§§845 to 848. Omitted
Editorial Notes
Section 845,
Pub. L. 89–10, title III, §307, formerly §305, Apr. 11, 1965, 79 Stat. 43
, renumbered and amended
Pub. L. 90–247, title I, §131, Jan. 2, 1968, 81 Stat. 796
Pub. L. 91–230, title I, §131(a)(1), Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 139
Pub. L. 93–380, title I, §103(d), title IV, §402(c)(2)(iii), title VIII, §843(a)(2), Aug. 21, 1974, 88 Stat. 502
, 546, 611;
Pub. L. 94–482, title III, §323(a)(2), Oct. 12, 1976, 90 Stat. 2217
, which related to the payments to States to carry out plans for supplementary educational centers and services, was omitted in the general revision of title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965,
Pub. L. 89–10, title III, Apr. 11, 1965, 79 Stat. 39
, by
Pub. L. 95–561, title III, §301, Nov. 1, 1978, 92 Stat. 2210
Section 846,
Pub. L. 89–10, title III, §306, Apr. 11, 1965, 79 Stat. 43
, required the establishment of an Advisory Committee on Supplementary Educational Centers and Services in the Office of Education, specified its membership and functions and provided for the compensation of its members, and was omitted in the general reorganization of this subchapter by Pub. L. 90–247.
Sections 847 and 847a were omitted in the general revision of title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965,
Pub. L. 89–10, title III, Apr. 11, 1965, 79 Stat. 39
, by
Pub. L. 95–561, title III, §301, Nov. 1, 1978, 92 Stat. 2210
Section 847,
Pub. L. 89–10, title III, §308, formerly §307, Apr. 11, 1965, 79 Stat. 44
, renumbered
Pub. L. 90–247, title I, §131, Jan. 2, 1968, 81 Stat. 797
; amended
Pub. L. 91–230, title I, §131(a)(1), Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 140
, related to the recovery of payments to supplementary educational centers and services.
Section 847a, Pub. L. 89–10, title III, §309, as added
Pub. L. 90–247, title I, §131, Jan. 2, 1968, 81 Stat. 797
; amended
Pub. L. 91–230, title I, §131(a)(1), Apr. 13, 1970, 84 Stat. 140
Pub. L. 93–380, title VIII, §845(b), Aug. 21, 1974, 88 Stat. 612
Pub. L. 94–273, §3(8), Apr. 21, 1976, 90 Stat. 376
Pub. L. 95–112, §2(c)(3), Sept. 24, 1977, 91 Stat. 911
, provided for the establishment of a National Advisory Council on Supplementary Centers and Services.
Section 848,
Pub. L. 89–10, title III, §310, formerly §308, Apr. 11, 1965, 79 Stat. 44
, renumbered
Pub. L. 90–247, title I, §131, Jan. 2, 1968, 81 Stat. 798
, which related to labor standards for grant-assisted construction projects, was eliminated in the general amendment of this subchapter by section 131(a)(1) of Pub. L. 91–230. See section 1232b of this title.