§2346a. Real estate administrative fees
(a) In general
Not later than 30 days after January 4, 2025, the Secretary shall initiate the development of guidance to standardize processes for developing, updating, and tracking real estate administrative fees administered by the Corps of Engineers.
(b) Guidance
In developing guidance under subsection (a), the Secretary shall-
(1) outline standard methodologies to estimate costs for purposes of setting real estate administrative fees;
(2) define the types of activities involved in managing real estate instruments that are included for purposes of setting such fees;
(3) establish cost-tracking procedures to capture data relating to the activities described in paragraph (2) for purposes of setting such fees;
(4) outline a schedule for divisions or districts of the Corps of Engineers to review, and update as appropriate, real estate administrative fees, including specifying what such reviews should entail and the frequency of such reviews; and
(5) provide opportunities for stakeholder input on real estate administrative fees.
(c) Publicly available
The Secretary shall make publicly available on the website of each Corps of Engineers district-
(1) the guidance developed under this section; and
(2) any other relevant information on real estate administrative fees, including lists of real estate instruments requiring such fees, and methodologies used to set such fees.
Section was enacted as part of the Water Resources Development Act of 2024, and also as part of the Thomas R. CarperWater Resources Development Act of 2024, and not as part of the Water Resources Development Act of 1986 which comprises this chapter.
"Secretary" Defined
Secretary means the Secretary of the Army, see section 1002 of