Part D—Waivers
§7861. Waivers of statutory and regulatory requirements
(a) In general
(1) Request for waiver by State or Indian tribe
A State educational agency or Indian tribe that receives funds under a program authorized under this chapter may submit a request to the Secretary to waive any statutory or regulatory requirement of this chapter.
(2) Local educational agency and school requests submitted through the State
(A) Request for waiver by local educational agency
A local educational agency that receives funds under a program authorized under this chapter and desires a waiver of any statutory or regulatory requirement of this chapter shall submit a request containing the information described in subsection (b)(1) to the appropriate State educational agency. The State educational agency may then submit the request to the Secretary if the State educational agency determines the waiver appropriate.
(B) Request for waiver by school
An elementary school or secondary school that desires a waiver of any statutory or regulatory requirement of this chapter shall submit a request containing the information described in subsection (b)(1) to the local educational agency serving the school. The local educational agency may then submit the request to the State educational agency in accordance with subparagraph (A) if the local educational agency determines the waiver appropriate.
(3) Receipt of waiver
Except as provided in subsection (b)(4) or (c), the Secretary may waive any statutory or regulatory requirement of this chapter for which a waiver request is submitted to the Secretary pursuant to this subsection.
(b) Request for waiver
(1) In general
A State educational agency, acting on its own behalf or on behalf of a local educational agency in accordance with subsection (a)(2), or Indian tribe that desires a waiver shall submit a waiver request to the Secretary, which shall include a plan that—
(A) identifies the Federal programs affected by the requested waiver;
(B) describes which Federal statutory or regulatory requirements are to be waived;
(C) describes how the waiving of such requirements will advance student academic achievement;
(D) describes the methods the State educational agency, local educational agency, school, or Indian tribe will use to monitor and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the plan;
(E) includes only information directly related to the waiver request; and
(F) describes how schools will continue to provide assistance to the same populations served by programs for which waivers are requested and, if the waiver relates to provisions of subsections (b) or (h) of
(2) Additional information
Such requests—
(A) may provide for waivers of requirements applicable to State educational agencies, local educational agencies, Indian tribes, and schools; and
(B) shall be developed and submitted—
(i)(I) by local educational agencies (on behalf of those agencies and schools) to State educational agencies; and
(II) by State educational agencies (on behalf of those agencies or on behalf of, and based on the requests of, local educational agencies in the State) to the Secretary; or
(ii) by Indian tribes (on behalf of schools operated by the tribes) to the Secretary.
(3) General requirements
(A) State educational agencies
In the case of a waiver request submitted by a State educational agency acting on its own behalf, or on behalf of local educational agencies in the State under subsection (a)(2), the State educational agency shall—
(i) provide the public and any interested local educational agency in the State with notice and a reasonable opportunity to comment and provide input on the request, to the extent that the request impacts the local educational agency;
(ii) submit the comments and input to the Secretary, with a description of how the State addressed the comments and input; and
(iii) provide notice and a reasonable time to comment to the public and local educational agencies in the manner in which the applying agency customarily provides similar notice and opportunity to comment to the public.
(B) Local educational agencies
In the case of a waiver request submitted by a local educational agency that receives funds under this chapter—
(i) the request shall be reviewed and approved by the State educational agency in accordance with subsection (a)(2) before being submitted to the Secretary and be accompanied by the comments, if any, of the State educational agency and the public; and
(ii) notice and a reasonable opportunity to comment regarding the waiver request shall be provided to the State educational agency and the public by the agency requesting the waiver in the manner in which that agency customarily provides similar notice and opportunity to comment to the public.
(4) Waiver determination, demonstration, and revision
(A) In general
The Secretary shall issue a written determination regarding the initial approval or disapproval of a waiver request not more than 120 days after the date on which such request is submitted. Initial disapproval of such request shall be based on the determination of the Secretary that—
(i) the waiver request does not meet the requirements of this section;
(ii) the waiver is not permitted under subsection (c);
(iii) the description required under paragraph (1)(C) in the plan provides insufficient information to demonstrate that the waiving of such requirements will advance student academic achievement consistent with the purposes of this chapter; or
(iv) the waiver request does not provide for adequate evaluation to ensure review and continuous improvement of the plan.
(B) Waiver determination and revision
Upon the initial determination of disapproval under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall—
(i) immediately—
(I) notify the State educational agency, local educational agency (through the State educational agency), school (through the local educational agency), or Indian tribe, as applicable, of such determination; and
(II) provide detailed reasons for such determination in writing to the applicable entity under subclause (I) to the public, such as posting in a clear and easily accessible format to the Department's website;
(ii) offer the State educational agency, local educational agency (through the State educational agency), school (through the local educational agency), or Indian tribe an opportunity to revise and resubmit the waiver request by a date that is not more than 60 days after the date of such determination; and
(iii) if the Secretary determines that the resubmission under clause (ii) does not meet the requirements of this section, at the request of the State educational agency, local educational agency, school, or Indian tribe, conduct a hearing not more than 30 days after the date of such resubmission.
(C) Waiver disapproval
The Secretary may ultimately disapprove a waiver request if—
(i) the State educational agency, local educational agency, school, or Indian tribe has been notified and offered an opportunity to revise and resubmit the waiver request, as described under clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (B); and
(ii) the State educational agency, local educational agency (through the State educational agency), school (through the local educational agency), or Indian tribe—
(I) does not revise and resubmit the waiver request; or
(II) revises and resubmits the waiver request, and the Secretary determines that such waiver request does not meet the requirements of this section after a hearing conducted under subparagraph (B)(iii), if such a hearing is requested.
(D) External conditions
The Secretary shall not disapprove a waiver request under this section based on conditions outside the scope of the waiver request.
(c) Restrictions
The Secretary shall not waive under this section any statutory or regulatory requirements relating to—
(1) the allocation or distribution of funds to States, local educational agencies, Indian tribes, or other recipients of funds under this chapter;
(2) maintenance of effort;
(3) comparability of services;
(4) use of Federal funds to supplement, not supplant, non-Federal funds;
(5) equitable participation of private school students and teachers;
(6) parental participation and involvement;
(7) applicable civil rights requirements;
(8) the requirement for a charter school under part C of subchapter IV;
(9) the prohibitions—
(A) in subpart 2 of part F;
(B) regarding use of funds for religious worship or instruction in
(C) regarding activities in
(10) the selection of a school attendance area or school under subsections (a) and (b) of
(d) Duration and extension of waiver; limitations
(1) In general
Except as provided in paragraph (2), a waiver approved by the Secretary under this section may be for a period not to exceed 4 years.
(2) Extension
The Secretary may extend the period described in paragraph (1) if the State demonstrates that—
(A) the waiver has been effective in enabling the State or affected recipient to carry out the activities for which the waiver was requested and the waiver has contributed to improved student achievement; and
(B) the extension is in the public interest.
(3) Specific limitations
The Secretary shall not require a State educational agency, local educational agency, school, or Indian tribe, as a condition of approval of a waiver request, to—
(A) include in, or delete from, such request, specific academic standards, such as the Common Core State Standards developed under the Common Core State Standards Initiative or any other standards common to a significant number of States;
(B) use specific academic assessment instruments or items, including assessments aligned to the standards described in subparagraph (A); or
(C) include in, or delete from, such waiver request any specific elements of—
(i) State academic standards;
(ii) academic assessments;
(iii) State accountability systems; or
(iv) teacher and school leader evaluation systems.
(e) Reports
A State educational agency, local educational agency, school, or Indian tribe receiving a waiver under this section shall describe, as part of, and pursuant to, the required annual reporting under
(1) the progress of schools covered under the provisions of such waiver toward improving student academic achievement; and
(2) how the use of the waiver has contributed to such progress.
(f) Termination of waivers
The Secretary shall terminate a waiver under this section if, after notice and an opportunity for a hearing, the Secretary—
(A) presents a rationale and supporting information that clearly demonstrates that the waiver is not contributing to the progress of schools described in subsection (e)(1); or
(B) determines that the waiver is no longer necessary to achieve its original purposes.
(g) Publication
A notice of the Secretary's decision to grant each waiver under subsection (a) shall be published in the Federal Register and the Secretary shall provide for the dissemination of the notice to State educational agencies, interested parties, including educators, parents, students, advocacy and civil rights organizations, and the public.
Editorial Notes
Prior Provisions
A prior section 7861,
2015—Subsec. (a).
"(1) receives funds under a program authorized by this chapter; and
"(2) requests a waiver under subsection (b) of this section."
Subsec. (b)(1).
Subsec. (b)(1)(B) to (E).
Subsec. (b)(1)(F).
Subsec. (b)(2)(B)(i)(II).
Subsec. (b)(3)(A).
"(i) provide all interested local educational agencies in the State with notice and a reasonable opportunity to comment on the request;
"(ii) submit the comments to the Secretary; and
"(iii) provide notice and information to the public regarding the waiver request in the manner in which the applying agency customarily provides similar notices and information to the public."
Subsec. (b)(3)(B).
"(i) the request shall be reviewed by the State educational agency and be accompanied by the comments, if any, of the State educational agency; and
"(ii) notice and information regarding the waiver request shall be provided to the public by the agency requesting the waiver in the manner in which that agency customarily provides similar notices and information to the public."
Subsec. (b)(4).
Subsec. (c)(1).
Subsec. (c)(8).
Subsec. (c)(9).
"(A) State aid in
"(B) use of funds for religious worship or instruction in
"(C) activities in
Subsec. (d).
Subsec. (d)(2).
Subsec. (d)(3).
Subsec. (e).
Subsec. (f).
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date of 2015 Amendment
Amendment by
National Emergency Educational Waivers
"(A) The following provisions under section 1111 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (
"(i) Paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (b).
"(ii) Subsection (c)(4).
"(iii) Subparagraphs (C) and (D) of subsection (d)(2).
"(iv) The following provisions under subsection (h) of such section 1111:
"(I) Clauses (i), (ii), (iii)(I), (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), and (xi) of paragraph (1)(C).
"(II) Paragraph (2)(C) with respect to the waived requirements under subclause (I).
"(III) Clauses (i) and (ii) of paragraph (2)(C).
"(B) Section 421(b) of the General Education Provisions Act (
"(A) Section 1114(a)(1) [
"(B) Section 1118(a) [
"(C) Section 1127 [
"(D) Section 4106(d) [
"(E) Subparagraphs (C), (D), and (E) of section 4106(e)(2) [
"(F) Section 4109(b) [
"(G) The definition under section 8101(42) [
"(A) for all public schools, including public charter schools within the boundaries of the recipient of the waiver;
"(B) in accordance with State charter school law; and
"(C) pursuant to section 1111(c)(5) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (
"(A) identify the Federal programs affected by the requested waiver;
"(B) describe which Federal statutory or regulatory requirements are to be waived;
"(C) describe how the emergency involving Federal primary responsibility determined to exist by the President under the [sic] section 501(b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (
"(D) provide an assurance that the State educational agency, local educational agency, or Indian tribe will work to mitigate any negative effects, if any, that may occur as a result of the requested waiver.
"(i) the waiver request does not meet the requirements of this section;
"(ii) the waiver is not permitted pursuant to subsection (b)(2); or
"(iii) the description required under paragraph (2)(C) provides insufficient information to demonstrate that the waiving of such requirements is necessary or appropriate consistent with subsection (a).
[For definitions of terms as used in section 3511 of