§500. Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Executive Committee
(1) serve as the principal forum within the Department of Defense to inform, coordinate, and evaluate matters relating to electromagnetic warfare;
(2) provide senior oversight, coordination, and budget and capability harmonization with respect to such matters; and
(3) act as an advisory body to the Secretary of Defense, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Management Action Group of the Deputy Secretary with respect to such matters.
(1) advise key senior level decision-making bodies of the Department of Defense with respect to the development and implementation of acquisition investments relating to electromagnetic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations of the Department, including relevant acquisition policies, projects, programs, modeling, and test and evaluation infrastructure;
(2) provide a forum to enable synchronization and integration support with respect to the development and acquisition of electromagnetic warfare capabilities by-
(A) aligning the processes of the Department for requirements, research, development, acquisition, testing, and sustainment; and
(B) carrying out other related duties; and
(3) act as the senior level review forum for the portfolio of capability investments of the Department relating to electromagnetic warfare and electromagnetic spectrum operations and other related matters.
(2) The Executive Committee may hold meetings by video conference.
(1) The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.
(2) The Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(3) The Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security.
(4) The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.
(5) The Commander of the United States Strategic Command.
(6) The Chief Information Officer of the Department of Defense.
(7) Such other Federal officers or employees as the Secretary of Defense considers appropriate, consistent with other authorities of the Department of Defense and publications of the Joint Staff, including the Charter for the Electronic Warfare Executive Committee, dated March 17, 2015.
(2) The co-chairs of the Executive Committee shall-
(A) preside at all Executive Committee meetings or have their designees preside at such meetings;
(B) provide administrative control of the Executive Committee;
(C) jointly guide the activities and actions of the Executive Committee;
(D) approve all agendas for and summaries of meetings of the Executive Committee;
(E) charter tailored working groups to conduct mission area analysis, as required, under subsection (i); and
(F) perform such other duties as may be necessary to ensure the good order and functioning of the Executive Committee.
(A) serve as a flag officer level focus group and executive secretariat subordinate to the Executive Committee; and
(B) in that capacity-
(i) provide initial senior level coordination on key electromagnetic spectrum operations issues;
(ii) prepare recommended courses of action to present to the Executive Committee; and
(iii) perform other related duties.
(2) The electromagnetic spectrum operations capability team shall be co-chaired by one representative from the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment and one representative from the Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment Directorate of the Joint Staff (J–8).
(3) The principal members of the Executive Committee shall designate representatives from their respective staffs to the electromagnetic spectrum operations capability team.
(A) to address specific issues and mission areas relating to electromagnetic spectrum operations;
(B) to involve subject matter experts and components of the Department of Defense with expertise in electromagnetic spectrum operations; and
(C) to perform other related duties.
(2) The Executive Committee shall dissolve a mission area working group established under paragraph (1) once the issue the working group was established to address is satisfactorily resolved.