§1110. Year-ahead requests for authorizing legislation
A request to enact legislation authorizing new budget authority to continue a program or activity for a fiscal year shall be submitted to Congress before May 16 of the year before the year in which the fiscal year begins. If a new program or activity will continue for more than one year, the request must be submitted for at least the first and 2d fiscal years.
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
1110 | 31:11c. | July 12, 1974,
The words "Notwithstanding any other provision of law" are omitted as unnecessary. The words "the enactment of" before "new" are omitted as surplus. The words "(beginning with the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1976)" are omitted as executed. The words "a request for the enactment of legislation authorizing the enactment of new budget authority for" are omitted for consistency in the chapter.