§80k. Donation and transfer of lands and improvements, works of art, and other assets and property of Museum of African Art to Smithsonian Institution
The Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution (hereinafter in this subchapter referred to as the "Board") is authorized to accept a deed or other instrument donating and transferring to the Smithsonian Institution, the land and improvements thereto, collections of works of art, and all other assets and property of the Museum of African Art.
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date
§80l. Establishment of Museum of African Art; functions
There is established in the Smithsonian Institution a bureau which shall be known as the "Museum of African Art" (hereinafter in this subchapter referred to as the "Museum"). The functions of such bureau shall be those authorized by
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Construction of National Museum of African Art
Regents of Smithsonian Institution authorized to construct building for National Museum of African Art, see
§80m. Powers of Board
(a) Acquisition, retention, and disposition of property; research and education programs
For the purpose of carrying out
(1) purchase, accept, borrow, or otherwise acquire additional works of art or any other real or personal property for the Museum;
(2) preserve, maintain, restore, display, loan, transfer, store, or otherwise hold any property of whatsoever nature acquired pursuant to
(3) conduct programs of research and education; and
(4) subject to any limitations otherwise expressly provided by law, and, in the case of any gift, subject to any applicable restrictions under the terms of such gift, sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any property of whatsoever nature acquired pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter: Provided, That the proceeds from the sale of any property acquired pursuant to
(b) Recommendations of Commission
In carrying out the purposes of this subchapter, the Board shall consider the recommendations of the Commission established pursuant to
§80n. Commission for the Museum of African Art
(a) Establishment; duties
There is established a Commission for the Museum of African Art (hereinafter the "Commission") which shall provide advice and assistance to the Board concerning the operation and development of the Museum, its collections and programs.
(b) Membership
The Commission shall consist of fifteen members to be appointed by the Board. In addition, the Secretary and an Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution shall serve as ex officio members. The Board shall appoint to the first term on the Commission no less than ten members of the Board of Trustees of the Museum of African Art who are serving on October 5, 1978. Each initial member so appointed shall serve for a three-year term. Thereafter, in appointing members of the Commission the Board shall continue to include representatives of African descendants in the United States, collectors of African Art, and scholars in the fields of African art and culture.
(c) Terms of office
Members of the Commission shall be appointed to serve for a three-year term, except that after the appointment of the first term of the Commission as specified in subsection (b), the terms of office of members next appointed shall expire, as designated by the Board at the time of appointment, one-third at the end of one year, one-third at the end of two years, and one-third at the end of three years. Any member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which his predecessor was appointed shall be appointed for the remainder of such term. Members may be reappointed.
(d) Quorum; vacancies
A majority of the appointed members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum and any vacancy in the Commission shall not affect its power to function.
(e) Travel, subsistence, and other expenses
Members of the Commission shall be reimbursed for travel, subsistence, and other necessary expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties.
(f) Selection of officers; bylaws
The Commission shall select officers, from among its members biennially and shall make bylaws to carry out its functions under this subchapter.
§80o. Director, officers, and employees; appointment, compensation, and duties
The Board may appoint and fix the compensation and duties of the Director and such other officers and employees of the Museum as may be necessary for the efficient administration, operation, and maintenance of the Museum; the Director and two other employees of the Museum may be appointed and compensated without regard to the provisions of title 5 governing appointments in the competitive service and
§80p. Funding
(a) Federal funds for Museum
The faith of the United States is pledged that upon the completion of the acquisition in
(b) Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated for the first fiscal year under this subchapter, the sum of $1,000,000 and such amounts as may be necessary for the succeeding fiscal years in order to carry out the provisions of this subchapter.
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date
Section effective, except for the provisions in subsec. (b) of this section, on the date of transfer of a deed or other instrument under the provisions of