About the Table III Tool

Table III contains information about the classification of public laws to the United States Code. The table includes every public law which at any time has been classified to the Code in whole or in part. The table is updated periodically throughout each legislative session. For classification of the most recent public laws to the Code, go to the United States Code Classification Tables. For classifications of sections of the Revised Statutes of 1878 to the Code, go to Table II.


The Table III tool can be used to browse for public laws by year, by Statutes-at-Large volume, or by Congress. Individual public laws are identified in one of several ways. Laws enacted after 1956 are identified by public law number (eg. 107-296), while laws enacted before or during 1956 are identified by year and chapter number (eg. 1935:531) or by year and public resolution number (1789:Pub. R. 3).

“Get Document” Feature

The Get Document feature can be used to retrieve a particular law or list of laws by entering its citation in one of the following formats:

  • Congress: ordinal numbers (20th, 21st, 22d, 23d [not 22nd or 23rd], etc.)
  • Statutes at Large volume: cardinal numbers (20, 21, 22, 23, etc.)
  • Year of enactment: the four-digit year (1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, etc.)
  • Public Law:
    • For laws enacted after 1956, the public law number (107-296)
    • For laws enacted before or during 1956, the four-digit year, followed by a colon and the chapter number (1935:531)
  • Public Resolution: the four-digit year, followed by a colon and “Pub. R. ” plus the public resolution number (1789:Pub. R. 3)

Note: A request entered in the incorrect format or for an item that does not exist in the current version of Table III will result in an error.

Status Column Information

Below are explanations for the various abbreviations that appear in the “Status” column for some records in Table III:

  • Rep. — Repealed; information about the provision can often be found under the U.S.C. title and section or in a prior provisions note under a nearby section
  • Elim. — Eliminated; information about the provision can often be found under the U.S.C. title and section or in a prior provisions note under a nearby section
  • Rev. T. — Revised Title; the U.S.C. reference is to the title and section where the provision was classified before the title was revised (dispositions of provisions of former titles as a result of positive law codification are included in Table I, which is a separate table for the Code)
  • I.R.C. ’39 — Internal Revenue Code of 1939; the provision was repealed or otherwise superseded by the Internal Revenue Code of 1939 or an earlier revenue act
  • R.S. — Revised Statutes of 1878; where “R.S.” followed by a section number appears, the provision was restated in the cited section of the Revised Statutes of 1878 (locations in the Code where sections of the Revised Statutes of 1878 can be found are included in Table II, which is a separate table for the Code)