subpart 3—preparing general education teachers to more effectively educate students with disabilities
§1034. Teach to reach grants
(a) Authorization of program
(1) In general
The Secretary is authorized to award grants, on a competitive basis, to eligible partnerships to improve the preparation of general education teacher candidates to ensure that such teacher candidates possess the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively instruct students with disabilities in general education classrooms.
(2) Duration of grants
A grant under this section shall be awarded for a period of not more than five years.
(3) Non-Federal share
An eligible partnership that receives a grant under this section shall provide not less than 25 percent of the cost of the activities carried out with such grant from non-Federal sources, which may be provided in cash or in kind.
(b) Definition of eligible partnership
In this section, the term "eligible partnership" means a partnership that—
(1) shall include—
(A) one or more departments or programs at an institution of higher education—
(i) that prepare elementary or secondary general education teachers;
(ii) that have a program of study that leads to an undergraduate degree, a master's degree, or completion of a postbaccalaureate program required for teacher certification; and
(iii) the graduates of which meet the applicable State certification and licensure requirements, including any requirements for certification obtained through alternative routes to certification, or, with regard to special education teachers, the qualifications described in
(B) a department or program of special education at an institution of higher education;
(C) a department or program at an institution of higher education that provides degrees in core academic subjects; and
(D) a high-need local educational agency; and
(2) may include a department or program of mathematics, earth or physical science, foreign language, or another department at the institution that has a role in preparing teachers.
(c) Activities
An eligible partnership that receives a grant under this section—
(1) shall use the grant funds to—
(A) develop or strengthen an undergraduate, postbaccalaureate, or master's teacher preparation program by integrating special education strategies into the general education curriculum and academic content;
(B) provide teacher candidates participating in the program under subparagraph (A) with skills related to—
(i) response to intervention, positive behavioral interventions and supports, differentiated instruction, and data driven instruction;
(ii) universal design for learning;
(iii) determining and utilizing accommodations for instruction and assessments;
(iv) collaborating with special educators, related services providers, and parents, including participation in individualized education program development and implementation; and
(v) appropriately utilizing technology and assistive technology for students with disabilities; and
(C) provide extensive clinical experience for participants described in subparagraph (B) with mentoring and induction support throughout the program that continues during the first two years of full-time teaching; and
(2) may use grant funds to develop and administer alternate assessments of students with disabilities.
(d) Application
An eligible partnership seeking a grant under this section shall submit an application to the Secretary at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. Such application shall include—
(1) a self-assessment by the eligible partnership of the existing teacher preparation program at the institution of higher education and needs related to preparing general education teacher candidates to instruct students with disabilities; and
(2) an assessment of the existing personnel needs for general education teachers who instruct students with disabilities, performed by the local educational agency in which most graduates of the teacher preparation program are likely to teach after completion of the program under subsection (c)(1).
(e) Peer review
The Secretary shall convene a peer review committee to review applications for grants under this section and to make recommendations to the Secretary regarding the selection of grantees. Members of the peer review committee shall be recognized experts in the fields of special education, teacher preparation, and general education and shall not be in a position to benefit financially from any grants awarded under this section.
(f) Evaluations
(1) By the partnership
(A) In general
An eligible partnership receiving a grant under this section shall conduct an evaluation at the end of the grant period to determine—
(i) the effectiveness of the general education teachers who completed a program under subsection (c)(1) with respect to instruction of students with disabilities in general education classrooms; and
(ii) the systemic impact of the activities carried out by such grant on how each institution of higher education that is a member of the partnership prepares teachers for instruction in elementary schools and secondary schools.
(B) Report to the Secretary
Each eligible partnership performing an evaluation under subparagraph (A) shall report the findings of such evaluation to the Secretary.
(2) Report by the Secretary
Not later than 180 days after the last day of the grant period under this section, the Secretary shall make available to Congress and the public the findings of the evaluations submitted under paragraph (1), and information on best practices related to effective instruction of students with disabilities in general education classrooms.
Editorial Notes
Prior Provisions
A prior section 1034,
Another prior section 1034,
Another prior section 1034,
A prior section 251 of
2015—Subsec. (b)(1)(A)(iii).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date of 2015 Amendment
Amendment by