Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

83d Cong.  ↑  68 Stat.  ↑  Sept. 3, 1954  ↑  1954:1262 1954:1263(pdf) 1954:1264
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
1 1226 1 201
2 1226 1 209
3 1227 3 18
4 1227 4 107
5 1227 7 2220
6 1227 8 1353c
7, 8 1228 5 71, 171j Rev. T.
8 1228 50 3073
9 1228 19 2072
10 1229 19 2073
11, 12 1229 5 306, 475c Rev. T.
13(a) 1230 5 645a Rev. T.
13(b) 1231 19 6a-6d Rep.
14 1231 5 800 Rev. T.
15 1231 6 3 Rep.
16 1232 7 144 Rep.
17 1232 8 1252
18 1232 8 1451
19 1233 9 4
20 1233 10 877 Rev. T.
20 1233 34 890 Rev. T.
21 1234 12 61
22 1234 12 65 Rep.
23 1234 12 209
24 1234 12 214
25 1235 12 214c
26 1235 12 265
27 1236 12 324
28 1236 12 503
29 1237 12 635h
30 1237 14 541
31 1237 14 82 Rep.
32 1238 14 1941
33(a) 1238 14 prec. 461 Rep.
33(b) 1238 14 2769
34 1239 14 645 Rep.
35 1239 18 prec. 3611 Rep.
36 1239 18 3620 Rep.
37 1239 21 337
38 1240 28 prec. 171
39(a) 1240 28 171
39(b) 1240 28 291
39(c) 1240 28 292
39(d) 1240 28 295
40 1240 28 prec. 791
41 1240 28 792 Rep.
42 1241 28 1343
43 1241 28 prec. 1491
44(a), (b) 1241 28 1491
44(c) 1242 28 1494
45 1242 28 1821
46 1243 28 prec. 2501
47(a) 1243 28 2508
47(b) 1243 28 2510
48 1243 47 10
49 1244 47 15
50 1244 50 3042 Rep.
51 1245 28 451 nt
52 1246 28 2501
53 1246 28 2503
54(a), (b) 1246 28 2505
54(c) 1247 28 prec. 2501
55(a)-(c) 1247 28 2507
55(d) 1247 28 prec. 2501
56 1247 28 2513
57 1248 28 2516
58 1248 28 2520 Rep.
59(a) 1248 28 2521
59(b) 1248 28 prec. 2501