42 USC 8871: Use of gasohol in Federal motor vehicles
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42 USC 8871: Use of gasohol in Federal motor vehicles Text contains those laws in effect on January 31, 2025

§8871. Use of gasohol in Federal motor vehicles

(a) Exercise of President's authority pursuant to executive order respecting use

The President shall, by executive order, require that motor vehicles which are owned or leased by Federal agencies and are capable of operating on gasohol shall use gasohol where available at reasonable prices and in reasonable quantities.

(b) Exceptions

The President may provide for exceptions to the requirement of subsection (a) where necessary, including to protect the national security.

(c) Gasohol requirements

Such executive order shall specify the alcohol-gasoline mixture or mixtures which shall constitute "gasohol" for purposes of such order, as well as specifications for its use.

( Pub. L. 96–294, title II, §271, June 30, 1980, 94 Stat. 710 .)

Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries

Report on Exemptions and Sense of Congress Regarding Purchase of Domestic Gasohol

Pub. L. 102–190, div. A, title VIII, §841(c), (d), Dec. 5, 1991, 105 Stat. 1449 , provided that:

"(c) Report on Exemptions.-The Secretary of Defense shall review all exemptions granted for the Department of Defense, and the Administrator of the General Services Administration shall review all exemptions granted for Federal agencies and departments, to the requirements of section 2398 of title 10, United States Code, and section 271 of the Energy Security Act (Public Law 96–294; 42 U.S.C. 8871) and shall terminate any exemption that the Secretary or the Administrator determines is no longer appropriate. Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act [Dec. 5, 1991], the Secretary and the Administrator shall submit jointly to Congress a report on the results of the review, with a justification for the exemptions that remain in effect under those provisions of law.

"(d) Sense of Congress.-It is the sense of Congress that whenever any motor vehicle capable of operating on gasoline or alcohol-gasoline blends that is owned or operated by the Department of Defense or any other department or agency of the Federal Government is refueled, it shall be refueled with an alcohol-gasoline blend containing at least 10 percent domestically produced alcohol if available along the normal travel route of the vehicle at the same or lower price than unleaded gasoline."

Executive Documents

Ex. Ord. No. 12261. Implementation of Use of Gasohol in Federal Motor Vehicles

Ex. Ord. No. 12261, Jan. 5, 1981, 46 F.R. 2023, provided:

By the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America by Section 271 of the Energy Security Act (94 Stat. 710; Public Law 96–294; 42 U.S.C. 8871), in order to require Federal agencies which own or lease motor vehicles to use gasohol in those vehicles which are capable of operating on gasohol where it is available at reasonable prices and in reasonable quantities, it is hereby ordered as follows:

1–101. In procurement actions for unleaded gasoline motor fuel, Federal agencies shall, whenever feasible, specify that gasohol is an acceptable substitute motor fuel. In such procurements there shall be a preference for the purchase of gasohol.

1–102. Agencies may procure the components of gasohol and do their own blending.

1–103. In determining the feasibility of specifying gasohol as a substitute motor fuel in procurement actions for unleaded gasoline, agencies shall include in their considerations such factors as the availability of storage facilities for bulk purchases and the number of vehicles capable of operating on gasohol.

1–104. Agencies shall designate those vehicles which are capable of using gasohol, consistent with overall agency needs and sound vehicle management practices. Agencies shall specify the conditions governing the use of gasohol, including when gasohol shall be purchased from normal retail outlets by vehicle operators.

1–105. The use of gasohol by the Department of Defense pursuant to this Order shall be in accordance with Section 815 of the Department of Defense Authorization Act, 1980 (93 Stat. 817; Public Law 96–107; 10 U.S.C. 2388 note) which provides for the use of gasohol to the maximum extent feasible and consistent with overall defense needs and sound vehicle management practices, as determined by the Secretary of Defense.

1–106. Vehicles used in experimental programs to test fuels other than gasohol are excepted from this Order.

1–107. The authority vested in the President by Section 271(b) of the Energy Security Act (42 U.S.C. 8871(b)) is delegated to the Secretary of Defense with respect to gasohol use by the Department of Defense, and delegated to the Administrator of General Services with respect to gasohol use by other agencies.

1–108. Federal agencies shall make available to the Department of Energy, upon request, relevant data or information they possess concerning agency gasohol usage.

1–109. For purposes of this Order "Gasohol" means a motor fuel which has an octane rating of not less than 87 (R+M)/2 and which consists of approximately 90 percent unleaded gasoline and approximately 10 percent anhydrous (199 proof or above) ethyl alcohol derived from biomass, as defined in Section 203(2)(A) of the Energy Security Act (94 Stat. 683; Public Law 96–294; 42 U.S.C. 8802(2)(A)).

1–110. (a) The Secretary of Defense with respect to gasohol use by the Department of Defense, and the Administrator of General Services with respect to gasohol use by other agencies, shall issue such guidelines for the implementation of this Order as they deem appropriate.

(b) Such guidelines shall provide for a determination of reasonable prices and reasonable quantities based on the local prevailing price of unleaded gasolines, the octane requirements for vehicles in the Federal fleet, local market availability of gasohol or its components, and other such factors, as may be appropriate.

Jimmy Carter.