies to improve coordination with such components and agencies to prepare for, protect against, and respond to public health threats to the transportation security system of the United States.

"(b) Briefing.—Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 27, 2021], the Administrator shall brief the appropriate congressional committees regarding efforts to improve coordination with other components of the Department of Homeland Security and other Federal agencies to prepare for, protect against, and respond to public health threats to the transportation security system of the United States."

Aviation Security

Pub. L. 117–81, div. F, title LXIV, §6423(b), Dec. 27, 2021, 135 Stat. 2420, provided that:

"(1) In general.—Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 27, 2021], the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration shall develop and implement guidelines with respect to domestic and last point of departure airports to—

"(A) ensure the inclusion, as appropriate, of air carriers, domestic airport operators, and other transportation security stakeholders in the development and implementation of security directives and emergency amendments;

"(B) document input provided by air carriers, domestic airport operators, and other transportation security stakeholders during the security directive and emergency amendment, development, and implementation processes;

"(C) define a process, including timeframes, and with the inclusion of feedback from air carriers, domestic airport operators, and other transportation security stakeholders, for cancelling or incorporating security directives and emergency amendments into security programs;

"(D) conduct engagement with foreign partners on the implementation of security directives and emergency amendments, as appropriate, including recognition if existing security measures at a last point of departure airport are found to provide commensurate security as intended by potential new security directives and emergency amendments; and

"(E) ensure that new security directives and emergency amendments are focused on defined security outcomes.

"(2) Briefing to congress.—Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 27, 2021], the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration shall brief the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate on the guidelines described in paragraph (1).

"(3) Decisions not subject to judicial review.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any action of the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration under paragraph (1) is not subject to judicial review."

Emergency TSA Employee Leave Fund

Pub. L. 117–2, title VII, §7104, Mar. 11, 2021, 135 Stat. 100, provided that:

"(a) Establishment; Appropriation.—There is established in the Transportation Security Administration (in this section referred to as the 'Administration') the Emergency TSA Employee Leave Fund (in this section referred to as the 'Fund'), to be administered by the Administrator of the Administration, for the purposes set forth in subsection (b). In addition to amounts otherwise available, there is appropriated for fiscal year 2021, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, $13,000,000, which shall be deposited into the Fund and remain available through September 30, 2022.

"(b) Purpose.—Amounts in the Fund shall be available to the Administration for the use of paid leave under this section by any employee of the Administration who is unable to work because the employee—

"(1) is subject to a Federal, State, or local quarantine or isolation order related to COVID–19;

"(2) has been advised by a health care provider to self-quarantine due to concerns related to COVID–19;

"(3) is caring for an individual who is subject to such an order or has been so advised;

"(4) is experiencing symptoms of COVID–19 and seeking a medical diagnosis;

"(5) is caring for a son or daughter of such employee if the school or place of care of the son or daughter has been closed, if the school of such son or daughter requires or makes optional a virtual learning instruction model or requires or makes optional a hybrid of in-person and virtual learning instruction models, or the child care provider of such son or daughter is unavailable, due to COVID–19 precautions;

"(6) is experiencing any other substantially similar condition;

"(7) is caring for a family member with a mental or physical disability or who is 55 years of age or older and incapable of self-care, without regard to whether another individual other than the employee is available to care for such family member, if the place of care for such family member is closed or the direct care provider is unavailable due to COVID–19; or

"(8) is obtaining immunization related to COVID–19 or is recovering from any injury, disability, illness, or condition related to such immunization.

"(c) Limitations.—

"(1) Period of availability.—Paid leave under this section may only be provided to and used by an employee of the Administration during the period beginning on the date of enactment of this section [Mar. 11, 2021] and ending on September 30, 2021.

"(2) Total hours; amount.—Paid leave under this section—

"(A) shall be provided to an employee of the Administration in an amount not to exceed 600 hours of paid leave for each full-time employee, and in the case of a part-time employee, employee on an uncommon tour of duty, or employee with a seasonal work schedule, in an amount not to exceed the proportional equivalent of 600 hours to the extent amounts in the Fund remain available for reimbursement;

"(B) shall be paid at the same hourly rate as other leave payments; and

"(C) may not be provided to an employee if the leave would result in payments greater than $2,800 in aggregate for any biweekly pay period for a full-time employee, or a proportionally equivalent biweekly limit for a part-time employee.

"(3) Relationship to other leave.—Paid leave under this section—

"(A) is in addition to any other leave provided to an employee of the Administration; and

"(B) may not be used by an employee of the Administration concurrently with any other paid leave.

"(4) Calculation of retirement benefit.—Any paid leave provided to an employee of the Administration under this section shall reduce the total service used to calculate any Federal civilian retirement benefit."

Deemed References to Chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51

General references to "this title" deemed to refer also to chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs, see section 4(d)(8) of Pub. L. 111–314, set out as a note under section 101 of this title.

Transmittals to Congress

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1910, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3550, provided that: "With regard to each report, legislative proposal, or other communication of the Executive Branch related to the TSA and required to be submitted to Congress or the appropriate committees of Congress, the Administrator shall transmit such communication directly to the appropriate committees of Congress."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1910 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Third Party Testing and Verification of Screening Technology

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1911, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3550, provided that:

"(a) In General.—In carrying out the responsibilities under section 114(f)(9) [probably means section 114(f)(9) of Title 10, United States Code], the Administrator shall develop and implement, not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], a program to enable a vendor of related security screening technology to obtain testing and verification, including as an alternative to the TSA's test and evaluation process, by an appropriate third party, of such technology before procurement or deployment.

"(b) Detection Testing.—

"(1) In general.—The third party testing and verification program authorized under subsection (a) shall include detection testing to evaluate the performance of the security screening technology system regarding the probability of detection, the probability of false alarm, and such other indicators that the system is able to meet the TSA's mission needs.

"(2) Results.—The results of the third party detection testing under paragraph (1) shall be considered final if the results are approved by the Administration in accordance with approval standards developed by the Administrator.

"(3) Coordination with final testing.—To the extent practicable, but without compromising the integrity of the TSA test and evaluation process, the Administrator shall coordinate the third party detection testing under paragraph (1) with any subsequent, final Federal Government testing.

"(4) International standards.—To the extent practicable and permissible under law and considering the national security interests of the United States, the Administrator shall—

"(A) share detection testing information and standards with appropriate international partners; and

"(B) coordinate with the appropriate international partners to align TSA testing and evaluation with relevant international standards to maximize the capability to detect explosives and other threats.

"(c) Operational Testing.—

"(1) In general.—Subject to paragraph (2), the third party testing and verification program authorized under subsection (a) shall include operational testing.

"(2) Limitation.—Third party operational testing under paragraph (1) may not exceed 1 year.

"(d) Alternative.—Third party testing under subsection (a) shall replace as an alternative, at the discretion of the Administrator, the testing at the TSA Systems Integration Facility, including testing for—

"(1) health and safety factors;

"(2) operator interface;

"(3) human factors;

"(4) environmental factors;

"(5) throughput;

"(6) reliability, maintainability, and availability factors; and

"(7) interoperability.

"(e) Testing and Verification Framework.—

"(1) In general.—The Administrator shall—

"(A) establish a framework for the third party testing and for verifying a security technology is operationally effective and able to meet the TSA's mission needs before it may enter or re-enter, as applicable, the operational context at an airport or other transportation facility;

"(B) use phased implementation to allow the TSA and the third party to establish best practices; and

"(C) oversee the third party testing and evaluation framework.

"(2) Recommendations.—The Administrator shall request ASAC's Security Technology Subcommittee, in consultation with representatives of the security manufacturers industry, to develop and submit to the Administrator recommendations for the third party testing and verification framework.

"(f) Field Testing.—The Administrator shall prioritize the field testing and evaluation, including by third parties, of security technology and equipment at airports and on site at security technology manufacturers whenever possible as an alternative to the TSA Systems Integration Facility.

"(g) Appropriate Third Parties.—

"(1) Citizenship requirement.—An appropriate third party under subsection (a) shall be—

"(A) if an individual, a citizen of the United States; or

"(B) if an entity, owned and controlled by a citizen of the United States.

"(2) Waiver.—The Administrator may waive the requirement under paragraph (1)(B) if the entity is a United States subsidiary of a parent company that has implemented a foreign ownership, control, or influence mitigation plan that has been approved by the Defense Security Service [now Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency] of the Department of Defense before applying to provide third party testing. The Administrator may reject any application to provide third party testing under subsection (a) submitted by an entity that requires a waiver under this paragraph.

"(3) Conflicts of interest.—The Administrator shall ensure, to the extent possible, that an entity providing third party testing under this section does not have a contractual, business, or other pecuniary interest (exclusive of any such testing) in—

"(A) the security screening technology subject to such testing; or

"(B) the vendor of such technology.

"(h) GAO Review.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a study on the third party testing program developed under this section[.]

"(2) Review.—The study under paragraph (1) shall include a review of the following:

"(A) Any efficiencies or gains in effectiveness achieved in TSA operations, including technology acquisition or screening operations, as a result of such program.

"(B) The degree to which the TSA conducts timely and regular oversight of the appropriate third parties engaged in such testing.

"(C) The effect of such program on the following:

"(i) The introduction of innovative detection technologies into security screening operations.

"(ii) The availability of testing for technologies developed by small to medium sized businesses.

"(D) Any vulnerabilities associated with such program, including with respect to the following:

"(i) National security.

"(ii) Any conflicts of interest between the appropriate third parties engaged in such testing and the entities providing such technologies to be tested.

"(iii) Waste, fraud, and abuse."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1911 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Transportation Security Administration Systems Integration Facility

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1912, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3552, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator shall continue to operate the Transportation Security Administration Systems Integration Facility (referred to in this section as the 'TSIF') for the purposes of testing and evaluating advanced transportation security screening technologies related to the mission of the TSA.

"(b) Requirements.—The TSIF shall—

"(1) evaluate the technologies described in subsection (a) to enhance the security of transportation systems through screening and threat mitigation and detection;

"(2) test the technologies described in subsection (a) to support identified mission needs of the TSA and to meet requirements for acquisitions and procurement;

"(3) to the extent practicable, provide original equipment manufacturers with test plans to minimize requirement interpretation disputes and adhere to provided test plans;

"(4) collaborate with other technical laboratories and facilities for purposes of augmenting the capabilities of the TSIF;

"(5) deliver advanced transportation security screening technologies that enhance the overall security of domestic transportation systems; and

"(6) to the extent practicable, provide funding and promote efforts to enable participation by a small business concern (as the term is described under section 3 of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 632)) that—

"(A) has an advanced technology or capability; but

"(B) does not have adequate resources to participate in testing and evaluation processes.

"(c) Staffing and Resource Allocation.—The Administrator shall ensure adequate staffing and resource allocations for the TSIF in a manner that—

"(1) prevents unnecessary delays in the testing and evaluation of advanced transportation security screening technologies for acquisitions and procurement determinations;

"(2) ensures the issuance of final paperwork certification no later than 45 days after the date such testing and evaluation has concluded; and

"(3) ensures collaboration with technology stakeholders to close capabilities gaps in transportation security.

"(d) Deadline.—

"(1) In general.—The Administrator shall notify the appropriate committees of Congress if testing and evaluation by the TSIF of an advanced transportation security screening technology under this section exceeds 180 days from the delivery date.

"(2) Notification.—The notification under paragraph (1) shall include—

"(A) information relating to the delivery date;

"(B) a justification for why the testing and evaluation process has exceeded 180 days; and

"(C) the estimated date for completion of such testing and evaluation.

"(3) Definition of delivery date.—In this subsection, the term 'delivery date' means the date that the owner of an advanced transportation security screening technology—

"(A) after installation, delivers the technology to the TSA for testing and evaluation; and

"(B) submits to the Administrator, in such form and manner as the Administrator prescribes, a signed notification of the delivery described in subparagraph (A).

"(e) Retesting and Evaluation.—Advanced transportation security screening technology that fails testing and evaluation by the TSIF may be retested and evaluated at the discretion of the Administrator.

"(f) Rule of Construction.—Nothing in this section may be construed to affect the authority or responsibility of an officer of the Department, or an officer of any other Federal department or agency, with respect to research, development, testing, and evaluation of technologies, including such authorities or responsibilities of the Undersecretary [probably should be "Under Secretary"] for Science and Technology of the Department and Assistant Secretary of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office of the Department."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1912 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Public Area Security Working Group

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1931, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3569, provided that:

"(a) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Public and private stakeholders.—The term 'public and private stakeholders' has the meaning given the term in section 114(t)(1)(C) of title 49, United States Code.

"(2) Surface transportation asset.—The term 'surface transportation asset' includes—

"(A) facilities, equipment, or systems used to provide transportation services by—

"(i) a public transportation agency (as the term is defined in section 1402 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (6 U.S.C. 1131));

"(ii) a railroad carrier (as the term is defined in section 20102 of title 49, United States Code); [or]

"(iii) an owner or operator of—

     "(I) an entity offering scheduled, fixed-route transportation services by over-the road bus (as the term is defined in section 1501 of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (6 U.S.C. 1151)); or

     "(II) a bus terminal; or

"(B) other transportation facilities, equipment, or systems, as determined by the Secretary.

"(b) Public Area Security Working Group.—

"(1) Working group.—The Administrator, in coordination with the National Protection and Programs Directorate, shall establish a working group to promote collaborative engagement between the TSA and public and private stakeholders to develop non-binding recommendations for enhancing security in public areas of transportation facilities (including facilities that are surface transportation assets), including recommendations regarding the following:

"(A) Information sharing and interoperable communication capabilities among the TSA and public and private stakeholders with respect to terrorist or other threats.

"(B) Coordinated incident response procedures.

"(C) The prevention of terrorist attacks and other incidents through strategic planning, security training, exercises and drills, law enforcement patrols, worker vetting, and suspicious activity reporting.

"(D) Infrastructure protection through effective construction design barriers and installation of advanced surveillance and other security technologies.

"(2) Annual report.—

"(A) In general.—Not later than 1 year after the date the working group is established under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committee of Congress [probably should be "appropriate committees of Congress"] a report, covering the 12-month period preceding the date of the report, on—

"(i) the organization of the working group;

"(ii) the activities of the working group;

"(iii) the participation of the TSA and public and private stakeholders in the activities of the working group; [and]

"(iv) the findings of the working group, including any recommendations.

"(B) Publication.—The Administrator may publish a public version of such report that describes the activities of the working group and such related matters as would be informative to the public, consistent with section 552(b) of title 5, United States Code.

"(3) Nonapplicability of faca.—The Federal Advisory Committee Act ([former] 5 U.S.C. App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.] shall not apply to the working group established under subsection (a) [probably should be "paragraph (1)"] or any subcommittee thereof.

"(c) Technical Assistance.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary shall—

"(A) inform owners and operators of surface transportation assets about the availability of technical assistance, including vulnerability assessment tools and cybersecurity guidelines, to help protect and enhance the resilience of public areas of such assets; and

"(B) upon request, and subject to the availability of appropriations, provide such technical assistance to owners and operators of surface transportation assets.

"(2) Best practices.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], and periodically thereafter, the Secretary shall publish on the Department website and widely disseminate, as appropriate, current best practices for protecting and enhancing the resilience of public areas of transportation facilities (including facilities that are surface transportation assets), including associated frameworks or templates for implementation.

"(d) Review.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall—

"(A) review of [sic] regulations, directives, policies, and procedures issued by the Administrator regarding the transportation of a firearm and ammunition; and

"(B) submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report on the findings of the review under subparagraph (A), including, as appropriate, information on any plans to modify any regulation, directive, policy, or procedure based on the review.

"(2) Consultation.—In preparing the report under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall consult with—

"(A) ASAC;

"(B) the Surface Transportation Security Advisory Committee under section 404 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 [6 U.S.C. 204]; and

"(C) appropriate public and private stakeholders."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1931 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Public Area Best Practices

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1932, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3571, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator shall, in accordance with law and as received or developed, periodically submit information, on any best practices developed by the TSA or appropriate transportation stakeholders related to protecting the public spaces of transportation infrastructure from emerging threats, to the following:

"(1) Federal Security Directors at airports.

"(2) Appropriate security directors for other modes of transportation.

"(3) Other appropriate transportation security stakeholders.

"(b) Information Sharing.—The Administrator shall, in accordance with law—

"(1) in coordination with the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and industry partners, implement improvements to the Air Domain Intelligence and Analysis Center to encourage increased participation from stakeholders and enhance government and industry security information sharing on transportation security threats, including on cybersecurity threat awareness;

"(2) expand and improve the City and Airport Threat Assessment or similar program to public and private stakeholders to capture, quantify, communicate, and apply applicable intelligence to inform transportation infrastructure mitigation measures, such as—

"(A) quantifying levels of risk by airport that can be used to determine risk-based security mitigation measures at each location; and

"(B) determining random and surge employee inspection operations based on changing levels of risk;

"(3) continue to disseminate Transportation Intelligence Notes, tear-lines, and related intelligence products to appropriate transportation security stakeholders on a regular basis; and

"(4) continue to conduct both regular routine and threat-specific classified briefings between the TSA and appropriate transportation sector stakeholders on an individual or group basis to provide greater information sharing between public and private sectors.

"(c) Mass Notification.—The Administrator shall encourage security stakeholders to utilize mass notification systems, including the Integrated Public Alert Warning System of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and social media platforms, to disseminate information to transportation community employees, travelers, and the general public, as appropriate.

"(d) Public Awareness Programs.—The Secretary, in coordination with the Administrator, shall expand public programs of the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA that increase security threat awareness, education, and training to include transportation network public area employees, including airport and transportation vendors, local hotels, cab and limousine companies, ridesharing companies, cleaning companies, gas station attendants, cargo operators, and general aviation members."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1932 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Surface Transportation Security Assessment and Implementation of Risk-Based Strategy

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1964, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3604, provided that:

"(a) Security Assessment.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator shall complete an assessment of the vulnerabilities of and risks to surface transportation systems.

"(2) Considerations.—In conducting the security assessment under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall, at a minimum—

"(A) consider appropriate intelligence;

"(B) consider security breaches and attacks at domestic and international surface transportation facilities;

"(C) consider the vulnerabilities and risks associated with specific modes of surface transportation;

"(D) evaluate the vetting and security training of—

"(i) employees in surface transportation; and

"(ii) other individuals with access to sensitive or secure areas of surface transportation networks; and

"(E) consider input from—

"(i) representatives of different modes of surface transportation;

"(ii) representatives of critical infrastructure entities;

"(iii) the Transportation Systems Sector Coordinating Council; and

"(iv) the heads of other relevant Federal departments or agencies.

"(b) Risk-based Surface Transportation Security Strategy.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date the security assessment under subsection (a) is complete, the Administrator shall use the results of the assessment—

"(A) to develop and implement a cross-cutting, risk-based surface transportation security strategy that includes—

"(i) all surface transportation modes;

"(ii) a mitigating strategy that aligns with each vulnerability and risk identified in subsection (a);

"(iii) a planning process to inform resource allocation;

"(iv) priorities, milestones, and performance metrics to measure the effectiveness of the risk-based surface transportation security strategy; and

"(v) processes for sharing relevant and timely intelligence threat information with appropriate stakeholders;

"(B) to develop a management oversight strategy that—

"(i) identifies the parties responsible for the implementation, management, and oversight of the risk-based surface transportation security strategy; and

"(ii) includes a plan for implementing the risk-based surface transportation security strategy; and

"(C) to modify the risk-based budget and resource allocations, in accordance with section 1965(c) [set out as a note below], for the Transportation Security Administration.

"(2) Coordinated approach.—In developing and implementing the risk-based surface transportation security strategy under paragraph (1), the Administrator shall coordinate with the heads of other relevant Federal departments or agencies, and stakeholders, as appropriate—

"(A) to evaluate existing surface transportation security programs, policies, and initiatives, including the explosives detection canine teams, for consistency with the risk-based security strategy and, to the extent practicable, avoid any unnecessary duplication of effort;

"(B) to determine the extent to which stakeholder security programs, policies, and initiatives address the vulnerabilities and risks to surface transportation systems identified in subsection (a); and

"(C) subject to subparagraph (B), to mitigate each vulnerability and risk to surface transportation systems identified in subsection (a).

"(c) Report.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date the security assessment under subsection (a) is complete, the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress and the Inspector General of the Department a report that—

"(A) describes the process used to complete the security assessment;

"(B) describes the process used to develop the risk-based security strategy;

"(C) describes the risk-based security strategy;

"(D) includes the management oversight strategy;

"(E) includes—

"(i) the findings of the security assessment;

"(ii) a description of the actions recommended or taken by the Administrator to mitigate the vulnerabilities and risks identified in subsection (a), including interagency coordination;

"(iii) any recommendations for improving the coordinated approach to mitigating vulnerabilities and risks to surface transportation systems; and

"(iv) any recommended changes to the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, the modal annexes to such plan, or relevant surface transportation security programs, policies, or initiatives; and

"(F) may contain a classified annex.

"(2) Protections.—In preparing the report, the Administrator shall take appropriate actions to safeguard information described by section 552(b) of title 5, United States Code, or protected from disclosure by any other law of the United States.

"(d) Updates.—Not less frequently than semiannually, the Administrator shall report to or brief the appropriate committees of Congress on the vulnerabilities of and risks to surface transportation systems and how those vulnerabilities and risks affect the risk-based security strategy."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1964 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Risk-Based Budgeting and Resource Allocation

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1965, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3606, provided that:

"(a) Report.—In conjunction with the submission of the Department's annual budget request to the Office of Management and Budget, the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report that describes a risk-based budget and resource allocation plan for surface transportation sectors, within and across modes, that—

"(1) reflects the risk-based surface transportation security strategy under section 1964(b) [set out as a note above]; and

"(2) is organized by appropriations account, program, project, and initiative.

"(b) Budget Transparency.—In submitting the annual budget of the United States Government under section 1105 of title 31, United States Code, the President shall clearly distinguish the resources requested for surface transportation security from the resources requested for aviation security.

"(c) Resource Reallocation.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 15 days after the date on which the Transportation Security Administration allocates any resources or personnel, including personnel sharing, detailing, or assignment, or the use of facilities, technology systems, or vetting resources, for a nontransportation security purpose or National Special Security Event (as defined in section 2001 of Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 601)), the Secretary shall provide the notification described in paragraph (2) to the appropriate committees of Congress.

"(2) Notification.—A notification described in this paragraph shall include—

"(A) the reason for and a justification of the resource or personnel allocation;

"(B) the expected end date of the resource or personnel allocation; and

"(C) the projected cost to the Transportation Security Administration of the personnel or resource allocation.

"(d) 5-year Capital Investment Plan.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives a 5-year capital investment plan, consistent with the 5-year technology investment plan under section 1611 of title XVI of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 [6 U.S.C. 563], as amended by section 3 of the Transportation Security Acquisition Reform Act (Public Law 113–245; 128 Stat. 2871)."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1965 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]


Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1967, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3607, provided that:

"(a) Regulations.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], and every 180 days thereafter, the Administrator [of the Transportation Security Administration] shall publish on a public website information regarding the status of each regulation relating to surface transportation security that is directed by law to be issued and that has not been issued if not less than 2 years have passed since the date of enactment of the law.

"(2) Contents.—The information published under paragraph (1) shall include—

"(A) an updated rulemaking schedule for the outstanding regulation;

"(B) current staff allocations;

"(C) data collection or research relating to the development of the rulemaking;

"(D) current efforts, if any, with security experts, advisory committees, and other stakeholders; and

"(E) other relevant details associated with the development of the rulemaking that impact the progress of the rulemaking.

"(b) Inspector General Review.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 2 years thereafter until all of the requirements under titles XIII [6 U.S.C. 1111 et seq.], XIV [6 U.S.C. 1131 et seq.], and XV [6 U.S.C. 1151 et seq.] of the Implementing Recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007 (6 U.S.C. 1111 et seq.) and under this title [see Tables for classification] have been fully implemented, the Inspector General of the Department shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress [Committees on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives] a report that—

"(1) identifies the requirements under such titles of that Act and under this title that have not been fully implemented;

"(2) describes what, if any, additional action is necessary; and

"(3) includes recommendations regarding whether any of the requirements under such titles of that Act or this title should be amended or repealed."

TSA Counterterrorism Asset Deployment

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1968(a), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3608, provided that:

"(1) In general.—If the Administrator [of the Transportation Security Administration] deploys any counterterrorism personnel or resource, such as explosive detection sweeps, random bag inspections, or patrols by Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response teams, to enhance security at a transportation system or transportation facility for a period of not less than 180 consecutive days, the Administrator shall provide sufficient notification to the system or facility operator, as applicable, not less than 14 days prior to terminating the deployment.

"(2) Exception.—This subsection shall not apply if the Administrator—

"(A) determines there is an urgent security need for the personnel or resource described in paragraph (1); and

"(B) notifies the appropriate committees of Congress [Committees on Commerce, Science, and Transportation and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate and Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives] of the determination under subparagraph (A)."

Best Practices To Secure Against Vehicle-Based Attacks

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1982, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3620, provided that: "Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator [of the Transportation Security Administration] shall disseminate best practices to public and private stakeholders regarding how to enhance transportation security against the threat of a vehicle-based terrorist attack."

Risk Scenarios

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1986, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3621, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Administrator shall annually develop, consistent with the transportation modal security plans required under section 114(s) of title 49, United States Code, risk-based priorities based on risk assessments conducted or received by the Secretary across all transportation modes that consider threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences.

"(b) Scenarios.—The Administrator shall ensure that the risk-based priorities identified under subsection (a) are informed by an analysis of terrorist attack scenarios for each transportation mode, including cyber-attack scenarios and intelligence and open source information about current and evolving threats.

"(c) Report.—Not later than 120 days after the date that annual risk-based priorities are developed under subsection (a), the Administrator shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress a report that includes the following:

"(1) Copies of the risk assessments for each transportation mode.

"(2) A summary that ranks the risks within and across modes.

"(3) A description of the risk-based priorities for securing the transportation sector that identifies and prioritizes the greatest security needs of such transportation sector, both across and within modes, in the order that such priorities should be addressed.

"(4) Information on the underlying methodologies used to assess risks across and within each transportation mode and the basis for any assumptions regarding threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences made in assessing and prioritizing risks within each such mode and across modes.

"(d) Classification.—The information provided under subsection (c) may be submitted in a classified format or unclassified format, as the Administrator considers appropriate."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1986 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Integrated and Unified Operations Centers

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1987, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3622, provided that:

"(a) Framework.—Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator, in consultation with the heads of other appropriate offices or components of the Department, shall make available to public and private stakeholders a framework for establishing an integrated and unified operations center responsible for overseeing daily operations of a transportation facility that promotes coordination for responses to terrorism, serious incidents, and other purposes, as determined appropriate by the Administrator.

"(b) Report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Administrator shall brief the appropriate committees of Congress regarding the establishment and activities of integrated and unified operations centers at transportation facilities at which the TSA has a presence."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1987 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Information Sharing and Cybersecurity

Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1989, Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3624, provided that:

"(a) Federal Security Directors.—[Amended section 44933 of this title.]

"(b) Plan to Improve Information Sharing.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator shall develop a plan to improve intelligence information sharing with State and local transportation entities that includes best practices to ensure that the information shared is actionable, useful, and not redundant.

"(2) Contents.—The plan required under paragraph (1) shall include the following:

"(A) The incorporation of best practices for information sharing.

"(B) The identification of areas of overlap and redundancy.

"(C) An evaluation and incorporation of stakeholder input in the development of such plan.

"(D) The integration of any recommendations of the Comptroller General of the United States on information sharing.

"(3) Solicitation.—The Administrator shall solicit on an annual basis input from appropriate stakeholders, including State and local transportation entities, on the quality and quantity of intelligence received by such stakeholders relating to information sharing.

"(c) Best Practices Sharing.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], the Administrator shall establish a mechanism to share with State and local transportation entities best practices from across the law enforcement spectrum, including Federal, State, local, and tribal entities, that relate to employee training, employee professional development, technology development and deployment, hardening tactics, and passenger and employee awareness programs.

"(2) Consultation.—The Administrator shall solicit and incorporate stakeholder input—

"(A) in developing the mechanism for sharing best practices as required under paragraph (1); and

"(B) not less frequently than annually on the quality and quantity of information such stakeholders receive through the mechanism established under such paragraph.

"(d) Cybersecurity.—

"(1) In general.—The Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary, shall—

"(A) not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 5, 2018], implement the Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (referred to in this section as the 'Framework' developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, and any update to such Framework under section 2 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 272), to manage the agency's cybersecurity risks; and

"(B) evaluate, on a periodic basis, but not less often than biennially, the use of the Framework under subparagraph (A).

"(2) Cybersecurity enhancements to aviation security activities.—The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Transportation, shall, upon request, conduct cybersecurity vulnerability assessments for airports and air carriers.

"(3) TSA trusted traveler and credentialing program cyber evaluation.—

"(A) Evaluation required.—Not later than 120 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall—

"(i) evaluate the cybersecurity of TSA trusted traveler and credentialing programs that contain personal information of specific individuals or information that identifies specific individuals, including the Transportation Worker Identification Credential and PreCheck programs;

"(ii) identify any cybersecurity risks under the programs described in clause (i); and

"(iii) develop remediation plans to address the cybersecurity risks identified under clause (ii).

"(B) Submission to congress.—Not later than 30 days after the date the evaluation under subparagraph (A) is complete, the Secretary shall submit to the appropriate committees of Congress information relating to such evaluation, including any cybersecurity vulnerabilities identified and remediation plans to address such vulnerabilities. Such submission shall be provided in a classified form.

"(4) Definitions.—In this subsection, the terms 'cybersecurity risk' and 'incident' have the meanings given the terms in section 227 [now section 2209] of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 148) [now 6 U.S.C. 659; see 6 U.S.C. 650]."

[For definitions of terms used in section 1989 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out above, see section 1902 of Pub. L. 115–254, set out as a Definitions of Terms in Title I of Div. K of Pub. L. 115–254 note under section 101 of this title.]

Safeguarding and Disposal of Personal Information of Registered Traveler Program Participants

Pub. L. 114–4, title V, §536, Mar. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 67, provided that:

"(a) Any company that collects or retains personal information directly from any individual who participates in the Registered Traveler or successor program of the Transportation Security Administration shall hereafter safeguard and dispose of such information in accordance with the requirements in—

"(1) the National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800–30, entitled 'Risk Management Guide for Information Technology Systems';

"(2) the National Institute for Standards and Technology Special Publication 800–53, Revision 3, entitled 'Recommended Security Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations'; and

"(3) any supplemental standards established by the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration (referred to in this section as the 'Administrator').

"(b) The airport authority or air carrier operator that sponsors the company under the Registered Traveler program shall hereafter be known as the 'Sponsoring Entity'.

"(c) The Administrator shall hereafter require any company covered by subsection (a) to provide, not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Mar. 4, 2015], to the Sponsoring Entity written certification that the procedures used by the company to safeguard and dispose of information are in compliance with the requirements under subsection (a). Such certification shall include a description of the procedures used by the company to comply with such requirements."

Registered Traveler Programs and Biometrically-Secure Cards

Pub. L. 110–161, div. E, title V, §571, Dec. 26, 2007, 121 Stat. 2093, provided that: "Effective no later than ninety days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 26, 2007], the Transportation Security Administration shall permit approved members of Registered Traveler programs to satisfy fully the required identity verification procedures at security screening checkpoints by presenting a biometrically-secure Registered Traveler card in lieu of the government-issued photo identification document required of non-participants: Provided, That if their identity is not confirmed biometrically, the standard identity and screening procedures will apply: Provided further, That if the Assistant Secretary (Transportation Security Administration) determines this is a threat to civil aviation, then the Assistant Secretary (Transportation Security Administration) shall notify the Committees on Appropriations of the Senate and House of Representatives five days in advance of such determination and require Registered Travelers to present government-issued photo identification documents in conjunction with a biometrically-secure Registered Traveler card."

Congressional Oversight of Security Assurance for Public and Private Stakeholders

Pub. L. 110–53, title XII, §1203(b), Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 385, as amended by Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1904(b)(2), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3545, provided that:

"(1) In general.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), the Secretary [of Homeland Security] shall provide a semiannual report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Homeland Security and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives that includes—

"(A) the number of public and private stakeholders who were provided with each report;

"(B) a description of the measures the Secretary has taken to ensure proper treatment and security for any classified information to be shared with the public and private stakeholders under the Plan; and

"(C) an explanation of the reason for the denial of transportation security information to any stakeholder who had previously received such information.

"(2) No report required if no changes in stakeholders.—The Secretary is not required to provide a semiannual report under paragraph (1) if no stakeholders have been added to or removed from the group of persons with whom transportation security information is shared under the plan [probably should be "Plan"] since the end of the period covered by the last preceding semiannual report."

Specialized Training

Pub. L. 110–53, title XVI, §1611, Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 485, provided that: "The Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration shall provide advanced training to transportation security officers for the development of specialized security skills, including behavior observation and analysis, explosives detection, and document examination, in order to enhance the effectiveness of layered transportation security measures."

Inapplicability of Personnel Limitations After Fiscal Year 2007

Pub. L. 110–53, title XVI, §1612, Aug. 3, 2007, 121 Stat. 485, provided that:

"(a) In General.—Notwithstanding any provision of law, any statutory limitation on the number of employees in the Transportation Security Administration, before or after its transfer to the Department of Homeland Security from the Department of Transportation, does not apply after fiscal year 2007.

"(b) Aviation Security.—Notwithstanding any provision of law imposing a limitation on the recruiting or hiring of personnel into the Transportation Security Administration to a maximum number of permanent positions, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall recruit and hire such personnel into the Administration as may be necessary—

"(1) to provide appropriate levels of aviation security; and

"(2) to accomplish that goal in such a manner that the average aviation security-related delay experienced by airline passengers is reduced to a level of less than 10 minutes."

Lease of Property to Transportation Security Administration Employees

Pub. L. 109–90, title V, §514, Oct. 18, 2005, 119 Stat. 2084, provided that: "Notwithstanding section 3302 of title 31, United States Code, for fiscal year 2006 and thereafter, the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration may impose a reasonable charge for the lease of real and personal property to Transportation Security Administration employees and for use by Transportation Security Administration employees and may credit amounts received to the appropriation or fund initially charged for operating and maintaining the property, which amounts shall be available, without fiscal year limitation, for expenditure for property management, operation, protection, construction, repair, alteration, and related activities."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation act:

Pub. L. 108–334, title V, §516, Oct. 18, 2004, 118 Stat. 1318.

Acquisition Management System of the Transportation Security Administration

Pub. L. 109–90, title V, §515, Oct. 18, 2005, 119 Stat. 2084, provided that: "For fiscal year 2006 and thereafter, the acquisition management system of the Transportation Security Administration shall apply to the acquisition of services, as well as equipment, supplies, and materials."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation act:

Pub. L. 108–334, title V, §517, Oct. 18, 2004, 118 Stat. 1318.

Registered Traveler Program Fee

Pub. L. 109–90, title V, §540, Oct. 18, 2005, 119 Stat. 2088, provided that: "For fiscal year 2006 and thereafter, notwithstanding section 553 of title 5, United States Code, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall impose a fee for any registered traveler program undertaken by the Department of Homeland Security by notice in the Federal Register, and may modify the fee from time to time by notice in the Federal Register: Provided, That such fees shall not exceed the aggregate costs associated with the program and shall be credited to the Transportation Security Administration registered traveler fee account, to be available until expended."

Enhanced Security Measures

Pub. L. 107–71, title I, §109, Nov. 19, 2001, 115 Stat. 613, as amended by Pub. L. 107–296, title XIV, §1403(b), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2306, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Under Secretary of Transportation for Security [now the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration] may take the following actions:

"(1) Require effective 911 emergency call capability for telephones serving passenger aircraft and passenger trains.

"(2) Establish a uniform system of identification for all State and local law enforcement personnel for use in obtaining permission to carry weapons in aircraft cabins and in obtaining access to a secured area of an airport, if otherwise authorized to carry such weapons.

"(3) Establish requirements to implement trusted passenger programs and use available technologies to expedite the security screening of passengers who participate in such programs, thereby allowing security screening personnel to focus on those passengers who should be subject to more extensive screening.

"(4) In consultation with the Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration, develop alternative security procedures under which a medical product to be transported on a flight of an air carrier would not be subject to an inspection that would irreversibly damage the product.

"(5) Provide for the use of technologies, including wireless and wire line data technologies, to enable the private and secure communication of threats to aid in the screening of passengers and other individuals on airport property who are identified on any State or Federal security-related data base for the purpose of having an integrated response coordination of various authorized airport security forces.

"(6) In consultation with the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration, consider whether to require all pilot licenses to incorporate a photograph of the license holder and appropriate biometric imprints.

"(7) Provide for the use of voice stress analysis, biometric, or other technologies to prevent a person who might pose a danger to air safety or security from boarding the aircraft of an air carrier or foreign air carrier in air transportation or intrastate air transportation.

"(8) Provide for the use of technology that will permit enhanced instant communications and information between airborne passenger aircraft and appropriate individuals or facilities on the ground.

"(9) Require that air carriers provide flight attendants with a discreet, hands-free, wireless method of communicating with the pilots.

"(b) Report.—Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 19, 2001], and annually thereafter until the Under Secretary [now the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration] has implemented or decided not to take each of the actions specified in subsection (a), the Under Secretary shall transmit to Congress a report on the progress of the Under Secretary in evaluating and taking such actions, including any legislative recommendations that the Under Secretary may have for enhancing transportation security."

[For definitions of terms used in section 109 of Pub. L. 107–71, set out above, see section 133 of Pub. L. 107–71, set out as a note under section 40102 of this title.]

1 So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.

§115. Transportation Security Oversight Board

(a) In General.—There is established in the Department of Homeland Security a board to be known as the "Transportation Security Oversight Board".

(b) Membership.—

(1) Number and appointment.—The Board shall be composed of 7 members as follows:

(A) The Secretary of Homeland Security, or the Secretary's designee.

(B) The Secretary of Transportation, or the Secretary's designee.

(C) The Attorney General, or the Attorney General's designee.

(D) The Secretary of Defense, or the Secretary's designee.

(E) The Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary's designee.

(F) The Director of National Intelligence, or the Director's designee.

(G) One member appointed by the President to represent the National Security Council.

(2) Chairperson.—The Chairperson of the Board shall be the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(c) Duties.—The Board shall—

(1) review and ratify or disapprove any regulation or security directive issued by the Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration under section 114(l)(2) within 30 days after the date of issuance of such regulation or directive;

(2) facilitate the coordination of intelligence, security, and law enforcement activities affecting transportation;

(3) facilitate the sharing of intelligence, security, and law enforcement information affecting transportation among Federal agencies and with carriers and other transportation providers as appropriate;

(4) explore the technical feasibility of developing a common database of individuals who may pose a threat to transportation or national security;

(5) review plans for transportation security;

(6) make recommendations to the Administrator regarding matters reviewed under paragraph (5).

(d) Quarterly Meetings.—The Board shall meet at least quarterly.

(e) Consideration of Security Information.—A majority of the Board may vote to close a meeting of the Board to the public, except that meetings shall be closed to the public whenever classified,1 sensitive security information, or information protected in accordance with section 40119(b),2 will be discussed.

(Added Pub. L. 107–71, title I, §102(a), Nov. 19, 2001, 115 Stat. 604; amended Pub. L. 107–296, title IV, §426(a), Nov. 25, 2002, 116 Stat. 2186; Pub. L. 111–259, title IV, §411, Oct. 7, 2010, 124 Stat. 2725; Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1991(b), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3626.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 40119 of this title, referred to in subsec. (e), was repealed by Pub. L. 115–254, div. K, title I, §1991(c)(3), Oct. 5, 2018, 132 Stat. 3627.


2018—Subsec. (c)(1). Pub. L. 115–254, §1991(b)(1), substituted "Administrator of the Transportation Security Administration" for "Under Secretary of Transportation for security".

Subsec. (c)(6). Pub. L. 115–254, §1991(b)(2), substituted "Administrator" for "Under Secretary".

2010—Subsec. (b)(1)(F). Pub. L. 111–259 amended subpar. (F) generally. Prior to amendment, subpar. (F) read as follows: "The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, or the Director's designee."

2002—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 107–296, §426(a)(1), substituted "Department of Homeland Security" for "Department of Transportation".

Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 107–296, §426(a)(2), added subpar. (A), redesignated former subpars. (A) to (F) as (B) to (G), respectively, and struck out former subpar. (G) which read as follows: "One member appointed by the President to represent the Office of Homeland Security."

Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 107–296, §426(a)(3), substituted "Secretary of Homeland Security" for "Secretary of Transportation".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2002 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 107–296 effective 60 days after Nov. 25, 2002, see section 4 of Pub. L. 107–296, set out as an Effective Date note under section 101 of Title 6, Domestic Security.

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of functions, personnel, assets, and liabilities of the Transportation Security Administration of the Department of Transportation, including the functions of the Secretary of Transportation, and of the Under Secretary of Transportation for Security, relating thereto, to the Secretary of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 203(2), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.

1 So in original. The word "information" probably should be inserted.

2 See References in Text note below.

§116. National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau

(a) Establishment.—The Secretary of Transportation shall establish a National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau in the Department.

(b) Purposes.—The purposes of the Bureau shall be—

(1) to provide assistance and communicate best practices and financing and funding opportunities to eligible entities for the programs referred to in subsection (d)(1);

(2) to administer the application processes for programs within the Department in accordance with subsection (d);

(3) to promote innovative financing best practices in accordance with subsection (e);

(4) to reduce uncertainty and delays with respect to environmental reviews and permitting in accordance with subsection (f); and

(5) to reduce costs and risks to taxpayers in project delivery and procurement in accordance with subsection (g).

(c) Executive Director.—

(1) Appointment.—The Bureau shall be headed by an Executive Director, who shall be appointed in the competitive service by the Secretary, with the approval of the President.

(2) Duties.—The Executive Director shall—

(A) report to the Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy;

(B) be responsible for the management and oversight of the daily activities, decisions, operations, and personnel of the Bureau;

(C) support the Council on Credit and Finance established under section 117 in accordance with this section; and

(D) carry out such additional duties as the Secretary may prescribe.

(d) Administration of Certain Application Processes.—

(1) In general.—The Bureau shall administer the application processes for the following programs:

(A) The infrastructure finance programs authorized under chapter 6 of title 23.

(B) The railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing program authorized under sections 22401 through 22403.

(C) Amount allocations authorized under section 142(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986.

(D) The Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program established under section 21205(b)(1) of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021.

(2) Congressional notification.—The Executive Director shall ensure that the congressional notification requirements for each program referred to in paragraph (1) are followed in accordance with the statutory provisions applicable to the program.

(3) Reports.—The Executive Director shall ensure that the reporting requirements for each program referred to in paragraph (1) are followed in accordance with the statutory provisions applicable to the program.

(4) Coordination.—In administering the application processes for the programs referred to in paragraph (1), the Executive Director shall coordinate with appropriate officials in the Department and its modal administrations responsible for administering such programs.

(5) Streamlining approval processes.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, the Executive Director shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a report that—

(A) evaluates the application processes for the programs referred to in paragraph (1);

(B) identifies administrative and legislative actions that would improve the efficiency of the application processes without diminishing Federal oversight; and

(C) describes how the Executive Director will implement administrative actions identified under subparagraph (B) that do not require an Act of Congress.

(6) Procedures and transparency.—

(A) Procedures.—With respect to the programs referred to in paragraph (1), the Executive Director shall—

(i) establish procedures for analyzing and evaluating applications and for utilizing the recommendations of the Council on Credit and Finance;

(ii) establish procedures for addressing late-arriving applications, as applicable, and communicating the Bureau's decisions for accepting or rejecting late applications to the applicant and the public; and

(iii) document major decisions in the application evaluation process through a decision memorandum or similar mechanism that provides a clear rationale for such decisions.

(B) Review.—

(i) In general.—The Comptroller General of the United States shall review the compliance of the Executive Director with the requirements of this paragraph.

(ii) Recommendations.—The Comptroller General may make recommendations to the Executive Director in order to improve compliance with the requirements of this paragraph.

(iii) Report.—Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this section, the Comptroller General shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate a report on the results of the review conducted under clause (i), including findings and recommendations for improvement.

(e) Innovative Financing Best Practices.—

(1) In general.—The Bureau shall work with the modal administrations within the Department, eligible entities, and other public and private interests to develop and promote best practices for innovative financing and public-private partnerships.

(2) Activities.—The Bureau shall carry out paragraph (1)—

(A) by making Federal credit assistance programs more accessible to eligible recipients;

(B) by providing advice and expertise to eligible entities that seek to leverage public and private funding;

(C) by sharing innovative financing best practices and case studies from eligible entities with other eligible entities that are interested in utilizing innovative financing methods; and

(D) by developing and monitoring—

(i) best practices with respect to standardized State public-private partnership authorities and practices, including best practices related to—

(I) accurate and reliable assumptions for analyzing public-private partnership procurements;

(II) procedures for the handling of unsolicited bids;

(III) policies with respect to noncompete clauses; and

(IV) other significant terms of public-private partnership procurements, as determined appropriate by the Bureau;

(ii) standard contracts for the most common types of public-private partnerships for transportation facilities; and

(iii) analytical tools and other techniques to aid eligible entities in determining the appropriate project delivery model, including a value for money analysis.

(3) Transparency.—The Bureau shall—

(A) ensure the transparency of a project receiving credit assistance under a program referred to in subsection (d)(1) and procured as a public-private partnership by—

(i) requiring the sponsor of the project to undergo a value for money analysis or a comparable analysis prior to deciding to advance the project as a public-private partnership;

(ii) requiring the analysis required under subparagraph (A), and other key terms of the relevant public-private partnership agreement, to be made publicly available by the project sponsor at an appropriate time;

(iii) not later than 3 years after the date of completion of the project, requiring the sponsor of the project to conduct a review regarding whether the private partner is meeting the terms of the relevant public-private partnership agreement; and

(iv) providing a publicly available summary of the total level of Federal assistance in such project; and

(B) develop guidance to implement this paragraph that takes into consideration variations in State and local laws and requirements related to public-private partnerships.

(4) Support to project sponsors.—At the request of an eligible entity, the Bureau shall provide technical assistance to the eligible entity regarding proposed public-private partnership agreements for transportation facilities, including assistance in performing a value for money analysis or comparable analysis.

(f) Environmental Review and Permitting.—

(1) In general.—The Bureau shall take actions that are appropriate and consistent with the Department's goals and policies to improve the delivery timelines for projects carried out under the programs referred to in subsection (d)(1).

(2) Activities.—The Bureau shall carry out paragraph (1)—

(A) by coordinating efforts to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the environmental review and permitting process;

(B) by providing technical assistance and training to field and headquarters staff of Federal agencies on policy changes and innovative approaches to the delivery of projects; and

(C) by identifying, developing, and tracking metrics for permit reviews and decisions by Federal agencies for projects under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969.

(3) Support to project sponsors.—At the request of an eligible entity that is carrying out a project under a program referred to in subsection (d)(1), the Bureau, in coordination with the appropriate modal administrations within the Department, shall provide technical assistance with regard to the compliance of the project with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act 1969 and relevant Federal environmental permits.

(g) Project Procurement.—

(1) In general.—The Bureau shall promote best practices in procurement for a project receiving assistance under a program referred to in subsection (d)(1) by developing, in coordination with modal administrations within the Department as appropriate, procurement benchmarks in order to ensure accountable expenditure of Federal assistance over the life cycle of the project.

(2) Procurement benchmarks.—To the maximum extent practicable, the procurement benchmarks developed under paragraph (1) shall—

(A) establish maximum thresholds for acceptable project cost increases and delays in project delivery;

(B) establish uniform methods for States to measure cost and delivery changes over the life cycle of a project; and

(C) be tailored, as necessary, to various types of project procurements, including design-bid-build, design-build, and public-private partnerships.

(3) Data collection.—The Bureau shall—

(A) collect information related to procurement benchmarks developed under paragraph (1), including project specific information detailed under paragraph (2); and

(B) provide on a publicly accessible Internet Web site of the Department a report on the information collected under subparagraph (A).

(h) Elimination and Consolidation of Duplicative Offices.—

(1) Elimination of offices.—The Secretary may eliminate any office within the Department if the Secretary determines that—

(A) the purposes of the office are duplicative of the purposes of the Bureau; and

(B) the elimination of the office does not adversely affect the obligations of the Secretary under any Federal law.

(2) Consolidation of offices and office functions.—The Secretary may consolidate any office or office function within the Department into the Bureau that the Secretary determines has duties, responsibilities, resources, or expertise that support the purposes of the Bureau.

(3) Staffing and budgetary resources.—

(A) In general.—The Secretary shall ensure that the Bureau is adequately staffed and funded.

(B) Staffing.—The Secretary may transfer to the Bureau a position within the Department from any office that is eliminated or consolidated under this subsection if the Secretary determines that the position is necessary to carry out the purposes of the Bureau.

(C) Savings provision.—If the Secretary transfers a position to the Bureau under subparagraph (B), the Secretary, in coordination with the appropriate modal administration, shall ensure that the transfer of the position does not adversely affect the obligations of the modal administration under any Federal law.

(D) Budgetary resources.—

(i) Transfer of funds from eliminated or consolidated offices.—The Secretary may transfer to the Bureau funds allocated to any office or office function that is eliminated or consolidated under this subsection to carry out the purposes of the Bureau. Any such funds or limitation of obligations or portions thereof transferred to the Bureau may be transferred back to and merged with the original account.

(ii) Transfer of funds allocated to administrative costs.—The Secretary may transfer to the Bureau funds allocated to the administrative costs of processing applications for the programs referred to in subsection (d)(1). Any such funds or limitation of obligations or portions thereof transferred to the Bureau may be transferred back to and merged with the original account.

(4) Notification.—Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this section, and every 90 days thereafter, the Secretary shall notify the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate of—

(A) the offices eliminated under paragraph (1) and the rationale for elimination of the offices;

(B) the offices and office functions consolidated under paragraph (2) and the rationale for consolidation of the offices and office functions;

(C) the actions taken under paragraph (3) and the rationale for taking such actions; and

(D) any additional legislative actions that may be needed.

(i) Savings Provisions.—

(1) Laws and regulations.—Nothing in this section may be construed to change a law or regulation with respect to a program referred to in subsection (d)(1).

(2) Responsibilities.—Nothing in this section may be construed to abrogate the responsibilities of an agency, operating administration, or office within the Department otherwise charged by a law or regulation with other aspects of program administration, oversight, or project approval or implementation for the programs and projects subject to this section.

(3) Applicability.—Nothing in this section may be construed to affect any pending application under 1 or more of the programs referred to in subsection (d)(1) that was received by the Secretary on or before the date of enactment of this section.

(j) Definitions.—In this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) Bureau.—The term "Bureau" means the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau of the Department.

(2) Department.—The term "Department" means the Department of Transportation.

(3) Eligible entity.—The term "eligible entity" means an eligible applicant receiving financial or credit assistance under 1 or more of the programs referred to in subsection (d)(1).

(4) Executive director.—The term "Executive Director" means the Executive Director of the Bureau.

(5) Multimodal project.—The term "multimodal project" means a project involving the participation of more than 1 modal administration or secretarial office within the Department.

(6) Project.—The term "project" means a highway project, public transportation capital project, freight or passenger rail project, or multimodal project.

(Added Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title IX, §9001(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1612; amended Pub. L. 115–56, div. D, §164(a), as added Pub. L. 115–123, div. B, §20101(2), Feb. 9, 2018, 132 Stat. 121; Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title I, §§21101(d)(4), 21205(i), 21301(j)(4)(A), title V, §25009(b), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 657, 682, 692, 854.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 142 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, referred to in subsec. (d)(1)(C), is classified to section 142 of Title 26, Internal Revenue Code.

Section 21205(b)(1) of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021, referred to in subsec. (d)(1)(D), is section 21205(b)(1) of Pub. L. 117–58, which is set out in a note below.

The date of enactment of this section, referred to in subsecs. (d)(5), (6)(B)(iii), (h)(4), and (i)(3), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 114–94, which was approved Dec. 4, 2015.

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsec. (f)(2)(D), (3), is Pub. L. 91–190, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, which is classified generally to chapter 55 (§4321 et seq.) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4321 of Title 42 and Tables.


2021—Subsec. (d)(1)(B). Pub. L. 117–58, §21301(j)(4)(A), substituted "sections 22401 through 22403" for "sections 501 through 503 of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. 821–823)".

Subsec. (d)(1)(D). Pub. L. 117–58, §21205(h), added subpar. (D). Former subpar. (D) struck out.

Pub. L. 117–58, §21101(d)(4), struck out subpar. (D) which read as follows: "The nationally significant freight and highway projects program under section 117 of title 23."

Subsec. (f)(2). Pub. L. 117–58, §25009(b), redesignated subpars. (B) to (D) as (A) to (C), respectively, and struck out former subpar. (A) which read as follows: "by serving as the Department's liaison to the Council on Environmental Quality;".

2018—Subsec. (h)(3)(D)(i), (ii). Pub. L. 115–56, §164(a), as added by Pub. L. 115–123, §20101(2), substituted "The" for "During the 2-year period beginning on the date of enactment of this section, the" and inserted at end "Any such funds or limitation of obligations or portions thereof transferred to the Bureau may be transferred back to and merged with the original account."

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendment note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Rural and Tribal Infrastructure Advancement

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title I, §21205(a)–(h), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 680–682, provided that:

"(a) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Build america bureau.—The term 'Build America Bureau' means the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau established under section 116 of title 49, United States Code.

"(2) Eligible entity.—The term 'eligible entity' means—

"(A) a unit of local government or political subdivision that is located outside of an urbanized area with a population of more than 150,000 residents, as determined by the Bureau of the Census;

"(B) a State seeking to advance a project located in an area described in subparagraph (A);

"(C) a federally recognized Indian Tribe; and

"(D) the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands.

"(3) Eligible program.—The term 'eligible program' means any program described in—

"(A) subparagraph (A) or (B) of section 116(d)(1) of title 49, United States Code;

"(B) section 118(d)(3)(A) of that title (as added by section 21101(a)); or

"(C) chapter 67 of that title (as added by section 21201).

"(4) Pilot program.—The term 'pilot program' means the Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program established under subsection (b)(1).

"(b) Establishment.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall establish within the Build America Bureau a pilot program, to be known as the 'Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program', to provide to eligible entities the assistance and information described in paragraph (2).

"(2) Assistance and information.—In carrying out the pilot program, the Secretary may provide to an eligible entity the following:

"(A) Financial, technical, and legal assistance to evaluate potential projects reasonably expected to be eligible to receive funding or financing assistance under an eligible program.

"(B) Assistance with development-phase activities, including—

"(i) project planning;

"(ii) feasibility studies;

"(iii) revenue forecasting and funding and financing options analyses;

"(iv) environmental review;

"(v) preliminary engineering and design work;

"(vi) economic assessments and cost-benefit analyses;

"(vii) public benefit studies;

"(viii) statutory and regulatory framework analyses;

"(ix) value for money studies;

"(x) evaluations of costs to sustain the project;

"(xi) evaluating opportunities for private financing and project bundling; and

"(xii) any other activity determined to be appropriate by the Secretary.

"(C) Information regarding innovative financing best practices and case studies, if the eligible entity is interested in using innovative financing methods.

"(c) Assistance From Expert Firms.—The Secretary may retain the services of expert firms, including counsel, in the field of municipal and project finance to assist in providing financial, technical, and legal assistance to eligible entities under the pilot program.

"(d) Website.—

"(1) Description of pilot program.—

"(A) In general.—The Secretary shall make publicly available on the website of the Department [of Transporation] a description of the pilot program, including—

"(i) the resources available to eligible entities under the pilot program; and

"(ii) the application process established under paragraph (2)(A).

"(B) Clearinghouse.—The Secretary may establish a clearinghouse for tools, templates, and best practices on the page of the website of the Department that contains the information described in subparagraph (A).

"(2) Applications.—

"(A) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], the Secretary shall establish a process by which an eligible entity may submit to the Secretary an application under the pilot program, in such form and containing such information as the Secretary may require.

"(B) Online portal.—The Secretary shall develop and make available to the public an online portal through which the Secretary may receive applications under subparagraph (A), on a rolling basis.

"(C) Approval.—

"(i) In general.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which the Secretary receives a complete application under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall provide to each eligible entity that submitted the application a notice describing whether the application is approved or disapproved.

"(ii) Additional written notification.—

     "(I) In general.—Not later than 30 days after the date on which the Secretary provides to an eligible entity a notification under clause (i), the Secretary shall provide to the eligible entity an additional written notification of the approval or disapproval of the application.

     "(II) Disapproved applications.—If the application of an eligible entity is disapproved under this subparagraph, the additional written notification provided to the eligible entity under subclause (I) shall include an offer for a written or telephonic debrief by the Secretary that will provide an explanation of, and guidance regarding, the reasons why the application was disapproved.

"(iii) Insufficient applications.—The Secretary shall not approve an application under this subparagraph if the application fails to meet the applicable criteria established under this section.

"(3) Dashboard.—The Secretary shall publish on the website of the Department a monthly report that includes, for each application received under the pilot program—

"(A) the type of eligible entity that submitted the application;

"(B) the location of each potential project described in the application;

"(C) a brief description of the assistance requested;

"(D) the date on which the Secretary received the application; and

"(E) the date on which the Secretary provided the notice of approval or disapproval under paragraph (2)(C)(i).

"(e) Experts.—An eligible entity that receives assistance under the pilot program may retain the services of an expert for any phase of a project carried out using the assistance, including project development, regardless of whether the expert is retained by the Secretary under subsection (c).

"(f) Funding.—

"(1) In general.—For each of fiscal years 2022 through 2026, the Secretary may use to carry out the pilot program, including to retain the services of expert firms under subsection (c), any amount made available to the Secretary to provide credit assistance under an eligible program that is not otherwise obligated, subject to paragraph (2).

"(2) Limitation.—The amount used under paragraph (1) to carry out the pilot program shall be not more than—

"(A) $1,600,000 for fiscal year 2022;

"(B) $1,800,000 for fiscal year 2023;

"(C) $2,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;

"(D) $2,200,000 for fiscal year 2025; and

"(E) $2,400,000 for fiscal year 2026.

"(3) Geographical distribution.—Not more than 20 percent of the funds made available to carry out the pilot program for a fiscal year may be used for projects in a single State during that fiscal year.

"(g) Sunset.—The pilot program shall terminate on the date that is 5 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021].

"(h) Nonapplicability.—Nothing in this section limits the ability of the Build America Bureau or the Secretary to establish or carry out any other assistance program under title 23 or title 49, United States Code."

§117. Council on Credit and Finance

(a) Establishment.—The Secretary of Transportation shall establish a Council on Credit and Finance in accordance with this section.

(b) Membership.—

(1) In general.—The Council shall be composed of the following members:

(A) The Deputy Secretary of Transportation.

(B) The Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy.

(C) The Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs.

(D) The General Counsel of the Department of Transportation.

(E) The Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy.

(F) The Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration.

(G) The Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration.

(H) The Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration.

(2) Additional members.—The Secretary may designate up to 3 additional officials of the Department to serve as at-large members of the Council.

(3) Chairperson and vice chairperson.—

(A) Chairperson.—The Deputy Secretary of Transportation shall serve as the chairperson of the Council.

(B) Vice chairperson.—The Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs shall serve as the vice chairperson of the Council.

(4) Executive director.—The Executive Director of the National Surface Transportation and Innovative Finance Bureau shall serve as a nonvoting member of the Council.

(c) Duties.—The Council shall—

(1) review applications for assistance submitted under the programs referred to in subparagraphs (A), (B), and (C) of section 116(d)(1);

(2) review applications for assistance submitted under the program referred to in section 116(d)(1)(D), as determined appropriate by the Secretary;

(3) make recommendations to the Secretary regarding the selection of projects to receive assistance under such programs;

(4) review, on a regular basis, projects that received assistance under such programs; and

(5) carry out such additional duties as the Secretary may prescribe.

(Added Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title IX, §9002(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1618.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendment note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

§118. Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy

(a) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) Department.—The term "Department" means the Department of Transportation.

(2) Freight office.—The term "Freight Office" means the Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy established under subsection (b).

(3) Secretary.—The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Transportation.

(b) Establishment.—The Secretary shall establish within the Department an Office of Multimodal Freight Infrastructure and Policy.

(c) Purposes.—The purposes of the Freight Office shall be—

(1) to carry out the national multimodal freight policy described in section 70101;

(2) to administer and oversee certain multimodal freight grant programs within the Department in accordance with subsection (d);

(3) to promote and facilitate the sharing of information between the private and public sectors with respect to freight issues;

(4) to conduct research on improving multimodal freight mobility, and to oversee the freight research activities of the various agencies within the Department;

(5) to assist cities and States in developing freight mobility and supply chain expertise;

(6) to liaise and coordinate with other Federal departments and agencies; and

(7) to carry out other duties, as prescribed by the Secretary.

(d) Administration of Policies and Programs.—The Freight Office shall—

(1) develop and manage—

(A) the national freight strategic plan described in section 70102; and

(B) the National Multimodal Freight Network established under section 70103;

(2)(A) oversee the development and updating of the State freight plans described in section 70202; and

(B) provide guidance or best practices relating to the development and updating of State freight plans under that section;

(3)(A) administer multimodal freight grant programs, including multimodal freight grants established under section 117 of title 23; and

(B) establish procedures for analyzing and evaluating applications for grants under those programs;

(4) assist States in the establishment of—

(A) State freight advisory committees under section 70201; and

(B) multi-State freight mobility compacts under section 70204; and

(5) provide to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics input regarding freight data and planning tools.

(e) Assistant Secretary.—

(1) In general.—The Freight Office shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary for Multimodal Freight, who shall—

(A) be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; and

(B) have professional standing and demonstrated knowledge in the field of freight transportation.

(2) Duties.—The Assistant Secretary shall—

(A) report to the Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy;

(B) be responsible for the management and oversight of the activities, decisions, operations, and personnel of the Freight Office;

(C) work with the modal administrations of the Department to encourage multimodal collaboration; and

(D) carry out such additional duties as the Secretary may prescribe.

(f) Consolidation and Elimination of Duplicative Offices.—

(1) Consolidation of offices and office functions.—The Secretary may consolidate into the Freight Office any office or office function within the Department that the Secretary determines has duties, responsibilities, resources, or expertise that support the purposes of the Freight Office.

(2) Elimination of offices.—The Secretary may eliminate any office within the Department if the Secretary determines that—

(A) the purposes of the office are duplicative of the purposes of the Freight Office;

(B) the office or the functions of the office have been substantially consolidated with the Freight Office pursuant to paragraph (1);

(C) the elimination of the office will not adversely affect the requirements of the Secretary under any Federal law; and

(D) the elimination of the office will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the programs and functions conducted by the office.

(g) Staffing and Budgetary Resources.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary shall ensure that the Freight Office is adequately staffed and funded.

(2) Staffing.—

(A) Transfer of positions to freight office.—Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary may transfer to the Freight Office any position within any other office of the Department if the Secretary determines that the position is necessary to carry out the purposes of the Freight Office.

(B) Requirement.—If the Secretary transfers a position to the Freight Office pursuant to subparagraph (A), the Secretary, in coordination with the appropriate modal administration of the Department, shall ensure that the transfer of the position does not adversely affect the requirements of the modal administration under any Federal law.

(3) Budgetary resources.—

(A) Transfer of funds from consolidated or eliminated offices.—

(i) In general.—To carry out the purposes of the Freight Office, the Secretary may transfer to the Freight Office from any office or office function that is consolidated or eliminated under subsection (f) any funds allocated for the consolidated or eliminated office or office function.

(ii) Retransfer.—Any portion of any funds or limitations of obligations transferred to the Freight Office pursuant to clause (i) may be transferred back to, and merged with, the original account.

(B) Transfer of funds allocated for administrative costs.—

(i) In general.—The Secretary may transfer to the Freight Office any funds allocated for the administrative costs of the programs referred to in subsection (d)(3).

(ii) Retransfer.—Any portion of any funds or limitations of obligations transferred to the Freight Office pursuant to clause (i) may be transferred back to, and merged with, the original account.

(h) Website.—

(1) Description of freight office.—The Secretary shall make publicly available on the website of the Department a description of the Freight Office, including a description of—

(A) the programs managed or made available by the Freight Office; and

(B) the eligibility requirements for those programs.

(2) Clearinghouse.—The Secretary may establish a clearinghouse for tools, templates, guidance, and best practices on a page of the website of the Department that supports the purposes of this section.

(i) Notification to Congress.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, and not less frequently than once every 180 days thereafter until the date on which the Secretary determines that the requirements of this section have been met, the Secretary shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a notification that—

(1) describes—

(A) the programs and activities administered or overseen by the Freight Office; and

(B) the status of those programs and activities;

(2) identifies—

(A) the number of employees working in the Freight Office as of the date of the notification;

(B) the total number of employees expected to join the Freight Office to support the programs and activities described in paragraph (1); and

(C) the total number of positions that, as a result of the consolidation of offices under this section, were—

(i) eliminated; or

(ii) transferred, assigned, or joined to the Freight Office;

(3)(A) indicates whether the Secretary has consolidated into the Freight Office any office or office function pursuant to subsection (f)(1); and

(B) if the Secretary has consolidated such an office or function, describes the rationale for the consolidation;

(4)(A) indicates whether the Secretary has eliminated any office pursuant to subsection (f)(2); and

(B) if the Secretary has eliminated such an office, describes the rationale for the elimination;

(5) describes any other actions carried out by the Secretary to implement this section; and

(6) describes any recommendations of the Secretary for legislation that may be needed to further implement this section.

(j) Savings Provisions.—

(1) Effect on other law.—Except as otherwise provided in this section, nothing in this section alters or affects any law (including regulations) with respect to a program referred to in subsection (d).

(2) Effect on responsibilities of other agencies.—Except as otherwise provided in this section, nothing in this section abrogates the responsibilities of any agency, operating administration, or office within the Department that is otherwise charged by law (including regulations) with any aspect of program administration, oversight, or project approval or implementation with respect to a program or project subject to the responsibilities of the Freight Office under this section.

(3) Effect on pending applications.—Nothing in this section affects any pending application under a program referred to in subsection (d) that was received by the Secretary on or before the date of enactment of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021.

(k) Authorization of Appropriations.—

(1) In general.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.

(2) Certain activities.—Authorizations under subsections (f) and (g) are subject to appropriations.

(Added Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title I, §21101(a), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 652.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of this section and the date of enactment of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021, referred to in subsecs. (i) and (j)(3), are the date of enactment of div. B of Pub. L. 117–58, which was approved Nov. 15, 2021.

§119. Advanced Research Projects Agency–Infrastructure

(a) Definitions.—In this section:

(1) ARPA–I.— The term "ARPA–I" means the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Infrastructure established by subsection (b).

(2) Department.—The term "Department" means the Department of Transportation.

(3) Director.—The term "Director" means the Director of ARPA–I appointed under subsection (d).

(4) Eligible entity.—The term "eligible entity" means—

(A) a unit of State or local government;

(B) an institution of higher education;

(C) a commercial entity;

(D) a research foundation;

(E) a trade or industry research collaborative;

(F) a federally funded research and development center;

(G) a research facility owned or funded by the Department;

(H) a collaborative that includes relevant international entities; and

(I) a consortia of 2 or more entities described in any of subparagraphs (A) through (H).

(5) Infrastructure.—

(A) In general.—The term "infrastructure" means any transportation method or facility that facilitates the transit of goods or people within the United States (including territories).

(B) Inclusions.—The term "infrastructure" includes—

(i) roads;

(ii) highways;

(iii) bridges;

(iv) airports;

(v) rail lines;

(vi) harbors; and

(vii) pipelines.

(6) Secretary.—The term "Secretary" means the Secretary of Transportation.

(b) Establishment.—There is established within the Department an agency, to be known as the "Advanced Research Projects Agency–Infrastructure", to support the development of science and technology solutions—

(1) to overcome long-term challenges; and

(2) to advance the state of the art for United States transportation infrastructure.

(c) Goals.—

(1) In general.—The goals of ARPA–I shall be—

(A) to advance the transportation infrastructure of the United States by developing innovative science and technology solutions that—

(i) lower the long-term costs of infrastructure development, including costs of planning, construction, and maintenance;

(ii) reduce the lifecycle impacts of transportation infrastructure on the environment, including through the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions;

(iii) contribute significantly to improving the safe, secure, and efficient movement of goods and people; and

(iv) promote the resilience of infrastructure from physical and cyber threats; and

(B) to ensure that the United States is a global leader in developing and deploying advanced transportation infrastructure technologies and materials.

(2) Research projects.—ARPA–I shall achieve the goals described in paragraph (1) by providing assistance under this section for infrastructure research projects that—

(A) advance novel, early-stage research with practicable application to transportation infrastructure;

(B) translate techniques, processes, and technologies, from the conceptual phase to prototype, testing, or demonstration;

(C) develop advanced manufacturing processes and technologies for the domestic manufacturing of novel transportation-related technologies; and

(D) accelerate transformational technological advances in areas in which industry entities are unlikely to carry out projects due to technical and financial uncertainty.

(d) Director.—

(1) Appointment.—ARPA–I shall be headed by a Director, who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

(2) Qualifications.—The Director shall be an individual who, by reason of professional background and experience, is especially qualified to advise the Secretary regarding, and manage research programs addressing, matters relating to the development of science and technology solutions to advance United States transportation infrastructure.

(3) Relationship to secretary.—The Director shall—

(A) be located within the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology; and

(B) report to the Secretary.

(4) Relationship to other programs.—No other program within the Department shall report to the Director.

(5) Responsibilities.—The responsibilities of the Director shall include—

(A) approving new programs within ARPA–I;

(B) developing funding criteria, and assessing the success of programs, to achieve the goals described in subsection (c)(1) through the establishment of technical milestones;

(C) administering available funding by providing to eligible entities assistance to achieve the goals described in subsection (c)(1);

(D) terminating programs carried out under this section that are not achieving the goals of the programs; and

(E) establishing a process through which eligible entities can submit to ARPA–I unsolicited research proposals for assistance under this section in accordance with subsection (f).

(e) Personnel.—

(1) In general.—The Director shall establish and maintain within ARPA–I a staff with sufficient qualifications and expertise to enable ARPA–I to carry out the responsibilities under this section, in conjunction with other operations of the Department.

(2) Program directors.—

(A) In general.—The Director shall designate employees to serve as program directors for ARPA–I.

(B) Responsibilities.—Each program director shall be responsible for—

(i) establishing research and development goals for the applicable program, including by convening workshops and conferring with outside experts;

(ii) publicizing the goals of the applicable program;

(iii) soliciting applications for specific areas of particular promise, especially in areas that the private sector or the Federal Government are not likely to carry out absent assistance from ARPA–I;

(iv) establishing research collaborations for carrying out the applicable program;

(v) selecting on the basis of merit each project to be supported under the applicable program, taking into consideration—

(I) the novelty and scientific and technical merit of proposed projects;

(II) the demonstrated capabilities of eligible entities to successfully carry out proposed projects;

(III) the extent to which an eligible entity took into consideration future commercial applications of a proposed project, including the feasibility of partnering with 1 or more commercial entities; and

(IV) such other criteria as the Director may establish;

(vi) identifying innovative cost-sharing arrangements for projects carried out or funded by ARPA–I;

(vii) monitoring the progress of projects supported under the applicable program;

(viii) identifying mechanisms for commercial application of successful technology development projects, including through establishment of partnerships between eligible entities and commercial entities; and

(ix) as applicable, recommending—

(I) program restructuring; or

(II) termination of applicable research partnerships or projects.

(C) Term of service.—A program director—

(i) shall serve for a term of 3 years; and

(ii) may be reappointed for any subsequent term of service.

(3) Hiring and management.—

(A) In general.—The Director may—

(i) make appointments of scientific, engineering, and professional personnel, without regard to the civil service laws;

(ii) fix the basic pay of such personnel at such rate as the Director may determine, but not to exceed level II of the Executive Schedule, without regard to the civil service laws; and

(iii) pay an employee appointed under this subparagraph payments in addition to basic pay, subject to the condition that the total amount of those additional payments for any 12-month period shall not exceed the least of—

(I) $25,000;

(II) an amount equal to 25 percent of the annual rate of basic pay of the employee; and

(III) the amount of the applicable limitation for a calendar year under section 5307(a)(1) of title 5.

(B) Private recruiting firms.—The Director may enter into a contract with a private recruiting firm for the hiring of qualified technical staff to carry out this section.

(C) Additional staff.—The Director may use all authorities available to the Secretary to hire administrative, financial, and clerical staff, as the Director determines to be necessary to carry out this section.

(f) Research Proposals.—

(1) In general.—An eligible entity may submit to the Director an unsolicited research proposal at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Director may require, including a description of—

(A) the extent of current and prior efforts with respect to the project proposed to be carried out using the assistance, if applicable; and

(B) any current or prior investments in the technology area for which funding is requested, including as described in subsection (c)(2)(D).

(2) Review.—The Director—

(A) shall review each unsolicited research proposal submitted under paragraph (1), taking into consideration—

(i) the novelty and scientific and technical merit of the research proposal;

(ii) the demonstrated capabilities of the applicant to successfully carry out the research proposal;

(iii) the extent to which the applicant took into consideration future commercial applications of the proposed research project, including the feasibility of partnering with 1 or more commercial entities; and

(iv) such other criteria as the Director may establish;

(B) may approve a research proposal if the Director determines that the research—

(i) is in accordance with—

(I) the goals described in subsection (c)(1); or

(II) an applicable transportation research and development strategic plan developed under section 6503; and

(ii) would not duplicate any other Federal research being conducted or funded by another Federal agency; and

(C)(i) if funding is denied for the research proposal, shall provide to the eligible entity that submitted the proposal a written notice of the denial that, as applicable—

(I) explains why the research proposal was not selected, including whether the research proposal fails to cover an area of need; and

(II) recommends that the research proposal be submitted to another research program; or

(ii) if the research proposal is approved for funding, shall provide to the eligible entity that submitted the proposal—

(I) a written notice of the approval; and

(II) assistance in accordance with subsection (g) for the proposed research.

(g) Forms of Assistance.—On approval of a research proposal of an eligible entity, the Director may provide to the eligible entity assistance in the form of—

(1) a grant;

(2) a contract;

(3) a cooperative agreement;

(4) a cash prize; or

(5) another, similar form of funding.

(h) Reports and Roadmaps.—

(1) Annual reports.—For each fiscal year, the Director shall provide to the Secretary, for inclusion in the budget request submitted by the Secretary to the President under section 1108 of title 31 for the fiscal year, a report that, with respect to the preceding fiscal year, describes—

(A) the projects that received assistance from ARPA–I, including—

(i) each such project that was funded as a result of an unsolicited research proposal; and

(ii) each such project that examines topics or technologies closely related to other activities funded by the Department, including an analysis of whether the Director achieved compliance with subsection (i)(1) in supporting the project; and

(B) the instances of, and reasons for, the provision of assistance under this section for any projects being carried out by industry entities.

(2) Strategic vision roadmap.—Not later than October 1, 2022, and not less frequently than once every 4 years thereafter, the Director shall submit to the relevant authorizing and appropriations committees of Congress a roadmap describing the strategic vision that ARPA–I will use to guide the selection of future projects for technology investment during the 4 fiscal-year period beginning on the date of submission of the report.

(i) Coordination and Nonduplication.—The Director shall ensure that—

(1) the activities of ARPA–I are coordinated with, and do not duplicate the efforts of, programs and laboratories within—

(A) the Department; and

(B) other relevant research agencies; and

(2) no funding is provided by ARPA–I for a project, unless the eligible entity proposing the project—

(A) demonstrates sufficient attempts to secure private financing; or

(B) indicates that the project is not independently commercially viable.

(j) Federal Demonstration of Technologies.—The Director shall seek opportunities to partner with purchasing and procurement programs of Federal agencies to demonstrate technologies resulting from activities funded through ARPA–I.

(k) Partnerships.—The Director shall seek opportunities to enter into contracts or partnerships with minority-serving institutions (as described in any of paragraphs (1) through (7) of section 371(a) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067q(a)))—

(1) to accomplish the goals of ARPA–I;

(2) to develop institutional capacity in advanced transportation infrastructure technologies and materials;

(3) to engage underserved populations in developing, demonstrating, and deploying those technologies and materials; and

(4) to otherwise address the needs of ARPA–I.

(l) University Transportation Centers.—The Director may—

(1) partner with university transportation centers under section 5505 to accomplish the goals, and address the needs, of ARPA–I; and

(2) sponsor and select for funding, in accordance with section 5505, competitively selected university transportation center grants, in addition to the assistance provided under section 5505, to address targeted technology and material goals of ARPA–I.

(m) Advice.—

(1) Advisory committees.—The Director may seek advice regarding any aspect of ARPA–I from—

(A) an existing advisory committee, office, or other group within the Department; and

(B) a new advisory committee organized to support the programs of ARPA–I by providing advice and assistance regarding—

(i) specific program tasks; or

(ii) the overall direction of ARPA–I.

(2) Additional sources.—In carrying out this section, the Director may seek advice and review from—

(A) the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology;

(B) the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy; and

(C) any professional or scientific organization with expertise relating to specific processes or technologies under development by ARPA–I.

(n) Evaluation.—

(1) In general.—Not later than December 27, 2024, the Secretary may enter into an arrangement with the National Academy of Sciences under which the National Academy shall conduct an evaluation of the achievement by ARPA–I of the goals described in subsection (c)(1).

(2) Inclusions.—The evaluation under paragraph (1) may include—

(A) a recommendation regarding whether ARPA–I should be continued;

(B) a recommendation regarding whether ARPA–I, or the Department generally, should continue to allow entities to submit unsolicited research proposals; and

(C) a description of—

(i) the lessons learned from the operation of ARPA–I; and

(ii) the manner in which those lessons may apply to the operation of other programs of the Department.

(3) Availability.—On completion of the evaluation under paragraph (1), the evaluation shall be made available to—

(A) Congress; and

(B) the public.

(o) Protection of Information.—

(1) In general.—Each type of information described in paragraph (2) that is collected by ARPA–I from eligible entities shall be considered to be—

(A) commercial and financial information obtained from a person;

(B) privileged or confidential; and

(C) not subject to disclosure under section 552(b)(4) of title 5.

(2) Description of types of information.—The types of information referred to in paragraph (1) are—

(A) information relating to plans for commercialization of technologies developed using assistance provided under this section, including business plans, technology-to-market plans, market studies, and cost and performance models;

(B) information relating to investments provided to an eligible entity from a third party (such as a venture capital firm, a hedge fund, and a private equity firm), including any percentage of ownership of an eligible entity provided in return for such an investment;

(C) information relating to additional financial support that the eligible entity—

(i) plans to invest, or has invested, in the technology developed using assistance provided under this section; or

(ii) is seeking from a third party; and

(D) information relating to revenue from the licensing or sale of a new product or service resulting from research conducted using assistance provided under this section.

(p) Effect on Existing Authorities.—The authority provided by this section—

(1) shall be in addition to any existing authority provided to the Secretary; and

(2) shall not supersede or modify any other existing authority.

(q) Funding.—

(1) Authorization of appropriations.—There are authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary such sums as are necessary to carry out this section.

(2) Separate budget and appropriation.—

(A) Budget request.—The budget request for ARPA–I shall be separate from the budget request of the remainder of the Department.

(B) Appropriations.—The funding appropriated for ARPA–I shall be separate and distinct from the funding appropriated for the remainder of the Department.

(3) Allocation.—Of the amounts made available for a fiscal year under paragraph (1)—

(A) not less than 5 percent shall be used for technology transfer and outreach activities—

(i) in accordance with the goal described in subsection (c)(2)(D); and

(ii) within the responsibilities of the program directors described in subsection (e)(2)(B)(viii); and

(B) none may be used for the construction of any new building or facility during the 5-year period beginning on the date of enactment of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021.

(Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25012(a), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 859.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Level II of the Executive Schedule, referred to in subsec. (e)(3)(A)(ii), is set out in section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

The date of enactment of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021, referred to in subsec. (q)(3)(B), is the date of enactment of div. B of Pub. L. 117–58, which was approved Nov. 15, 2021.



Leadership, consultation, and cooperation.
Policy standards for transportation.
Policy on lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites.
Development of water transportation.
Application of categorical exclusions for multimodal projects.
Accelerated decisionmaking in environmental reviews.
Transportation investment standards and criteria.
Prohibited discrimination.
Improving State and Federal agency engagement in environmental reviews.
High-speed ground transportation.
Aligning Federal environmental reviews.
Congressional notification requirements.
Alternative timing system.
Nontraditional and Emerging Transportation Technology Council.



General powers.
Members of the armed forces.
Advisory committees.
Administrative working capital fund.
Transportation Systems Center working capital fund.
Transportation information.
Research activities.
Service, supplies, and facilities at remote places.
Minority Resource Center.
Responsibility for rail transportation unification and coordination projects.
[334, 335.
Civil penalty procedures.
Budget request for the Director of Intelligence and Security.



Judicial review of actions in carrying out certain transferred duties and powers.
Authority to carry out certain transferred duties and powers.
Toxicological testing of officers and employees.
Investigative authority of Inspector General.
Motorcyclist Advisory Council.


Editorial Notes


2021Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25008(b), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 852, which directed amendment of the analysis for subchapter I of this chapter by adding item 313 at the end, was executed by adding item 313 to the analysis for this chapter, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title IV, §24111(b), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 815, which directed amendment of the analysis for subchapter III of this chapter by adding item 355 at the end, was executed by adding item 355 to the analysis for this chapter, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

2018Pub. L. 115–282, title V, §514(c), Dec. 4, 2018, 132 Stat. 4278, which directed amendment of the analysis for this chapter by adding item 312 at the end, was executed by adding item 312 at the end of the item for subchapter I, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

2016Pub. L. 114–322, title IV, §5001(b), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1885, added item 311.

2015Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §§1311(b), 1312(b), 1313(b), title VI, §6011(c), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1399, 1400, 1402, 1569, added items 304a, 307, and 310 and substituted "Research activities" for "Research contracts" in item 330.

Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1446(d)(4), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1438, amended section 1314(b) of Pub. L. 112–141, effective July 6, 2012, as if included in Pub. L. 112–141 as enacted. See 2012 Amendment note below.

2012Pub. L. 112–141, div. A, title I, §1314(b), div. C, title II, §32932(a)(2), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 549, 829, as amended by Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1446(d)(4), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1438, substituted "Application of categorical exclusions for multimodal projects" for "Joint activities with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development" in item 304 and struck out item 307 "Safety information and intervention in Interstate Commerce Commission proceedings".

2003Pub. L. 108–168, §8(b)(2), Dec. 6, 2003, 117 Stat. 2035, added item 354.

1994Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(6)(B), (9)(B), (10)(B), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1366–1368, added item 303a, struck out items 334 "Limit on aviation charges" and 335 "Authorization of appropriations", and added item 337, subchapter III heading, and items 351 to 353.

1991Pub. L. 102–240, title I, §1036(c)(2), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1985, added item 309.

1989Pub. L. 101–225, title III, §305(2), Dec. 12, 1989, 103 Stat. 1925, added item 336.

1984Pub. L. 98–216, §2(1)(B), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5, substituted "Reports" for "Annual reports" in item 308.


§301. Leadership, consultation, and cooperation

The Secretary of Transportation shall—

(1) under the direction of the President, exercise leadership in transportation matters, including those matters affecting national defense and those matters involving national or regional emergencies;

(2) provide leadership in the development of transportation policies and programs, and make recommendations to the President and Congress for their consideration and implementation;

(3) coordinate Federal policy on intermodal transportation and initiate policies to promote efficient intermodal transportation in the United States;

(4) promote and undertake the development, collection, and dissemination of technological, statistical, economic, and other information relevant to domestic and international transportation;

(5) consult and cooperate with the Secretary of Labor in compiling information regarding the status of labor-management contracts and other labor-management problems and in promoting industrial harmony and stable employment conditions in all modes of transportation;

(6) promote and undertake research and development related to transportation, including noise abatement, with particular attention to aircraft noise, and including basic highway vehicle science;

(7) consult with the heads of other departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government on the transportation requirements of the Government, including encouraging them to establish and observe policies consistent with maintaining a coordinated transportation system in procuring transportation or in operating their own transport services;

(8) consult and cooperate with State and local governments, carriers, labor, and other interested persons, including, when appropriate, holding informal public hearings; and

(9) develop and coordinate Federal policy on financing transportation infrastructure, including the provision of direct Federal credit assistance and other techniques used to leverage Federal transportation funds.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2418; Pub. L. 102–240, title V, §5002(a), title VI, §6017, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2158, 2183; Pub. L. 105–178, title I, §1504, June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 251.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
301 49:1653(a). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §4(a), 80 Stat. 933.

In the introductory clause before "shall", the words "in carrying out the purposes of this chapter . . . among his responsibilities" are omitted as surplus.

In clause (4), the word "compiling" is substituted for "gathering" for consistency.

Editorial Notes


1998—Par. (9). Pub. L. 105–178 added par. (9).

1991—Pars. (3) to (5). Pub. L. 102–240, §5002(a), added par. (3) and redesignated former pars. (3) and (4) as (4) and (5), respectively. Former par. (5) redesignated (6).

Par. (6). Pub. L. 102–240, §§5002(a), 6017, redesignated par. (5) as (6) and inserted ", and including basic highway vehicle science". Former par. (6) redesignated (7).

Pars. (7), (8). Pub. L. 102–240, §5002(a), redesignated pars. (6) and (7) as (7) and (8), respectively.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Geomatic Data

Pub. L. 117–58, div. A, title I, §11308, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 534, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall develop guidance for the acceptance and use of information obtained from a non-Federal entity through geomatic techniques, including remote sensing and land surveying, cartography, geographic information systems, global navigation satellite systems, photogrammetry, or other remote means.

"(b) Considerations.—In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall ensure that acceptance or use of information described in subsection (a) meets the data quality and operational requirements of the Secretary.

"(c) Public Comment.—Before issuing any final guidance under subsection (a), the Secretary shall provide to the public—

"(1) notice of the proposed guidance; and

"(2) an opportunity to comment on the proposed guidance.

"(d) Savings Clause.—Nothing in this section—

"(1) requires the Secretary to accept or use information that the Secretary determines does not meet the guidance developed under this section; or

"(2) changes the current statutory or regulatory requirements of the Department [of Transportation]."

Risk and System Resilience

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25007, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 849, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Secretary [of Transportation], in consultation with appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies, shall develop a process for quantifying annual risk in order to increase system resilience with respect to the surface transportation system of the United States by measuring—

"(1) resilience to threat probabilities by type of hazard and geographical location;

"(2) resilience to asset vulnerabilities with respect to each applicable threat; and

"(3) anticipated consequences from each applicable threat to each asset.

"(b) Use by State, Regional, Tribal, and Local Entities.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary shall provide the process developed under subsection (a) to State departments of transportation, metropolitan planning organizations, Indian Tribes, local governments, and other relevant entities.

"(2) Guidance and technical assistance.—The Secretary shall provide to the entities described in paragraph (1) guidance and technical assistance on the use of the process referred to in that paragraph.

"(c) Research.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary shall—

"(A) identify and support fundamental research to develop a framework and quantitative models to support compilation of information for risk-based analysis of transportation assets by standardizing the basis for quantifying annual risk and increasing system resilience; and

"(B) build on existing resilience research, including studies conducted by—

"(i) the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; and

"(ii) the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

"(2) Use of existing facilities.—In carrying out paragraph (1), the Secretary shall use existing research facilities available to the Secretary, including the Turner–Fairbank Highway Research Center and University Transportation Centers established under section 5505 of title 49, United States Code."

Safety Data Initiative

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25011, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 857, provided that:

"(a) Definition of Eligible Entity.—In this section, the term 'eligible entity' means—

"(1) a State;

"(2) a unit of local government;

"(3) a transit agency or authority;

"(4) a metropolitan planning organization;

"(5) any other subdivision of a State or local government;

"(6) an institution of higher education; and

"(7) a multi-State or multijurisdictional group.

"(b) Safety Data Initiative.—

"(1) Establishment.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall establish an initiative, to be known as the 'Safety Data Initiative', to promote the use of data integration, data visualization, and advanced analytics for surface transportation safety through the development of innovative practices and products for use by Federal, State, and local entities.

"(2) Activities.—

"(A) Applied research.—

"(i) In general.—The Secretary shall support and carry out applied research to develop practices and products that will encourage the integration and use of traditional and new sources of safety data and safety information to improve policy and decisionmaking at the Federal, State, and local government levels.

"(ii) Methodology.—In carrying out clause (i), the Secretary may—

     "(I) carry out demonstration programs;

     "(II) award grants and provide incentives to eligible entities;

     "(III) enter into partnerships with—

"(aa) eligible entities;

"(bb) private sector entities; and

"(cc) National Laboratories; and

     "(IV) use any other tools, strategies, or methods that will result in the effective use of data and information for safety purposes.

"(B) Tools and practices.—In carrying out subparagraph (A), the Secretary, to the maximum extent practicable, shall—

"(i) develop safety analysis tools for State and local governments, with a particular focus on State and local governments with limited capacity to perform safety analysis;

"(ii)(I) identify innovative State and local government practices;

"(II) incubate those practices for further development; and

"(III) replicate those practices nationwide; and

"(iii) transfer to State and local governments the results of the applied research carried out under that subparagraph.

"(C) Data sharing.—

"(i) In general.—To inform the creation of information useful for safety policy and decisionmaking, the Secretary shall—

     "(I) encourage the sharing of data between and among Federal, State, and local transportation agencies; and

     "(II) leverage data from private sector entities.

"(ii) Goals.—The goals of the data-sharing activities under clause (i) shall include—

     "(I) the creation of data ecosystems to reduce barriers to the efficient integration and analysis of relevant datasets for use by safety professionals; and

     "(II) the establishment of procedures adequate to ensure sufficient security, privacy, and confidentiality as needed to promote the sharing of sensitive or proprietary data.

"(iii) Management of data ecosystems.—A data ecosystem described in clause (ii)(I) may be managed by—

     "(I) the Director of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics;

     "(II) 1 or more trusted third parties, as determined by the Secretary; or

     "(III) 1 or more other entities or partnerships capable of securing, managing, and analyzing sensitive or proprietary data.

"(3) Plan.—

"(A) In general.—The Safety Data Initiative shall be carried out pursuant to a plan to be jointly established by—

"(i) the Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy;

"(ii) the Chief Information Officer of the Department [of Transportation];

"(iii) the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration;

"(iv) the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration;

"(v) the Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration;

"(vi) the Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration; and

"(vii) the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration.

"(B) Requirement.—The plan established under subparagraph (A) shall include details regarding the means by which tools and innovations developed by projects carried out under the Safety Data Initiative will be transferred to the appropriate program of the Department for further implementation.

"(C) Deadline.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], the Secretary shall direct the officials described in clauses (i) through (vii) of subparagraph (A) to establish, by a date determined by the Secretary, the plan referred to in that subparagraph.

"(4) Termination.—The Safety Data Initiative shall terminate on the later of—

"(A) the date that is 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act; and

"(B) the date on which the Secretary makes the direction to officials described in paragraph (3)(C)."

GAO Cybersecurity Recommendations

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25022, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 878, provided that:

"(a) Cybersecurity Risk Management.—Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], the Secretary [of Transportation] shall implement the recommendation for the Department [of Transportation] made by the Comptroller General of the United States in the report entitled 'Cybersecurity: Agencies Need to Fully Establish Risk Management Programs and Address Challenges', numbered GAO–19–384, and dated July 2019—

"(1) by developing a cybersecurity risk management strategy for the systems and information of the Department [of Transportation];

"(2) by updating policies to address an organization-wide risk assessment; and

"(3) by updating the processes for coordination between cybersecurity risk management functions and enterprise risk management functions.

"(b) Work Roles.—Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], the Secretary shall implement the recommendation of the Comptroller General of the United States in the report entitled 'Cybersecurity Workforce: Agencies Need to Accurately Categorize Positions to Effectively Identify Critical Staffing Needs', numbered GAO–19–144, and dated March 2019, by—

"(1) reviewing positions in the Department; and

"(2) assigning appropriate work roles in accordance with the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.

"(c) GAO Review.—

"(1) Report.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a report that examines the approach of the Department to managing cybersecurity for the systems and information of the Department.

"(2) Contents.—The report under paragraph (1) shall include an evaluation of—

"(A) the roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships of the senior officials of the Department with respect to cybersecurity at the components of the Department;

"(B) the extent to which officials of the Department—

"(i) establish requirements for, share information with, provide resources to, and monitor the performance of managers with respect to cybersecurity within the components of the Department; and

"(ii) hold managers accountable for cybersecurity within the components of the Department; and

"(C) other aspects of cybersecurity, as the Comptroller General of the United States determines to be appropriate."

Performance Measurement, Transparency, and Accountability

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title VII, §27001, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 884, provided that: "For each grant awarded under this Act [div. B of Pub. L. 117–58, see Tables for classification], or an amendment made by this Act, the Secretary may—

"(1) develop metrics to assess the effectiveness of the activities funded by the grant;

"(2) establish standards for the performance of the activities funded by the grant that are based on the metrics developed under paragraph (1); and

"(3) not later than the date that is 4 years after the date of the initial award of the grant and every 2 years thereafter until the date on which Federal financial assistance is discontinued for the applicable activity, conduct an assessment of the activity funded by the grant to confirm whether the performance is meeting the standards for performance established under paragraph (2)."

National Advisory Committee on Travel and Tourism Infrastructure

Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1431, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1427, as amended by Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25018(a), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 874, provided that:

"(a) Findings.—Congress finds that—

"(1) 1 out of every 9 jobs in the United States depends on travel and tourism, and the industry supports 15,000,000 jobs in the United States;

"(2) the travel and tourism industry employs individuals in all 50 States, the District of Columbia, and all of the territories of the United States;

"(3) international travel to the United States is the single largest export industry in the United States, generating a trade surplus balance of approximately $74,000,000,000;

"(4) travel and tourism provide significant economic benefits to the United States by generating nearly $2,100,000,000,000 in annual economic output; and

"(5) the United States intermodal transportation network facilitates the large-scale movement of business and leisure travelers, and is the most important asset of the travel industry.

"(b) Establishment.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 4, 2015], the Secretary [of Transportation] shall establish an advisory committee to be known as the National Advisory Committee on Travel and Tourism Infrastructure (referred to in this section as the 'Committee') to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the Secretary on matters relating to the role of intermodal transportation in facilitating mobility related to travel and tourism activities.

"(c) Membership.—The Committee shall—

"(1) be composed of members appointed by the Secretary for terms of not more than 3 years; and

"(2) include a representative cross-section of public and private sector stakeholders involved in the travel and tourism industry, including representatives of—

"(A) the travel and tourism industry, product and service providers, and travel and tourism-related associations;

"(B) travel, tourism, and destination marketing organizations;

"(C) the travel and tourism-related workforce;

"(D) State tourism offices;

"(E) State departments of transportation;

"(F) regional and metropolitan planning organizations; and

"(G) local governments.

"(d) Role of Committee.—The Committee shall—

"(1) advise the Secretary on current and emerging priorities, issues, projects, and funding needs related to the use of the intermodal transportation network of the United States to facilitate travel and tourism;

"(2) serve as a forum for discussion for travel and tourism stakeholders on transportation issues affecting interstate and interregional mobility of passengers;

"(3) promote the sharing of information between the private and public sectors on transportation issues impacting travel and tourism;

"(4) gather information, develop technical advice, and make recommendations to the Secretary on policies that improve the condition and performance of an integrated national transportation system that—

"(A) is safe, economical, and efficient; and

"(B) maximizes the benefits to the United States generated through the travel and tourism industry;

"(5) identify critical transportation facilities and corridors that facilitate and support the interstate and interregional transportation of passengers for tourism, commercial, and recreational activities;

"(6) provide for development of measures of condition, safety, and performance for transportation related to travel and tourism;

"(7) provide for development of transportation investment, data, and planning tools to assist Federal, State, and local officials in making investment decisions relating to transportation projects that improve travel and tourism; and

"(8) address other issues of transportation policy and programs impacting the movement of travelers for tourism and recreational purposes, including by making legislative recommendations.

"(e) National Travel and Tourism Infrastructure Strategic Plan.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the Surface Transportation Investment Act of 2021 [Nov. 15, 2021], the Secretary, in consultation with the Committee, State departments of transportation, and other appropriate public and private transportation stakeholders, shall develop and post on the public Internet website of the Department a national travel and tourism infrastructure strategic plan—

"(1) to develop an immediate-term and long-term strategy, including policy recommendations across all modes of transportation, for the Department and other agencies to use infrastructure investments to revive the travel and tourism industry and the overall travel and tourism economy in the wake of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic; and

"(2) that includes—

"(A) an assessment of the condition and performance of the national transportation network, including consideration of the impacts of the COVID–19 pandemic;

"(B) an identification of the issues on the national transportation network that create significant congestion problems and barriers to long-haul passenger travel and tourism;

"(C) forecasts of long-haul passenger travel and tourism volumes for the 20-year period beginning in the year during which the plan is issued;

"(D) an identification of the major transportation facilities and corridors of regional significance for current and forecasted long-haul travel and tourism volumes, the identification of which shall be revised, as appropriate, in subsequent plans;

"(E) an assessment of statutory, regulatory, technological, institutional, financial, and other barriers to improved long-haul passenger travel performance (including opportunities for overcoming the barriers);

"(F) best practices for improving the performance of the national transportation network;

"(G) strategies to improve intermodal connectivity for long-haul passenger travel and tourism; and

"(H) an identification of possible infrastructure investments that create recovery opportunities for small, underserved, minority, and rural businesses in the travel and tourism industry, including efforts to preserve and protect the scenic, but often less-traveled, roads that promote tourism and economic development throughout the United States."

Collaboration and Support

Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title VI, §6024, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1585, provided that: "The Secretary [of Transportation] may solicit the support of, and identify opportunities to collaborate with, other Federal research agencies and national laboratories to assist in the effective and efficient pursuit and resolution of research challenges identified by the Secretary."

Public-Private Partnerships

Pub. L. 112–141, div. A, title I, §1534, July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 584, provided that:

"(a) Best Practices.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall compile, and make available to the public on the website of the Department [of Transportation], best practices on how States, public transportation agencies, and other public officials can work with the private sector in the development, financing, construction, and operation of transportation facilities.

"(b) Contents.—The best practices compiled under subsection (a) shall include polices and techniques to ensure that the interests of the traveling public and State and local governments are protected in any agreement entered into with the private sector for the development, financing, construction, and operation of transportation facilities.

"(c) Technical Assistance.—The Secretary, on request, may provide technical assistance to States, public transportation agencies, and other public officials regarding proposed public-private partnership agreements for the development, financing, construction, and operation of transportation facilities, including assistance in analyzing whether the use of a public-private partnership agreement would provide value compared with traditional public delivery methods.

"(d) Standard Transaction Contracts.—

"(1) Development.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this Act [see section 3(a), (b) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment notes under section 101 of Title 23, Highways], the Secretary shall develop standard public-private partnership transaction model contracts for the most popular types of public-private partnerships for the development, financing, construction, and operation of transportation facilities.

"(2) Use.—The Secretary shall encourage States, public transportation agencies, and other public officials to use the model contracts as a base template when developing their own public-private partnership agreements for the development, financing, construction, and operation of transportation facilities."

Vessel Transfer Authority

Pub. L. 109–364, div. C, title XXXV, §3504, Oct. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 2516, provided that: "The Secretary of Transportation may transfer or otherwise make available without reimbursement to any other department a vessel under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation, upon request by the Secretary of the department that receives the vessel."

Budget Justification

Pub. L. 112–141, div. A, title I, §1532, July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 583, provided that: "The Secretary [of Transportation] shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a budget justification for each agency of the Department concurrently with the annual budget submission of the President to Congress under section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code."

Pub. L. 109–59, title I, §1926, Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1483, as amended by Pub. L. 110–244, title I, §108(a), June 6, 2008, 122 Stat. 1602, provided that: "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Department of Transportation and each agency in the Department shall submit to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a budget justification concurrently with the President's annual budget submission to Congress under section 1105(a) of title 31, United States Code."

Coordinated Transportation Services

Pub. L. 105–178, title III, §3034, June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 386, provided that, not later than 1 year after June 9, 1998, the Comptroller General would transmit to Congress the results of a study of Federal departments and agencies (other than the Department of Transportation) receiving Federal financial assistance for non-emergency transportation services and any recommendations for enhanced coordination between the Department of Transportation and other Federal departments and agencies that provide non-emergency transportation funding.

Establishment of Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System

Pub. L. 105–66, title III, §346, Oct. 27, 1997, 111 Stat. 1449, provided that:

"(a) As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 27, 1997], the Secretary of Transportation, acting for the Department of Transportation, may take receipt of such equipment and sites of the Ground Wave Emergency Network (referred to in this section as 'GWEN') as the Secretary of Transportation determines to be necessary for the establishment of a nationwide system to be known as the 'Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System' (referred to in this section as 'NDGPS').

"(b) As soon as practicable after the date of enactment of this Act [Oct. 27, 1997], the Secretary of Transportation may establish the NDGPS. In establishing the NDGPS, the Secretary of Transportation may—

"(1) if feasible, reuse GWEN equipment and sites transferred to the Department of Transportation under subsection (a);

"(2) to the maximum extent practicable, use contractor services to install the NDGPS;

"(3) modify the positioning system operated by the Coast Guard at the time of the establishment of the NDGPS to integrate the reference stations made available pursuant to subsection (a);

"(4) in cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce, ensure that the reference stations referred to in paragraph (3) are compatible with, and integrated into, the Continuously Operating Reference Station (commonly referred to as 'CORS') system of the National Geodetic Survey of the Department of Commerce; and

"(5) in cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce, investigate the use of the NDGPS reference stations for the Global Positioning System Integrated Precipitable Water Vapor System of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"(c) The Secretary of Transportation may—

"(1) manage and operate the NDGPS;

"(2) ensure that the service of the NDGPS is provided without the assessment of any user fee; and

"(3) in cooperation with the Secretary of Defense, ensure that the use of the NDGPS is denied to any enemy of the United States.

"(d) In any case in which the Secretary of Transportation determines that contracting for the maintenance of 1 or more NDGPS reference stations is cost-effective, the Secretary of Transportation may enter into a contract to provide for that maintenance.

"(e) The Secretary of Transportation may—

"(1) in cooperation with appropriate representatives of private industries and universities and officials of State governments—

"(A) investigate improvements (including potential improvements) to the NDGPS;

"(B) develop standards for the NDGPS; and

"(C) sponsor the development of new applications for the NDGPS; and

"(2) provide for the continual upgrading of the NDGPS to improve performance and address the needs of—

"(A) the Federal Government;

"(B) State and local governments; and

"(C) the general public."

Intermodal Transportation Advisory Board and Office of Intermodalism

Pub. L. 102–240, title V, §5002(b), (c), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2158, which provided for establishment within the Office of the Secretary of Transportation of an Intermodal Transportation Advisory Board to make recommendations for carrying out responsibilities of the Secretary concerning the coordination of Federal policy on intermodal transportation, and for establishment within the Office of the Secretary of an Office of Intermodalism to develop intermodal transportation data, to coordinate Federal research on intermodal transportation, to provide technical assistance to States and metropolitan planning organizations, and to provide administrative and clerical support to the Intermodal Transportation Advisory Board, was repealed and reenacted as sections 5502 and former 5503 of this title by Pub. L. 103–272, §§1(d), 7(b), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 849, 850, 1379.

Model Intermodal Transportation Plans

Pub. L. 102–240, title V, §5003, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2159, which directed Secretary of Transportation to make grants to States, representing a variety of geographic regions and transportation needs, patterns, and modes, for purpose of developing model State intermodal transportation plans consistent with policy of United States to encourage and promote development of national intermodal transportation system, was repealed and reenacted as section 5504 of this title by Pub. L. 103–272, §§1(d), 7(b), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 850, 1379.

National Commission on Intermodal Transportation

Pub. L. 102–240, title V, §5005, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2160, provided for establishment of a National Commission on Intermodal Transportation, consisting of 11 appointed members, to make a complete investigation and study of intermodal transportation in the United States and internationally and to send a report to Congress not later than Sept. 30, 1993, containing recommendations for implementing the policy set out in section 302(e) of this title, with the Commission to terminate on the 180th day following transmittal of the report, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 104–287, §7(3), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3400.

Border Crossings

Pub. L. 102–240, title VI, §6015, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2181, directed Secretary of Transportation to identify existing and emerging trade corridors and transportation subsystems that facilitate trade between United States, Canada, and Mexico and to recommend changes to improve and integrate corridor subsystems in order to achieve increased productivity and use of innovative marketing techniques, and directed Secretary to report to Congress not later than 18 months after Dec. 18, 1991, on transportation infrastructure needs and associated costs and to propose an agenda to develop systemwide integration of services for national benefits.

Underground Pipelines

Pub. L. 102–240, title VI, §6020, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 2184, directed Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study to evaluate feasibility, costs, and benefits of constructing and operating pneumatic capsule pipelines for underground movement of commodities other than hazardous liquids and gas, and to submit, not later than 2 years after Dec. 18, 1991, a report to Congress on the results of the study, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 104–287, §7(3), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3400.

Long-Range National Transportation Strategic Planning Study

Pub. L. 100–457, title III, §317(b), Sept. 30, 1988, 102 Stat. 2149, directed Department of Transportation to undertake a long-range, multi-modal national transportation strategic planning study, such study to forecast long-term needs and costs for developing and maintaining facilities and services to achieve a desired national transportation program for moving people and goods in the year 2015 and to include detailed analyses of transportation needs within six to nine metropolitan areas that have diverse population, development, and demographic patterns, including at least one interstate metropolitan area, with study to be submitted to Congress on or before Oct. 1, 1989. Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation act: Pub. L. 100–202, §101(l) [title III, §317(b)], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–358, 1329-381.

Executive Documents

Commercial Expendable Launch Vehicle Activities

Designation of Department of Transportation as lead agency and duties of the Secretary for encouraging, facilitating, and developing commercial expendable launch vehicle operations by private enterprise, see Ex. Ord. No. 12465, Feb. 24, 1984, 49 F.R. 7211, set out under section 50903 of Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs.

Ex. Ord. No. 13274. Environmental Stewardship and Transportation Infrastructure Project Reviews

Ex. Ord. No. 13274, Sept. 18, 2002, 67 F.R. 59449, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 13286, §2, Feb. 28, 2003, 68 F.R. 10619, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and to enhance environmental stewardship and streamline the environmental review and development of transportation infrastructure projects, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. The development and implementation of transportation infrastructure projects in an efficient and environmentally sound manner is essential to the well-being of the American people and a strong American economy. Executive departments and agencies (agencies) shall take appropriate actions, to the extent consistent with applicable law and available resources, to promote environmental stewardship in the Nation's transportation system and expedite environmental reviews of high-priority transportation infrastructure projects.

Sec. 2. Actions. (a) For transportation infrastructure projects, agencies shall, in support of the Department of Transportation, formulate and implement administrative, policy, and procedural mechanisms that enable each agency required by law to conduct environmental reviews (reviews) with respect to such projects to ensure completion of such reviews in a timely and environmentally responsible manner.

(b) In furtherance of the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, the Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with agencies as appropriate, shall advance environmental stewardship through cooperative actions with project sponsors to promote protection and enhancement of the natural and human environment in the planning, development, operation, and maintenance of transportation facilities and services.

(c) The Secretary of Transportation shall designate for the purposes of this order a list of high-priority transportation infrastructure projects that should receive expedited agency reviews and shall amend such list from time to time as the Secretary deems appropriate. For projects on the Secretary's list, agencies shall to the maximum extent practicable expedite their reviews for relevant permits or other approvals, and take related actions as necessary, consistent with available resources and applicable laws, including those relating to safety, public health, and environmental protection.

Sec. 3. Interagency Task Force. (a) Establishment. There is established, within the Department of Transportation for administrative purposes, the interagency "Transportation Infrastructure Streamlining Task Force" (Task Force) to: (i) monitor and assist agencies in their efforts to expedite a review of transportation infrastructure projects and issue permits or similar actions, as necessary; (ii) review projects, at least quarterly, on the list of priority projects pursuant to section 2(c) of this order; and (iii) identify and promote policies that can effectively streamline the process required to provide approvals for transportation infrastructure projects, in compliance with applicable law, while maintaining safety, public health, and environmental protection.

(b) Membership and Operation. The Task Force shall promote interagency cooperation and the establishment of appropriate mechanisms to coordinate Federal, State, tribal, and local agency consultation, review, approval, and permitting of transportation infrastructure projects. The Task Force shall consist exclusively of the following officers of the United States: the Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Transportation (who shall chair the Task Force), Secretary of the Interior, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Chairman of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality. A member of the Task Force may designate, to perform the Task Force functions of the member, any person who is part of the member's department, agency, or office and who is either an officer of the United States appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate or a member of the Senior Executive Service. The Task Force shall report to the President through the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality.

Sec. 4. Report. At least once each year, the Task Force shall submit to the President a report that: (a) Describes the results of the coordinated and expedited reviews on a project-by-project basis, and identifies those procedures and actions that proved to be most useful and appropriate in coordinating and expediting the review of the projects.

(b) Identifies substantive and procedural requirements of Federal, State, tribal, and local laws, regulations, and Executive Orders that are inconsistent with, duplicative of, or are structured so as to restrict their efficient implementation with other applicable requirements.

(c) Makes recommendations regarding those additional actions that could be taken to: (i) address the coordination and expediting of reviews of transportation infrastructure projects by simplifying and harmonizing applicable substantive and procedural requirements; and (ii) elevate and resolve controversies among Federal, State, tribal, and local agencies related to the review or impacts of transportation infrastructure projects in a timely manner.

(d) Provides any other recommendations that would, in the judgement of the Task Force, advance the policy set forth in section 1 of this order.

Sec. 5. Preservation of Authority. Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, and legislative proposals.

Sec. 6. Judicial Review. This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the Federal Government and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or equity by a party against the United States, its departments, agencies, instrumentalities or entities, its officers or employees, or any other person.

George W. Bush.      

§302. Policy standards for transportation

(a) The Secretary of Transportation is governed by the transportation policy of sections 10101 and 13101 of this title in addition to other laws.

(b) This subtitle and chapters 221 and 315 of this title do not authorize, without appropriate action by Congress, the adoption, revision, or implementation of a transportation policy or investment standards or criteria.

(c) The Secretary shall consider the needs—

(1) for effectiveness and safety in transportation systems; and

(2) of national defense.

(d)(1) It is the policy of the United States to promote the construction and commercialization of high-speed ground transportation systems by—

(A) conducting economic and technological research;

(B) demonstrating advancements in high-speed ground transportation technologies;

(C) establishing a comprehensive policy for the development of such systems and the effective integration of the various high-speed ground transportation technologies; and

(D) minimizing the long-term risks of investors.

(2) It is the policy of the United States to establish in the shortest time practicable a United States designed and constructed magnetic levitation transportation technology capable of operating along Federal-aid highway rights-of-way, as part of a national transportation system of the United States.

(e) Intermodal Transportation.—It is the policy of the United States Government to encourage and promote development of a national intermodal transportation system in the United States to move people and goods in an energy-efficient manner, provide the foundation for improved productivity growth, strengthen the Nation's ability to compete in the global economy, and obtain the optimum yield from the Nation's transportation resources.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2419; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 102–240, title I, §1036(a), title V, §5001, Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1978, 2158; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(6), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1375; Pub. L. 104–88, title III, §308(a), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 946.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
302(a) 49:1653(b)(1). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §4(b), 80 Stat. 933.
302(b) 49:1653(b)(2).
302(c) 49:1653(b)(3).

In subsection (a), the words "In carrying out his duties and responsibilities under this chapter" before "Secretary of Transportation" are omitted as surplus. The words "the transportation policy of sections 10101 and 10101a of this title in addition to other laws" are substituted for "all applicable statutes including the policy standards set forth in the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, as amended [49 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.]; the national transportation policy of the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended; title 23, relating to Federal-aid highways; and title 14, titles 52 and 53 of the Revised Statutes, the Act of April 25, 1940, as amended, and the Act of September 2, 1958, as amended, relating to the United States Coast Guard" because each of the omitted laws is now applicable to the Secretary of Transportation and the Department of Transportation as the result of the restatement of those laws, and the Secretary is therefore bound to follow those laws by their own terms.

In subsection (c), the words "In exercising the functions, powers, and duties conferred on and transferred to the Secretary by this chapter" before "Secretary" are omitted as surplus. The word "consider" is substituted for "give full consideration to" to eliminate surplus words. The words "for operational continuity of the functions transferred" after "the needs" are omitted as executed.

Editorial Notes


1995—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 104–88 substituted "13101" for "10101a".

1994—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "This subtitle and chapters 221 and 315 of this title" for "Subtitle I and chapter 31 of subtitle II of this title and the Department of Transportation Act (49 App. U.S.C. 1651 et seq.)".

1991—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 102–240, §1036(a), added subsec. (d).

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 102–240, §5001, added subsec. (e).

1984—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1995 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 104–88 effective Jan. 1, 1996, see section 2 of Pub. L. 104–88, set out as an Effective Date note under section 1301 of this title.

Effective Date of 1991 Amendment

Amendment by section 1036(a) of Pub. L. 102–240 effective Dec. 18, 1991, and applicable to funds authorized to be appropriated or made available after Sept. 30, 1991, and, with certain exceptions, not applicable to funds appropriated or made available on or before Sept. 30, 1991, see section 1100 of Pub. L. 102–240, set out as a note under section 104 of Title 23, Highways.

§303. Policy on lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites

(a) It is the policy of the United States Government that special effort should be made to preserve the natural beauty of the countryside and public park and recreation lands, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites.

(b) The Secretary of Transportation shall cooperate and consult with the Secretaries of the Interior, Housing and Urban Development, and Agriculture, and with the States, in developing transportation plans and programs that include measures to maintain or enhance the natural beauty of lands crossed by transportation activities or facilities.

(c) Approval of Programs and Projects.—Subject to subsections (d) and (h), the Secretary may approve a transportation program or project (other than any project for a park road or parkway under section 204 1 of title 23) requiring the use of publicly owned land of a public park, recreation area, or wildlife and waterfowl refuge of national, State, or local significance, or land of an historic site of national, State, or local significance (as determined by the Federal, State, or local officials having jurisdiction over the park, area, refuge, or site) only if—

(1) there is no prudent and feasible alternative to using that land; and

(2) the program or project includes all possible planning to minimize harm to the park, recreation area, wildlife and waterfowl refuge, or historic site resulting from the use.

(d) De Minimis Impacts.—

(1) Requirements.—

(A) Requirements for historic sites.—The requirements of this section shall be considered to be satisfied with respect to an area described in paragraph (2) if the Secretary determines, in accordance with this subsection, that a transportation program or project will have a de minimis impact on the area.

(B) Requirements for parks, recreation areas, and wildlife or waterfowl refuges.—The requirements of subsection (c)(1) shall be considered to be satisfied with respect to an area described in paragraph (3) if the Secretary determines, in accordance with this subsection, that a transportation program or project will have a de minimis impact on the area. The requirements of subsection (c)(2) with respect to an area described in paragraph (3) shall not include an alternatives analysis.

(C) Criteria.—In making any determination under this subsection, the Secretary shall consider to be part of a transportation program or project any avoidance, minimization, mitigation, or enhancement measures that are required to be implemented as a condition of approval of the transportation program or project.

(2) Historic sites.—With respect to historic sites, the Secretary may make a finding of de minimis impact only if—

(A) the Secretary has determined, in accordance with the consultation process required under section 306108 of title 54, United States Code,2 that—

(i) the transportation program or project will have no adverse effect on the historic site; or

(ii) there will be no historic properties affected by the transportation program or project;

(B) the finding of the Secretary has received written concurrence from the applicable State historic preservation officer or tribal historic preservation officer (and from the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation if the Council is participating in the consultation process); and

(C) the finding of the Secretary has been developed in consultation with parties consulting as part of the process referred to in subparagraph (A).

(3) Parks, recreation areas, and wildlife or waterfowl refuges.—With respect to parks, recreation areas, or wildlife or waterfowl refuges, the Secretary may make a finding of de minimis impact only if—

(A) the Secretary has determined, after public notice and opportunity for public review and comment, that the transportation program or project will not adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes of the park, recreation area, or wildlife or waterfowl refuge eligible for protection under this section; and

(B) the finding of the Secretary has received concurrence from the officials with jurisdiction over the park, recreation area, or wildlife or waterfowl refuge.

(e) Satisfaction of Requirements for Certain Historic Sites.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary shall—

(A) align, to the maximum extent practicable, the requirements of this section with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and section 306108 of title 54, including implementing regulations; and

(B) not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this subsection, coordinate with the Secretary of the Interior and the Executive Director of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (referred to in this subsection as the "Council") to establish procedures to satisfy the requirements described in subparagraph (A) (including regulations).

(2) Avoidance alternative analysis.—

(A) In general.—If, in an analysis required under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), the Secretary determines that there is no feasible or prudent alternative to avoid use of a historic site, the Secretary may—

(i) include the determination of the Secretary in the analysis required under that Act;

(ii) provide a notice of the determination to—

(I) each applicable State historic preservation officer and tribal historic preservation officer;

(II) the Council, if the Council is participating in the consultation process under section 306108 of title 54; and

(III) the Secretary of the Interior; and

(iii) request from the applicable preservation officer, the Council, and the Secretary of the Interior a concurrence that the determination is sufficient to satisfy subsection (c)(1).

(B) Concurrence.—If the applicable preservation officer, the Council, and the Secretary of the Interior each provide a concurrence requested under subparagraph (A)(iii), no further analysis under subsection (c)(1) shall be required.

(C) Publication.—A notice of a determination, together with each relevant concurrence to that determination, under subparagraph (A) shall—

(i) be included in the record of decision or finding of no significant impact of the Secretary; and

(ii) be posted on an appropriate Federal website by not later than 3 days after the date of receipt by the Secretary of all concurrences requested under subparagraph (A)(iii).

(3) Aligning historical reviews.—

(A) In general.—If the Secretary, the applicable preservation officer, the Council, and the Secretary of the Interior concur that no feasible and prudent alternative exists as described in paragraph (2), the Secretary may provide to the applicable preservation officer, the Council, and the Secretary of the Interior notice of the intent of the Secretary to satisfy subsection (c)(2) through the consultation requirements of section 306108 of title 54.

(B) Satisfaction of conditions.—To satisfy subsection (c)(2), the applicable preservation officer, the Council, and the Secretary of the Interior shall concur in the treatment of the applicable historic site described in the memorandum of agreement or programmatic agreement developed under section 306108 of title 54.

(f) References to Past Transportation Environmental Authorities.—

(1) Section 4(f) requirements.—The requirements of this section are commonly referred to as section 4(f) requirements (see section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act (Public Law 89–670; 80 Stat. 934) as in effect before the repeal of that section).

(2) Section 106 requirements.—The requirements of section 306108 of title 54 are commonly referred to as section 106 requirements (see section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89–665; 80 Stat. 917) as in effect before the repeal of that section).

(g) Bridge Exemption From Consideration.—A common post-1945 concrete or steel bridge or culvert (as described in 77 Fed. Reg. 68790) that is exempt from individual review under section 306108 of title 54 shall be exempt from consideration under this section.

(h) Rail and Transit.—

(1) In general.—Improvements to, or the maintenance, rehabilitation, or operation of, railroad or rail transit lines or elements thereof that are in use or were historically used for the transportation of goods or passengers shall not be considered a use of a historic site under subsection (c), regardless of whether the railroad or rail transit line or element thereof is listed on, or eligible for listing on, the National Register of Historic Places.

(2) Exceptions.—

(A) In general.—Paragraph (1) shall not apply to—

(i) stations; or

(ii) bridges or tunnels located on—

(I) railroad lines that have been abandoned; or

(II) transit lines that are not in use.

(B) Clarification with respect to certain bridges and tunnels.—The bridges and tunnels referred to in subparagraph (A)(ii) do not include bridges or tunnels located on railroad or transit lines—

(i) over which service has been discontinued; or

(ii) that have been railbanked or otherwise reserved for the transportation of goods or passengers.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2419; Pub. L. 100–17, title I, §133(d), Apr. 2, 1987, 101 Stat. 173; Pub. L. 109–59, title VI, §6009(a)(2), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1875; Pub. L. 113–287, §5(p), Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3272; Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §§1301(b), 1302(b), 1303(b), title XI, §11502(b), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1376, 1378, 1690.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
303(a) 49:1651(b)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §2(b)(2), 80 Stat. 931.
  49:1653(f) (1st sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §4(f), 80 Stat. 934; restated Aug. 23, 1968, Pub. L. 90–495, §18(b), 82 Stat. 824.
303(b) 49:1653(f) (2d sentence).
303(c) 49:1653(f) (less 1st, 2d sentences).

In subsection (a), the words "hereby declared to be" before "the policy" are omitted as surplus. The words "of the United States Government" are substituted for "national" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (b), the words "crossed by transportation activities or facilities" are substituted for "traversed" for clarity.

In subsection (c), before clause (1), the words "After August 23, 1968" after "Secretary" are omitted as executed. The word "transportation" is inserted before "program" for clarity. In clause (2), the words "or project" are added for consistency.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 204 of title 23, referred to in subsec. (c), was repealed and a new section 204 enacted by Pub. L. 112–141, div. A, title I, §1119(a), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 473, 489.

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsec. (e)(1)(A), (2)(A), is Pub. L. 91–190, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, which is classified generally to chapter 55 (§4321 et seq.) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4321 of Title 42 and Tables.

The date of enactment of this subsection, referred to in subsec. (e)(1)(B), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 114–94, which was approved Dec. 4, 2015.


2015—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 114–94, §11502(b)(1), substituted "subsections (d) and (h)" for "subsection (d)".

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 114–94, §1301(b), added subsec. (e).

Subsec. (f). Pub. L. 114–94, §1302(b), added subsec. (f).

Subsec. (g). Pub. L. 114–94, §1303(b), added subsec. (g).

Subsec. (h). Pub. L. 114–94, §11502(b)(2), added subsec. (h).

2014—Subsec. (d)(2)(A). Pub. L. 113–287 substituted "section 306108 of title 54, United States Code" for "section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470f)" in introductory provisions.

2005—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 109–59, §6009(a)(2)(A), inserted heading and substituted "Subject to subsection (d), the Secretary" for "The Secretary" in introductory provisions.

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 109–59, §6009(a)(2)(B), added subsec. (d).

1987—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 100–17 inserted "(other than any project for a park road or parkway under section 204 of title 23)" after "program or project".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2015 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 114–94 effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as a note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Treatment of Military Flight Operations

Pub. L. 105–85, div. A, title X, §1079, Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1916, provided that: "No military flight operation (including a military training flight), or designation of airspace for such an operation, may be treated as a transportation program or project for purposes of section 303(c) of title 49, United States Code."

1 See References in Text note below.

2 So in original. The words ", United States Code" probably should not appear.

§303a. Development of water transportation

(a) Policy.—It is the policy of Congress—

(1) to promote, encourage, and develop water transportation, service, and facilities for the commerce of the United States; and

(2) to foster and preserve rail and water transportation.

(b) Definition.—In this section, "inland waterway" includes the Great Lakes.

(c) Requirements.—The Secretary of Transportation shall—

(1) investigate the types of vessels suitable for different classes of inland waterways to promote, encourage, and develop inland waterway transportation facilities for the commerce of the United States;

(2) investigate water terminals, both for inland waterway traffic and for through traffic by water and rail, including the necessary docks, warehouses, and equipment, and investigate railroad spurs and switches connecting with those water terminals, to develop the types most appropriate for different locations and for transferring passengers or property between water carriers and rail carriers more expeditiously and economically;

(3) consult with communities, cities, and towns about the location of water terminals, and cooperate with them in preparing plans for terminal facilities;

(4) investigate the existing status of water transportation on the different inland waterways of the United States to learn the extent to which—

(A) the waterways are being used to their capacity and are meeting the demands of traffic; and

(B) water carriers using those waterways are interchanging traffic with rail carriers;

(5) investigate other matters that may promote and encourage inland water transportation; and

(6) compile, publish, and distribute information about transportation on inland waterways that the Secretary considers useful to the commercial interests of the United States.

(Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(6)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1366.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
303a 49 App.:142. Feb. 28, 1920, ch. 91, §500, 41 Stat. 499; Aug. 6, 1981, Pub. L. 97–31, §12(9), 95 Stat. 154.

Section 4(j)(6)(A) amends 49:ch. 3 by restating 49 App.:142 as section 303a because the provision more appropriately belongs in chapter 3.

In subsection (a)(2), the words "in full vigor both" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b), the words "be construed to" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (c)(1), the word "appropriate" is omitted as surplus. The word "vessels" is substituted for "boats" for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code.

In subsection (c)(2), the words "the subject of", "apparatus", "appliances in connection therewith", and "or interchange" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (c)(3), the words "appropriate" and "suitable" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (c)(6), the words "province and", "from time to time", and "useful statistics, data, and" are omitted as surplus.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Arctic Shipping Federal Advisory Committee

Pub. L. 116–283, div. G, title LVXXXIV [LXXXIV], §8426, Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4730, provided that:

"(a) Purpose.—The purpose of this section is to establish a Federal advisory committee to provide policy recommendations to the Secretary of Transportation on positioning the United States to take advantage of emerging opportunities for Arctic maritime transportation.

"(b) Definitions.—In this section:

"(1) Advisory committee.—The term 'Advisory Committee' means the Arctic Shipping Federal Advisory Committee established under subsection (c)(1).

"(2) Arctic.—The term 'Arctic' has the meaning given the term in section 112 of the Arctic Research and Policy Act of 1984 (15 U.S.C. 4111).

"(3) Arctic sea routes.—The term 'Arctic Sea Routes' means the international Northern Sea Route, the Transpolar Sea Route, and the Northwest Passage.

"(c) Establishment of the Arctic Shipping Federal Advisory Committee.—

"(1) Establishment of advisory committee.—

"(A) In general.—The Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense acting through the Secretary of the Army and the Secretary of the Navy, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating, shall establish an Arctic Shipping Federal Advisory Committee in the Department of Transportation to advise the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating on matters related to Arctic maritime transportation, including Arctic seaway development.

"(B) Meetings.—The Advisory Committee shall meet at the call of the Chairperson, and at least once annually in Alaska.

"(2) Membership.—

"(A) In general.—The Advisory Committee shall be composed of 17 members as described in subparagraph (B).

"(B) Composition.—The members of the Advisory Committee shall be—

"(i) 1 individual appointed and designated by the Secretary of Transportation to serve as the Chairperson of the Advisory Committee;

"(ii) 1 individual appointed and designated by the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating to serve as the Vice Chairperson of the Advisory Committee;

"(iii) 1 designee of the Secretary of Commerce;

"(iv) 1 designee of the Secretary of State;

"(v) 1 designee of the Secretary of Transportation;

"(vi) 1 designee of the Secretary of Defense;

"(vii) 1 designee from the State of Alaska, nominated by the Governor of Alaska and designated by the Secretary of Transportation;

"(viii) 1 designee from the State of Washington, nominated by the Governor of Washington and designated by the Secretary of Transportation;

"(ix) 3 Alaska Native Tribal members;

"(x) 1 individual representing Alaska Native subsistence co-management groups affected by Arctic maritime transportation;

"(xi) 1 individual representing coastal communities affected by Arctic maritime transportation;

"(xii) 1 individual representing vessels of the United States (as defined in section 116 of title 46, United States Code) participating in the shipping industry;

"(xiii) 1 individual representing the marine safety community;

"(xiv) 1 individual representing the Arctic business community; and

"(xv) 1 individual representing maritime labor organizations.

"(C) Terms.—

"(i) Limitations.—Each member of the Advisory Committee described in clauses (vii) through (xv) of subparagraph (B) shall serve for a 2-year term and shall not be eligible for more than 2 consecutive term reappointments.

"(ii) Vacancies.—Any vacancy in the membership of the Advisory Committee shall not affect its responsibilities, but shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment and in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act ([former] 5 U.S.C. App.) [see 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.].

"(3) Functions.—The Advisory Committee shall carry out all of the following functions:

"(A) Develop a set of policy recommendations that would enhance the leadership role played by the United States in improving the safety and reliability of Arctic maritime transportation in accordance with customary international maritime law and existing Federal authority. Such policy recommendations shall consider options to establish a United States entity that could perform the following functions in accordance with United States law and customary international maritime law:

"(i) Construction, operation, and maintenance of current and future maritime infrastructure necessary for vessels transiting the Arctic Sea Routes, including potential new deep draft and deepwater ports.

"(ii) Provision of services that are not widely commercially available in the United States Arctic that would—

     "(I) improve Arctic maritime safety and environmental protection;

     "(II) enhance Arctic maritime domain awareness; and

     "(III) support navigation and incident response for vessels transiting the Arctic Sea Routes.

"(iii) Establishment of rules of measurement for vessels and cargo for the purposes of levying voluntary rates of charges or fees for services.

"(B) As an option under subparagraph (A), consider establishing a congressionally chartered seaway development corporation modeled on the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, and—

"(i) develop recommendations for establishing such a corporation and a detailed implementation plan for establishing such an entity; or

"(ii) if the Advisory Committee decides against recommending the establishment of such a corporation, provide a written explanation as to the rationale for the decision and develop an alternative, as practicable.

"(C) Provide advice and recommendations, as requested, to the Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of the Department in which the Coast Guard is operating on Arctic marine transportation, including seaway development, and consider national security interests, where applicable, in such recommendations.

"(D) In developing the advice and recommendations under subparagraph (C), engage with and solicit feedback from coastal communities, Alaska Native subsistence co-management groups, and Alaska Native tribes.

"(d) Report to Congress.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Jan. 1, 2021], the Advisory Committee shall submit a report with its recommendations under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of subsection (c)(3) to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives.

"(e) Termination of the Advisory Committee.—Not later than 8 years after the submission of the report described in subsection (d), the Secretary of Transportation shall dissolve the Advisory Committee.

"(f) International Engagement.—If a Special Representative for the Arctic Region is appointed by the Secretary of State, the duties of that Representative shall include—

"(1) coordination of any activities recommended by the implementation plan submitted by the Advisory Committee and approved by the Secretary of Transportation; and

"(2) facilitation of multilateral dialogues with member and observer nations of the Arctic Council to encourage cooperation on Arctic maritime transportation.

"(g) Tribal Consultation.—In implementing any of the recommendations provided under subsection (c)(3)(C), the Secretary of Transportation shall consult with Alaska Native tribes."

§304. Application of categorical exclusions for multimodal projects

(a) Definitions.—In this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) Cooperating authority.—The term "cooperating authority" means a Department of Transportation operating administration or secretarial office that has expertise but is not the lead authority with respect to a proposed multimodal project.

(2) Lead authority.—The term "lead authority" means a Department of Transportation operating administration or secretarial office that has the lead responsibility for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) with respect to a proposed multimodal project.

(3) Multimodal project.—The term "multimodal project" has the meaning given the term in section 139(a) of title 23.

(b) Exercise of Authorities.—The authorities granted in this section may be exercised for a multimodal project, class of projects, or program of projects that are carried out under this title or title 23.

(c) Application of Categorical Exclusions for Multimodal Projects.—In considering the environmental impacts of a proposed multimodal project, a lead authority may apply categorical exclusions designated under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) in implementing regulations or procedures of a cooperating authority for a proposed multimodal project, subject to the conditions that—

(1) the lead authority makes a determination, with the concurrence of the cooperating authority—

(A) on the applicability of a categorical exclusion to a proposed multimodal project; and

(B) that the project satisfies the conditions for a categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and this section;

(2) the lead authority follows the implementing regulations of the cooperating authority or procedures under that Act; and

(3) the lead authority determines that—

(A) the proposed multimodal project does not individually or cumulatively have a significant impact on the environment; and

(B) extraordinary circumstances do not exist that merit additional analysis and documentation in an environmental impact statement or environmental assessment required under that Act.

(d) Cooperating Authority Expertise.—A cooperating authority shall provide expertise to the lead authority on aspects of the multimodal project in which the cooperating authority has expertise.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2419; Pub. L. 112–141, div. A, title I, §1314(a), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 547; Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1310, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1397.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
304(a) 49:1653(g) (less 3d sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §4(g), 80 Stat. 934.
304(b) 49:1653(g) (3d sentence).

In subsection (a), the text of 49:1653(g) (last sentence) is omitted as executed.

In subsection (a)(4), the word "ensure" is substituted for "assure" as being more precise. The words "of the United States Government" are substituted for "Federal", and the words "United States" are substituted for "national", for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (b), the words "The Secretaries shall report on April 1 of each year" are substituted for "They shall, within one year after the effective date of the Act, and annually thereafter, report" to omit executed words and to specify the date of April 1 because the President prescribed April 1, 1967, as the effective date of the Department of Transportation Act (Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 931) by Executive Order No. 11340, March 30, 1967 (32 F.R. 5443). The word "consider" is substituted for "determine" for consistency.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsecs. (a)(2) and (c), is Pub. L. 91–190, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, which is classified generally to chapter 55 (§4321 et seq.) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4321 of Title 42 and Tables.


2015—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 114–94, §1310(1)(A), substituted "operating administration or secretarial office that has expertise but" for "operating authority that" and inserted "proposed multimodal" after "with respect to a".

Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 114–94, §1310(1)(B), added par. (2) and struck out former par. (2). Prior to amendment, text read as follows: "The term 'lead authority' means a Department of Transportation operating administration or secretarial office that—

"(A) is the lead authority over a proposed multimodal project; and

"(B) has determined that the components of the project that fall under the modal expertise of the lead authority—

"(i) satisfy the conditions for a categorical exclusion under implementing regulations or procedures of the lead authority under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.); and

"(ii) do not require the preparation of an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement under that Act."

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 114–94, §1310(2), inserted "or title 23" after "under this title".

Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 114–94, §1310(3), added subsec. (c) and struck out former subsec. (c) which related to application of categorical exclusions for multimodal projects.

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 114–94, §1310(3), added subsec. (d) and struck out former subsec. (d). Prior to amendment, text read as follows:

"(1) In general.—A cooperating authority shall provide modal expertise to the lead authority on such aspects of the multimodal project in which the cooperating authority has expertise.

"(2) Use of categorical exclusion.—In a case described in paragraph (1), the 1 or more categorical exclusions of a cooperating authority may be applied by the lead authority once the cooperating authority reviews the project on behalf of the lead authority and determines the project satisfies the conditions for a categorical exclusion under the implementing regulations or procedures of the cooperating authority under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and this section."

2012–Pub. L. 112–141 amended section generally. Prior to amendment, section related to joint activities with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2015 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 114–94 effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as a note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–141 effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

§304a. Accelerated decisionmaking in environmental reviews

(a) In General.—In preparing a final environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.), if the lead agency modifies the statement in response to comments that are minor and are confined to factual corrections or explanations of why the comments do not warrant additional agency response, the lead agency may write on errata sheets attached to the statement, instead of rewriting the draft statement, subject to the condition that the errata sheets—

(1) cite the sources, authorities, and reasons that support the position of the agency; and

(2) if appropriate, indicate the circumstances that would trigger agency reappraisal or further response.

(b) Single Document.—To the maximum extent practicable, the lead agency shall expeditiously develop a single document that consists of a final environmental impact statement and a record of decision, unless—

(1) the final environmental impact statement makes substantial changes to the proposed action that are relevant to environmental or safety concerns; or

(2) there is a significant new circumstance or information relevant to environmental concerns that bears on the proposed action or the impacts of the proposed action.

(c) Adoption and Incorporation by Reference of Documents.—

(1) Avoiding duplication.—To prevent duplication of analyses and support expeditious and efficient decisions, the operating administrations of the Department of Transportation shall use adoption and incorporation by reference in accordance with this subsection.

(2) Adoption of documents of other operating administrations.—An operating administration or a secretarial office within the Department of Transportation may adopt a draft environmental impact statement, an environmental assessment, or a final environmental impact statement of another operating administration for the use of the adopting operating administration when preparing an environmental assessment or final environmental impact statement for a project without recirculating the document for public review, if—

(A) the adopting operating administration certifies that the proposed action is substantially the same as the project considered in the document to be adopted;

(B) the other operating administration concurs with such decision; and

(C) such actions are consistent with the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).

(3) Incorporation by reference.—An operating administration or secretarial office within the Department of Transportation may incorporate by reference all or portions of a draft environmental impact statement, an environmental assessment, or a final environmental impact statement for the use of the adopting operating administration when preparing an environmental assessment or final environmental impact statement for a project if—

(A) the incorporated material is cited in the environmental assessment or final environmental impact statement and the contents of the incorporated material are briefly described;

(B) the incorporated material is reasonably available for inspection by potentially interested persons within the time allowed for review and comment; and

(C) the incorporated material does not include proprietary data that is not available for review and comment.

(Added Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1311(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1398.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (c)(2)(C), is Pub. L. 91–190, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, which is classified generally to chapter 55 (§4321 et seq.) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4321 of Title 42 and Tables.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendment note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

§305. Transportation investment standards and criteria

(a) Subject to sections 301–304 1 of this title, the Secretary of Transportation shall develop standards and criteria to formulate and economically evaluate all proposals for investing amounts of the United States Government in transportation facilities and equipment. Based on experience, the Secretary shall revise the standards and criteria. When approved by Congress, the Secretary shall prescribe standards and criteria developed or revised under this subsection. This subsection does not apply to—

(1) the acquisition of transportation facilities or equipment by a department, agency, or instrumentality of the Government to provide transportation for its use;

(2) an inter-oceanic canal located outside the 48 contiguous States;

(3) defense features included at the direction of the Department of Defense in designing and constructing civil air, sea, or land transportation;

(4) foreign assistance programs;

(5) water resources projects; or

(6) grant-in-aid programs authorized by law.

(b) A department, agency, or instrumentality of the Government preparing a survey, plan, or report that includes a proposal about which the Secretary has prescribed standards and criteria under subsection (a) of this section shall—

(1) prepare the survey, plan, or report under those standards and criteria and on the basis of information provided by the Secretary on the—

(A) projected growth of transportation needs and traffic in the affected area;

(B) the relative efficiency of various modes of transportation;

(C) the available transportation services in the area; and

(D) the general effect of the proposed investment on existing modes of transportation and on the regional and national economy;

(2) coordinate the survey, plan, or report—

(A) with the Secretary and include the views and comments of the Secretary; and

(B) as appropriate, with other departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government, States, and local governments, and include their views and comments; and

(3) send the survey, plan, or report to the President for disposition under law and procedure established by the President.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2420.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
305(a) 49:1656(a) (less next-to-last par.). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §7 (less (a) next-to-last par.), 80 Stat. 941.
305(b) 49:1656 (less (a)).

In subsection (a), before clause (1), the words "consistent with national transportation policies" after "develop standards and criteria" are omitted as unnecessary because of section 302 of the revised title. The words "Based on experience" are substituted for "in the light of experience", and the words "shall prescribe" are substituted for "be promulgated by the", to conform to other sections of the revised title. The words "from time to time" after "shall revise" are omitted as unnecessary. The words "This subsection does not apply to" are substituted for "except such proposals as are concerned with" for clarity. In clause (1), the words "a department, agency, or instrumentality of the Government" are substituted for "Federal agencies" for clarity and consistency. Similar conforming changes are made throughout the section. The word "services" after "provide transportation" is omitted as unnecessary. In clause (2), the words "48 contiguous States" are substituted for "contiguous United States" for clarity.

The text of 49:1656(a) (last par.) that provided that the Secretary of Transportation was a member of the Water Resources Council on matters pertaining to navigation features of water resource projects is omitted as superseded because 42:1962(a) gave the Secretary membership on the Council without limitation.

In subsection (b)(2), the words "unit of" before "governments" are omitted as surplus. In clause (3), the word "thereafter" after "send" is omitted as surplus.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 304 of this title, referred to in subsec. (a), was amended generally by Pub. L. 112–141, div. A, title I, §1314(a), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 547.

1 See References in Text note below.

§306. Prohibited discrimination

(a) In this section, "financial assistance" includes obligation guarantees.

(b) A person in the United States may not be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under, a project, program, or activity because of race, color, national origin, or sex when any part of the project, program, or activity is financed through financial assistance under section 332 or 333 or chapter 221, 224, or 249 of this title, or section 211 or 216 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. 721, 726).

(c) When the Secretary of Transportation decides that a person receiving financial assistance under a law referred to in subsection (b) of this section has not complied with that subsection, a Federal civil rights law, or an order or regulation issued under a Federal civil rights law, the Secretary shall notify the person of the decision and require the person to take necessary action to ensure compliance with that subsection.

(d) If a person does not comply with subsection (b) of this section within a reasonable time after receiving a notice under subsection (c) of this section, the Secretary shall take at least one of the following actions:

(1) direct that no more Federal financial assistance be provided the person.

(2) refer the matter to the Attorney General with a recommendation that a civil action be brought against the person.

(3) carry out the duties and powers provided by title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.).

(4) take other action provided by law.

(e) When a matter is referred to the Attorney General under subsection (d)(2) of this section, or when the Attorney General has reason to believe that a person is engaged in a pattern or practice violating this section, the Attorney General may begin a civil action in a district court of the United States for appropriate relief.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2421; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(3), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(7), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1376; Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title I, §21301(j)(4)(B), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 693.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
306(a) 45:803(f). Feb. 5, 1976, Pub. L. 94–210, §905, 90 Stat. 148.
306(b) 45:803(a).
306(c), (d) 45:803(b).
306(e) 45:803(c)–(e).

In subsection (b), the enumerated laws are substituted for "through financial assistance under this Act", meaning the Rail Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (Pub. L. 94–210, 90 Stat. 31) and laws amended by that Act. The laws cited in the subsection are substituted for "through financial assistance under this Act" for clarity. The enumerated laws include provisions of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 that amend other laws as well as provisions that are not amendments to other laws. A reference to the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 (Pub. L. 88–365, 78 Stat. 302) is omitted because this section related to that Act is superseded by 49:1615.

In subsection (c), the word "decides" is substituted for "determines" for consistency. The word "ensure" is substituted for "assure" as being more precise.

In subsection (d), the words "at least one of the following actions" are substituted for "and/or" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (e), the text of 45:803(d) is omitted as unnecessary because section 322 of the revised title gives the Secretary of Transportation general authority to prescribe regulations and other provisions of the revised title give the Secretary general authority to carry out his duties and powers. The text of 45:803(e) is omitted as unnecessary.

Pub. L. 98–216

This is necessary to correct a cross-reference in section 306(b) and to reflect the transfer of the non-positive law provisions of title 49 to title 49 appendix.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Civil Rights Act of 1964, referred to in subsec. (d)(3), is Pub. L. 88–352, July 2, 1964, 78 Stat. 241. Title VI of the Act is classified generally to subchapter V (§2000d et seq.) of chapter 21 of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 2000a of Title 42 and Tables.


2021—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 117–58 substituted "chapter 221, 224, or 249 of this title, or" for "chapter 221 or 249 of this title," and struck out ", or title V of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. 821 et seq.)" before period at end.

1994—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "section 332 or 333 or chapter 221 or 249 of this title, section 211 or 216 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. 721, 726), or title V of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. 821 et seq.)" for "section 332 or 333 of this title, section 211 or 216 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. 721, 726), title V or VII of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (45 U.S.C. 821 et seq., 851 et seq.), or section 4(i) or 5 of the Department of Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1653(i), 1654)".

1984—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "section 332 or 333 of this title" for "section 332 of this title" and "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

§307. Improving State and Federal agency engagement in environmental reviews

(a) In General.—

(1) Requests to provide funds.—A public entity receiving financial assistance from the Department of Transportation for 1 or more projects, or for a program of projects, for a public purpose may request that the Secretary allow the public entity to provide funds to Federal agencies, including the Department, State agencies, and Indian tribes participating in the environmental planning and review process for the project, projects, or program.

(2) Use of funds.—The funds may be provided only to support activities that directly and meaningfully contribute to expediting and improving permitting and review processes, including planning, approval, and consultation processes for the project, projects, or program.

(b) Activities Eligible for Funding.—Activities for which funds may be provided under subsection (a) include transportation planning activities that precede the initiation of the environmental review process, activities directly related to the environmental review process, dedicated staffing, training of agency personnel, information gathering and mapping, and development of programmatic agreements.

(c) Amounts.—A request under subsection (a) may be approved only for the additional amounts that the Secretary determines are necessary for the Federal agencies, State agencies, or Indian tribes participating in the environmental review process to timely conduct the review.

(d) Agreements.—Prior to providing funds approved by the Secretary for dedicated staffing at an affected Federal agency under subsection (a), the affected Federal agency and the requesting public entity shall enter into an agreement that establishes a process to identify projects or priorities to be addressed by the use of the funds.

(e) Guidance.—

(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary shall issue guidance to implement this section.

(2) Factors.—As part of the guidance issued under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall ensure—

(A) to the maximum extent practicable, that expediting and improving the process of environmental review and permitting through the use of funds accepted and expended under this section does not adversely affect the timeline for review and permitting by Federal agencies, State agencies, or Indian tribes of other entities that have not contributed funds under this section;

(B) that the use of funds accepted under this section will not impact impartial decisionmaking with respect to environmental reviews or permits, either substantively or procedurally; and

(C) that the Secretary maintains, and makes publicly available, including on the Internet, a list of projects or programs for which such review or permits have been carried out using funds authorized under this section.

(f) Existing Authority.—Nothing in this section may be construed to conflict with section 139(j) of title 23.

(Added Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1312(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1399.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of this section, referred to in subsec. (e)(1), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 114–94, which was approved Dec. 4, 2015.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 307, Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2421, related to safety information and intervention in Interstate Commerce Commission proceedings, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title II, §32932(a)(1), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 829, effective Oct. 1, 2012.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendment note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

§308. Reports

(a) As soon as practicable after the end of each fiscal year, the Secretary of Transportation shall report to the President, for submission to Congress, on the activities of the Department of Transportation during the prior fiscal year.

(b) The Secretary shall submit to Congress each year a report on the conditions of the public ports of the United States, including the—

(1) economic and technological development of the ports;

(2) extent to which the ports contribute to the national welfare and security; and

(3) factors that may impede the continued development of the ports.

(c)(1) The Secretary shall submit to Congress in March 1998, and in March of each even-numbered year thereafter, a report of estimates by the Secretary on the current performance and condition of public mass transportation systems with recommendations for necessary administrative or legislative changes.

(2) In reporting to Congress under this subsection, the Secretary shall prepare a complete assessment of public transportation facilities in the United States. The Secretary also shall assess future needs for those facilities and estimate future capital requirements and operation and maintenance requirements for one-year, 5-year, and 10-year periods at specified levels of service.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2422; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(1)(A), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 4; Pub. L. 104–66, title I, §1121(h), Dec. 21, 1995, 109 Stat. 724; Pub. L. 105–362, title XV, §1502(c), Nov. 10, 1998, 112 Stat. 3295; Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §218(a), May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1055.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
308(a) 45:792. Jan. 2, 1974, Pub. L. 93–236, §602, 87 Stat. 1022.
  49:1658. Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §12, 80 Stat. 949; Feb. 5, 1976, Pub. L. 94–210, §906(1), 90 Stat. 149.
308(b) 49:1354(e). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §313(e), 72 Stat. 753.
308(c) 15:1519a. Oct. 3, 1980, Pub. L. 96–371, §2, 94 Stat. 1362; Aug. 6, 1981, Pub. L. 97–31, §12(8), 95 Stat. 154.

In subsection (a), the words "As part of his annual report each year" in 45:792 are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the source provisions.

In subsection (b), before clause (1), the words "aviation activities of the Department" are substituted for "work performed under this chapter" because of the restatement. The words "The report shall include" are substituted for "Such report shall contain" for consistency. In clause (1), the words "and data" after "information" are omitted as surplus. The words "airspace of the United States" are substituted for "National airspace" for clarity and consistency. In clause (2), the words "the Secretary considers necessary" are substituted for "as may be considered" for clarity.

Pub. L. 98–216


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
308(d) 49 App.:1654a. Oct. 14, 1980, Pub. L. 96–448, §409, 94 Stat. 1948; Dec. 21, 1982, Pub. L. 97–375, §210(a), 96 Stat. 1825.
308(e) 49 App.:1601c. Jan. 6, 1983, Pub. L. 97–424, §310, 96 Stat. 2151.

This [deletion of the last sentence of subsection (a)] is necessary because section 111(b) of the Congressional Reports Elimination Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97–375, 96 Stat. 1821) repealed section 602 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (Pub. L. 93–236, 87 Stat. 1022), which was restated as section 308(a) (last sentence) of title 49 by section 1 of the Act of January 12, 1983 (Pub. L. 97–449, 96 Stat. 2413).

In subsection (e)(1), the words "January of each even-numbered year" are substituted for "January of 1984 and in January of every second year thereafter" to eliminate unnecessary words.

Editorial Notes


2024—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 118–63, §218(a)(1), (2), redesignated subsec. (c) as (b) and struck out former subsec. (b) which related to annual report on aviation activities of the Department.

Subsecs. (c), (e). Pub. L. 118–63, §218(a)(3), redesignated subsec. (e) as (c). Former subsec. (c) redesignated (b).

1998—Subsec. (e)(1). Pub. L. 105–362 substituted "submit to Congress in March 1998, and in March of each even-numbered year thereafter, a report" for "submit a report to Congress in January of each even-numbered year".

1995—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 104–66 struck out subsec. (d) which related to reports to Congress listing assistance provided by Government to railroad industry.

1984Pub. L. 98–216, §2(1)(A)(i), substituted "Reports" for "Annual reports" in section catchline.

Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 98–216, §2(1)(A)(ii), struck out requirement that the report include a complete statement on the effectiveness of the United States Railway Association and the Consolidated Rail Corporation in carrying out the purposes of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973.

Subsecs. (d), (e). Pub. L. 98–216, §2(1)(A)(iii), added subsecs. (d) and (e).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Annual Report

Pub. L. 117–58, div. A, title I, §11319, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 545, provided that:

"(a) Definition of Covered Project.—In this section, the term 'covered project' means a project or activity carried out with funds provided by the Department [of Transportation], including a project carried out under title 23 or 49, United States Code—

"(1) that is more than 5 years behind schedule; or

"(2) for which the total amount spent on the project or activity is not less than $1,000,000,000 more than the original cost estimate for the project or activity.

"(b) Requirement.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], and annually thereafter, the Secretary [of Transportation] shall submit to Congress a report on covered projects of the Department, which shall include, for each covered project—

"(1) a brief description of the covered project, including—

"(A) the purpose of the covered project;

"(B) each location in which the covered project is carried out;

"(C) the contract or award number of the covered project, if applicable;

"(D) the year in which the covered project was initiated;

"(E) the Federal share of the total cost of the covered project; and

"(F) each primary contractor, subcontractor, grant recipient, and subgrantee recipient of the covered project;

"(2) an explanation of any change to the original scope of the covered project, including by the addition or narrowing of the initial requirements of the covered project;

"(3) the original expected date for completion of the covered project;

"(4) the current expected date for completion of the covered project;

"(5) the original cost estimate for the covered project, as adjusted to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics;

"(6) the current cost estimate for the covered project, as adjusted to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, as published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics;

"(7) an explanation for a delay in completion or an increase in the original cost estimate for the covered project, including, where applicable, any impact of insufficient or delayed appropriations; and

"(8) the amount of and rationale for any award, incentive fee, or other type of bonus, if any, awarded for the covered project."

Rulemaking Report

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title IV, §24210, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 824, provided that:

"(a) Definition of Covered Rulemaking.—In this section, the term 'covered rulemaking' means a regulation or rulemaking that—

"(1) has not been finalized by the date on which the relevant notification is submitted under subsection (b); and

"(2) relates to—

"(A) section 30120A of title 49, United States Code;

"(B) section 30166(o) of title 49, United States Code;

"(C) section 30172 of title 49, United States Code;

"(D) section 32302(c) of title 49, United States Code;

"(E) a defect reporting requirement under section 32302(d) of title 49, United States Code;

"(F) subsections (b) and (c) of section 32304A of title 49, United States Code;

"(G) the tire pressure monitoring standards required under section 24115 of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 30123 note; Public Law 114–94);

"(H) the amendment made by section 24402 of the FAST Act (129 Stat. 1720; Public Law 114–94) to section 30120(g)(1) of title 49, United States Code;

"(I) the records retention rule required under section 24403 of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 30117 note; Public Law 114–94);

"(J) the amendments made by section 24405 of the FAST Act (Public Law 114–94; 129 Stat. 1721) to section 30114 of title 49, United States Code;

"(K) a defect and noncompliance notification required under—

"(i) section 24104 of the FAST Act (49 U.S.C. 30119 note; Public Law 114–94); or

"(ii) section 31301 of MAP–21 (49 U.S.C. 30166 note; Public Law 112–141);

"(L) a side impact or frontal impact test procedure for child restraint systems under section 31501 of MAP–21 (49 U.S.C. 30127 note; Public Law 112–141);

"(M) an upgrade to child restraint anchorage system usability requirements required under section 31502 of MAP–21 (49 U.S.C. 30127 note; Public Law 112–141);

"(N) the rear seat belt reminder system required under section 31503 of MAP–21 (49 U.S.C. 30127 note; Public Law 112–141);

"(O) a motorcoach rulemaking required under section 32703 of MAP–21 (49 U.S.C. 31136 note; Public Law 112–141); or

"(P) any rulemaking required under this Act [div. B of Pub. L. 117–58, see Tables for classification].

"(b) Notification.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], and not less frequently than biannually thereafter until the applicable covered rulemaking is complete, the Secretary [of Transportation] shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives a written notification that includes, with respect to each covered rulemaking—

"(1) for a covered rulemaking with a statutory deadline for completion—

"(A) an explanation of why the deadline was not met; and

"(B) an expected date of completion of the covered rulemaking; and

"(2) for a covered rulemaking without a statutory deadline for completion, an expected date of completion of the covered rulemaking.

"(c) Additional Contents.—A notification under subsection (b) shall include, for each applicable covered rulemaking—

"(1) an updated timeline;

"(2) a list of factors causing delays in the completion of the covered rulemaking; and

"(3) any other details associated with the status of the covered rulemaking."

Availability of Reports

Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1434, Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1430, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Secretary [of Transportation] shall make available to the public on the website of the Department any report required to be submitted by the Secretary to Congress after the date of enactment of this Act [Dec. 4, 2015].

"(b) Deadline.—Each report described in subsection (a) shall be made available on the website not later than 30 days after the report is submitted to Congress."

Termination of Reporting Requirements

For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions of law requiring submittal to Congress of any annual, semiannual, or other regular periodic report listed in House Document No. 103–7 (in which reporting provisions contained in subsecs. (a) and (b) of this section and, as subsequently amended, subsec. (e) of this section, are listed, respectively, as the 11th item on page 133, the last item on page 132, and the 5th item on page 138), see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance.

Annual Report on Safety Enforcement Activities of Federal Aviation Administration

Pub. L. 100–202, §101(l) [title III, §317(a)], Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1329–358, 1329-380, and Pub. L. 100–457, title III, §317(a), Sept. 30, 1988, 102 Stat. 2148, which required Secretary of Transportation to transmit to Congress an annual report on Federal Aviation Administration's prior safety enforcement activities including staffing level comparisons, inspector experience and training schedules, criteria used to set annual work programs, annual inspection comparisons, statement of adequacy of internal management controls, status of regulatory changes, list of specific operational measures of effectiveness, schedule showing number of civil penalty cases closed, schedule showing number of enforcement actions taken, and schedules showing aviation industry's safety record, were repealed and reenacted as section 44723 of this title by Pub. L. 103–272, §§1(e), 7(b), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1202, 1379.

§309. High-speed ground transportation

(a) The Secretary of Transportation, in consultation with the Secretaries of Commerce, Energy, and Defense, the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Public Works, and the heads of other interested agencies, shall lead and coordinate Federal efforts in the research and development of high-speed ground transportation technologies in order to foster the implementation of magnetic levitation and high-speed steel wheel on rail transportation systems as alternatives to existing transportation systems.

(b)(1) The Secretary may award contracts and grants for demonstrations to determine the contributions that high-speed ground transportation could make to more efficient, safe, and economical intercity transportation systems. Such demonstrations shall be designed to measure and evaluate such factors as the public response to new equipment, higher speeds, variations in fares, improved comfort and convenience, and more frequent service. In connection with grants and contracts for demonstrations under this section, the Secretary shall provide for financial participation by private industry to the maximum extent practicable.

(2)(A) In connection with the authority provided under paragraph (1), there is established a national high-speed ground transportation technology demonstration program, which shall be separate from the national magnetic levitation prototype development program established under section 1036(b) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 and shall be managed by the Secretary of Transportation.

(B)(i) Any eligible applicant may submit to the Secretary a proposal for demonstration of any advancement in a high-speed ground transportation technology or technologies to be incorporated as a component, subsystem, or system in any revenue service high-speed ground transportation project or system under construction or in operation at the time the application is made.

(ii) Grants or contracts shall be awarded only to eligible applicants showing demonstrable benefit to the research and development, design, construction, or ultimate operation of any maglev technology or high-speed steel wheel on rail technology. Criteria to be considered in evaluating the suitability of a proposal under this paragraph shall include—

(I) feasibility of guideway or track design and construction;

(II) safety and reliability;

(III) impact on the environment in comparison to other high-speed ground transportation technologies;

(IV) minimization of land use;

(V) effect on human factors related to high-speed ground transportation;

(VI) energy and power consumption and cost;

(VII) integration of high-speed ground transportation systems with other modes of transportation;

(VIII) actual and projected ridership; and

(IX) design of signaling, communications, and control systems.

(C) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term "eligible applicant" means any United States private business, State government, local government, organization of State or local government, or any combination thereof. The term does not include any business owned in whole or in part by the Federal Government.

(D) The amount and distribution of grants or contracts made under this paragraph shall be determined by the Secretary. No grant or contract may be awarded under this paragraph to demonstrate a technology to be incorporated into a project or system located in a State that prohibits under State law the expenditure of non-Federal public funds or revenues on the construction or operation of such project or system.

(E) Recipients of grants or contracts made pursuant to this paragraph shall agree to submit a report to the Secretary detailing the results and benefits of the technology demonstration proposed, as required by the Secretary.

(c)(1) In carrying out the responsibilities of the Secretary under this section, the Secretary is authorized to enter into 1 or more cooperative research and development agreements (as defined by section 12 of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a)), and 1 or more funding agreements (as defined by section 201(b) of title 35, United States Code), with United States companies for the purpose of—

(A) conducting research to overcome technical and other barriers to the development and construction of practicable high-speed ground transportation systems and to help advance the basic generic technologies needed for these systems; and

(B) transferring the research and basic generic technologies described in subparagraph (A) to industry in order to help create a viable commercial high-speed ground transportation industry within the United States.

(2) In a cooperative agreement or funding agreement under paragraph (1), the Secretary may agree to provide not more than 80 percent of the cost of any project under the agreement. Not less than 5 percent of the non-Federal entity's share of the cost of any such project shall be paid in cash.

(3) The research, development, or utilization of any technology pursuant to a cooperative agreement under paragraph (1), including the terms under which such technology may be licensed and the resulting royalties may be distributed, shall be subject to the provisions of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.).

(4) The research, development, or utilization of any technology pursuant to a funding agreement under paragraph (1), including the determination of all licensing and ownership rights, shall be subject to the provisions of chapter 18 of title 35, United States Code.

(5) At the conclusion of fiscal year 1993 and again at the conclusion of fiscal year 1996, the Secretary shall submit reports to Congress regarding research and technology transfer activities conducted pursuant to the authorization contained in paragraph (1).

(d)(1) Not later than June 1, 1995, the Secretary shall complete and submit to Congress a study of the commercial feasibility of constructing 1 or more high-speed ground transportation systems in the United States. Such study shall consist of—

(A) an economic and financial analysis;

(B) a technical assessment; and

(C) recommendations for model legislation for State and local governments to facilitate construction of high-speed ground transportation systems.

(2) The economic and financial analysis referred to in paragraph (1)(A) shall include—

(A) an examination of the potential market for a nationwide high-speed ground transportation network, including a national magnetic levitation ground transportation system;

(B) an examination of the potential markets for short-haul high-speed ground transportation systems and for intercity and long-haul high-speed ground transportation systems, including an assessment of—

(i) the current transportation practices and trends in each market; and

(ii) the extent to which high-speed ground transportation systems would relieve the current or anticipated congestion on other modes of transportation;

(C) projections of the costs of designing, constructing, and operating high-speed ground transportation systems, the extent to which such systems can recover their costs (including capital costs), and the alternative methods available for private and public financing;

(D) the availability of rights-of-way to serve each market, including the extent to which average and maximum speeds would be limited by the curvature of existing rights-of-way and the prospect of increasing speeds through the acquisition of additional rights-of-way without significant relocation of residential, commercial, or industrial facilities;

(E) a comparison of the projected costs of the various competing high-speed ground transportation technologies;

(F) recommendations for funding mechanisms, tax incentives, liability provisions, and changes in statutes and regulations necessary to facilitate the development of individual high-speed ground transportation systems and the completion of a nationwide high-speed ground transportation network;

(G) an examination of the effect of the construction and operation of high-speed ground transportation systems on regional employment and economic growth;

(H) recommendations for the roles appropriate for local, regional, and State governments to facilitate construction of high-speed ground transportation systems, including the roles of regional economic development authorities;

(I) an assessment of the potential for a high-speed ground transportation technology export market;

(J) recommendations regarding the coordination and centralization of Federal efforts relating to high-speed ground transportation;

(K) an examination of the role of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation in the development and operation of high-speed ground transportation systems; and

(L) any other economic or financial analyses the Secretary considers important for carrying out this section.

(3) The technical assessment referred to in paragraph (1)(B) shall include—

(A) an examination of the various technologies developed for use in the transportation of passengers by high-speed ground transportation, including a comparison of the safety (including dangers associated with grade crossings), energy efficiency, operational efficiencies, and environmental impacts of each system;

(B) an examination of the potential role of a United States designed maglev system, developed as a prototype under section 1036(b) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, in relation to the implementation of other high-speed ground transportation technologies and the national transportation system;

(C) an examination of the work being done to establish safety standards for high-speed ground transportation as a result of the enactment of section 7 of the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 1988;

(D) an examination of the need to establish appropriate technological, quality, and environmental standards for high-speed ground transportation systems;

(E) an examination of the significant unresolved technical issues surrounding the design, engineering, construction, and operation of high-speed ground transportation systems, including the potential for the use of existing rights-of-way;

(F) an examination of the effects on air quality, energy consumption, noise, land use, health, and safety as a result of the decreases in traffic volume on other modes of transportation that are expected to result from the full-scale development of high-speed ground transportation systems; and

(G) any other technical assessments the Secretary considers important for carrying out this section.

(e)(1) Within 12 months after the submission of the study required by subsection (d), the Secretary shall establish the national high-speed ground transportation policy (hereinafter in this section referred to as the "Policy").

(2) The Policy shall include—

(A) provisions to promote the design, construction, and operation of high-speed ground transportation systems in the United States;

(B) a determination whether the various competing high-speed ground transportation technologies can be effectively integrated into a national network and, if not, whether 1 or more such technologies should receive preferential encouragement from the Federal Government to enable the development of such a national network;

(C) a strategy for prioritizing the markets and corridors in which the construction of high-speed ground transportation systems should be encouraged; and

(D) provisions designed to promote American competitiveness in the market for high-speed ground transportation technologies.

(3) The Secretary shall solicit comments from the public in the development of the Policy and may consult with other Federal agencies as appropriate in drafting the Policy.

(Added Pub. L. 102–240, title I, §1036(c)(1), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1982.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 1036(b) of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, referred to in subsecs. (b)(2)(A) and (d)(3)(B), is section 1036(b) of Pub. L. 102–240, which is set out below.

The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, referred to in subsec. (c)(3), is Pub. L. 96–480, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2311, which is classified generally to chapter 63 (§3701 et seq.) of Title 15, Commerce and Trade. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 3701 of Title 15 and Tables.

Section 7 of the Rail Safety Improvement Act of 1988, referred to in subsec. (d)(3)(C), is section 7 of Pub. L. 100–342, which amended section 431 of Title 45, Railroads.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Dec. 18, 1991, and applicable to funds authorized to be appropriated or made available after Sept. 30, 1991, and, with certain exceptions, not applicable to funds appropriated or made available on or before Sept. 30, 1991, see section 1100 of Pub. L. 102–240, set out as an Effective Date of 1991 Amendment note under section 104 of Title 23, Highways.

National Magnetic Levitation Prototype Development Program

Pub. L. 102–240, title I, §1036(b), Dec. 18, 1991, 105 Stat. 1978, provided that:

"(1) Management of program.—There is hereby established a national magnetic levitation prototype development program to be managed by a program director appointed jointly by the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 'Assistant Secretary'). To carry out such program, the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall establish a national maglev joint project office (hereinafter in this subsection referred to as the 'Maglev Project Office'), which shall be headed by the program director, and shall enter into such arrangements as may be necessary for funding, staffing, office space, and other requirements that will allow the Maglev Project Office to carry out its functions. In carrying out such program, the program director shall consult with appropriate Federal officials, including the Secretary of Energy and the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

"(2) Phase one contracts.—

"(A) Request for proposals.—Not later than 12 months after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 18, 1991], the Maglev Project Office shall release a request for proposals for development of conceptual designs for a maglev system and for research to facilitate the development of such conceptual designs.

"(B) Award of contracts.—Not later than 15 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall, based on the recommendations of the program director, award 1-year contracts for research and development to no fewer than 5 eligible applicants. If fewer than 5 complete applications have been received, contracts shall be awarded to as many eligible applicants as is practical.

"(C) Factors and conditions to be considered.—The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary may approve contracts under subparagraph (B) only after consideration of factors relating to the construction and operation of a magnetic levitation system, including the cost-effectiveness, ease of maintenance, safety, limited environmental impact, ability to achieve sustained high speeds, ability to operate along the Interstate highway rights-of-way, the potential for the guideway design to be a national standard, the applicant's resources, capabilities, and history of successfully designing and developing systems of similar complexity, and the desirability of geographic diversity among contractors and only if the applicant agrees to submit a report to the Maglev Project Office detailing the results of the research and development and agrees to provide for matching of the phase one contract at a 90 percent Federal, 10 percent non-Federal, cost share.

"(3) Phase two contracts.—Within 3 months of receiving the final reports of contract activities under paragraph (2), and based only on such reports and the recommendations of the program director, the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall select not more than 3 eligible applicants from among the contract recipients submitting reports under paragraph (2) to receive 18-month contracts for research and development leading to a detailed design for a prototype maglev system. The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary may only award contracts under this paragraph if—

"(A) they determine that the applicant has demonstrated technical merit for the conceptual design and the potential for further development of such design into an operational prototype as described in paragraph (4),

"(B) the applicant agrees to submit the detailed design within such 18-month period to the Maglev Project Office and the selection committee described in paragraph (4), and

"(C) the applicant agrees to provide for matching of the phase two contract at an 80 percent Federal, 20 percent non-Federal, cost share.

"(4) Prototype.—

"(A) Selection of design.—Within 6 months of receiving the detailed designs developed under paragraph (3), the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall, based on the recommendations of the selection committee described in this subparagraph, select 1 design for development into a full-scale prototype, unless the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary determine jointly that no design shall be selected, based on an assessment of technical feasibility and projected cost of construction and operation of the prototype. A selection committee of 8 members, consisting of—

"(i) 1 member to be appointed by the Secretary,

"(ii) 1 member to be appointed by the Assistant Secretary,

"(iii) 3 members to be appointed by the Senate majority and minority leaders, and

"(iv) 3 members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House and the minority leader of the House,

shall be appointed not later than 1 year following the award of contracts under paragraph (3). The selection committee, within 3 months of receiving the detailed designs developed under paragraph (3), shall make a recommendation to the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary as to the best prototype design or the unsuitability of any design. The program director shall provide technical reviews of the phase two contract reports to the selection committee and otherwise provide any technical assistance that the committee requires to assist it in making a recommendation. In the event that the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary determine jointly not to select a design for development under this subsection, they shall report to Congress on the basis for such determination, together with recommendations for future action, including further research, development, or design, termination of the program, or such other action as may be appropriate.

"(B) Award of construction grant or contract.—Unless the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary determine not to proceed pursuant to subparagraph (A), they shall, not later than 3 months after selection of a design for development into a full-scale prototype, and based on the recommendations of the program director, award 1 construction grant or contract to the applicant whose detailed design was selected under subparagraph (A) for the purpose of constructing a prototype maglev system in accordance with the selected design. Not more than 75 percent of the cost of the project shall be borne by the United States.

"(C) Factors to be considered in selection.—Selection of the detailed design under this paragraph shall be based on consideration of the following factors, among others:

"(i) The project shall be capable of utilizing Interstate highway rights-of-way along or above a significant portion of its route, and may also use railroad rights-of-way along or above any portion of the railroad route.

"(ii) The total length of guideway shall be at least 19 miles and allow significant full-speed operations between stops.

"(iii) The project shall be constructed and ready for operational testing within 3 years after the award of the contract or grant.

"(iv) The project shall provide for the conversion of the prototype to commercial operation after testing and technical evaluation is completed.

"(v) The project shall be located in an area that provides a potential ridership base for future commercial operation.

"(vi) The project shall utilize a technology capable of being applied in commercial service in most parts of the contiguous United States.

"(vii) The project shall have at least 1 switch.

"(viii) The project shall be intermodal in nature connecting a major metropolitan area with an airport, port, passenger rail station, or other transportation mode.

"(D) Additional factors for consideration.—In awarding a grant or contract under this paragraph, the Secretary shall encourage the development of domestic manufacturing capabilities. In selecting among eligible applicants, the Secretary shall consider existing railroads and equipment manufacturers with excess production capacity, including railroads that have experience in advanced technologies (including self-propelled cars).

"(5) Licensing.—

"(A) Proprietary rights.—No trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential, under the meaning of section 552(b)(4) of title 5, United States Code, which is obtained from a United States business, research, or education entity as a result of activities under this subsection shall be disclosed.

"(B) Commercial information.—The research, development, and use of any technology developed pursuant to an agreement reached pursuant to this subsection, including the terms under which any technology may be licensed and the resulting royalties may be distributed, shall be subject to the provisions of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701–3714). In addition, the Secretary and the Assistant Secretary may require any grant or contract recipient to assure that research and development be performed substantially in the United States and that the products embodying the inventions made under any agreement pursuant to this subsection or produced through the use of such inventions be manufactured substantially in the United States.

"(6) Reports.—The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall provide periodic reports to Congress on progress made under this subsection.

"(7) Eligible applicant defined.—For purposes of this subsection, the term 'eligible applicant' means a United States private business, United States public or private education and research organization, Federal laboratory, or a consortium of such businesses, organizations, and laboratories."

§310. Aligning Federal environmental reviews

(a) Coordinated and Concurrent Environmental Reviews.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, the Department of Transportation, in coordination with the heads of Federal agencies likely to have substantive review or approval responsibilities under Federal law, shall develop a coordinated and concurrent environmental review and permitting process for transportation projects when initiating an environmental impact statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) (in this section referred to as "NEPA").

(b) Contents.—The coordinated and concurrent environmental review and permitting process developed under subsection (a) shall—

(1) ensure that the Department of Transportation and agencies of jurisdiction possess sufficient information early in the review process to determine a statement of a transportation project's purpose and need and range of alternatives for analysis that the lead agency and agencies of jurisdiction will rely on for concurrent environmental reviews and permitting decisions required for the proposed project;

(2) achieve early concurrence or issue resolution during the NEPA scoping process on the Department of Transportation's statement of a project's purpose and need, and during development of the environmental impact statement on the range of alternatives for analysis, that the lead agency and agencies of jurisdiction will rely on for concurrent environmental reviews and permitting decisions required for the proposed project absent circumstances that require reconsideration in order to meet an agency of jurisdiction's obligations under a statute or Executive order; and

(3) achieve concurrence or issue resolution in an expedited manner if circumstances arise that require a reconsideration of the purpose and need or range of alternatives considered during any Federal agency's environmental or permitting review in order to meet an agency of jurisdiction's obligations under a statute or Executive order.

(c) Environmental Checklist.—

(1) In general.—Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of Transportation and Federal agencies of jurisdiction likely to have substantive review or approval responsibilities on transportation projects shall jointly develop a checklist to help project sponsors identify potential natural, cultural, and historic resources in the area of a proposed project.

(2) Purpose.—The purpose of the checklist shall be to—

(A) identify agencies of jurisdiction and cooperating agencies;

(B) develop the information needed for the purpose and need and alternatives for analysis; and

(C) improve interagency collaboration to help expedite the permitting process for the lead agency and agencies of jurisdiction.

(d) Interagency Collaboration.—

(1) In general.—Consistent with Federal environmental statutes, the Secretary of Transportation shall facilitate annual interagency collaboration sessions at the appropriate jurisdictional level to coordinate business plans and facilitate coordination of workload planning and workforce management.

(2) Purpose of collaboration sessions.—The interagency collaboration sessions shall ensure that agency staff is—

(A) fully engaged;

(B) utilizing the flexibility of existing regulations, policies, and guidance; and

(C) identifying additional actions to facilitate high quality, efficient, and targeted environmental reviews and permitting decisions.

(3) Focus of collaboration sessions.—The interagency collaboration sessions, and the interagency collaborations generated by the sessions, shall focus on methods to—

(A) work with State and local transportation entities to improve project planning, siting, and application quality; and

(B) consult and coordinate with relevant stakeholders and Federal, tribal, State, and local representatives early in permitting processes.

(4) Consultation.—The interagency collaboration sessions shall include a consultation with groups or individuals representing State, tribal, and local governments that are engaged in the infrastructure permitting process.

(e) Performance Measurement.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of Transportation, in coordination with relevant Federal agencies, shall establish a program to measure and report on progress toward aligning Federal reviews and reducing permitting and project delivery time as outlined in this section.

(f) Reports.—

(1) Report to congress.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this section and biennially thereafter, the Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives, and make publicly available on the Department of Transportation website, a report that describes—

(A) progress in aligning Federal environmental reviews under this section; and

(B) the impact this section has had on accelerating the environmental review and permitting process.

(2) Inspector general report.—Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this section, the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a report that describes—

(A) progress in aligning Federal environmental reviews under this section; and

(B) the impact this section has had on accelerating the environmental review and permitting process.

(g) Savings Provision.—This section shall not apply to any project subject to section 139 of title 23.

(Added Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title I, §1313(a), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1400; amended Pub. L. 115–420, §3, Jan. 3, 2019, 132 Stat. 5444.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of this section, referred to in subsecs. (a), (c)(1), (e), and (f)(1), (2), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 114–94, which was approved Dec. 4, 2015.

The National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, referred to in subsec. (a), is Pub. L. 91–190, Jan. 1, 1970, 83 Stat. 852, which is classified generally to chapter 55 (§4321 et seq.) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 4321 of Title 42 and Tables.


2019—Subsec. (f)(1). Pub. L. 115–420 inserted ", and make publicly available on the Department of Transportation website," after "House of Representatives" in introductory provisions.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Section effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as an Effective Date of 2015 Amendment note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

§311. Congressional notification requirements

(a) In General.—Except as provided in subsection (b) or as expressly provided in another provision of law, the Secretary of Transportation shall provide to the appropriate committees of Congress notice of an announcement concerning a covered project at least 3 full business days before the announcement is made by the Department.

(b) Emergency Program.—With respect to an allocation of funds under section 125 of title 23, the Secretary shall provide to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate notice of the allocation—

(1) at least 3 full business days before the issuance of the allocation; or

(2) concurrently with the issuance of the allocation, if the allocation is made using the quick release process of the Department (or any successor process).

(c) Definitions.—In this section, the following definitions apply:

(1) Appropriate committees of congress.—The term "appropriate committees of Congress" means—

(A) the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives; and

(B) the Committee on Environment and Public Works, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate.

(2) Covered project.—The term "covered project" means a project competitively selected by the Department to receive a discretionary grant award, letter of intent, loan commitment, loan guarantee commitment, or line of credit commitment in an amount equal to or greater than $750,000.

(3) Department.—The term "Department" means the Department of Transportation, including the modal administrations of the Department.

(Added Pub. L. 114–322, title IV, §5001(a), Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1884.)

§312. Alternative timing system

(a) In General.—Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary of Transportation shall provide for the establishment, sustainment, and operation of a resilient,1 and reliable alternative timing system—

(1) to reduce critical dependencies and provide a complement to and backup for the timing component of the Global Positioning System (referred to in this section as "GPS"); and

(2) to ensure the availability of uncorrupted and non-degraded timing signals for military and civilian users in the event that GPS timing signals are corrupted, degraded, unreliable, or otherwise unavailable.

(b) Establishment of Requirements.—

(1) In general.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the National Timing Resilience and Security Act of 2018, the Secretary of Transportation shall establish requirements for the procurement of the system required by subsection (a) as a complement to and backup for the timing component of GPS in accordance with the timing requirements study required by section 1618 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 (Public Law 114–328; 130 Stat. 2595).

(2) Requirements.—The Secretary of Transportation shall ensure, to the maximum extent practicable, that the system established under subsection (a) will—

(A) be wireless;

(B) be terrestrial;

(C) provide wide-area coverage;

(D) be synchronized with coordinated universal time;

(E) be resilient and extremely difficult to disrupt or degrade;

(F) be able to penetrate underground and inside buildings;

(G) be capable of deployment to remote locations;

(H) be developed, constructed, and operated incorporating applicable private sector expertise;

(I) work in concert with and complement any other similar positioning, navigation, and timing systems, including enhanced long-range navigation systems and Nationwide Differential GPS systems;

(J) be available for use by Federal and non-Federal government agencies for public purposes at no net cost to the Federal Government within 10 years of initiation of operation;

(K) be capable of adaptation and expansion to provide position and navigation capabilities;

(L) incorporate the recommendations from any GPS back-up demonstration program initiated and completed by the Secretary, in coordination with other Federal agencies, before the date specified in subsection (c)(1); and

(M) incorporate such other elements as the Secretary considers appropriate.

(c) Implementation Plan.—

(1) Plan required.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the National Timing Resilience and Security Act of 2018, the Secretary of Transportation shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a report setting forth the following:

(A) A plan to develop, construct, and operate the system required by subsection (a).

(B) A description and assessment of the advantages of a system to provide a follow-on complementary and backup positioning and navigation capability to the timing component of GPS.

(2) Deadline for commencement of operation.—The system required by subsection (a) shall be in operation by not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the National Timing Resilience and Security Act of 2018.

(3) Minimum duration of operational capability.—The system required by subsection (a) shall be designed to be fully operational for not less than 20 years.

(d) LORAN Facilities.—

(1) In general.—If the Secretary of Transportation determines that any LORAN infrastructure, including the underlying real property and any spectrum associated with LORAN, in the possession of the Coast Guard is required by the Department of Transportation for the purpose of establishing the system required by subsection (a), the Commandant shall transfer such property, spectrum, and equipment to the Secretary.

(2) CERCLA not affected.—This subsection shall not be construed to limit the application of or otherwise affect section 120(h) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (42 U.S.C. 9620(h)) with respect to the Federal Government facilities described in paragraph (1).

(e) Cooperative Agreement.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary of Transportation may enter into a cooperative agreement (as that term is described in section 6305 of title 31) with an entity upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary of Transportation determines will fulfill the purpose and requirements of this section and be in the public interest.

(2) Requirements.—The cooperative agreement under paragraph (1) shall, at a minimum, require the Secretary of Transportation to—

(A) authorize the entity to sell timing and other services to commercial and non-commercial third parties, subject to any national security requirements determined by the Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense;

(B) require the entity to develop, construct, and operate at private expense the backup timing system in accordance with this section;

(C) allow the entity to make any investments in technologies necessary over the life of such agreement to meet future requirements for advanced timing resilience and technologies;

(D) require the entity to share 25 percent of the gross proceeds received by the entity from the sale of timing services to third parties with the Secretary for at least 10 years after the date upon which the Secretary enters into the cooperative agreement;

(E) require the entity—

(i) to assume all financial risk for the completion and operational capability of the system, after the Secretary provides any LORAN facilities necessary for the system under subsection (d), if required for the alternative timing system; and

(ii) to furnish performance and payment bonds in connection with the system in a reasonable amount as determined by the Secretary; and

(F) require the entity to make any investments in technologies necessary over the life of the agreement to meet future requirements for advanced timing resiliency.

(3) Competition required.—The Secretary shall use competitive procedures similar to those authorized under section 2667 of title 10 in selecting an entity to enter into a cooperative agreement pursuant to this subsection.

(4) Authorization to purchase services.—The Secretary may not purchase timing system services from the entity for use by the Department of Transportation or for provision to other Federal and non-Federal governmental agencies until the system achieves operational status, and then only if the necessary funds for such purchases are provided for in subsequent yearly appropriations acts made available to the Secretary for each and every year in which such purchases are made.

(5) Determination requirement.—The Secretary may not enter into a cooperative agreement under this subsection unless the Secretary determines that the cooperative agreement is in the best financial interest of the Federal Government. The Secretary shall notify the Committee on Committee on 2 Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives of such determination not later than 30 days after the date of the determination.

(6) Definition.—In this subsection the term "entity" means a non-Federal entity with the demonstrated technical expertise and requisite administrative and financial resources to meet any terms and conditions established by the Secretary for purposes of this subsection.

(Added Pub. L. 115–282, title V, §514(b), Dec. 4, 2018, 132 Stat. 4276; amended Pub. L. 116–283, div. G, title LVXXXV [LXXXV], §8507(d)(2), Jan. 1, 2021, 134 Stat. 4754; Pub. L. 117–103, div. L, title I, §109A, Mar. 15, 2022, 136 Stat. 691.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of the National Timing Resilience and Security Act of 2018, referred to in subsecs. (b)(1) and (c)(1), (2), is the date of enactment of section 514 of Pub. L. 115–282, which was approved Dec. 4, 2018.

Section 1618 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017, referred to in subsec. (b)(1), is section 1618 of Pub. L. 114–328, div. A, title XVI, Dec. 23, 2016, 130 Stat. 2595, which is not classified to the Code.


2022—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 117–103 struck out "land-based," after "operation of a".

2021Pub. L. 116–283 made technical correction to directory language of Pub. L. 115–282, §514(b), which enacted this section.

Effective Date of 2021 Amendment

Section 8507(d) of div. G of Pub. L. 116–283 effective as if included in Pub. L. 115–282, see section 8507(d)(7) of Pub. L. 116–283, set out as a note under section 1226 of Title 33, Navigation and Navigable Waters.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Short Title

For short title of section 514 of Pub. L. 115–282, which enacted this section, as the "National Timing Resilience and Security Act of 2018", see section 514(a) of Pub. L. 115–282, set out as a Short Title of 2018 Amendment note under section 101 of this title.

1 So in original. The comma probably should not appear.

2 So in original.

§313. Nontraditional and Emerging Transportation Technology Council

(a) Establishment.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of Transportation (referred to in this section as the "Secretary") shall establish a council, to be known as the "Nontraditional and Emerging Transportation Technology Council" (referred to in this section as the "Council"), to address coordination on emerging technology issues across all modes of transportation.

(b) Membership.—

(1) In general.—The Council shall be composed of—

(A) the Secretary, who shall serve as an ex officio member of the Council;

(B) the Deputy Secretary of Transportation;

(C) the Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy;

(D) the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology of the Department of Transportation;

(E) the Assistant Secretary for Budget and Programs of the Department of Transportation;

(F) the General Counsel of the Department of Transportation;

(G) the Chief Information Officer of the Department of Transportation;

(H) the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration;

(I) the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration;

(J) the Administrator of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration;

(K) the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration;

(L) the Administrator of the Federal Transit Administration;

(M) the Administrator of the Maritime Administration;

(N) the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration;

(O) the Administrator of the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration; and

(P) any other official of the Department of Transportation, as determined by the Secretary.

(2) Chair and vice chair.—

(A) Chair.—The Deputy Secretary of Transportation (or a designee) shall serve as Chair of the Council.

(B) Vice chair.—The Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy (or a designee) shall serve as Vice Chair of the Council.

(c) Duties.—The Council shall—

(1) identify and resolve jurisdictional and regulatory gaps or inconsistencies associated with nontraditional and emerging transportation technologies, modes, or projects pending or brought before the Department of Transportation to reduce, to the maximum extent practicable, impediments to the prompt and safe deployment of new and innovative transportation technology, including with respect to—

(A) safety oversight;

(B) environmental review; and

(C) funding and financing issues;

(2) coordinate the response of the Department of Transportation to nontraditional and emerging transportation technology projects;

(3) engage with stakeholders in nontraditional and emerging transportation technology projects; and

(4) develop and establish Department of Transportation-wide processes, solutions, and best practices for identifying and managing nontraditional and emerging transportation technology projects.

(d) Best Practices.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this section, the Council shall—

(1) publish initial guidelines to achieve the purposes described in subsection (c)(4); and

(2) promote each modal administration within the Department of Transportation to further test and support the advancement of nontraditional and emerging transportation technologies not specifically considered by the Council.

(e) Support.—The Office of the Secretary shall provide support for the Council.

(f) Meetings.—The Council shall meet not less frequently than 4 times per year, at the call of the Chair.

(g) Lead Modal Administration.—For each nontraditional or emerging transportation technology, mode, or project associated with a jurisdictional or regulatory gap or inconsistency identified under subsection (c)(1), the Chair of the Council shall—

(1) designate a lead modal administration of the Department of Transportation for review of the technology, mode, or project; and

(2) arrange for the detailing of staff between modal administrations or offices of the Department of Transportation as needed to maximize the sharing of experience and expertise.

(h) Transparency.—Not later than 1 year after the date of establishment of the Council, and not less frequently than annually thereafter until December 31, 2026, the Council shall post on a publicly accessible website a report describing the activities of the Council during the preceding calendar year.

(Added Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25008(a), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 850.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of this section, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (d), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 117–58, which was approved Nov. 15, 2021.


§321. Definitions

In this subchapter, "aeronautics", "air commerce", and "air navigation facility" have the same meanings given those terms in section 40102(a) of this title.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2422; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(8), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1376; Pub. L. 103–429, §6(2), Oct. 31, 1994, 108 Stat. 4378.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
321 (no source).

A number of the source provisions of the subchapter are taken from 49:ch. 20. The text of 49:ch. 20 contains general definitions, some of which are used in those source provisions. The section includes those definitions from 49:ch. 20 that are used in the source provisions included in the subchapter.

Pub. L. 103–429

This makes a clarifying amendment to 49:321.

Editorial Notes


1994Pub. L. 103–429 struck out ", respectively" after "of this title".

Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "section 40102(a) of this title" for "section 101(2), (4), and (8) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 App. U.S.C. 1301(2), (4), (8))".

1984Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1994 Amendment

Pub. L. 103–429, §9, Oct. 31, 1994, 108 Stat. 4391, provided that: "The amendments made by sections 6(2)–(15), (19)–(35), (37)–(39), (41), (44)–(52), (54)–(62), (65), (66)(B), (70), (73)–(76), and (78)–(81) of this Act [enacting section 41312 of this title and amending this section and sections 5103, 5104, 5115, 5125, 5307, 5318, 5320, 5323, 5326, 5327, 5331, 5337, 5565, 20136, 22108, 24501, 24904, 30141, 30165, 30166, 30308, 31501, 32101, 32304, 32309, 32505, 32703, 32705, 32706, 32908 to 32910, 32913, 33101, 33106, 40102, 40104, 40110, 41103, 41110, 41734, 44502, 44701, 44711, 44937, 45105, 45302, 46301, 46310, 46502, 47101, 47113, 47114, 47128, 47531, 47532, 60109, and 60112 of this title] shall take effect on July 5, 1994."

§322. General powers

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may prescribe regulations to carry out the duties and powers of the Secretary. An officer of the Department of Transportation may prescribe regulations to carry out the duties and powers of the officer.

(b) The Secretary may delegate, and authorize successive delegations of, duties and powers of the Secretary to an officer or employee of the Department. An officer of the Department may delegate, and authorize successive delegations of, duties and powers of the officer to another officer or employee of the Department. However, the duties and powers specified in sections 103(c)(1),1 104(c)(1), and 106(g)(1) 1 of this title may not be delegated to an officer or employee outside the Administration concerned.

(c) On a reimbursable basis when appropriate, the Secretary may, in carrying out aviation duties and powers—

(1) use the available services, equipment, personnel, and facilities of other civilian or military departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government, with their consent;

(2) cooperate with those departments, agencies, and instrumentalities in establishing and using aviation services, equipment, and facilities of the Department; and

(3) confer and cooperate with, and use the services, records, and facilities of, State, territorial, municipal, and other agencies.

(d) The Secretary may make expenditures to carry out aviation duties and powers, including expenditures for—

(1) rent and personal services;

(2) travel expenses;

(3) office furniture, equipment, supplies, lawbooks, newspapers, periodicals, and reference books, including exchanges;

(4) printing and binding;

(5) membership in and cooperation with domestic or foreign organizations related to, or a part of, the civil aeronautics industry or the art of aeronautics;

(6) payment of allowances and other benefits to employees stationed in foreign countries to the same extent authorized for members of the Foreign Service of comparable grade;

(7) investigations and studies about aeronautics; and

(8) acquiring, exchanging, operating, and maintaining passenger-carrying aircraft and automobiles and other property.

(e) The Secretary may negotiate, without advertising, the purchase of technical or special property related to air navigation when the Secretary decides that—

(1) making the property would require a substantial initial investment or an extended period of preparation; and

(2) procurement by advertising would likely result in additional cost to the Government by duplication of investment or would result in duplication of necessary preparation that would unreasonably delay procuring the property.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2422.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
322(a) 49:1657(e)(1) (last 19 words), (2) (last 19 words), (f), (g). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(e)–(g), 80 Stat. 944.
322(b) 49:1344(d) (less words after semicolon). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §§302(k), 303(a), (d) (less words after semicolon), 80 Stat. 747, 749.
  49:1657(e)(1) (less last 19 words), (2) (less last 19 words), (3).
  5 App. U.S.C. Reorg. Plan No. 2 of 1968, eff. July 1, 1968, §2, 82 Stat. 1369.
322(c) 49:1343(i).
322(d) 49:1344(a).
322(e) 49:1344(e). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, 72 Stat. 731, §303(e); added May 21, 1970, Pub. L. 91–258, §51(a)(1), 84 Stat. 234; July 12, 1976, Pub. L. 94–353, §16, 90 Stat. 882; Oct. 19, 1980, Pub. L. 96–470, §112(e), 94 Stat. 2240.

In the chapter, the words "Secretary of Transportation" and "Secretary" are substituted for "Administrator" in the provisions of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (Pub. L. 85–726, 72 Stat. 731) restated in the revised chapter because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1).

In subsection (a), the words "may prescribe regulations to carry out the duties and powers" are substituted for "may make such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out . . . functions, powers, and duties" for consistency and to eliminate unnecessary words. The text of 49:1657(f) and (g) is omitted as executed because the transfer of personnel, assets, and liabilities, etc., has been accomplished.

In subsection (b), the words "Except where this chapter vests in any administration, agency or board, specific functions, powers, and duties" before "the Secretary may" in 49:1657(e)(1) are omitted because of the specific wording of sections 103, 104, and 106 of the revised title. The words "in addition to the authority to delegate and redelegate contained in any other Act in the exercise of the functions transferred to or vested in the Secretary in this chapter" before "delegate" in 49:1657(e)(1) are omitted because the authority of the Secretary to delegate is consolidated in the subsection. The words "the duties and powers of the Secretary" are substituted for "any of his residual functions, powers, and duties" in 49:1657(e)(1) and "any of the functions transferred to him by this reorganization plan" in section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 2 of 1968 (eff. July 1, 1968, 82 Stat. 1369), for clarity and consistency. The words "as he may designate" and "of such functions, powers, and duties as he may deem desirable" are omitted as surplus each place they appear in 49:1657(e)(1) and (2). The text of section 322(b) (1st sentence) of the revised title is substituted for 49:1344(d) (less words after semicolon) for clarity and because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary of Transportation under 49:1655(c)(1). The text of 49:1657(e)(2) (words before 2d comma) is omitted as unnecessary because the authority of an officer to delegate is consolidated in the subsection. The words "the duties and powers of the officer" are substituted for "such functions, powers, and duties" in 49:1657(e)(2) for clarity and consistency. The words "the duties and powers specified in sections 103(c)(1), 104(c)(1), and 106(g)(1) of this title" are substituted for "any of the statutory duties and responsibilities specifically assigned to them by this chapter" in 49:1657(e)(3) for clarity. The words "may not be delegated to an officer or employee outside the Administration concerned" are substituted for "The Administrators established by section 1652(e) of this title . . . may not delegate . . . outside of their respective administrations" in 49:1657(e)(3) for clarity and because of the restatement of the section.

In subsection (c), before clause (1), the words "aviation duties and powers" are added because the source provisions being restated only applies to carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Aviation Administration. In clause (2), the words "those departments, agencies, and instrumentalities" are substituted for "such other agencies and instrumentalities" in 49:1343(i) for clarity and consistency. The words "aviation . . . Department" are substituted for "Administration" in 49:1343(i) because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1).

In subsection (d), before clause (1), the words "aviation duties and powers" are substituted for "for the exercise and performance of the powers and duties vested in and imposed upon him by law" in 49:1344(a) because the source provisions being restated only applies to carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Aviation Administration. The words "at the seat of government and elsewhere as may be necessary" after "expenditures" and "and as from time to time may be appropriated for by Congress" are omitted as surplus. In clause (8), the words "passenger-carrying aircraft and automobiles" are substituted for "passenger-carrying automobiles and aircraft" in 49:1344(a) for clarity. The words "such . . . as is necessary in the exercise and performance of the powers and duties of the Secretary" after "aircraft" in 49:1344(a) are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the section. The text of 49:1344(a) (proviso) is omitted as unnecessary.

In subsection (e), before clause (1), the words "or in support of" are omitted as surplus. In clause (1), the words "making the property" are substituted for "for manufacture" for clarity. In clause (2), the word "formal" is omitted as unnecessary. The word "unreasonably" is substituted for "unduly" for consistency.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 103(c)(1) of this title, referred to in subsec. (b), was struck out by Pub. L. 110–432, div. A, title I, §101, Oct. 16, 2008, 122 Stat. 4851. Provisions similar to those contained in former subsec. (c)(1) of section 103 are now contained in subsec. (g)(1) of section 103.

Section 106(g)(1) of this title, referred to in subsec. (b), was struck out by Pub. L. 118–63, title II, §204(b), May 16, 2024, 138 Stat. 1041. Provisions similar to those contained in former subsec. (g)(1) of section 106 are now contained in subsec. (f)(3)(A)(i) of section 106.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Electronic Signatures

Pub. L. 115–271, title VIII, §8108(c), Oct. 24, 2018, 132 Stat. 4107, provided that: "Not later than 18 months after the date of the deadline under subsection (a)(2) [section 8108(a)(2) of Pub. L. 115–271, set out in a note under section 7301 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees], the Secretary of Transportation shall issue a final rule revising part 40 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, to authorize, to the extent practicable, the use of electronic signatures or digital signatures executed to electronic forms instead of traditional handwritten signatures executed on paper forms."

Availability of Receipts From Fitness Centers For Operation and Maintenance of Facilities

Pub. L. 106–69, title III, §329, Oct. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1021, provided that: "Hereafter, notwithstanding any other provision of law, receipts, in amounts determined by the Secretary, collected from users of fitness centers operated by or for the Department of Transportation shall be available to support the operation and maintenance of those facilities."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation acts:

Pub. L. 105–277, div. A, §101(g) [title III, §332], Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–439, 2681-471.

Pub. L. 105–66, title III, §332, Oct. 27, 1997, 111 Stat. 1447.

Pub. L. 104–205, title III, §344, Sept. 30, 1996, 110 Stat. 2976.

Executive Order No. 11382

Ex. Ord. No. 11382, Nov. 28, 1967, 32 F.R. 16247, as amended by Ex. Ord. No. 11428, Sept. 5, 1968, 33 F.R. 12719, upon establishment of Department of Transportation amended and revoked certain executive orders relating to transportation, and, in addition to any other authority, authorized Secretary of Transportation and Federal Aviation Administrator to redelegate and authorize successive redelegations of any authority conferred in the order or the orders amended by it.

1 See References in Text note below.

§323. Personnel

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may appoint and fix the pay of officers and employees of the Department of Transportation and may prescribe their duties and powers.

(b) The Secretary may procure services under section 3109 of title 5. However, an individual may be paid not more than $100 a day for services.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2423.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
323(a) 49:1343(d). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(f), 72 Stat. 746; Oct. 4, 1961, Pub. L. 87–367, §205(b), 75 Stat. 791; Oct. 11, 1962, Pub. L. 87–793, §1001(h), 76 Stat. 864.
  49:1343(f). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(h), 72 Stat. 746; Oct. 4, 1961, Pub. L. 87–367, §205(a), 75 Stat. 791.
  49:1657(a). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(a), (b), 80 Stat. 944; Mar. 27, 1978, Pub. L. 95–251, §2(a)(12), 92 Stat. 183.
323(b) 49:1343(g) (1st sentence 33d–43d words). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(i) (1st sentence 31st–41st words), 72 Stat. 747.

In the section, the word "pay" is substituted for "compensation" for consistency with title 5.

In subsection (a), the words "In addition to the authority contained in any other Act which is transferred to and vested in the Secretary, the National Transportation Safety Board, or any other officer in the Department" before "the Secretary" and "subject to the civil service and classification laws" before "to select" in 49:1657(a) are omitted as unnecessary because of title 5, especially sections 3301, 5101, and 5331. The word "appoint" is substituted for "select, employ, appoint" because it is inclusive. The words "attorneys, and agents" after "employees" in 49:1343(d) and "including investigators, attorneys, and administrative law judges" after "employees" in 49:1657(a) are omitted as included in "officers and employees". The words "of the Department of Transportation" are substituted for "as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter" for consistency.

The text of 49:1343(d) (words after 1st comma) is omitted because of section 414(a)(1)(B) of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (Pub. L. 95–454, 92 Stat. 1177). The text of 49:1343(f) is omitted because of section 414(a)(2)(A) of that Act.

In subsection (b), the word "procure" is substituted for "obtain" to conform to 5:3109. The words "unless otherwise specified in an appropriation Act" after "individuals" in 49:1657(b) are omitted as surplus.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Post-Employment Policy Study

Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title I, §31308(b), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 770, provided that:

"(1) In general.—The Inspector General of the Department of Transportation shall conduct a study of the Department's policies relating to post-employment restrictions on employees who perform functions related to transportation safety.

"(2) Report.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [see section 3(a), (b) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment notes under section 101 of Title 23, Highways], the Inspector General shall submit a report containing the results of the study conducted under paragraph (1) to—

"(A) the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate;

"(B) the Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives; and

"(C) the Secretary of Transportation.

"(3) Use of results.—The Secretary of Transportation shall review the results of the study conducted under paragraph (1) and take whatever action the Secretary determines to be appropriate."

§324. Members of the armed forces

(a) The Secretary of Transportation—

(1) to ensure that national defense interests are safeguarded properly and that the Secretary is advised properly about the needs and special problems of the armed forces, shall provide for participation of members of the armed forces in carrying out the duties and powers of the Secretary related to the regulation and protection of air traffic, including providing for, and research and development of, air navigation facilities, and the allocation of airspace; and

(2) may provide for participation of members of the armed forces in carrying out other duties and powers of the Secretary.

(b) A member of the Coast Guard on active duty may be appointed, detailed, or assigned to a position in the Department of Transportation, except the position of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, or Assistant Secretary for Administration. A retired member of the Coast Guard may be appointed, detailed, or assigned to a position in the Department.

(c) The Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of a military department may make cooperative agreements, including agreements on reimbursement as may be considered appropriate by the Secretaries, under which a member of the armed forces may be appointed, detailed, or assigned to the Department of Transportation under this section. The Secretary of Transportation shall send a report each year to the appropriate committees of Congress on agreements made to carry out subsection (a)(2) of this section, including the number, rank, and position of each member appointed, detailed, or assigned under those agreements.

(d) The Secretary of a military department does not control the duties and powers of a member of the armed forces appointed, detailed, or assigned under this section when those duties and powers pertain to the Department of Transportation. A member of the armed forces appointed, detailed, or assigned under subsection (a)(2) of this section may not be charged against a statutory limitation on grades or strengths of the armed forces. The appointment, detail, or assignment and service of a member under this section to a position in the Department of Transportation does not affect the status, office, rank, or grade held by that member, or a right or benefit arising from that status, office, rank, or grade.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2423.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
324(a)(1) 49:1343(a)(1) (1st sentence). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(c)(1), (2) (related to cooperative agreements), 72 Stat. 745.
324(a)(2) 49:1657(c) (1st sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(c), (d), 80 Stat. 944.
324(b) 49:1657(p). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(p), 80 Stat. 947; Oct. 28, 1974, Pub. L. 93–496, §16(b), 88 Stat. 1533.
324(c) 49:1343(a)(1) (less 1st sentence).
  49:1657(c) (less 1st sentence), (d)(2).
324(d) 49:1343(a)(2) (related to cooperative agreements).

In the section, the words "members of the armed forces" are substituted for "military personnel", "Members of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, or the Marine Corps", and "members of the armed services" for clarity and to conform to title 10.

In subsection (a)(2), the words "other duties and powers of the Secretary" are substituted for "the functions of the Department" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (b), the words "Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or other law" before "a member" and "Subject to the provisions of title 5" before "a retired" are omitted as unnecessary.

In subsection (c), the words "The Secretary of Transportation and the Secretary of a military department may make cooperative agreements under which" are substituted for "by the appropriate Secretary, pursuant to cooperative agreements with the Secretary of Transportation" in 49:1343(a)(1) and 49:1657(c) for clarity. The words "or the Coast Guard" before "may be detailed" in 49:1343(a)(1) (2d sentence) are omitted because of the transfer of the Coast Guard to the Secretary under 49:1655(b) and the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1). The words "may be appointed, detailed, or assigned" are substituted for "may be detailed" for clarity and consistency in 49:1343(a)(1) and 49:1657(c). The words "to the Department of Transportation" are substituted for "for service in the Administration to effect such participation" in 49:1343(a)(1) because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1) and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "in writing" after "annually" in 49:1657(d)(2) are omitted as unnecessary. The words "each member appointed, detailed, or assigned" are substituted for "personnel appointed" and "members of the armed services detailed" in 49:1657(d)(2) for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (d), the words "The Secretary of a military department" are substituted for "his armed force or any officer thereof" in 49:1657(d)(1) and "the department from which detailed or appointed or by any agency or officer thereof" in 49:1343(a)(2) for clarity and consistency. The words "directly or indirectly" before "with respect to" are omitted as surplus. The words "the duties and powers of . . . when those duties and powers pertain to the Department of Transportation" are substituted for "with respect to his responsibilities under this chapter or within the Administration" in 49:1343(a)(2) and "with respect to the responsibilities exercised in the position to which appointed, detailed, or assigned" in 49:1657(d)(1) for consistency and because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1). The words "does not control" are substituted for "No . . . shall be subject to direction or control by" in 49:1343(a)(2) and "shall not be subject to direction by or control by" 49:1657(d)(1) for clarity. The words "the acceptance of" before "and service" and "any appointive or other" before "position" in 49:1657(d)(1) are omitted as unnecessary. The words "a member" are added because of the restatement of the section. The words "that member" are substituted for "commissioned officers or enlisted men" in 49:1343(a)(2) and "officers and enlisted men" in 49:1657(d)(1) because of the restatement of the section and to eliminate unnecessary words. The word "held" is substituted for "may occupy or hold" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "right or benefit" are substituted for "emolument, perquisite, right, privilege, or benefit" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "incident to or" before "arising" are omitted as surplus.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Termination of Reporting Requirements

For termination, effective May 15, 2000, of provisions of law requiring submittal to Congress of any annual, semiannual, or other regular periodic report listed in House Document No. 103–7 (in which a report required under subsec. (c) of this section is listed as the 5th item on page 132), see section 3003 of Pub. L. 104–66, as amended, set out as a note under section 1113 of Title 31, Money and Finance.

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.

§325. Advisory committees

(a) Without regard to the provisions of title 5 governing appointment in the competitive service, the Secretary of Transportation may appoint advisory committees to consult with and advise the Secretary in carrying out the duties and powers of the Secretary.

(b) While attending a committee meeting or otherwise serving at the request of the Secretary, a member of an advisory committee may be paid not more than $100 a day. A member is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under section 5703 of title 5. This subsection does not apply to individuals regularly employed by the United States Government.

(c) A member of an advisory committee advising the Secretary in carrying out aviation duties and powers may serve for not more than 100 days in a calendar year.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2424.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
325(a) 49:1343(g) (1st sentence 1st–32d words). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(i) (less 1st sentence 31st–41st words), 72 Stat. 747.
  49:1657(o) (1st sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(o), 80 Stat. 947.
325(b) 49:1343(g) (1st sentence 44th–53d words, last sentence).
  49:1657(o) (last sentence).
325(c) 49:1343(g) (1st sentence 54th–last words).

In subsection (a), the words "provisions of title 5 governing appointment in the competitive service" are substituted for "civil service laws" in 49:1657(o) for clarity and consistency. The words "as shall be appropriate for the purpose of" before "consultation" in 49:1657(o) are omitted as surplus. The words "the Secretary in carrying out the duties and powers of the Secretary" are substituted for "the Department in performance of its functions" in 49:1657(o) and "the Administration in performance of its functions hereunder" in 49:1343(g) for clarity and consistency because the duties and powers are vested in the Secretary of Transportation.

In subsection (b), the word "compensation" after "may be paid" in 49:1657(o) is omitted as surplus. The words "not more than $100 a day" are substituted for "at rates not exceeding those authorized for individuals under subsection (b) of this section" in 49:1657(o) for clarity because that is the rate under 49:1657(b). The words "A member is entitled to reimbursement for expenses under section 5703 of title 5" are substituted for 49:1343(g) (last sentence) and 49:1657(o) (last sentence words after 4th comma) for clarity.

In subsection (c), the words "A member of an advisory committee advising the Secretary" are substituted for "in the case of any individual" in 49:1343(g) for clarity. The words "may serve" are added for clarity and because of the restatement of the section. The words "in carrying out aviation duties and powers" are added because the source provisions being restated only applies to carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Aviation Administration.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Termination of Advisory Committees

Advisory committees in existence on Jan. 5, 1973, to terminate not later than the expiration of the 2-year period following Jan. 5, 1973, unless, in the case of a committee established by the President or an officer of the Federal Government, such committee is renewed by appropriate action prior to the expiration of such 2-year period, or in the case of a committee established by the Congress, its duration is otherwise provided by law. See section 1013 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

§326. Gifts

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may accept and use conditional or unconditional gifts of property for the Department of Transportation. The Secretary may accept a gift of services in carrying out aviation duties and powers. Property accepted under this section and proceeds from that property must be used, as nearly as possible, under the terms of the gift.

(b) The Department has a fund in the Treasury. Disbursements from the fund are made on order of the Secretary. The fund consists of—

(1) gifts of money;

(2) income from property accepted under this section and proceeds from the sale of that property; and

(3) income from securities under subsection (c) of this section.

(c) On request of the Secretary of Transportation, the Secretary of the Treasury may invest and reinvest amounts in the fund in securities of, or in securities whose principal and interest is guaranteed by, the United States Government.

(d) Property accepted under this section is a gift to or for the use of the Government under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.).

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2424; Pub. L. 99–514, §2, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2095.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
326(a) 49:1344(c)(1). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §303(c)(1), 72 Stat. 748.
  49:1657(m)(1) (1st, 3d sentences). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(m), 80 Stat. 946.
326(b) 49:1657(m)(1) (2d sentence), (3) (less 1st sentence).
326(c) 49:1657(m)(3) (1st sentence).
326(d) 49:1657(m)(2).

In the section, the word "gifts" is substituted for "gifts and bequests" in 49:1657(m)(1) because it is inclusive.

In subsection (a), the words "accept and use" are substituted for "accept, hold, administer, and utilize", and the words "for the Department" are substituted for "for the purpose of aiding or facilitating the work of the Department" in 49:1657(m)(1), to eliminate unnecessary words. The word "property" is substituted for "property, both real and personal" in 49:1657(m)(1), and "gift or donation of money or other property, real and personal" in 49:1344(c)(1) to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "aviation duties and powers" are added because the source provisions being restated only applies to carrying out duties and powers related to the Federal Aviation Administration. The words "under this section and proceeds from that property" are substituted for "pursuant to this paragraph, and the proceeds thereof" in 49:1657(m)(1) for clarity.

In subsection (b), the words "The Department has a" and "The fund consists of" are added for clarity and because of the restatement of the section. The word "separate" before "fund" is omitted as unnecessary and for consistency. The words "from the fund" are added for clarity. The words "accepted under this section" are substituted for "held by the Secretary pursuant to paragraph (1)" for clarity. The words "that property" are substituted for "other property received as gifts or bequests" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "from securities under subsection (c) of this section" are substituted for "accruing from such securities" for clarity.

In subsection (c), the words "amounts in the fund" are substituted for "any moneys contained in the fund provided for in paragraph (1)" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (d), the words "under this section" are substituted for "under paragraph (1)" because of the restatement of the section. The words "the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 U.S.C. 1 et seq.)" are substituted for "For the purpose of Federal income, estate, and gift taxes" for consistency.

Editorial Notes


1986—Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 99–514 substituted "Internal Revenue Code of 1986" for "Internal Revenue Code of 1954".

§327. Administrative working capital fund

(a) The Department of Transportation has an administrative working capital fund. Amounts in the fund are available for expenses of operating and maintaining common administrative services the Secretary of Transportation decides are desirable for the efficiency and economy of the Department. The services may include—

(1) a central supply service for stationery and other supplies and equipment through which adequate stocks may be maintained to meet the requirements of the Department;

(2) central messenger, mail, telephone, and other communications services;

(3) office space;

(4) central services for document reproduction, and for graphics and visual aids; and

(5) a central library service.

(b) Amounts in the fund are available without regard to fiscal year limitation. Amounts may be appropriated to the fund.

(c) The fund consists of—

(1) amounts appropriated to the fund;

(2) the reasonable value of stocks of supplies, equipment, and other assets and inventories on order that the Secretary transfers to the fund, less the related liabilities and unpaid obligations;

(3) amounts received from the sale or exchange of property; and

(4) payments received for loss or damage to property of the fund.

(d) The fund shall be reimbursed, in advance, from amounts available to the Department or from other sources, for supplies and services at rates that will approximate the expenses of operation, including the accrual of annual leave and the depreciation of equipment. Amounts in the fund, in excess of amounts transferred or appropriated to maintain the fund, shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. All assets, liabilities, and prior losses are considered in determining the amount of the excess.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2425.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
327(a) 49:1657(j) (1st sentence less 11th–17th words). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(j), 80 Stat. 945.
327(b) 49:1657(j) (1st sentence 11th–17th words, 2d sentence, 18th–22d words).
327(c) 49:1657(j) (2d sentence less 18th–22d words, 4th sentence).
327(d) 49:1657(j) (less 1st, 2d, 4th sentences).

In subsection (a), the words "Department of Transportation has" are substituted for "Secretary is authorized to establish" because the working capital fund has been established. The words "administrative" before "working" and "Amounts in the fund are available" are added for clarity. The words "the Secretary of Transportation decides are" are substituted for "as he shall find to be" for clarity. The words "desirable for the economy" are substituted for "desirable in the interest of economy" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "such services as" before "a central supply service" and "in whole or in part" before "the requirements of the Department" are omitted as surplus. The words "the requirements of the Department" are substituted for "the requirements of the Department and its agencies" because they are inclusive.

In subsection (b), the words "Amounts in the fund" are added for clarity. The words "Amounts may be appropriated to the fund" are substituted for "(which appropriations are hereby authorized)" for clarity.

In subsection (c), the words "The fund consists of" are substituted for "The capital of the fund shall consist of" and "The fund shall also be credited with" for clarity. The word "reasonable" is substituted for "fair and reasonable" because it is inclusive. The words "amounts appropriated to the fund" are substituted for "of any appropriations made for the purpose of providing capital" for clarity. The words "amounts received from the sale" are substituted for "receipts from the sale", and the words "payments received for loss" are substituted for "receipts in payment for", as being more precise.

In subsection (d), the words "agencies and offices in" after "available funds of" are omitted because they are included in "Department". The words "Amounts in the fund, in excess of amounts" are added for clarity. The words "any surplus found in the fund . . . above the" after "miscellaneous receipts" are omitted because of the restatement of this section. The words "to establish and" before "maintain" are omitted because the working capital fund has been established. The words "deposited in the Treasury" are substituted for "covered into the United States Treasury" for consistency. The words "are . . . in determining the amount of the excess" are added for clarity.

§328. Transportation Systems Center working capital fund

(a) The Department of Transportation has a Transportation Systems Center working capital fund. Amounts in the fund are available for financing the activities of the Center, including research, development, testing, evaluation, analysis, and related activities the Secretary of Transportation approves, for the Department, other agencies, State and local governments, other public authorities, private organizations, and foreign countries.

(b) Amounts in the fund are available without regard to fiscal year limitation. Amounts may be appropriated to the fund.

(c) The capital of the fund consists of—

(1) amounts appropriated to the fund;

(2) net assets of the Center as of October 1, 1980, including unexpended advances made to the Center for which valid obligations were incurred before October 1, 1980;

(3) the reasonable value of property and other assets transferred to the fund after September 30, 1980, less the related liabilities and unpaid obligations; and

(4) the reasonable value of property and other assets donated to the fund.

(d) The fund shall be reimbursed or credited with—

(1) advance payments from applicable funds or appropriations of the Department and other agencies, and with advance payments from other sources, the Secretary authorizes, for—

(A) services at rates that will recover the expenses of operation, including the accrual of annual leave and overhead; and

(B) acquiring property and equipment under regulations the Secretary prescribes; and

(2) receipts from the sale or exchange of property or in payment for loss or damage of property held by the fund.

(e) The Secretary shall deposit at the end of each fiscal year, in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, amounts accruing in the fund that the Secretary decides are in excess of the needs of the fund.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2425.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
328(a) 49:1657(r)(1) (1st sentence, 2d sentence words before last comma, last sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 931, §9(r); added May 30, 1980, Pub. L. 96–254, §207, 94 Stat. 413.
328(b) 49:1657(r)(1) (2d sentence words after last comma), (2)(B) (words after last comma).
328(c) 49:1657(r)(2)(A), (B) (words before last comma), (C).
328(d) 49:1657(r)(3).
328(e) 49:1657(r)(4).

In subsection (a), the words "Department of Transportation has" are substituted for "Secretary is authorized to establish" because the working capital fund has been established. The text of 49:1657(r)(1) (2d sentence words before last comma) are omitted as executed. The words "The Transportation Systems Center is authorized to perform" are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement. The word "approves" is substituted for "direct . . . and, when approved by the Secretary" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "or his designee" are omitted because of section 322(b) of the revised title.

In subsection (c)(3) and (4), the words "fair and" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (c)(3), the words "by the Department and other agencies of the Government" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (c)(4), the words "from other sources" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (d)(1), before clause (A), the words "or his designee" are omitted because of section 322(b) of the revised title.

In subsection (e), the words "The Secretary shall deposit" are substituted for "there shall be transferred" for clarity and consistency. The words "in the fund" are added for clarity.

§329. Transportation information

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may collect and collate transportation information the Secretary decides will contribute to the improvement of the transportation system of the United States. To the greatest practical extent, the Secretary shall use information available from departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government and other sources. To the extent practical, the Secretary shall make available to other Government departments, agencies, and instrumentalities and to the public the information collected under this subsection.

(b) The Secretary shall—

(1) collect and disseminate information on civil aeronautics (other than that collected and disseminated by the National Transportation Safety Board under chapter 11 of this title) including, at a minimum, information on (A) the origin and destination of passengers in interstate air transportation (as that term is used in part A of subtitle VII of this title), and (B) the number of passengers traveling by air between any two points in interstate air transportation; except that, if the Secretary requires air carriers to provide flight-specific information, the Secretary—

(A) shall not disseminate fare information for a specific flight to the general public for a period of at least 9 months following the date of the flight; and

(B) shall give due consideration to and address confidentiality concerns of carriers, including competitive implications, in any rulemaking prior to adoption of a rule requiring the dissemination to the general public of any flight-specific fare;

(2) study the possibilities of developing air commerce and the aeronautical industry; and

(3) exchange information on civil aeronautics with governments of foreign countries through appropriate departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government.

(c)(1) On the written request of a person, a State, territory, or possession of the United States, or a political subdivision of a State, territory, or possession, the Secretary may—

(A) make special statistical studies on foreign and domestic transportation;

(B) make special studies on other matters related to duties and powers of the Secretary;

(C) prepare, from records of the Department of Transportation, special statistical compilations; and

(D) provide transcripts of studies, tables, and other records of the Department.

(2) The person or governmental authority requesting information under paragraph (1) of this subsection must pay the actual cost of preparing the information. Payments shall be deposited in the Treasury in an account that the Secretary shall administer. The Secretary may use amounts in the account for the ordinary expenses incidental to getting and providing the information.

(d) To assist in carrying out duties and powers under part A of subtitle VII of this title, the Secretary of Transportation shall maintain separate cooperative agreements with the Secretary of Defense and the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the timely exchange of information on their programs, policies, and requirements directly related to carrying out that part.

(e) Incidents and Complaints Involving Passenger and Baggage Security Screening.—

(1) Publication of data.—The Secretary of Transportation shall publish data on incidents and complaints involving passenger and baggage security screening in a manner comparable to other consumer complaint and incident data.

(2) Monthly reports from secretary of homeland security.—To assist in the publication of data under paragraph (1), the Secretary of Transportation may request the Secretary of Homeland Security to periodically report on the number of complaints about security screening received by the Secretary of Homeland Security.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2426; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 98–443, §5(a), Oct. 4, 1984, 98 Stat. 1705; Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(7), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1366; Pub. L. 104–287, §5(3), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3389; Pub. L. 108–176, title IV, §421, title VIII, §805(a), Dec. 12, 2003, 117 Stat. 2551, 2587.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
329(a) 49:1634. Sept. 30, 1965, Pub. L. 89–220, §4, 79 Stat. 893.
  49:1655(a)(2)(A) (related to 49:1634). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §§6(a)(2)(A) (related to §4 of the Act of Sept. 30, 1965), 9(n), 80 Stat. 937, 946.
329(b) 49:1352. Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §311, 72 Stat. 751.
329(c)(1) 49:1657(n)(1) (less last 17 words).
329(c)(2) 49:1657(n)(1) (last 17 words), (2).
329(d) 49:1343(b). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §302(d), 72 Stat. 746.

In subsection (a), the word "information" is substituted for "data, statistics, and other information" in 49:1634 to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "transportation system of the United States" are substituted for "national transportation system" in 49:1634 for clarity and consistency. The words "in carrying out this activity" before "the Secretary shall" in 49:1634 are omitted as surplus. The words "departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government" are substituted for "Federal agencies" in 49:1634 for clarity and consistency. The words "To the greatest extent practical" are substituted for "insofar as practicable" in 49:1634 for consistency. The words "The Secretary shall" are added for clarity.

In subsection (b), the words "by the National Transportation Safety Board under title VII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1441 et seq.) or the Civil Aeronautics Board under title IV of that Act (49 U.S.C. 1371 et seq.)" are substituted for "the Board under subchapter IV and VII of this chapter)" in 49:1352 because 49:1655(d) (1st sentence) transferred duties of the Civil Aeronautics Board under 49:ch. 20, subch. VII to the Secretary of Transportation to be carried out through the National Transportation Safety Board. The reference to the National Transportation Safety Board is to the independent Board established by section 303(a) of the Independent Safety Board Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93–633, 88 Stat. 2167) outside the Department of Transportation and not to the prior Board that was a part of the Department. The words "departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the Government" are substituted for "government channels" in 49:1352 for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (c)(1), the words "of the United States" are added for clarity and consistency. The words "of a State, territory, or possession" are substituted for "thereof" after "subdivision" for clarity. The words "related to the duties and powers of the Secretary" are substituted for "falling within the province of the Department" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (c)(2), the words "governmental authority requesting information under paragraph (1) of this subsection" are substituted for "body requesting it" for clarity and consistency. The word "separate" before "account" is omitted as unnecessary and for consistency. The words "must pay" are substituted for "upon the payment" after "other records" for clarity. The words "preparing the information" are substituted for "such work" after "actual cost of" for clarity. The word "payments" is substituted for "All moneys received by the Department in payment of the cost of work under paragraph (1)" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "in the Treasury" are added for clarity and consistency. The words "The Secretary may use amounts in the account" are substituted for "These moneys may be used, in the discretion of the Secretary" for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "to getting and providing the information" are substituted for "to the work and/or to secure in connection therewith the special services of persons who are neither officers nor employees of the United States" for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words.

In subsection (d), the words "in carrying out duties and powers under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.)" are substituted for "in discharge of responsibilities under this chapter" in 49:1343(b) because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary under 49:1655(c)(1) and for consistency. The words "directly related to carrying out that part" are substituted for "directly relating to such responsibilities" in 49:1343(b) because of the restatement of the source provisions.

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 4(j)(7) amends 49:329 to omit references to overseas air transportation because there no longer is a distinction between interstate air transportation and overseas air transportation.

Pub. L. 104–287

This amends 49:329 to make conforming amendments necessary because of the codification enacted by section 1 of the Act of July 5, 1994 (Public Law 103–272, 108 Stat. 745).

Editorial Notes


2003—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 108–176, §805(a), substituted "except that, if the Secretary requires air carriers to provide flight-specific information, the Secretary—" and subpars. (A) and (B) for "except that in no case shall the Secretary require an air carrier to provide information on the number of passengers or the amount of cargo on a specific flight if the flight and the flight number under which such flight operates are used solely for interstate air transportation and are not used for providing essential air transportation under subchapter II of chapter 417 of this title;".

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 108–176, §421, added subsec. (e).

1996—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 104–287, §5(3)(A), substituted "(as that term is used in part A of subtitle VII of this title)" for "(as those terms are used in such Act)".

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 104–287, §5(3)(B), substituted "that part" for "that Act".

1994—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(7)(A), substituted "chapter 11 of this title" for "title VII of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1441 et seq.)", "in interstate air transportation" for "in interstate and overseas air transportation" in two places, "for interstate air transportation" for "for interstate or overseas air transportation", and "subchapter II of chapter 417 of this title" for "section 419 of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958".

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(7)(B), substituted "part A of subtitle VII of this title" for "the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (49 App. U.S.C. 1301 et seq.)".

1984—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 98–443 struck out reference to information collected and disseminated by the Civil Aeronautics Board under section 1371 et seq. of this title, and added cls. (A) and (B).

Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Subsec. (d). Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2003 Amendment

Amendment by section 421 of Pub. L. 108–176 applicable only to fiscal years beginning after Sept. 30, 2003, except as otherwise specifically provided, see section 3 of Pub. L. 108–176, set out as a note under section 106 of this title.

Pub. L. 108–176, title VIII, §805(b), Dec. 12, 2003, 117 Stat. 2588, provided that: "The amendment made by subsection (a) [amending this section] shall take effect on the date of the issuance of a final rule to modernize the Origin and Destination Survey of Airline Passenger Traffic, pursuant to the Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published July 15, 1998 (Regulation Identifier Number 2105–AC71), that reduces the reporting burden for air carriers through electronic filing of the survey data collected under section 329(b)(1) of title 49, United States Code." [RIN 2105–AC71 was withdrawn on June 1, 2011. Final rule under RIN 2105–AE45 updating the Origin and Destination Survey of Airline Passenger Traffic, pursuant to section 329(b)(1) of this title, was issued on Jan. 31, 2023, effective Mar. 2, 2023, see 88 F.R. 6145.]

Effective Date of 1984 Amendment

Pub. L. 98–443, §5(b), Oct. 4, 1984, 98 Stat. 1705, provided that: "The amendment made by this section [amending this section] shall take effect on January 1, 1985."

Department of Transportation Public Drug and Alcohol Testing Database

Pub. L. 115–271, title VIII, §8103, Oct. 24, 2018, 132 Stat. 4104, provided that:

"(a) In General.—Subject to subsection (c), the Secretary of Transportation shall—

"(1) not later than March 31, 2019, establish and make publicly available on its website a database of the drug and alcohol testing data reported by employers for each mode of transportation; and

"(2) update the database annually.

"(b) Contents.—The database under subsection (a) shall include, for each mode of transportation—

"(1) the total number of drug and alcohol tests by type of substance tested;

"(2) the drug and alcohol test results by type of substance tested;

"(3) the reason for the drug or alcohol test, such as pre-employment, random, post-accident, reasonable suspicion or cause, return-to-duty, or follow-up, by type of substance tested; and

"(4) the number of individuals who refused testing.

"(c) Commercially Sensitive Data.—The Department of Transportation shall not release any commercially sensitive data or personally identifiable data furnished by an employer under this section unless the data is aggregated or otherwise in a form that does not identify the employer providing the data.

"(d) Savings Clause.—Nothing in this section may be construed as limiting or otherwise affecting the requirements of the Secretary of Transportation to adhere to requirements applicable to confidential business information and sensitive security information, consistent with applicable law."

§330. Research activities

(a) In General.—The Secretary of Transportation may make contracts with educational institutions, public and private agencies and organizations, and persons for scientific or technological research into a problem related to programs carried out by the Secretary. Before making a contract, the Secretary must require the institution, agency, organization, or person to show that it is able to carry out the contract.

(b) Responsibilities.—In carrying out this section, the Secretary shall—

(1) give advice and assistance the Secretary believes will best carry out the duties and powers of the Secretary;

(2) participate in coordinating all research started under this section;

(3) indicate the lines of inquiry most important to the Secretary; and

(4) encourage and assist in establishing and maintaining cooperation by and between contractors and between them and other research organizations, the Department of Transportation, and other departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government.

(c) Publications.—The Secretary may distribute publications containing information the Secretary considers relevant to research carried out under this section.

(d) Duties.—The Secretary shall provide for the following:

(1) Coordination, facilitation, and review of Department of Transportation research and development programs and activities.

(2) Advancement, and research and development, of innovative technologies, including intelligent transportation systems.

(3) Comprehensive transportation statistics research, analysis, and reporting.

(4) Education and training in transportation and transportation-related fields.

(5) Activities of the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center.

(6) Coordination in support of multimodal and multidisciplinary research activities.

(e) Additional Authorities.—The Secretary may—

(1) enter into grants and cooperative agreements with Federal agencies, State and local government agencies, other public entities, private organizations, and other persons to conduct research into transportation service and infrastructure assurance and to carry out other research activities of the Department of Transportation;

(2) carry out, on a cost-shared basis, collaborative research and development to encourage innovative solutions to multimodal transportation problems and stimulate the deployment of new technology with—

(A) non-Federal entities, including State and local governments, foreign governments, institutions of higher education, corporations, institutions, partnerships, sole proprietorships, and trade associations that are incorporated or established under the laws of any State;

(B) Federal laboratories; and

(C) other Federal agencies; and

(3) directly initiate contracts, grants, cooperative research and development agreements (as defined in section 12(d) of the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3710a(d))), and other agreements to fund, and accept funds from, the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, State departments of transportation, cities, counties, institutions of higher education, associations, and the agents of those entities to carry out joint transportation research and technology efforts.

(f) Federal Share.—

(1) In general.—Subject to paragraph (2), the Federal share of the cost of an activity carried out under subsection (e)(3) shall not exceed 50 percent.

(2) Exception.—If the Secretary determines that the activity is of substantial public interest or benefit, the Secretary may approve a greater Federal share.

(3) Non-federal share.—All costs directly incurred by the non-Federal partners, including personnel, travel, facility, and hardware development costs, shall be credited toward the non-Federal share of the cost of an activity described in subsection (e)(3).

(g) Program Evaluation and Oversight.—For each of fiscal years 2016 through 2020, the Secretary is authorized to expend not more than 1 ½ percent of the amounts authorized to be appropriated for the coordination, evaluation, and oversight of the programs administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology.

(h) Use of Technology.—The research, development, or use of a technology under a contract, grant, cooperative research and development agreement, or other agreement entered into under this section, including the terms under which the technology may be licensed and the resulting royalties may be distributed, shall be subject to the Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980 (15 U.S.C. 3701 et seq.).

(i) Waiver of Advertising Requirements.—Section 6101 of title 41 shall not apply to a contract, grant, or other agreement entered into under this section.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2427; Pub. L. 114–94, div. A, title VI, §6011(b), Dec. 4, 2015, 129 Stat. 1568.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
330(a) 49:1657(q)(1). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(q)(1)–(3), 80 Stat. 947.
  49:1657(q)(2) (1st sentence).
330(b) 49:1657(q)(2) (less 1st sentence).
330(c) 49:1657(q)(3).

In subsection (a), the words "may make contracts" are substituted for "is authorized to enter into contracts" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "the conduct of" before "scientific" are omitted as surplus. The words "a problem" are substituted for "any aspect of the problems" because of the style of the revised title. The words "carried out by the Secretary" are substituted for "of the Department which are authorized by statute" because the Secretary of Transportation is vested with all duties and powers. The words "Before making a contract" are substituted for "with which he expects to enter into contracts pursuant to this subsection" for clarity and to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "is able to carry out the contract" are substituted for "have the capability of doing effective work" for clarity.

In subsection (b), before clause (1), the words "In carrying out this section" are added for clarity. In clause (1), the word "give" is substituted for "furnish" before "such advice" for consistency. The words "duties and powers of the Secretary" are substituted for "mission of the Department" for clarity and consistency. In clause (4), the word "contractors" is substituted for "the institutions, agencies, organizations, or persons" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "departments, agencies, and instrumentalities of the United States Government" are substituted for "Federal agencies" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (c), the words "considers relevant" are substituted for "as he deems pertinent" as more precise. The words "from time to time" before "disseminate" and "in the form of reports or . . . to public or private agencies or organizations, or individuals" before "such information" are omitted as unnecessary.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980, referred to in subsec. (h), is Pub. L. 96–480, Oct. 21, 1980, 94 Stat. 2311, which is classified generally to chapter 63 (§3701 et seq.) of Title 15, Commerce and Trade. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 3701 of Title 15 and Tables.


2015Pub. L. 114–94, §6011(b)(1), substituted "activities" for "contracts" in section catchline.

Subsecs. (a) to (c). Pub. L. 114–94, §6011(b)(2)–(4), inserted headings.

Subsecs. (d) to (i). Pub. L. 114–94, §6011(b)(5), added subsecs. (d) to (i).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2015 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 114–94 effective Oct. 1, 2015, see section 1003 of Pub. L. 114–94, set out as a note under section 5313 of Title 5, Government Organization and Employees.

Volpe Oversight

Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title V, §25023, Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 879, provided that:

"(a) Financial Management.—Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], the Secretary [of Transportation] shall implement the recommendations of the Inspector General of the Department [of Transportation] included in the report entitled 'DOT Needs to Strengthen Its Oversight of IAAs With Volpe' and dated September 30, 2019, to improve planning, financial management, and the sharing of performance information with respect to intraagency agreements with the John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (referred to in this section as the 'Volpe Center').

"(b) GAO Review.—

"(1) In general.—Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act [Nov. 15, 2021], the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a report that examines the surface transportation activities at the Volpe Center.

"(2) Contents.—The report under paragraph (1) shall include an evaluation of—

"(A) the amount of Department funding provided to the Volpe Center, as compared to other Federal and non-Federal research partners;

"(B) the process used by the Department to determine whether to work with the Volpe Center, as compared to any other Federal or non-Federal research partner;

"(C) the extent to which the Department is collaborating with the Volpe Center to address research needs relating to emerging issues; and

"(D) whether the operation of the Volpe Center is duplicative of other public or private sector efforts."

Conflicts of Interest

Pub. L. 106–159, title I, §101(g), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1752, provided that:

"(1) Compliance with regulation.—In awarding any contract for research, the Secretary shall comply with section 1252.209–70 of title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, as in effect on the date of the enactment of this section [Dec. 9, 1999]. The Secretary shall require that the text of such section be included in any request for proposal and contract for research made by the Secretary.

"(2) Study.—

"(A) In general.—The Secretary shall conduct a study to determine whether or not compliance with the section referred to in paragraph (1) is sufficient to avoid conflicts of interest in contracts for research awarded by the Secretary and to evaluate whether or not compliance with such section unreasonably delays or burdens the awarding of such contracts.

"(B) Consultation.—In conducting the study under this paragraph, the Secretary shall consult, as appropriate, with the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation, the Comptroller General, the heads of other Federal agencies, research organizations, industry representatives, employee organizations, safety organizations, and other entities.

"(C) Report.—Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 9, 1999], the Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives a report on the results of the study conducted under this paragraph."

§331. Service, supplies, and facilities at remote places

(a) When necessary and not otherwise available, the Secretary of Transportation may provide for, construct, or maintain the following for officers and employees of the Department of Transportation and their dependents stationed in remote places:

(1) emergency medical services and supplies.

(2) food and other subsistence supplies.

(3) messing facilities.

(4) motion picture equipment and film for recreation and training.

(5) living and working quarters and facilities.

(6) reimbursement for food, clothing, medicine, and other supplies provided by an officer or employee in an emergency for the temporary relief of individuals in distress.

(b) The Secretary shall prescribe reasonable charges for medical treatment provided under subsection (a)(1) of this section and for supplies and services provided under subsection (a)(2) and (3) of this section. Amounts received under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation from which the expenditure was made.

(c) When appropriations for a fiscal year for aviation duties and powers have not been made before June 1 immediately before the beginning of the fiscal year, the Secretary may designate an officer, and authorize that officer, to incur obligations to buy and transport supplies to carry out those duties and powers at installations outside the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia. The amount obligated under this subsection in a fiscal year may be not more than 75 percent of the amount available for buying and transporting supplies to those installations for the then current fiscal year. Payment of obligations under this subsection shall be made from appropriations for the next fiscal year when available.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2427; Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(8), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1367.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
331(a) 49:1657(l) (less last sentence). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §9(l), 80 Stat. 946.
331(b) 49:1657(l) (last sentence).
331(c) 49:1344(b). Aug. 23, 1958, Pub. L. 85–726, §303(b), 72 Stat. 748.

In subsection (a), the text of 49:1657(l) (words before 3d comma) is omitted as unnecessary. The words "of the Department of Transportation" are added for clarity. In clause (6), the words "individuals in distress" are substituted for "distressed persons" as being more precise.

In subsection (b), the words "The Secretary shall prescribe reasonable charges" are substituted for "shall be at prices reflecting reasonable value as determined by the Secretary" for clarity and to eliminate surplus words. The words "services, supplies, and facilities provided under subsection (a)(1), (2), and (3) of this section" are substituted for "The furnishing of medical treatment under paragraph (1) and the furnishing of services and supplies under paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection" to eliminate surplus words. The words "Amounts received under this subsection" are substituted for "and the proceeds therefrom" for clarity.

In subsection (c), the words "aviation duties and powers" are substituted for "the Administration" in 49:1344(b) because of the transfer of aviation functions to the Secretary of Transportation under 49:1655(c)(1). The words "before June 1" are substituted for "prior to the first day of March" in 49:1344(b) to conform to the change in the start of the fiscal year from July 1 to October 1 under 31:1020(a)(2). The words "and materials necessary" after "supplies" in 49:1344(b) are omitted as surplus. The words "to carry out those duties and powers" are substituted for "necessary to the proper execution of the Secretary of Transportation's functions" in 49:1344(b) for clarity and consistency. The words "the 48 contiguous States and the District of Columbia" are substituted for "the continental United States" in 49:1344(b) for clarity. The words "including those in Alaska" before "in amounts" in 49:1344(b) are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the section. The words "The amount obligated under this subsection in a fiscal year" in 49:1344(b) are added for clarity. The words "available for buying and transporting supplies to those installations" are substituted for "made available for such purposes" in 49:1344(b) for clarity. The word "succeeding" after "next" in 49:1344(b) is omitted as surplus.

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 4(j)(8) amends 49:331(b) to follow more closely the language in former 49:1657(l) on which it was based.

Editorial Notes


1994—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "medical treatment provided under subsection (a)(1) of this section and for supplies and services provided under subsection (a)(2) and (3) of this section" for "services, supplies, and facilities provided under subsection (a)(1), (2), and (3) of this section".

§332. Minority Resource Center

(a) In this section, "minority" includes women.

(b) The Department of Transportation has a Minority Resource Center. The Center may—

(1) include a national information clearinghouse for minority entrepreneurs and businesses to disseminate information to them on business opportunities related to the maintenance, rehabilitation, restructuring, improvement, and revitalization of the railroads of the United States;

(2) carry out market research, planning, economic and business analyses, and feasibility studies to identify those business opportunities;

(3) assist minority entrepreneurs and businesses in obtaining investment capital and debt financing;

(4) design and carry out programs to encourage, promote, and assist minority entrepreneurs and businesses in getting contracts, subcontracts, and projects related to those business opportunities;

(5) develop support mechanisms (including venture capital, surety and bonding organizations, and management and technical services) that will enable minority entrepreneurs and businesses to take advantage of those business opportunities;

(6) participate in, and cooperate with, United States Government programs and other programs designed to provide financial, management, and other forms of support and assistance to minority entrepreneurs and businesses; and

(7) make arrangements to carry out this section.

(c) The Center has an advisory committee of 5 individuals appointed by the Secretary of Transportation. The Secretary shall make the appointments from lists of qualified individuals recommended by minority-dominated trade associations in the minority business community. Each of those trade associations may submit a list of not more than 3 qualified individuals.

(d) The United States Railway Association, the Consolidated Rail Corporation, and the Secretary shall provide the Center with relevant information (including procurement schedules, bids, and specifications on particular maintenance, rehabilitation, restructuring, improvement, and revitalization projects) the Center requests in carrying out this section.

(e) Bonding Assistance.—

(1) In general.—The Secretary, acting through the Minority Resource Center established under subsection (b), shall provide assistance in obtaining bid, payment, and performance bonds by disadvantaged business enterprises pursuant to subsection (b)(4).

(2) Authorization of appropriation.—There is authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2009 to carry out activities under this subsection.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2428; Pub. L. 109–59, title I, §1951, Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1514.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
332(a) 49:1657a(e). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 931, §11; added Feb. 5, 1976, Pub. L. 94–210, §906(2), 90 Stat. 149.
332(b) 49:1657a(a), (c).
332(c) 49:1657a(b).
332(d) 49:1657a(d).

In subsection (b), before clause (1), the word "has" is substituted for "The Secretary shall, within 180 days after February 5, 1976, establish" because the time for establishing the Center has expired and the Center has been established. The words "The Department of Transportation" are added because of the restatement of the section. The words "(hereafter in this section referred to as the 'Center')" after "Minority Resource Center" are omitted because of the style of the revised title.

In subsection (b)(1), the word "include" is substituted for "establish and maintain", and the words "to disseminate information" are substituted for "and disseminate information from", for clarity. The words "to them . . . related to" are substituted for "to such entrepreneurs and businesses . . . with respect to" to omit unnecessary words. The words "for purposes of furnishing . . . information" before "with respect to" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b)(2), the words "those business opportunities" are substituted for "such opportunities" after "identify" for clarity.

In subsection (b)(4), the words "those business opportunities" are substituted for "the maintenance, rehabilitation, restructuring, improvement, and revitalization of the Nation's railroads" to eliminate surplus words.

In subsection (b)(5), the words "related to the maintenance, rehabilitation, restructuring, improvement, and revitalization of the nation's railroads" are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement.

In subsection (b)(7), the words "make arrangements" are substituted for "enter into such contracts, cooperative agreements, or other transactions" to eliminate unnecessary words. The words "as may be necessary" after "transactions" are omitted as surplus. The words "to carry out this section" are substituted for "in the conduct of its functions and duties" for clarity and consistency.

In subsection (c), the words "The Secretary shall make the appointments" and the words "Each of those trade associations may submit a list of not more than" are added for clarity and because of the restatement of the section.

In subsection (d), the words "in carrying out this section" are substituted for "in connection with the performance of its functions" for clarity and consistency.

Editorial Notes


2005—Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 109–59 added subsec. (e).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Abolition of United States Railway Association and Transfer of Functions and Securities

The United States Railway Association abolished effective Apr. 1, 1987, all powers, duties, rights, and obligations of Association relating to Consolidated Rail Corporation under the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 (45 U.S.C. 701 et seq.) transferred to Secretary of Transportation on Jan. 1, 1987, and any securities of Corporation held by Association transferred to Secretary of Transportation on Oct. 21, 1986, see section 1341 of Title 45, Railroads.

§333. Responsibility for rail transportation unification and coordination projects

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may develop and make available to interested persons any plans, proposals, and recommendations for mergers, consolidations, reorganizations, and other unification or coordination projects for rail transportation (including arrangements for joint use of tracks and other facilities and acquisition or sale of assets) that the Secretary believes will result in a rail system that is more efficient and consistent with the public interest.

(b) To achieve a more efficient, economical, and viable rail system in the private sector, the Secretary, when requested by a rail carrier and under this section, may assist in planning, negotiating, and carrying out a unification or coordination of operations and facilities of at least 2 rail carriers.

(c)(1) The Secretary may conduct studies to determine the potential cost savings and possible improvements in the quality of rail transportation that are likely to result from unification or coordination of at least 2 rail carriers, through—

(A) elimination of duplicating or overlapping operations and facilities;

(B) reducing switching operations;

(C) using the shortest or more efficient and economical routes;

(D) exchanging trackage rights;

(E) combining trackage and terminal or other facilities;

(F) upgrading tracks and other facilities used by at least 2 rail carriers;

(G) reducing administrative and other expenses; and

(H) other measures likely to reduce costs and improve rail transportation.

(2) When the Secretary requests information for a study under this section, a rail carrier shall provide the information requested. In carrying out this section, the Secretary may designate an officer or employee to get from a rail carrier information on the kind, quality, origin, destination, consignor, consignee, and routing of property. This information may be obtained without the consent of the consignor or consignee notwithstanding section 11904 of this title. When appropriate, the designated officer or employee has the powers described in section 203(c) of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 to carry out this section, but a subpena must be issued under the signature of the Secretary.

(d)(1) When requested by a rail carrier, the Secretary may hold conferences on and mediate disputes resulting from a proposed unification or coordination project. The Secretary may invite to a conference—

(A) officers and directors of an affected rail carrier;

(B) representatives of rail carrier employees who may be affected;

(C) representatives of the Surface Transportation Board;

(D) State and local government officials, shippers, and consumer representatives; and

(E) representatives of the Federal Trade Commission and the Attorney General.

(2) A person attending or represented at a conference on a proposed unification or coordination project is not liable under the antitrust laws of the United States for any discussion at the conference and for any agreements reached at the conference, that are entered into with the approval of the Secretary to achieve or determine a plan of action to carry out the unification or coordination project.

(e) When the approval of a proposal submitted by a rail carrier for a merger or other action is subject to the jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board under section 11323(a) of this title, the Secretary may study the proposal to decide whether it satisfies section 11324(b) of this title. When the proposal is the subject of an application and proceeding before the Board, the Secretary may appear in any proceeding related to the application.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2429; Pub. L. 104–88, title III, §308(b), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 946; Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title II, §32932(a)(3), (4), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 829.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
333(a) 49:1654(a). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 931, §5(a)–(e); added Feb. 5, 1976, Pub. L. 94–210, §401, 90 Stat. 61.
333(b) 49:1654(b).
333(c) 49:1654(c).
333(d) 49:1654(d).
333(e) 49:1654(e).

In the section, the word "transportation" is substituted for "services" for consistency.

In subsection (a), the words "feasible" and "but not limited to" are omitted as surplus.

In subsection (b), the words "In order" are omitted as surplus. The words "at least 2" are substituted for "two or more" for consistency.

In subsection (c)(1), the words "as are deemed" are omitted as unnecessary.

In subsection (c)(2), the words "and the study described in section 901 of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976" and "or such section 901" are omitted as executed. The word "nature" is omitted as covered by "kind". The word "When" is substituted for "to the extent" for consistency. The word "necessary" is omitted as being included in "appropriate". A cross-reference to section 203(c) of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973 is included even though the law is unclear because section 1149 of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1981 (Pub. L. 97–35, 95 Stat. 675) amended section 203 to repeal the powers referred to in the source provisions. No position is taken as to whether the powers described in section 203(c) are still in existence.

In subsection (d)(1)(A), the word "appropriate" is omitted as surplus.

In subsection (d)(1)(C), the words "representatives of" are added for consistency in the section.

In subsection (e), the words "in his judgment" are omitted as unnecessary and covered by "decide". The word "satisfies" is substituted for "is in accordance with the standards set forth in" to eliminate unnecessary words.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 203 of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, referred to in subsec. (c)(2), which is classified to section 713 of Title 45, Railroads, was amended generally by Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, §1149, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 675, and as so amended does not contain a subsec. (c). For further details, see the fifth par. of Historical and Revision Notes above.


2012–Subsec. (d)(1)(C). Pub. L. 112–141, §32932(a)(3), substituted "Surface Transportation Board" for "Interstate Commerce Commission".

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 112–141, §32932(a)(4), substituted "Surface Transportation Board" for "Interstate Commerce Commission" and "Board" for "Commission".

1995—Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 104–88, §308(b)(1), substituted "11904" for "11910(a)(1)".

Subsec. (e). Pub. L. 104–88, §308(b)(2), substituted "11323(a)" for "11343(a)" and "11324(b)" for "11344(b)".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–141 effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

Effective Date of 1995 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 104–88 effective Jan. 1, 1996, see section 2 of Pub. L. 104–88, set out as an Effective Date note under section 1301 of this title.

[§§334, 335. Repealed. Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(9)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1367]

Section 334, Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2430; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 100–223, title III, §304, Dec. 30, 1987, 101 Stat. 1525; Pub. L. 100–690, title VII, §7207(c)(3), Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4428, related to a limit on aviation charges. See section 45301 of this title.

Section 335, Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2430, authorized appropriations to the Secretary of Transportation for fiscal years ending Sept. 30, 1983, and Sept. 30, 1984.

§336. Civil penalty procedures

(a) After notice and an opportunity for a hearing, a person found by the Secretary of Transportation to have violated a provision of law that the Secretary carries out through the Maritime Administrator or the Commandant of the Coast Guard or a regulation prescribed under that law by the Secretary for which a civil penalty is provided, is liable to the United States Government for the civil penalty provided. The amount of the civil penalty shall be assessed by the Secretary by written notice. In determining the amount of the penalty, the Secretary shall consider the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the prohibited acts committed and, with respect to the violator, the degree of culpability, any history of prior offenses, ability to pay, and other matters that justice requires.

(b) The Secretary may compromise, modify, or remit, with or without consideration, a civil penalty until the assessment is referred to the Attorney General.

(c) If a person fails to pay an assessment of a civil penalty after it has become final, the Secretary may refer the matter to the Attorney General for collection in an appropriate district court of the United States.

(d) The Secretary may refund or remit a civil penalty collected under this section if—

(1) application has been made for refund or remission of the penalty within one year from the date of payment; and

(2) the Secretary finds that the penalty was unlawfully, improperly, or excessively imposed.

(Added Pub. L. 101–225, title III, §305(1), Dec. 12, 1989, 103 Stat. 1924.)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Transfer of Functions

For transfer of authorities, functions, personnel, and assets of the Coast Guard, including the authorities and functions of the Secretary of Transportation relating thereto, to the Department of Homeland Security, and for treatment of related references, see sections 468(b), 551(d), 552(d), and 557 of Title 6, Domestic Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan of November 25, 2002, as modified, set out as a note under section 542 of Title 6.

§337. Budget request for the Director of Intelligence and Security

The annual budget the Secretary of Transportation submits shall include a specific request for the Office of the Director of Intelligence and Security. In deciding on the budget request for the Office, the Secretary shall consider recommendations in the annual report submitted under section 44938(a) of this title.

(Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(10)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1367.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
337 49 App.:1652b (note). Nov. 16, 1990, Pub. L. 101–604, §102(d), 104 Stat. 3069.

The words "the Secretary of Transportation submits" are substituted for "submission for the Department of Transportation", and the words "budget request for the Office" are substituted for "budget request for the Director", for clarity and consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code.


§351. Judicial review of actions in carrying out certain transferred duties and powers

(a) Judicial Review.—An action of the Secretary of Transportation in carrying out a duty or power transferred under the Department of Transportation Act (Public Law 89–670, 80 Stat. 931), or an action of the Administrator of the Federal Railroad Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or the Federal Aviation Administration in carrying out a duty or power specifically assigned to the Administrator by that Act, may be reviewed judicially to the same extent and in the same way as if the action had been an action by the department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government carrying out the duty or power immediately before the transfer or assignment.

(b) Application of Procedural Requirements.—A statutory requirement related to notice, an opportunity for a hearing, action on the record, or administrative review that applied to a duty or power transferred by the Act applies to the Secretary or Administrator when carrying out the duty or power.

(c) Nonapplication.—This section does not apply to a duty or power transferred from the Interstate Commerce Commission to the Secretary under section 6(e)(1)–(4) and (6)(A) of the Act.

(Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(10)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1367; Pub. L. 109–59, title IV, §4125(b), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1738.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
351 49 App.:1653(c). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §4(c), 80 Stat. 933.

In this subchapter, the words "duty or power" are substituted for "functions, powers, and duties" for clarity and consistency. The words "department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government" are substituted for "department or agency" for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code.

In subsection (a), the word "orders" is omitted as being included in "action".

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Department of Transportation Act, referred to in subsecs. (a) and (b), is Pub. L. 89–670, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 931, which was classified principally to sections 1651 to 1660 of former Title 49, Transportation. The Act was repealed and the provisions thereof reenacted in Title 49, Transportation, by Pub. L. 97–449, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2413, and Pub. L. 103–272, July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 745. The Act was also repealed by Pub. L. 104–287, §7(5), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3400. For disposition of sections of former Title 49, see Table at the beginning of Title 49.


2005—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 109–59 substituted "Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration" for "Federal Highway Administration".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Abolition of Interstate Commerce Commission and Transfer of Functions

Interstate Commerce Commission abolished and functions of Commission transferred, except as otherwise provided in Pub. L. 104–88, to Surface Transportation Board effective Jan. 1, 1996, by section 1302 of this title, and section 101 of Pub. L. 104–88, set out as a note under section 1301 of this title. References to Interstate Commerce Commission deemed to refer to Surface Transportation Board, a member or employee of the Board, or Secretary of Transportation, as appropriate, see section 205 of Pub. L. 104–88, set out as a note under section 1301 of this title.

§352. Authority to carry out certain transferred duties and powers

In carrying out a duty or power transferred under the Department of Transportation Act (Public Law 89–670, 80 Stat. 931), the Secretary of Transportation and the Administrators of the Federal Railroad Administration, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and the Federal Aviation Administration have the same authority that was vested in the department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States Government carrying out the duty or power immediately before the transfer. An action of the Secretary or Administrator in carrying out the duty or power has the same effect as when carried out by the department, agency, or instrumentality.

(Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(10)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1368; Pub. L. 109–59, title IV, §4125(c), Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1738.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
352 49 App.:1653(d). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §4(d), 80 Stat. 934.

The words "force and" are omitted as surplus.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The Department of Transportation Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 89–670, Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 931, which was classified principally to sections 1651 to 1660 of former Title 49, Transportation. The Act was repealed and the provisions thereof reenacted in Title 49, Transportation, by Pub. L. 97–449, Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2413, and Pub. L. 103–272, July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 745. The Act was also repealed by Pub. L. 104–287, §7(5), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3400. For disposition of sections of former Title 49, see Table at the beginning of Title 49.


2005Pub. L. 109–59 substituted "Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration" for "Federal Highway Administration".

§353. Toxicological testing of officers and employees

(a) Collecting Specimens.—When the Secretary of Transportation or the head of a component of the Department of Transportation conducts post-accident or post-incident toxicological testing of an officer or employee of the Department, the Secretary or head shall collect the specimen from the officer or employee as soon as practicable after the accident or incident. The Secretary or head shall try to collect the specimen not later than 4 hours after the accident or incident.

(b) Reports.—The head of each component shall submit a report to the Secretary on the circumstances about the amount of time required to collect the specimen for a toxicological test conducted on an officer or employee who is reasonably associated with the circumstances of an accident or incident under the investigative jurisdiction of the National Transportation Safety Board.

(c) Noncompliance Not a Defense.—An officer or employee required to submit to toxicological testing may not assert failure to comply with this section as a claim, cause of action, or defense in an administrative or judicial proceeding.

(Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(10)(A), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1368.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
353 49 App.:1657–1. Nov. 28, 1990, Pub. L. 101–641, §5, 104 Stat. 4656.

In this section, the words "officer or employee" are substituted for "employee" for clarity and consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the United States Code.

In subsection (a), the words "Secretary of Transportation or the head of a component of the Department of Transportation" are substituted for "Department of Transportation, including any of its agencies" for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the Code.

In subsection (b), the word "Secretary" is substituted for "Office of the Secretary of Transportation" for consistency in the revised title and with other titles of the Code. The words "within that agency" are omitted as unnecessary.

In subsection (c), the words "An officer or employee required to submit to toxicological testing may not assert" are substituted for "may not be asserted" for clarity.

§354. Investigative authority of Inspector General

(a) In General.—The statutory authority of the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation includes authority to conduct, pursuant to Federal criminal statutes, investigations of allegations that a person or entity has engaged in fraudulent or other criminal activity relating to the programs and operations of the Department or its operating administrations.

(b) Regulated Entities.—The authority to conduct investigations referred to in subsection (a) extends to any person or entity subject to the laws and regulations of the Department or its operating administrations, whether or not they are recipients of funds from the Department or its operating administrations.

(Added and amended Pub. L. 108–168, §8(a), (b)(1), Dec. 6, 2003, 117 Stat. 2034.)

Editorial Notes


The text of section 228 of Pub. L. 106–159, formerly set out as a note under section 4 of the Inspector General Act of 1978, Pub. L. 95–452, formerly set out in the Appendix to Title 5, Government Organization and Employees, which was transferred to this section, redesignated as text of section, and amended by Pub. L. 108–168, §8(a), (b)(1), was based on Pub. L. 106–159, title II, §228, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1773.


2003Pub. L. 108–168 renumbered section 228 of Pub. L. 106–159 as this section and substituted "Investigative authority of Inspector General" for "DOT Authority" in section catchline. See Codification note above.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Deposit of Forfeited Funds

Pub. L. 113–235, div. K, title I, Dec. 16, 2014, 128 Stat. 2724, provided in part: "That hereafter funds transferred to the Office of the Inspector General through forfeiture proceedings or from the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund or the Department of the Treasury Forfeiture Fund, as a participating agency, as an equitable share from the forfeiture of property in investigations in which the Office of Inspector General participates, or through the granting of a Petition for Remission or Mitigation, shall be deposited to the credit of this account [Office of Inspector General, Salaries and Expenses] for law enforcement activities authorized under the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended [see 5 U.S.C. 401 et seq.], to remain available until expended."

Similar provisions were contained in the following prior appropriation act:

Pub. L. 113–76, div. L, title I, Jan. 17, 2014, 128 Stat. 600.

§355. Motorcyclist Advisory Council

(a) Establishment.—Not later than 90 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of Transportation (referred to in this section as the "Secretary") shall establish a council, to be known as the "Motorcyclist Advisory Council" (referred to in this section as the "Council").

(b) Membership.—

(1) In general.—The Council shall be comprised of 13 members, to be appointed by the Secretary, of whom—

(A) 5 shall be representatives of units of State or local government with expertise relating to highway engineering and safety issues, including—

(i) motorcycle and motorcyclist safety;

(ii) barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance; or

(iii) intelligent transportation systems;

(B) 1 shall be a motorcyclist who serves as a State or local—

(i) traffic and safety engineer;

(ii) design engineer; or

(iii) other transportation department official;

(C) 1 shall be a representative of a national association of State transportation officials;

(D) 1 shall be a representative of a national motorcyclist association;

(E) 1 shall be a representative of a national motorcyclist foundation;

(F) 1 shall be a representative of a national motorcycle manufacturing association;

(G) 1 shall be a representative of a motorcycle manufacturing company headquartered in the United States;

(H) 1 shall be a roadway safety data expert with expertise relating to crash testing and analysis; and

(I) 1 shall be a member of a national safety organization that represents the traffic safety systems industry.

(2) Term.—

(A) In general.—Subject to subparagraphs (B) and (C), each member shall serve on the Council for a single term of 2 years.

(B) Additional term.—If a successor is not appointed for a member of the Council before the expiration of the term of service of the member, the member may serve on the Council for a second term of not longer than 2 years.

(C) Appointment of replacements.—If a member of the Council resigns before the expiration of the 2-year term of service of the member—

(i) the Secretary may appoint a replacement for the member, who shall serve the remaining portion of the term; and

(ii) the resigning member may continue to serve after resignation until the date on which a successor is appointed.

(3) Vacancies.—A vacancy on the Council shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made.

(4) Compensation.—A member of the Council shall serve without compensation.

(c) Duties.—

(1) Advising.—The Council shall advise the Secretary, the Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, and the Administrator of the Federal Highway Administration regarding transportation safety issues of concern to motorcyclists, including—

(A) motorcycle and motorcyclist safety;

(B) barrier and road design, construction, and maintenance practices; and

(C) the architecture and implementation of intelligent transportation system technologies.

(2) Biennial report.—Not later than October 31 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the Council is established, and not less frequently than once every 2 years thereafter, the Council shall submit to the Secretary a report containing recommendations of the Council regarding the issues described in paragraph (1).

(d) Duties of Secretary.—

(1) Council recommendations.—

(A) In general.—The Secretary shall determine whether to accept or reject a recommendation contained in a report of the Council under subsection (c)(2).

(B) Inclusion in review.—

(i) In general.—The Secretary shall indicate in each review under paragraph (2) whether the Secretary accepts or rejects each recommendation of the Council covered by the review.

(ii) Exception.—The Secretary may indicate in a review under paragraph (2) that a recommendation of the Council is under consideration, subject to the condition that a recommendation so under consideration shall be accepted or rejected by the Secretary in the subsequent review of the Secretary under paragraph (2).

(2) Review.—

(A) In general.—Not later than 60 days after the date on which the Secretary receives a report from the Council under subsection (c)(2), the Secretary shall submit a review describing the response of the Secretary to the recommendations of the Council contained in the Council report to—

(i) the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate;

(ii) the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate;

(iii) the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate;

(iv) the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives; and

(v) the Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies of the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives.

(B) Contents.—A review of the Secretary under this paragraph shall include a description of—

(i) each recommendation contained in the Council report covered by the review; and

(ii)(I) each recommendation of the Council that was categorized under paragraph (1)(B)(ii) as being under consideration by the Secretary in the preceding review submitted under this paragraph; and

(II) for each such recommendation, whether the recommendation—

(aa) is accepted or rejected by the Secretary; or

(bb) remains under consideration by the Secretary.

(3) Administrative and technical support.—The Secretary shall provide to the Council such administrative support, staff, and technical assistance as the Secretary determines to be necessary to carry out the duties of the Council under this section.

(e) Termination.—The Council shall terminate on the date that is 6 years after the date on which the Council is established under subsection (a).

(Added Pub. L. 117–58, div. B, title IV, §24111(a), Nov. 15, 2021, 135 Stat. 812.)

Editorial Notes

References in Text

The date of enactment of this section, referred to in subsec. (a), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 117–58, which was approved Nov. 15, 2021.



Definitions and application.
General authority.
Service of notice and process on certain motor carriers of migrant workers and on motor private carriers.
Reports and records.
Arrangements and public records.
Authority to investigate.
Safety performance history of new drivers; limitation on liability.



Civil penalties.
Reporting and record keeping violations.
Unlawful disclosure of information.
Evasion of regulation of motor carriers.
Disobedience to subpenas.1


General criminal penalty when specific penalty not provided.


Editorial Notes


1998Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4014(a)(2), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 411, added item 508.

1997Pub. L. 105–102, §2(1), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2204, struck out "DUTIES AND" before "POWERS" in item for heading of subchapter I.

1 Section catchline amended by Pub. L. 112–141 without corresponding amendment of chapter analysis.


Editorial Notes


1997Pub. L. 105–102, §2(2), Nov. 20, 1997, 111 Stat. 2204, struck out "AND" before "POWERS".

1995Pub. L. 104–88, title III, §308(c)(1), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 947, struck out "DUTIES" before "AND".

§501. Definitions and application

(a) In this chapter—

(1) the definitions in sections 10102 and 13102 of this title apply.

(2) "migrant worker" has the same meaning given that term in section 31501 of this title.

(3) "motor carrier of migrant workers" means a motor carrier of migrant workers subject to the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Transportation under section 31502(c) of this title.

(b) Application.—This chapter only applies in carrying out sections 20302(a)(1)(B) and (C), (2), and (3), (c), and (d)(1) and 20303 and chapters 205 (except section 20504(b)), 211, 213 (in carrying out those sections and chapters), and 315 of this title.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2431; Pub. L. 98–216, §2(2), Feb. 14, 1984, 98 Stat. 5; Pub. L. 102–548, §2(c), Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3648; Pub. L. 103–272, §§4(j)(11)(A), 5(m)(9), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1368, 1376; Pub. L. 104–88, title III, §308(c)(2), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 947.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
501(a) (no source).
501(b) 45:15. Apr. 14, 1910, ch. 160, §6, 36 Stat. 299.
  49:26(g). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §25(g); added Aug. 26, 1937, ch. 818, 50 Stat. 837; Sept. 18, 1940, ch. 722, §14(b), 54 Stat. 919.
  49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.

In the chapter, the source provisions are those in effect on March 31, 1967, the day before the effective date of the Department of Transportation Act (Pub. L. 89–670, 80 Stat. 931), because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the Secretary of Transportation the same powers enumerated in 49:1655(f)(2) that the Interstate Commerce Commission had before certain duties and powers under 49:1655(e) were transferred on April 1, 1967, from the Commission to the Secretary. All references to brokers in the source provisions are omitted as not being applicable to the duties and powers transferred to the Secretary of Transportation.

Subsection (a) is included to ensure that the identical definitions that are relevant are used without repeating them. The source provisions for the definitions are found in the revision notes for sections 3101, 3102(c), and 10102 of the revised title.

In subsection (b), the provisions of law to which the chapter applies are only certain laws listed in 49:1655(e). Those laws include the source provisions restated in chapter 31 of the revised title and 45:4, 5, 6 (in carrying out 45:4 and 5), 11, 12, 13 (proviso), 13 (less proviso in carrying out 45:11, 12, and 13 (proviso)), and 61–64b, and 49:26(a)–(f) (words before last semicolon) and (h). The administrative powers of the Secretary under the chapter are based on the administrative powers of 49:1655(f)(2). That provision lists administrative powers the Commission had under the Interstate Commerce Act (ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379) to carry out the Act, and certain other laws authorized the Commission to use its powers under the Act to carry out those other laws. The administrative powers listed in 49:1655(f)(2) and codified in the chapter therefore apply only to a law listed in 49:1655(e) that was a part of the Interstate Commerce Act or to which the powers of the Commission under the Act were applied. The text of 45:61–64b is included because section 4 of the Act of March 4, 1907 (ch. 2939, 34 Stat. 1417), stated, "It shall be the duty of the Interstate Commerce Commission to execute and enforce the provisions of this Act, and all powers granted to the Interstate Commerce Commission are hereby extended to it in the execution of this Act". The transfer to the Secretary was executed on March 31, 1967. The Act of March 4, 1907, was restated by the Act of December 26, 1969 (Pub. L. 91–169, 83 Stat. 463); section 4 was not included in the restatement. However, repeal by implication is not favored and the transfer was completed on March 31, 1967. Therefore, the text of 45:61–64b is included within the scope of the chapter. The text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 4(j)(11) makes conforming amendments to 49:ch. 5 to reflect the restatement of 49:508 and related provisions in chapter 59 of the revised title.

Editorial Notes


1995—Subsec. (a)(1). Pub. L. 104–88 substituted "sections 10102 and 13102" for "section 10102".

1994—Subsec. (a)(2). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(9)(A), substituted "section 31501" for "section 3101".

Subsec. (a)(3). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(9)(B), substituted "section 31502(c)" for "section 3102(c)".

Subsec. (a)(4) to (9). Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(11)(A), struck out pars. (4) to (9) which defined "beneficial owner", "carrier", "container", "initial carrier", "intermodal transportation", and "trailer", respectively.

Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(9)(C), added subsec. (b) and struck out former subsec. (b) which read as follows: "This chapter only applies in carrying out—

"(1) chapter 31 of this title; and

"(2) other duties and powers transferred to the Secretary under section 6(e) of the Department of Transportation Act (49 App. U.S.C. 1655(e)) and vested in the Interstate Commerce Commission before October 15, 1966."

1992—Subsec. (a)(4) to (9). Pub. L. 102–548 added pars. (4) to (9).

1984—Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 98–216 substituted "49 App. U.S.C." for "49 U.S.C.".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 1995 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 104–88 effective Jan. 1, 1996, see section 2 of Pub. L. 104–88, set out as an Effective Date note under section 1301 of this title.

Short Title of 1992 Amendment

Pub. L. 102–548, §1, Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3646, provided that: "This Act [enacting section 508 of this title, amending this section and section 521 of this title, and enacting provisions set out as notes under section 508 of this title] may be cited as the 'Intermodal Safe Container Transportation Act of 1992'."

§502. General authority

(a) The Secretary of Transportation shall carry out this chapter.

(b) The Secretary may—

(1) inquire into and report on the management of the business of rail carriers and motor carriers;

(2) inquire into and report on the management of the business of a person controlling, controlled by, or under common control with those carriers to the extent that the business of the person is related to the management of the business of that carrier; and

(3) obtain from those carriers and persons information the Secretary determines to be necessary.

(c) In carrying out this chapter as it applies to motor carriers, motor carriers of migrant workers, and motor private carriers, the Secretary may—

(1) confer and hold joint hearings with State authorities;

(2) cooperate with and use the services, records, and facilities of State authorities; and

(3) make cooperative agreements with a State to enforce the safety laws and regulations of a State and the United States related to highway transportation.

(d) The Secretary may subpena witnesses and records related to a proceeding or investigation under this chapter from a place in the United States to the designated place of the proceeding or investigation. If a witness disobeys a subpena, the Secretary, or a party to a proceeding or investigation before the Secretary, may petition the district court for the judicial district in which the proceeding or investigation is conducted to enforce the subpena. The court may punish a refusal to obey an order of the court to comply with a subpena as a contempt of court.

(e)(1) In a proceeding or investigation, the Secretary may take testimony of a witness by deposition and may order the witness to produce records. A party to a proceeding or investigation pending before the Secretary may take the testimony of a witness by deposition and may require the witness to produce records at any time after a proceeding or investigation is at issue on petition and answer. If a witness fails to be deposed or to produce records under this subsection, the Secretary may subpena the witness to take a deposition, produce the records, or both.

(2) A deposition may be taken before a judge of a court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a clerk of a district court, or a chancellor, justice, or judge of a supreme or superior court, mayor or chief magistrate of a city, judge of a county court, or court of common pleas of any State, or a notary public who is not counsel or attorney of a party or interested in the proceeding or investigation.

(3) Before taking a deposition, reasonable notice must be given in writing by the party or the attorney of that party proposing to take a deposition to the opposing party or the attorney of record of that party, whoever is nearest. The notice shall state the name of the witness and the time and place of taking the deposition.

(4) The testimony of a person deposed under this subsection shall be taken under oath. The person taking the deposition shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, a transcript of the testimony taken. The transcript shall be subscribed by the deponent.

(5) The testimony of a witness who is in a foreign country may be taken by deposition before an officer or person designated by the Secretary or agreed on by the parties by written stipulation filed with the Secretary. The deposition shall be filed with the Secretary promptly.

(f) Each witness summoned before the Secretary or whose deposition is taken under this section and the individual taking the deposition are entitled to the same fees and mileage paid for those services in the courts of the United States.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2431; Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(12), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1368.)

Historical and Revision Notes
Pub. L. 97–449


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
502 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
502(c)–(f) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 305"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 205"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 305"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 205"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 50249 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a), (b) 12(1)(a) (1st sentence, 2d sentence, and last sentence words before 1st semicolon). 10321
  304(a) (matter before (1)), (6), (7) (less words after semicolon). 10321
(c) 305(f). 11502
(d) 12(1)(a) (last sentence words after last semicolon), (2), (3). 10321
  305(d) (related to Commission subpena power). 10321
(e)(1)–(3) 12(4). 10321
  305(d) (related to depositions taken by Commission). 10321
(e)(4) and (5) 12(5), (6). 10321
  305(d) (related to depositions taken by Commission). 10321
(f) 12(7). 10321
  18(1) (last sentence). 10321
  305(d) (related to depositions taken by Commission). 10321

See the revision notes for the revised sections for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

The text of 49:305(a)–(c), (e), and (g)–(j) is not included for motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because those provisions, while included in the enumeration in 49:304(a)(3) and (3a), are not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii).

In subsection (b), the text of 49:12(1)(a) (2d sentence words after semicolon) is omitted as unnecessary because the Secretary of Transportation already has authority under chapter 3 of the revised title to make recommendations to Congress.

In subsections (c)–(f), the text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

In subsection (c), the words "economic and" are omitted as not being transferred to the Secretary. The text of 49:305(f) (last sentence) is omitted as not applicable to this chapter.

In subsection (d), the reference to joint boards in 49:305(d) is omitted as not applicable to this chapter because 49:305(a) (establishing joint boards) is not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii).

Pub. L. 103–272

Section 4(j)(12) amends 49:502(e)(2) and 10321(d)(3) to reflect the change in the name of United States magistrates to United States magistrate judges made by section 321 of the Judicial Improvements Act of 1990 (Public Law 101–650, 104 Stat. 5117).

Editorial Notes


1994—Subsec. (e)(2). Pub. L. 103–272 inserted "judge" after "United States magistrate".

§503. Service of notice and process on certain motor carriers of migrant workers and on motor private carriers

(a) Each motor carrier of migrant workers (except a motor contract carrier) and each motor private carrier shall designate an agent by name and post office address on whom service of notices in a proceeding before, and actions of, the Secretary of Transportation may be made. The designation shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary. The carrier also shall file the designation with the authority of each State in which it operates having jurisdiction to regulate transportation by motor vehicle in intrastate commerce on the highways of that State. The designation may be changed at any time in the same manner as originally made.

(b) A notice of the Secretary to a carrier under this section is served personally or by mail on that carrier or its designated agent. Service by mail on the designated agent is made at the address filed for the agent. When notice is given by mail, the date of mailing is considered to be the time when the notice is served. If the carrier does not have a designated agent, service may be made by posting a copy of the notice in the office of the secretary or clerk of the authority having jurisdiction to regulate transportation by motor vehicle in intrastate commerce on the highways of the State in which the carrier maintains headquarters and with the Secretary.

(c) Each of those carriers, including such a carrier operating in the United States while providing transportation between places in a foreign country or between a place in one foreign country and a place in another foreign country, shall designate an agent in each State in which it operates by name and post office address on whom process issued by a court with subject matter jurisdiction may be served in an action brought against that carrier. The designation shall be in writing and filed with the Secretary and with the authority of each State in which the carrier operates having jurisdiction to regulate transportation by motor vehicle in intrastate commerce on the highways of that State. If a designation under this subsection is not made, service may be made on any agent of the carrier in that State. The designation may be changed at any time in the same manner as originally made.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2432.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
503 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 321"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 221"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 321"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 221"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.
  49:1655(e)(6)(D) (related to "Sec. 321(a), (c)"). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(e)(6)(D) (related to "Sec. 221(a), (c)"), 80 Stat. 940.

The section is included because 49:1655(e)(6)(D) transferred to the Secretary of Transportation all functions, powers, and duties of the Interstate Commerce Commission under 49:321(a) and (c) to the extent those subsections relate to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers. The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 50349 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a), (b) 321(a). 10329
(c) 321(c). 10330

See the revision notes for the revised sections for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

In the section, the words "motor carriers" are omitted because 49:1655(e)(6)(D) applies 49:321(a) and (c) only to motor carriers of migrant workers, other than motor contract carriers, and to motor private carriers, and 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii) contains no reference to 49:321. The text of 49:321(b) and (d) is not included because those provisions, while included in the enumeration in 49:304(a)(3) and (3a), are not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(e)(6)(D).

In subsection (b), the text of 49:321(a) (less 1st–5th sentences) is omitted as not applicable to this chapter.

§504. Reports and records

(a) In this section—

(1) "association" means an organization maintained by or in the interest of a group of rail carriers, motor carriers, motor carriers of migrant workers, or motor private carriers that performs a service, or engages in activities, related to transportation of that carrier.

(2) "carrier" means a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, motor private carrier, and rail carrier.

(3) "lessor" means a person owning a railroad that is leased to and operated by a rail carrier, and a person leasing a right to operate as a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier to another.

(4) "lessor" and "carrier" include a receiver or trustee of that lessor or carrier, respectively.

(b)(1) The Secretary of Transportation may prescribe the form of records required to be prepared or compiled under this section by—

(A) carriers and lessors; and

(B) a person furnishing cars or protective service against heat or cold to or for a rail carrier.

(2) The Secretary may require—

(A) carriers, lessors, associations, or classes of them as the Secretary may prescribe, to file annual, periodic, and special reports with the Secretary containing answers to questions asked by the Secretary; and

(B) a person furnishing cars or protective service against heat or cold to a rail carrier to file reports with the Secretary containing answers to questions about those cars or service.

(c) The Secretary, or an employee (and, in the case of a motor carrier, a contractor, or an employee of the recipient of a grant issued under section 31102 of this title) designated by the Secretary, may on demand and display of proper credentials, in person or in writing—

(1) inspect the equipment of a carrier or lessor; and

(2) inspect and copy any record of—

(A) a carrier, lessor, or association;

(B) a person controlling, controlled by, or under common control with a carrier, if the Secretary considers inspection relevant to that person's relation to, or transaction with, that carrier; and

(C) a person furnishing cars or protective service against heat or cold to or for a rail carrier if the Secretary prescribed the form of that record.

(d) The Secretary may prescribe the time period during which records must be preserved by a carrier, lessor, and person furnishing cars or protective service.

(e)(1) An annual report shall contain an account, in as much detail as the Secretary may require, of the affairs of a carrier, lessor, or association for the 12-month period ending on the 31st day of December of each year. The annual report shall be filed with the Secretary by the end of the 3d month after the end of the year for which the report is made unless the Secretary extends the filing date or changes the period covered by the report.

(2) The annual report and, if the Secretary requires, any other report made under this section shall be made under oath.

(f) No part of a report of an accident occurring in operations of a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier and required by the Secretary, and no part of a report of an investigation of the accident made by the Secretary, may be admitted into evidence or used in a civil action for damages related to a matter mentioned in the report or investigation.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2433; Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4006(b), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 401; Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title II, §32501(a), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 802.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
504 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 320(a) (1st, 2d sentences), (b)–(g)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 220(a) (1st, 2d sentences), (b)–(g)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 320(a) (1st, 2d sentences), (b)–(g)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 220(a) (1st, 2d sentences), (b)–(g)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.
  49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
504(f) 49:320(f). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §220(f); added Sept. 18, 1940, ch. 722, §24, 54 Stat. 926.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 50449 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a)(1), (3), and (4) 20(8). 3501, 11141
  320(e). 11141
(a)(2) (no source).
(b)(1) 20(5) (1st sentence), (6) (2d sentence, 1st cl.), (7)(b) (proviso). 11144
  320(d) (1st sentence). 11144
(b)(2) 20(1) (1st sentence less manner and form of reports), (6) (2d sentence, 2d cl.). 11145
  320(a) (1st sentence). 11145
(c) 20(5) (less 1st sentence), (6) (less 2d sentence). 11144
  320(d) (3d and 4th sentences). 11144
(d) 20(7)(b) (proviso). 11144
  320(d) (less 1st, 3d, and 4th sentences). 11144
(e) 20(1) (1st sentence related to manner and form of reports). 11145
  320(a) (2d sentence), (b). 11145

See the revision notes for the revised sections for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

The provisions of 49:320(c) are not included for motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because those provisions, while included in the enumeration in 49:304(a)(3) and (3a), are not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii).

In the section, the text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed. The text of 49:320(b) (related to 13-period accounting year) and (g) is not included because it was enacted after the effective date of the transfer authority under 49:1655.

In subsection (a), references to "water line" and "pipe line" are omitted as not applicable to this chapter. Clause (2) is added to provide a simple phrase to refer to all types of carriers to which the section applies.

In subsection (f), the words "the course of the" are omitted as surplus. The words "civil action" are substituted for "suit or action" because of rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (28 App. U.S.C.).

Editorial Notes


2012—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 112–141 inserted ", or an employee of the recipient of a grant issued under section 31102 of this title" after "a contractor" and ", in person or in writing" after "proper credentials" in introductory provisions.

1998—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 105–178 inserted "(and, in the case of a motor carrier, a contractor)" after "employee" in introductory provisions.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–141 effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

§505. Arrangements and public records

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may require a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier to file a copy of each arrangement related to a matter under this chapter that it has with another person. The Secretary may disclose the existence or contents of an arrangement between a motor contract carrier and a shipper filed under this section only if the disclosure is consistent with the public interest and is made as part of the record in a formal proceeding.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section, all arrangements and statistics, tables, and figures contained in reports filed with the Secretary by a motor carrier under this chapter are public records. Such a public record, or a copy or extract of it, certified by the Secretary under seal is competent evidence in a proceeding of the Secretary, and, except as provided in section 504(f) of this title, in a judicial proceeding.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2434.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
505 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
505(a) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 320(a) (less 1st, 2d sentences)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 220(a) (less 1st, 2d sentences)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 320(a) (less 1st, 2d sentences)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 220(a) (less 1st, 2d sentences)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 50549 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a) 320(a) (less 1st, 2d sentences). 10764
(b) 16(13). 10303
  304(d) (related to administrative matters). 10303

See the revision notes for the revised sections for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

In subsection (a), the text of 49:320(a) (proviso) is not included for motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because that provision, while included in the enumeration in 49:304(a)(3) and (3a), is not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii). The text of 40:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed. The words "also" and "with it" are omitted as surplus. The words "contract, agreement, or" are omitted as covered by "arrangement". The words "carrier or" are omitted as covered by "person". The words "related to a matter under this chapter" are substituted for "in relation to any traffic affected by the provisions of this chapter" for clarity because of section 501 of the revised title.

Subsection (b) does not apply to reports made to the Secretary by a rail carrier because 49:16(13) is not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii). The subsection does not apply to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because 49:304(d) only applies to motor carriers and 49:304(a)(3) and (3a) do not apply 49:304(d) to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers. References to schedules, classifications, and tariffs are omitted as not applicable to this chapter. The words "Except as provided in subsection (a) of this section" are added for clarity. The words "except as provided in section 504(f) of this title" are added for clarity and consistency because of the restatement of the chapter.

§506. Authority to investigate

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may begin an investigation under this chapter on the initiative of the Secretary or on complaint. If the Secretary finds that a rail carrier, motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier is violating this chapter, the Secretary shall take appropriate action to compel compliance with this chapter. The Secretary may take action only after giving the carrier notice of the investigation and an opportunity for a proceeding.

(b) A person, including a governmental authority, may file with the Secretary a complaint about a violation of this chapter by a carrier referred to in subsection (a) of this section. The complaint must state the facts that are the subject of the violation. The Secretary may dismiss a complaint the Secretary determines does not state reasonable grounds for investigation and action. However, the Secretary may not dismiss a complaint made against a rail carrier because of the absence of direct damage to the complainant.

(c) The Secretary shall make a written report of each proceeding involving a rail carrier or motor carrier conducted and furnish a copy to each party to that proceeding. The report shall include the findings, conclusions, and the order of the Secretary. The Secretary may have the reports published for public use. A published report of the Secretary is competent evidence of its contents.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2434.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
506 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
506(a), (b) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 304(c)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 204(c)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546; Sept. 18, 1940, ch. 722, §20(b)(4), 54 Stat. 922.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 304(c)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 204(c)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 50649 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a) 13(1) (1st sentence less words before semicolon, last sentence), (2) (1st, 2d sentences). 11701
  304(c) (1st sentence words after 5th comma, 2d sentence). 11701
(b) 13(1) (1st sentence words before semicolon). 11701
  13(2) (less 1st, 2d sentences). 11701
  304(c) (less 1st sentence words after 5th comma, 2d sentence). 11701
(c) 14. 10310
  304(d) (related to reports). 10310

See the revision notes for the revised sections for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

In subsections (a) and (b), the text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

Subsection (a) is patterned after 49:304(c). The words "violating this chapter" are substituted for "failed to comply with any such provision or requirement" for clarity.

In subsection (b), the text of 49:13(2) (last sentence) is omitted because 49:13(3) is not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii). The words "referred to in subsection (a) of this section" are added for clarity.

Subsection (c) does not apply to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because 49:304(d) applies only to motor carriers and 49:304(a)(3) and (3a) do not apply 49:304(d) to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers. The word "proceeding" is substituted for "investigation" for clarity and to conform to other sections of the revised title. The word "findings" is added for clarity. The word "decision" is omitted as covered by "conclusions". The words "or requirement" are omitted as covered by "order". The words "in the premises" are omitted as surplus. The words "and in case damages are awarded, such report shall include the findings of fact on which the award is made" are omitted as not applicable to this chapter. The words "entered of record", "and decisions in such form and manner as may be best adapted for public information and use", and "in all courts of the United States and of the several States without any further proof or authentication thereof" are omitted as surplus. The text of 49:14(3) (last sentence) is omitted as unnecessary.

§507. Enforcement

(a) The Secretary of Transportation may bring a civil action to enforce—

(1) an order of the Secretary under this chapter when violated by a rail carrier; and

(2) this chapter or a regulation or order of the Secretary under this chapter when violated by a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, motor private carrier, or freight forwarder.

(b) The Attorney General may, and on request of the Secretary shall, bring court proceedings to enforce this chapter or a regulation or order of the Secretary under this chapter and to prosecute a person violating this chapter or a regulation or order of the Secretary.

(c) The Attorney General, at the request of the Secretary, may bring an action in an appropriate district court of the United States for equitable relief to redress a violation by any person of a provision of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title, or an order or regulation issued under any of those provisions. Such district court shall have jurisdiction to determine any such action and may grant such relief as is necessary or appropriate, including mandatory or prohibitive injunctive relief, interim equitable relief, and punitive damages.

(d) A person injured because a rail carrier or freight forwarder does not obey an order of the Secretary under this chapter may bring a civil action to enforce that order under this subsection.

(e) In a civil action brought under subsection (a)(2) of this section against a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier—

(1) trial is in the judicial district in which the carrier operates;

(2) process may be served without regard to the territorial limits of the district or of the State in which the action is brought; and

(3) a person participating with the carrier in a violation may be joined in the civil action without regard to the residence of the person.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2435; Pub. L. 98–554, title II, §213(a), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2841; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(10), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1376.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
507 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
507(a), (d) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(b)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(b)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(b)"). Feb 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(b)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 50749 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a) 16(12) (related to Commission action). 11702
  322(b)(1) (less 1st sentence last 18 words, 2d sentence, last sentence). 11702
  1017(b)(1) (related to Commission action). 11702
(b) 12(1)(a) (last sentence less words before 1st semicolon and after last semicolon). 11703
  16(12) (related to action by the Attorney General). 11703
  20(9). 11703
(c) 16(12) (related to action by private person). 11705
  1017(b)(1) (related to action by the Attorney General). 11703
(d) 322(b)(1) (1st sentence last 18 words, 2d sentence, last sentence). 11702
  1017(b)(1) (related to action by private person). 11705

See the revision notes for the revised sections for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

In the section, the text of 49:322(b)(2) and (3) is not included for motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because those provisions, while included in the enumeration in 49:304(a)(3) and (3a), are not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii).

In subsections (a) and (d), the text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

In subsection (a), the words "or of any term or condition of any certificate or permit" are omitted as not applicable to this chapter.

In subsection (a)(1), reference to a civil action to enforce an order for the payment of money is omitted as not applicable to this chapter.

Editorial Notes


1994—Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title" for "section 3102 of this title or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984" and "any of those provisions" for "such section or Act".

1984—Subsecs. (c) to (e). Pub. L. 98–554 added subsec. (c) and redesignated former subsecs. (c) and (d) as (d) and (e), respectively.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

DOT Implementation Plan

Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4026, June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 416, provided that:

"(a) Assessment.—Not later than 18 months after the date of enactment of this section [June 9, 1998], the Secretary [of Transportation] shall assess the scope of the problem of shippers, freight forwarders, brokers, consignees, or other persons (other than rail carriers, motor carriers, motor carriers of migrant workers, or motor private carriers) encouraging violations of chapter 5 of title 49, United States Code, or a regulation or order issued by the Secretary under such chapter.

"(b) Submission of Implementation Plan.—After completion of the assessment under subsection (a), the Secretary may submit to the Congress a plan for implementing authority (if subsequently provided by law) to investigate and bring civil actions to enforce chapter 5 of title 49, United States Code, or regulations or orders issued by the Secretary under such chapter with respect to persons described in subsection (a).

"(c) Contents of Implementation Plan.—In developing the implementation plan under subsection (b), the Secretary shall consider, as appropriate—

"(1) in what circumstances the Secretary would exercise the new authority;

"(2) how the Secretary would determine that shippers, freight forwarders, brokers, consignees, or other persons committed violations described in subsection (a), including what types of evidence would be conclusive;

"(3) what procedures would be necessary during investigations to ensure the confidentiality of shipper contract terms prior to the Secretary's findings of violations;

"(4) what impact the exercise of the new authority would have on the Secretary's resources, including whether additional investigative or legal resources would be necessary and whether the staff would need specialized education or training to exercise properly such authority;

"(5) to what extent the Secretary would conduct educational activities for persons who would be subject to the new authority; and

"(6) any other information that would assist the Congress in determining whether to provide the Secretary the new authority."

§508. Safety performance history of new drivers; limitation on liability

(a) Limitation on Liability.—No action or proceeding for defamation, invasion of privacy, or interference with a contract that is based on the furnishing or use of safety performance records in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary may be brought against—

(1) a motor carrier requesting the safety performance records of an individual under consideration for employment as a commercial motor vehicle driver as required by and in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary;

(2) a person who has complied with such a request; or

(3) the agents or insurers of a person described in paragraph (1) or (2).

(b) Restrictions on Applicability.—

(1) Motor carrier requesting.—Subsection (a) does not apply to a motor carrier requesting safety performance records unless—

(A) the motor carrier and any agents of the motor carrier have complied with the regulations issued by the Secretary in using the records, including the requirement that the individual who is the subject of the records be afforded a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on the records;

(B) the motor carrier and any agents and insurers of the motor carrier have taken all precautions reasonably necessary to protect the records from disclosure to any person, except for such an insurer, not directly involved in deciding whether to hire that individual; and

(C) the motor carrier has used those records only to assess the safety performance of the individual who is the subject of those records in deciding whether to hire that individual.

(2) Person complying with requests.—Subsection (a) does not apply to a person complying with a request for safety performance records unless—

(A) the complying person and any agents of the complying person have taken all precautions reasonably necessary to ensure the accuracy of the records and have complied with the regulations issued by the Secretary in furnishing the records, including the requirement that the individual who is the subject of the records be afforded a reasonable opportunity to review and comment on the records; and

(B) the complying person and any agents and insurers of the complying person have taken all precautions reasonably necessary to protect the records from disclosure to any person, except for such an insurer, not directly involved in forwarding the records.

(3) Persons knowingly furnishing false information.—Subsection (a) does not apply to persons who knowingly furnish false information.

(c) Preemption of State and Local Law.—No State or political subdivision thereof may enact, prescribe, issue, continue in effect, or enforce any law (including any regulation, standard, or other provision having the force and effect of law) that prohibits, penalizes, or imposes liability for furnishing or using safety performance records in accordance with regulations issued by the Secretary to carry out this section. Notwithstanding any provision of law, written authorization shall not be required to obtain information on the motor vehicle driving record of an individual under consideration for employment with a motor carrier.

(Added Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4014(a)(1), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 409.)

Editorial Notes


Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4014(a)(1), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 409, which directed the addition of section 508 at end of this chapter, was executed by adding this section at the end of subchapter I of this chapter to reflect the probable intent of Congress.

Prior Provisions

A prior section 508, added Pub. L. 102–548, §2(a), Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3646, related to certification of weights and description, prior to repeal by Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(11)(B), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1368. See chapter 59 of this title.

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date

Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4014(b), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 411, provided that: "The amendments made by subsection (a) [enacting this section] shall take effect on January 31, 1999."


§521. Civil penalties

(a)(1) A person required under section 504 of this title to make, prepare, preserve, or submit to the Secretary of Transportation a record about rail carrier transportation, that does not make, prepare, preserve, or submit that record as required under that section, is liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty of $500 for each violation.

(2) A rail carrier, and a lessor, receiver, or trustee of that carrier, violating section 504(c)(1) of this title, is liable to the Government for a civil penalty of $100 for each violation.

(3) A rail carrier, a lessor, receiver, or trustee of that carrier, a person furnishing cars or protective service against heat or cold, and an officer, agent, or employee of one of them, required to make a report to the Secretary or answer a question, that does not make a report to the Secretary or does not specifically, completely, and truthfully answer the question, is liable to the Government for a civil penalty of $100 for each violation.

(4) A separate violation occurs for each day a violation under this subsection continues.

(5) Trial in a civil action under this subsection is in the judicial district in which the rail carrier has its principal operating office or in a district through which the railroad of the rail carrier runs.

(b) Violations Relating to Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Regulation and Operators.—

(1) Notice.—

(A) In general.—If the Secretary finds that a violation of a provision of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), 31310(g)(1)(A),1 or 31502 of this title, or a violation of a regulation issued under any of those provisions, has occurred, the Secretary shall issue a written notice to the violator. Such notice shall describe with reasonable particularity the nature of the violation found and the provision which has been violated. The notice shall specify the proposed civil penalty, if any, and suggest actions which might be taken in order to abate the violation. The notice shall indicate that the violator may, within 15 days of service, notify the Secretary of the violator's intention to contest the matter. In the event of a contested notice, the Secretary shall afford such violator an opportunity for a hearing, pursuant to section 554 of title 5, following which the Secretary shall issue an order affirming, modifying, or vacating the notice of violation.

(B) Nonapplicability to reporting and recordkeeping violations.—Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to reporting and recordkeeping violations.

(2) Civil Penalty.—

(A) In general.—Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any person who is determined by the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, to have committed an act that is a violation of regulations issued by the Secretary under subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for each offense. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section (except subparagraph (C)), no civil penalty shall be assessed under this section against an employee for a violation in an amount exceeding $2,500.

(B) Recordkeeping and reporting violations.—A person required to make a report to the Secretary, answer a question, or make, prepare, or preserve a record under section 504 of this title or under any regulation issued by the Secretary pursuant to subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title about transportation by motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier, or an officer, agent, or employee of that person—

(i) who does not make that report, does not specifically, completely, and truthfully answer that question in 30 days from the date the Secretary requires the question to be answered, or does not make, prepare, or preserve that record in the form and manner prescribed by the Secretary, shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each offense, and each day of the violation shall constitute a separate offense, except that the total of all civil penalties assessed against any violator for all offenses related to any single violation shall not exceed $10,000; or

(ii) who knowingly falsifies, destroys, mutilates, or changes a required report or record, knowingly files a false report with the Secretary, knowingly makes or causes or permits to be made a false or incomplete entry in that record about an operation or business fact or transaction, or knowingly makes, prepares, or preserves a record in violation of a regulation or order of the Secretary, shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $10,000 for each violation, if any such action can be shown to have misrepresented a fact that constitutes a violation other than a reporting or recordkeeping violation.

(C) Violations pertaining to cdls.—Any person who is determined by the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, to have committed an act which is a violation of section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), or 31310(g)(1)(A) of this title shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty not to exceed $2,500 for each offense.

(D) Determination of amount.—The amount of any civil penalty, and a reasonable time for abatement of the violation, shall by written order be determined by the Secretary, taking into account the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation committed and, with respect to the violator, the degree of culpability, history of prior offenses, effect on ability to continue to do business, and such other matters as justice and public safety may require. In each case, the assessment shall be calculated to induce further compliance.

(E)(i) Copying of records and access to equipment, lands, and buildings.—A person subject to chapter 51 or a motor carrier, broker, freight forwarder, or owner or operator of a commercial motor vehicle subject to part B of subtitle VI who fails to allow promptly, upon demand, the Secretary (or an employee designated by the Secretary) to inspect and copy any record or inspect and examine equipment, lands, buildings and other property in accordance with sections 504(c), 5121(c), and 14122(b) shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 for each offense. Each day the Secretary is denied the right to inspect and copy any record or inspect and examine equipment, lands, buildings and other property shall constitute a separate offense, except that the total of all civil penalties against any violator for all offenses related to a single violation shall not exceed $10,000. In the case of a motor carrier, the Secretary may also place the violator's motor carrier operations out of service. It shall be a defense to a penalty that the records did not exist at the time of the Secretary's request or could not be timely produced without unreasonable expense or effort. Nothing in this subparagraph amends or supersedes any remedy available to the Secretary under section 502(d), section 507(c), or any other provision of this title.

(ii) Place out of service.—The Secretary may by regulation adopt procedures for placing out of service the commercial motor vehicle of a foreign-domiciled motor carrier that fails to promptly allow the Secretary to inspect and copy a record or inspect equipment, land, buildings, or other property.

(F) Penalty for violations relating to out of service orders.—A motor carrier or employer (as defined in section 31132) that operates a commercial motor vehicle in commerce in violation of a prohibition on transportation under section 31144(c) of this title or an imminent hazard out of service order issued under subsection (b)(5) of this section or section 5121(d) of this title shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $25,000.

(3) The Secretary may require any violator served with a notice of violation to post a copy of such notice or statement of such notice in such place or places and for such duration as the Secretary may determine appropriate to aid in the enforcement of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), or 31502 of this title, as the case may be.

(4) Such civil penalty may be recovered in an action brought by the Attorney General on behalf of the United States in the appropriate district court of the United States or, before referral to the Attorney General, such civil penalty may be compromised by the Secretary.

(5)(A) If, upon inspection or investigation, the Secretary determines that a violation of a provision of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), or 31502 of this title or a regulation issued under any of those provisions, or combination of such violations, poses an imminent hazard to safety, the Secretary shall order a vehicle or employee operating such vehicle out of service, or order an employer to cease all or part of the employer's commercial motor vehicle operations. In making any such order, the Secretary shall impose no restriction on any employee or employer beyond that required to abate the hazard. Subsequent to the issuance of the order, opportunity for review shall be provided in accordance with section 554 of title 5, except that such review shall occur not later than 10 days after issuance of such order.

(B) In this paragraph, "imminent hazard" means any condition of vehicle, employee, or commercial motor vehicle operations which substantially increases the likelihood of serious injury or death if not discontinued immediately.

(6) Criminal Penalties.—

(A) In general.—Any person who knowingly and willfully violates any provision of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title, or a regulation issued under any of those provisions shall, upon conviction, be subject for each offense to a fine not to exceed $25,000 or imprisonment for a term not to exceed one year, or both, except that, if such violator is an employee, the violator shall only be subject to penalty if, while operating a commercial motor vehicle, the violator's activities have led or could have led to death or serious injury, in which case the violator shall be subject, upon conviction, to a fine not to exceed $2,500.

(B) Violations pertaining to cdls.—Any person who knowingly and willfully violates—

(i) any provision of section 31302, 31303(b) or (c), 31304, 31305(b), or 31310(g)(1)(A) of this title or a regulation issued under such section, or

(ii) with respect to notification of a serious traffic violation as defined under section 31301 of this title, any provision of section 31303(a) of this title or a regulation issued under section 31303(a),

shall, upon conviction, be subject for each offense to a fine not to exceed $5,000 or imprisonment for a term not to exceed 90 days, or both.

(7) The Secretary shall issue regulations establishing penalty schedules designed to induce timely compliance for persons failing to comply promptly with the requirements set forth in any notices and orders under this subsection.

(8) Prohibition on operation in interstate commerce after nonpayment of penalties.—

(A) In general.—An owner or operator of a commercial motor vehicle against whom a civil penalty is assessed under this chapter or chapter 51, 149, or 311 of this title and who does not pay such penalty or fails to arrange and abide by an acceptable payment plan for such civil penalty may not operate in interstate commerce beginning on the 91st day after the date specified by order of the Secretary for payment of such penalty. This paragraph shall not apply to any person who is unable to pay a civil penalty because such person is a debtor in a case under chapter 11 of title 11, United States Code.

(B) Regulations.—Not later than 12 months after the date of the enactment of this paragraph, the Secretary, after notice and an opportunity for public comment, shall issue regulations setting forth procedures for ordering commercial motor vehicle owners and operators delinquent in paying civil penalties to cease operations until payment has been made.

(9) Any aggrieved person who, after a hearing, is adversely affected by a final order issued under this section may, within 30 days, petition for review of the order in the United States Court of Appeals in the circuit wherein the violation is alleged to have occurred or where the violator has his principal place of business or residence, or in the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. Review of the order shall be based on a determination of whether the Secretary's findings and conclusions were supported by substantial evidence, or were otherwise not in accordance with law. No objection that has not been urged before the Secretary shall be considered by the court, unless reasonable grounds existed for failure or neglect to do so. The commencement of proceedings under this subsection shall not, unless ordered by the court, operate as a stay of the order of the Secretary.

(10) All penalties and fines collected under this section shall be deposited into the Highway Trust Fund (other than the Mass Transit Account).

(11) In any action brought under this section, process may be served without regard to the territorial limits of the district of the State in which the action is brought.

(12) In any proceeding for criminal contempt for violation of an injunction or restraining order issued under this section, trial shall be by the court, or, upon demand of the accused, by a jury, conducted in accordance with the provisions of rule 42(b) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.

(13) The provisions of this subsection shall not affect chapter 51 of this title or any regulation promulgated by the Secretary under chapter 51.

(14) As used in this subsection, the terms "commercial motor vehicle", "employee", "employer", and "State" have the meaning such terms have under section 31132 of this title.

(15) Impoundment of commercial motor vehicles.—

(A) Enforcement of imminent hazard out-of-service orders.—

(i) The Secretary, or an authorized State official carrying out motor carrier safety enforcement activities under section 31102, may enforce an imminent hazard out-of-service order issued under chapters 5, 51, 131 through 149, 311, 313, or 315 of this title, or a regulation promulgated thereunder, by towing and impounding a commercial motor vehicle until the order is rescinded.

(ii) Enforcement shall not unreasonably interfere with the ability of a shipper, carrier, broker, or other party to arrange for the alternative transportation of any cargo or passenger being transported at the time the commercial motor vehicle is immobilized. In the case of a commercial motor vehicle transporting passengers, the Secretary or authorized State official shall provide reasonable, temporary, and secure shelter and accommodations for passengers in transit.

(iii) The Secretary's designee or an authorized State official carrying out motor carrier safety enforcement activities under section 31102, shall immediately notify the owner of a commercial motor vehicle of the impoundment and the opportunity for review of the impoundment. A review shall be provided in accordance with section 554 of title 5, except that the review shall occur not later than 10 days after the impoundment.

(B) Issuance of regulations.—The Secretary shall promulgate regulations on the use of impoundment or immobilization of commercial motor vehicles as a means of enforcing additional out-of-service orders issued under chapters 5, 51, 131 through 149, 311, 313, or 315 of this title, or a regulation promulgated thereunder. Regulations promulgated under this subparagraph shall include consideration of public safety, the protection of passengers and cargo, inconvenience to passengers, and the security of the commercial motor vehicle.

(C) Definition.—In this paragraph, the term "impoundment" or "impounding" means the seizing and taking into custody of a commercial motor vehicle or the immobilizing of a commercial motor vehicle through the attachment of a locking device or other mechanical or electronic means.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2435; Pub. L. 98–554, title II, §213(b), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2842; Pub. L. 99–570, title XII, §12012, Oct. 27, 1986, 100 Stat. 3207–184; Pub. L. 101–500, §15(e)(2), Nov. 3, 1990, 104 Stat. 1220; Pub. L. 102–548, §2(b), Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3648; Pub. L. 103–272, §§4(j)(11)(D), 5(m)(11), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1368, 1376; Pub. L. 104–287, §5(4), Oct. 11, 1996, 110 Stat. 3389; Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4015(a), (b), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 411; Pub. L. 106–159, title II, §§206(b), 208, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1763, 1764; Pub. L. 109–59, title IV, §§4102(a), 4103, Aug. 10, 2005, 119 Stat. 1715, 1716; Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title II, §§32501(b), 32502–32504, 32506, July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 803, 804.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
521 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 52149 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a) 20(7)(a), (c)–(e). 11901
(b) 322(h). 11901

See the revision notes for the revised section for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

In subsection (a)(3), the words "against heat and cold" are inserted for consistency with sections 11105 and 11901 of the revised title.

Subsection (b) does not apply to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because 49:322(h) (1st sentence) only applies to motor carriers and 49:304(a)(3) and (3a) do not apply 49:322(h) (1st sentence) to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers. The reference to 49:303(c), 306(a)(1), and 309(a)(1) is omitted as not applicable to this chapter.

Editorial Notes

References in Text

Section 31310(g)(1)(A), referred to in subsec. (b)(1)(A), was redesignated section 31310(i)(1)(A), by Pub. L. 106–159, title II, §201(b)(1), Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1759.

The date of the enactment of this paragraph, referred to in subsec. (b)(8)(B), is the date of enactment of Pub. L. 106–159, which was approved Dec. 9, 1999.

The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, referred to in subsec. (b)(12), are set out in the Appendix to Title 18, Crimes and Criminal Procedure.


2012—Subsec. (b)(2)(D). Pub. L. 112–141, §32506, struck out "ability to pay," after "prior offenses,".

Subsec. (b)(2)(E). Pub. L. 112–141, §32501(b), designated existing provisions as cl. (i) and added cl. (ii).

Subsec. (b)(2)(E)(i). Pub. L. 112–141, §32502, inserted "In the case of a motor carrier, the Secretary may also place the violator's motor carrier operations out of service." after "$10,000." and substituted "defense to a penalty" for "defense to such penalty".

Subsec. (b)(2)(F). Pub. L. 112–141, §32503, added subpar. (F).

Subsec. (b)(15). Pub. L. 112–141, §32504, added par. (15).

2005—Subsec. (b). Pub. L. 109–59, §4103(1), inserted headings for subsec. (b), par. (1), and subpar. (A).

Subsec. (b)(2)(B). Pub. L. 109–59, §4102(a)(2), substituted "$10,000" for "$5,000" in cls. (i) and (ii).

Subsec. (b)(2)(B)(i). Pub. L. 109–59, §4102(a)(1), substituted "$1,000" for "$500".

Subsec. (b)(2)(E). Pub. L. 109–59, §4103(2), added subpar. (E).

1999—Subsec. (b)(5)(B). Pub. L. 106–159, §208, substituted "substantially increases the likelihood of" for "is likely to result in".

Subsec. (b)(8) to (14). Pub. L. 106–159, §206(b), added par. (8) and redesignated former pars. (8) to (13) as (9) to (14), respectively.

1998—Subsec. (b)(1)(A). Pub. L. 105–178, §4015(a)(1), struck out "fix a reasonable time for abatement of the violation," before "specify the proposed civil penalty".

Subsec. (b)(1)(B). Pub. L. 105–178, §4015(a)(2), added subpar. (B) and struck out former subpar. (B) which read as follows: "The Secretary shall, not later than 60 days after November 3, 1990, establish operational procedures to require a highway safety specialist or other appropriate representative of the Secretary to initiate, at the time of a safety review, compliance review, or other inspection or audit activity, or within a reasonable time thereafter, an enforcement action whenever any of the offenses referred to in paragraph (2)(A) and (B) can be documented, except recordkeeping violations not specified by the Secretary as serious. The procedures shall—

"(i) specify those serious recordkeeping violations for which an enforcement action shall be initiated, including instances in which the falsification of records of duty status or drivers' medical certificates is required or permitted, and such other recordkeeping violations as the Secretary determines to be serious; and

"(ii) authorize, but not require, initiation of an enforcement action for recordkeeping violations not specified by the Secretary as serious."

Subsec. (b)(2)(A). Pub. L. 105–178, §4015(b)(1), added subpar. (A) and struck out heading and text of former subpar. (A). Text read as follows: "Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, any person who is determined by the Secretary, after notice and opportunity for a hearing, to have committed an act which is a violation of a recordkeeping requirement issued by the Secretary under subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title or which is a violation of chapter 59 of this title shall be liable to the United States for a civil penalty not to exceed $500 for each offense. Each day of a violation shall constitute a separate offense, except that the total of all civil penalties assessed against any violator for all offenses relating to any single violation shall not exceed $2,500. If the Secretary determines that a serious pattern of safety violations, other than recordkeeping requirements, exists or has occurred, the Secretary may assess a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000 for each offense; except that the maximum fine for each such pattern of safety violations shall not exceed $10,000. If the Secretary determines that a substantial health or safety violation exists or has occurred which could reasonably lead to, or has resulted in, serious personal injury or death, the Secretary may assess a civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 for each offense. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section (other than subparagraph (B)), except for recordkeeping violations, no civil penalty shall be assessed under this section against an employee for a violation unless the Secretary determines that such employee's actions constituted gross negligence or reckless disregard for safety, in which case such employee shall be liable for a civil penalty not to exceed $1,000."

Subsec. (b)(2)(B) to (D). Pub. L. 105–178, §4015(b)(2), (3), added subpar. (B) and redesignated former subpars. (B) and (C) as (C) and (D), respectively.

1996—Subsec. (b)(1)(B). Pub. L. 104–287 substituted "November 3, 1990" for "the date of enactment of this subparagraph" in introductory provisions.

1994—Subsec. (b)(1)(A). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(A), substituted "a provision of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), 31310(g)(1)(A), or 31502 of this title" for "section 3102 of this title or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984 or section 12002, 12003, 12004, 12005(b), or 12008(d)(2) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986" and "any of those provisions" for "such sections or Act".

Subsec. (b)(2)(A). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(B), substituted "under subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title" for "pursuant to section 3102 of this title or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984".

Pub. L. 103–272, §4(j)(11)(D), substituted "chapter 59 of this title" for "section 508 of this title".

Subsec. (b)(2)(B). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(C), substituted "section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), or 31310(g)(1)(A) of this title" for "section 12002, 12003, 12004, 12005(b), or 12008(d)(2) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986".

Subsec. (b)(3). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(D), substituted "subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), or 31502 of this title" for "section 3102 of this title or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984 or section 12002, 12003, 12004, or 12005(b) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986".

Subsec. (b)(5)(A). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(E), substituted "a provision of subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), or 31502 of this title" for "section 3102 of this title or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984 or section 12002, 12003, 12004, or 12005(b) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986" and "any of those provisions" for "such sections or Act".

Subsec. (b)(6)(A). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(F), substituted "subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31502 of this title" for "section 3102 of this title, the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984", "any of those provisions" for "such section or Act", and "shall be subject" for "shall be liable".

Subsec. (b)(6)(B)(i). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(G), substituted "section 31302, 31303(b) or (c), 31304, 31305(b), or 31310(g)(1)(A) of this title" for "section 12002, 12003(b), 12003(c), 12004, 12005(b), or 12008(d)(2) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986".

Subsec. (b)(6)(B)(ii). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(H), substituted "section 31301 of this title" for "section 12019 of such Act", "section 31303(a) of this title" for "section 12003(a) of such Act", and "section 31303(a)" for "such section 12003(a)".

Subsec. (b)(12). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(I), substituted "chapter 51 of this title" for "any provision of the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. App. 1801–1812)" and "chapter 51" for "such Act".

Subsec. (b)(13). Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(11)(J), substituted "section 31132 of this title" for "section 204 of the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984".

1992—Subsec. (b)(2)(A). Pub. L. 102–548 inserted "or which is a violation of section 508 of this title" after "Act of 1984".

1990—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 101–500 designated existing provisions as subpar. (A) and added subpar. (B).

1986—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 99–570, §12012(a), inserted "or section 12002, 12003, 12004, 12005(b), or 12008(d)(2) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986" after "the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984" and substituted "such sections" for "such section".

Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 99–570, §12012(b), (f)(1), inserted heading, designated existing provisions as subpars. (A) and (C) with corresponding headings, added subpar. (B), in subpar. (A) indented such subparagraph and aligned it with subpar. (B), and inserted exception relating to subpar. (B).

Subsec. (b)(3). Pub. L. 99–570, §12012(c), inserted "or section 12002, 12003, 12004, or 12005(b) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986" after "the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984".

Subsec. (b)(5)(A). Pub. L. 99–570, §12012(d), inserted "or section 12002, 12003, 12004, or 12005(b) of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986" after "the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984" and substituted "such sections" for "such section".

Subsec. (b)(6). Pub. L. 99–570, §12012(e), (f)(2), (g)(1), inserted heading, designated existing provisions as subpar. (A) with corresponding heading, added subpar. (B), in subpar. (A) indented such subparagraph and aligned it with subpar. (B), and substituted "to a fine" for "for a fine" in two places.

Subsec. (b)(13). Pub. L. 99–570, §12012(g)(2), substituted "section 204" for "section 4".

1984—Subsec. (b)(1). Pub. L. 98–554 substituted provisions relating to notice to violators and opportunity for hearings for former provisions which set forth penalties for failure to make reports and keep records.

Subsec. (b)(2). Pub. L. 98–554 substituted provisions setting forth amount of civil penalties for former provisions which related to the place of trial and manner of service of process for violations of recordkeeping and reporting provisions.

Subsec. (b)(3) to (13). Pub. L. 98–554 added pars. (3) to (13).

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–141 effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

Deemed References to Chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51

General references to "this title" deemed to refer also to chapters 509 and 511 of Title 51, National and Commercial Space Programs, see section 4(d)(8) of Pub. L. 111–314, set out as a note under section 101 of this title.

Minimum and Maximum Assessments

Pub. L. 106–159, title II, §222, Dec. 9, 1999, 113 Stat. 1769, provided that:

"(a) In General.—The Secretary of Transportation should ensure that motor carriers operate safely by imposing civil penalties at a level calculated to ensure prompt and sustained compliance with Federal motor carrier safety and commercial driver's license laws.

"(b) Establishment.—The Secretary—

"(1) should establish and assess minimum civil penalties for each violation of a law referred to in subsection (a); and

"(2) shall assess the maximum civil penalty for each violation of a law referred to in subsection (a) by any person who is found to have committed a pattern of violations of critical or acute regulations issued to carry out such a law or to have previously committed the same or a related violation of critical or acute regulations issued to carry out such a law.

"(c) Extraordinary Circumstances.—If the Secretary determines and documents that extraordinary circumstances exist which merit the assessment of any civil penalty lower than any level established under subsection (b), the Secretary may assess such lower penalty. In cases where a person has been found to have previously committed the same or a related violation of critical or acute regulations issued to carry out a law referred to in subsection (a), extraordinary circumstances may be found to exist when the Secretary determines that repetition of such violation does not demonstrate a failure to take appropriate remedial action.

"(d) Report to Congress.—

"(1) In general.—The Secretary shall conduct a study of the effectiveness of the revised civil penalties established in the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century [Pub. L. 105–178, see Tables for classification] and this Act [see Tables for classification] in ensuring prompt and sustained compliance with Federal motor carrier safety and commercial driver's license laws.

"(2) Submission to congress.—The Secretary shall transmit the results of such study and any recommendations to Congress by September 30, 2002."

Report; Penalties; Effectiveness

Section 213(d) of Pub. L. 98–554 directed Secretary of Transportation to conduct a study of effectiveness of civil and criminal penalties established by amendments made by section 213 of Pub. L. 98–554 in deterring violations of commercial motor vehicle safety regulations issued under title II of Pub. L. 98–554 and in effectively prosecuting such violations when they occur, which study was to examine the effectiveness of penalties in effect before Oct. 30, 1984, in comparison to the penalties established by the amendments made by title II of Pub. L. 98–554, and was to further investigate the need for, and make recommendations concerning, increased fine levels for civil and criminal penalties, and the need for additional categories of civil and criminal penalties to deter further, and prosecute effectively, violations of such commercial motor vehicle safety regulations, and further directed Secretary to submit to Congress a report on the findings of this study, together with legislative recommendations, not later than 2 years after Oct. 30, 1984.

1 See References in Text note below.

§522. Reporting and record keeping violations

A person required to make a report to the Secretary of Transportation, or make, prepare, or preserve a record, under section 504 of this title about transportation by rail carrier, that knowingly and willfully (1) makes a false entry in the report or record, (2) destroys, mutilates, changes, or by another means falsifies the record, (3) does not enter business related facts and transactions in the record, (4) makes, prepares, or preserves the record in violation of a regulation or order of the Secretary, or (5) files a false report or record with the Secretary, shall be fined not more than $5,000, imprisoned for not more than 2 years, or both.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2436; Pub. L. 105–178, title IV, §4015(c), June 9, 1998, 112 Stat. 412.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
522 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
522(b) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(g)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(g)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(g)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(g)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 52249 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a) 20(7)(b) (less proviso). 11909
(b) 322(g). 11909

See the revision notes for the revised section for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

The text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

Editorial Notes


1998Pub. L. 105–178 struck out "(a)" before "A person required to make a report to the Secretary of Transportation" and struck out subsec. (b) which read as follows: "A person required to make a report to the Secretary, answer a question, or make, prepare, or preserve a record under section 504 of this title about transportation by motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier, or an officer, agent, or employee of that person, that (1) willfully does not make that report, (2) willfully does not specifically, completely, and truthfully answer that question in 30 days from the date the Secretary requires the question to be answered, (3) willfully does not make, prepare, or preserve that record in the form and manner prescribed by the Secretary, (4) knowingly and willfully falsifies, destroys, mutilates, or changes that report or record, (5) knowingly and willfully files a false report or record with the Secretary, (6) knowingly and willfully makes a false or incomplete entry in that record about a business related fact or transaction, or (7) knowingly and willfully makes, prepares, or preserves a record in violation of a regulation or order of the Secretary, shall be fined not more than $5,000."

§523. Unlawful disclosure of information

(a) A motor carrier, or an officer, receiver, trustee, lessee, or employee of that carrier, or another person authorized by that carrier to receive information from that carrier, may not knowingly disclose to another person (except the shipper or consignee), and another person may not solicit, or knowingly receive, information about the nature, kind, quantity, destination, consignee, or routing of property tendered or delivered to that carrier without the consent of the shipper or consignee if that information may be used to the detriment of the shipper or consignee or may disclose improperly to a competitor the business transactions of the shipper or consignee.

(b) This chapter does not prevent a motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier from giving information—

(1) in response to legal process issued under authority of a court of the United States or a State;

(2) to an officer, employee, or agent of the United States Government, a State, or a territory or possession of the United States; and

(3) to another motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier, or its agent, to adjust mutual traffic accounts in the ordinary course of business.

(c) An employee of the Secretary of Transportation delegated to make an inspection under section 504 of this title who knowingly discloses information acquired during that inspection, except as directed by the Secretary, a court, or a judge of that court, shall be fined not more than $500, imprisoned for not more than 6 months, or both.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2436.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
523 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.
523(b) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(f)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(d), (f)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(f)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(d), (f)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.
523(c) 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(d)").
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(d)").

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 52349 U.S. CodeRevised Section
(a) 322(e). 11910
(b) 322(f). 11910
(c) 20(7)(f). 11910
  322(d). 11910

See the revision notes for the revised section for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

Subsection (a) does not apply to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because 49:322(e) only applies to motor carriers and 49:304(a)(3) and (3a) do not apply 49:322(e) to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers. The words "engaged in interstate or foreign commerce" are omitted as unnecessary because of the restatement of the chapter.

In subsections (b) and (c), the text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

§524. Evasion of regulation of motor carriers

A person, or an officer, employee, or agent of that person, that by any means tries to evade regulation of motor carriers under this chapter, chapter 51, subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), 31310(g)(1)(A), or 31502 of this title, or a regulation issued under any of those provisions, shall be fined at least $2,000 but not more than $5,000 for the first violation and at least $2,500 but not more than $7,500 for a subsequent violation.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2437; Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title II, §32505(a), July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 804.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
524 49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 52449 U.S. CodeRevised Section
  322(c) (related to evasion of regulation). 11906

See the revision notes for the revised section for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

The section does not apply to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers because 49:322(c) (related to evasion of regulation) only applies to motor carriers and 49:304(a)(3) and (3a) do not apply 49:322(c) (related to evasion of regulation) to motor carriers of migrant workers and motor private carriers.

Editorial Notes


2012Pub. L. 112–141 struck out "knowingly and willfully" after "by any means", inserted ", chapter 51, subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139) or section 31302, 31303, 31304, 31305(b), 31310(g)(1)(A), or 31502 of this title, or a regulation issued under any of those provisions," after "this chapter", and substituted "$2,000 but not more than $5,000" for "$200 but not more than $500" and "$2,500 but not more than $7,500" for "$250 but not more than $2,000".

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–141 effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

§525. Disobedience to subpoenas

A motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier not obeying a subpoena or requirement of the Secretary of Transportation under this chapter to appear and testify or produce records shall be fined at least $1,000 but not more than $10,000, imprisoned for not more than one year, or both. The Secretary may withhold, suspend, amend, or revoke any part of the registration of a person required to register under chapter 139 for failing to obey a subpoena or requirement of the Secretary under this chapter to appear and testify or produce records.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2437; Pub. L. 112–141, div. C, title II, §32110, July 6, 2012, 126 Stat. 782.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
525 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 305(d) (related to liability)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat., 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 205(d) (related to liability)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 305(d) (related to liability)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 205(d) (related to liability)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.
  49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 52549 U.S. CodeRevised Section
  305(d) (related to liability). 11913

See the revision notes for the revised section for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

The section does not apply to the liability of a rail carrier because 49:46 is not included in the specific enumeration of 49:1655(f)(2)(B)(ii). The text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed. The words "under this chapter" are added for clarity.

Editorial Notes


2012Pub. L. 112–141 substituted "subpoenas" for "subpenas" in section catchline, and, in text, substituted "subpoena" for "subpena", "$1,000" for "$100", and "$10,000" for "$5,000" and inserted at end "The Secretary may withhold, suspend, amend, or revoke any part of the registration of a person required to register under chapter 139 for failing to obey a subpoena or requirement of the Secretary under this chapter to appear and testify or produce records."

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Effective Date of 2012 Amendment

Amendment by Pub. L. 112–141 effective Oct. 1, 2012, see section 3(a) of Pub. L. 112–141, set out as an Effective and Termination Dates of 2012 Amendment note under section 101 of Title 23, Highways.

§526. General criminal penalty when specific penalty not provided

When another criminal penalty is not provided under a provision of this chapter, subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139), or section 31502 of this title, a person that knowingly and willfully violates any of those provisions or a regulation or order of the Secretary of Transportation under any of those provisions, related to transportation by motor carrier, motor carrier of migrant workers, or motor private carrier, shall be fined at least $100 but not more than $500 for the first violation and at least $200 but not more than $500 for a subsequent violation. A separate violation occurs each day the violation continues.

(Pub. L. 97–449, §1(b), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2437; Pub. L. 98–554, title II, §213(c), Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2844; Pub. L. 103–272, §5(m)(12), July 5, 1994, 108 Stat. 1377.)

Historical and Revision Notes


Source (U.S. Code)Source (Statutes at Large)
526 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(a)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(a)"); added Aug. 9, 1935, ch. 498, 49 Stat. 546.
  49:304(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 322(a)"). Feb. 4, 1887, ch. 104, 24 Stat. 379, §204(a)(3a) (last sentence) (related to "Sec. 222(a)"); added Aug. 3, 1956, ch. 905, §2, 70 Stat. 958.
  49:1655(f)(2). Oct. 15, 1966, Pub. L. 89–670, §6(f)(2), 80 Stat. 940.

The section is included because 49:1655(f)(2) gave the same administrative powers exercised by the Interstate Commerce Commission under certain sections of title 49 to the Secretary of Transportation to carry out duties transferred to the Secretary by 49:1655(e). See the revision notes for section 501 of the revised title for an explanation of the transfer under 49:1655(f)(2). The powers of the Commission have been codified in subtitle IV of the revised title. The comparable provisions of title 49 that are represented by the section may be found as follows:

Section 52649 U.S. CodeRevised Section
  322(a). 11914

See the revision notes for the revised section for an explanation of changes made in the text. Changes not accounted for in those revision notes are as follows:

The reference to a certificate, permit, or licence is omitted as not applicable to this chapter. The text of 49:304(a)(3) (last sentence 1st–7th words) and (3a) (last sentence 1st–5th words) is omitted as executed.

Editorial Notes


1994Pub. L. 103–272 substituted "a provision of this chapter, subchapter III of chapter 311 (except sections 31138 and 31139), or section 31502 of this title, a person that knowingly and willfully violates any of those provisions or a regulation or order of the Secretary of Transportation under any of those provisions" for "this chapter, section 3102 of this title, or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984, a person that knowingly and willfully violates a provision of this chapter or such section or Act, or a regulation or order of the Secretary of Transportation under this chapter or such section or Act".

1984Pub. L. 98–554 inserted ", section 3102 of this title, or the Motor Carrier Safety Act of 1984" after "chapter" the first place it appears and inserted "or such section or Act" after "chapter" the second and third places it appears.


Editorial Notes


Former chapter 7 of this title was renumbered chapter 13 of this title and transferred to follow chapter 11 of this title. Sections 701 to 706, 721 to 724, and 726 were renumbered sections 1301 to 1306 and 1321 to 1325, respectively, and former sections 725 and 727 were repealed.


[§§701 to 706. Renumbered §§1301 to 1306]


[§§721 to 724. Renumbered §§1321 to 1324]

[§725. Repealed. Pub. L. 114–110, §3(a)(4), Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2228]

Section, Pub. L. 104–88, title II, §201(a), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 937, required Secretary of Transportation to provide administrative support for the Board.

[§726. Renumbered §1325]

[§727. Repealed. Pub. L. 114–110, §3(a)(4), Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2228]

Section, Pub. L. 104–88, title II, §201(a), Dec. 29, 1995, 109 Stat. 940, related to definitions for this chapter.