Table III Tool [Current through 118-78 (July 30, 2024)]

The Table III Tool enables you to browse the United States Code Table III. For printing purposes, the PDF file is recommended. For data processing XML files are available in bulk and broken into acts. A detailed explanation of the Table is located here.

107th Cong.  ↑  116 Stat.  ↑  Oct. 23, 2002  ↑  107–247 107–248(pdf) 107–249
Act Section Stat. Pg. United States Code
Title Section Status
8002 1536 10 1584 nt Elim.
8008 1537 10 3501 nt Elim.
8009 1538 10 401 nt Elim.
8018 1540 10 2687 nt
8025 1542 10 3903 nt
8031 1543 10 101 nt
8033 1544 41 8304 nt Elim.
8035 1544 10 2667 nt
8036 1544 10 221 nt
8037 1544 10 274 nt
8042 1546 50 3521 nt Elim.
8056 1549 10 2674 nt
8058(a) 1549 10 274 nt Elim.
8058(b) 1550 50 3506 nt Elim.
8059 1550 10 2912 nt
8063 1550 10 4841 nt
8067 1551 10 4971 nt
8072 1553 10 2241 nt Elim.
8073 1553 10 nt prec. 2161 Rep.
8092 1558 10 2495 nt Elim.
8093 1558 10 182 nt
8098 1559 10 113 nt
8117 1564 10 3678 nt
8122 1566 50 1521 nt Rep.
8132 1568 10 221 nt
8143(a) 1570 36 903 nt
8143(b)(1) 1570 36 903
8143(b)(2) 1570 36 prec. 901
8143(c)(1)(A) 1570 10 7285
8143(c)(1)(B) 1570 10 prec. 3741 Elim.
8143(c)(2)(A) 1570 10 8307
8143(c)(2)(B) 1570 10 prec. 6241 Elim.
8143(c)(3)(A) 1570 10 9285
8143(c)(3)(B) 1571 10 prec. 8741 Elim.
8143(c)(4)(A) 1571 14 2734
8143(c)(4)(B) 1571 14 prec. 461 Rep.
8143(d) 1571 36 903 nt Elim.
8144 1571 22 5952 nt Elim.
8149 1572 10 4754 nt
901 1573 51 10101 nt
902 1573 51 50301 nt
903, 904 1574-1576 42 14752, 14753 Rev. T. 51